How to turn any image into an SVG for free.

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hey guys crystal here at crystal's crafties in today's tutorial i'm going to show you how to turn a png image into an svg file this works with any png image at all it works with jpeg images too um so what we're going to do is we're going to take this png of a little cow and we're going to turn it into an spg and the way we do that is by going to this website png to you pull that up and um you'll get to this page that looks like this if you scroll down you'll see this box here that says choose a file so um you can drag and drop or you can go search for your file i'm going to click choose a file and i'm going to go find that little cow i just had there he is and it will put it in here for me okay now it's looked at this um photo and determined that it has five different colors but i'm gonna double check this i've got one two three four five i have six different colors so i'm gonna bump this to six and then i'm going to make sure each of these is correct i'm going to click the first one get my little dropper here and click on the black to make sure that's correct white white pink pink this darker pink needs to be this one this gray i'm going to go ahead and change to this little color on his belly that didn't work you go to that color and then this gray i'm going to change to these ear colors here i still don't know if this got it let me see i think that is correct so once you've got everything looking the way you think it should you're going to come down here to generate and then if you give it a minute it's making the svg file for us it's going to pop up over here when it's all done yes those are the colors that i needed so everything looks right over here to me this is the svg that i want i'm going to click download svg okay so here's my image right here um depending on your computer and the program that you're using it might save somewhere else just go find it where you've saved it and put it into design space so here i have design space i'm going to upload i'm going to go find where i put that file and mine is in my download folder there it is here it is okay so let's save there's that guy we're gonna insert him into the project okay now that was free that was quick and that was easy so it's not perfect we're gonna have to clean this up a little bit ungroup your image and just start separating it out and you can see like this right here all these tiny things that we don't want all we want here is the pink of the belly so with this highlighted i'm going to click contour i'm going to hide all the contours and it will hide everything but one contour it picks the biggest of them all and that's the only one we want available so we're done we've hidden all those little tiny dashes all those little tiny things and all we have left is the pink tongue so we can close that out and if you look over here or it's his belly not his tongue um all that's left is that pink belly so i can hide that i'm done with it the same with these these are the little spots on his cheeks but you can see it's got all this other stuff in here so again i'm going to contour hide all contours and this time we wanted both of these pink dots we wanted both of the dots on his face so if i just click this i now have both of them showing they're both going to be in my project and everything else is hidden and that's what we want so there's his little cheeks you can hide that okay this one here again there's some stuff down here we don't want contour hide all contours and the only thing left is um the big piece of his face that we do want and if you ever want to double check what you've got you can minimize the size and see what's going on over here okay so his face is done let's see here these little antlers it doesn't look like there's any extras on there but i'm gonna hit contour and it just has the two antlers so it's good to go we can hide that the black and the white parts okay the black parts look good i don't see any extras on there but just a quick scroll shows me that we are good hide this guy now this one it's almost perfect but i want to get rid of this little black thing here and this little black thing here so i'm going to hit my contours and instead of hitting hide all because there's a lot in here i'm just going to kind of scroll and i can click it from here get rid of that one and get rid of that one and you can see down here it grayed out those two parts and now he's good to go okay let me put everything back in and we'll piece this guy together okay the mouth is underneath this so i want to move this layer to the back arrange send to back and now we can see the mouth okay so there it is it's all done but there are a couple other little things that you can do to this um let's say you want this black to be a solid background so you're not having to piece so many individual pieces together well what we can do let me hide everything but the black that we're working with okay we can go and pull in the original file that we had the original png so let's upload upload an image let's go find that original file there he is okay i always hit complex this isn't going to be a complex image but i do it anyways hit continue and just continue we're not messing with this at all what we want is this solid background so let's save this as a cut image save and now we're going to have a solid black background select it and insert it into your project it's huge right so what you want to do click this guy and you can see he is 5.557 inches wide so you want this guy to be five point what was it seven seven five inches wide or was it five five seven five point five five seven okay let me get that back five point five seven okay now yep that's going to be perfect so we can delete this and we can pull in all of our other parts and we can start layering everything i want this to be my base layer so i'm going to send it to the back and then his ears can go on and his white parts can go on let me hold on move these guys off okay now his white parts can go on try to line that up and we'll put his nose or his mouth and his belly and his cheeks now you'll notice we're missing his smile that's because we closed up the contour in this pink layer here but if i open it back up i've got my pink layer highlighted i selected it from my pane over here hit contour and if i open this mouth part back up you can see he now has a mouth because it cut the mouth out of the pink so you can see the black behind it that's what happened there okay so that's it you can use any png any svg at all and make it an svg put it into qriket design space and create your own designs but i do want to say again since this was free cheap and easy it's not perfect you will always always have clean up to do and in most cases you will want to pull in your original png to get this thick solid background um it's just going to be easier in most cases to work with that than piecing every little piece together all right that's all we've got we'll see you next time
Channel: Crystal's Crafties
Views: 468,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cricut Tutorials, Cricut Tips, Design Space Tutorials, How to create an SVG, SVG, SVG's, How to design SVGs, Turn a photo into an SVG, Photo to SVG, PNG to SVG, JPG to SVG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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