How to Wake Up EARLY & Be Productive! My Healthy Morning Routine!

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so I've been waking up at 5:00 a.m. for the past week I'm just honestly before this whole journey I actually needed a video on how to first not fall asleep at 5:00 a.m. clearly things have drastically changed thumbs up if this is you and your whole sleep schedule is messed up but today I wanted to share with you some useful ways to wake up early but actionable ways that will make you love waking up early and just make it a really consistent habit which is good I'm really curious kind of a little what time you typically sleep at and what time you typically wake up at not to make fun or poke fun at you at all I just want you to see that you're not the only person feeling this way you like not alone in this trust me I was that type of person I'd be sleeping at 5:00 a.m. honey now I'm waking it up at 5:00 a.m. you know I've also found that waking up early has given me more of a mindful and just like it sets the tone for my entire day so here are the steps to how you can start waking up early 5:00 a.m. early this actually begins the night before it starts with how many hours of sleep do you really need to be around function duty five hours do need six hours go to sleep the night before and give yourself a full six hours a full seven hours make sure you are in bed by that time I might solve only need between like six to seven hours I'm pretty good now how do you get in bed by that time I'm about to tell you how number one thing I would say is put your phone to sleep I literally have a designated room every single night at a specific time where I put my phone to sleep I connect my phone in that room now what this does is it not only allows you to finally disconnect from your phone and all of that stuff and the world but also I recommend doing this an hour before you're gonna go to sleep so that you have like a nice full hour that you could be in bed doing something that's not with a phone and not with social media because you know you click one thing then you start clicking another thing sooner or later you're just scrolling through a million different things so put your phone to sleep now on top of doing that I also put my phone on an airplane mode I've just found that it's less tempting that way so you're literally I'm bothering for the rest of the night which is another really useful thing that I have found has been to dim my lights right before I'm about to go to sleep there's actually a lot of studies that show that whitish or blueish lights tend to mess with your circadian rhythm which basically is like your whole sleep cycle white lights have actually shown to cause more insomnia and sleeping disorder any little thing that you could do to change your lights from white or blue to yellow will help you so much yellow lights actually mimic handles back in the day handles were used as a way that you know kind of show your body like it's time to relax it's time to set yourself in that mood to go to sleep I just got myself a little dimmer from my bedroom and then an hour before I go to sleep I already start dimming the light I'm in bed I start reading and it just kind of gets me like ready for bed you know I don't have this big bright light or a cell phone in my hand which can really affect my weight as easy as this one might sound I long I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. it seems like a really easy thing to do but you'd be surprised how many people don't actually set their alarm at a good time and what I'm telling you to set an alarm I'm saying just set from one time I put 5 a.m. and that is it if you're already starting to put 5 a.m. then you have 5:15 then 5:25 just in case you wake up you're already setting yourself up for failures I have heard of this app I'm gonna link it down below I'm not really sure quite what the name of it is but it makes you do math questions before you wake up so I literally will not let you turn off the alarm until you finish doing like three math questions it just kind of alerts your brain so I'm gonna link that down below in case you guys are interested that way you can no longer trick yourself into not waking up this one by far is one of the biggest steps and it is knowing your why why are you waking up early because truly once you wake up early you don't have a reason or an understanding as to why you're waking up you'll literally convince yourself of all these reasons but you should go back to bed and then what happens so what is your why is it to spend more time doing the things I love is it to just have some me time I have found that my whole day like literally the tone of my brain is so much more productive I get everything done that I want to do because I said time in the morning to do the things that matter to me literally that alone helps me get out of it this next step is a weird one but it is essential I have found you need a schedule if you wake up super early you are roaming aimlessly throughout the morning and you're just kind of like what what do I do now first time that I ever woke up at 5:00 a.m. I literally get my god for 45 minutes having a schedule can really like hone in on why did I wake up early it's always okay to you know maneuver it and change it as you go and whatever's natural to you I to suggest that you connect this schedule with your why for me it's more me time I'm gonna kind of go through what my morning schedule looks like and how it's been really effective for me and how I've changed it up and what it is or congratulations you are up at 5:00 a.m. so I think well I do every single morning is I hide your ink yeah I get a nice big glass of water can I squeeze in some lemon juice and it makes me feel really good and it helps me digest cleanses like you also have to understand you've been sleeping for around six to eight hours your body hasn't drank anything it's dehydrated so getting a little glass of water I'm having a nice slow morning really helps a lot and then I move into one of my favorite habits that I've started to implement in my life which are morning page morning pages are actually like a form of meditation to brain dump everything that you have in here onto paper okay I was reading this book called the artists way and the authors book pretty much says that it's a long hand form for you to just write everything three pages that's kind of like the key to this and what it does is it just creates like this clarity throughout your whole day right anything that's been in your head that you're super stressed out about just put it on on paper eventually you'll get the hang of it and you'll just start writing things you'll just be like what the heck I didn't even know this was online mine who are just writing anything and everything that pops up in your head without a care in the world for grand medical errors and this is like a form of therapy you guys it's crazy you're actually not supposed to reread it again but it's a chance for you to bring them okay you're self reflecting you're becoming more clear on what's on your mind on what you're just leaving behind and it's a great start to just set the tone for the rest of the day around 5:15 I usually pray the first thing that comes to my mind at 5:15 in the morning is I just want to pray I connect with God at 5:15 in the morning I actually take this time to just read the Bible if you don't believe in God then you know find a way to be grateful that's what it is to me and I just have found that the peace that I feel I can't even explain it I can't put it towards it's really really beautiful that's what I've been doing recently and it has been so long then around 5:30 I usually do creative work I've been reading up on a lot of really successful people and a lot of them say that they do their creative work first in the day like you're the most inviting you're at your brightest I can get stuff done like that like whatever it is that you want to do do it in the morning bright and early around 6:30 in the morning I usually meditate found this to be the prime time for me because it's usually when the Sun is rising and I just feel that right this is my time to just breathe slowly I just kind of sit there and I breathe usually drooper is by my side which makes me super happy it's really grateful it starts the day I see the day commence become a lot well then I highly recommend you to start breakfast it's been a while now and you're probably really hungry I usually prepare something the night before some of my quick ideas are like acai bowls I absolutely love them they make me feel so refreshed or I'll have freshly squeezed juice from like the night before I probably just stick to like oatmeal a nice simple hearty you need those cards to get you up and running so then around 6:30 to 7 inch this is the time where I implement a little bit of exercise whether it's a little bit of a stretch or yoga or just like walking my dog super I find that to be such an amazing thing for the rest of my day because my body's like stretched so get exercise in as early as you can because you'll check it off and also you'll just feel really good about it after I exercise I tend to get ready not only can you kind of get very lazy with your game but you don't want to present yourself you just don't even want to go out that turns into like a cycle of you just staying at home eating sleeping not the stuff we wanted to do to be productive rights right after I get that good exercise in I go I take a shower I get ready and it just feels really good you feel more confident too it's just being clean makes you feel it is around 7:45 and I have decided that I want to read I just love this part of my day because I feel so accomplished I really appreciate this time where I get to read and you know knowledge is well in my eyes I'm for me to be alone time to reflect time to learn ever since I started to wake up this early I've already read four-plex it's been it's been 5 to 8:15 that's like three hours of just me time and now the world is calling and now I can start my day final step to you being able to wake up early is pretty cool you are gonna be so surprised at how quickly your body's gonna adapt to this too point that you are even waking up like haha before your alarm you know you're getting in the gist of things and the only way to really you know create a habit is to do it consistently this is gonna reset your whole day you're gonna be so productive I want to wish you the best I know you could do it leave me a comment down below what time would be like your ideal time to wake up in the morning I know you got this if you enjoyed today's video make sure you give it a huge thumbs up and let me know down below in the comments what time you would love to wake up at subscribe to join the family I post new videos every Wednesday and Saturday as always don't forget to live weird or die normal I kind of want to change that phrase up a little bit leave me some suggestions down below [Music]
Channel: Natalies Outlet
Views: 9,322,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to wake up at 5am, how to wake up early, productive morning routine, healthy habits, how to, my morning routine, school routine, healthy morning, back to school, early morning, healthy morning habits, morning habits, healthy routine, waking up at 5am, how to be successful, how to lose weight, how to be a morning person, waking up earlier, vegan, meditation, exercise, morning routine workout, diy, healthy breakfast ideas, life hacks, morning life hacks, student, organize
Id: diGZdOwNNhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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