How to Use Your Own Image in Leonardo Ai (How to Upload Image to Leonardo Ai and Edit)

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hi guys welcome back to tactic tutorial today we're going to talk about how to use your own image in Leonardo AI add your image to Ai and make any image with your face it's a step-by-step guide to follow eily so don't forget with the like And subscribe button let's Dive Right In now in today's video like our title suggest we will be demonstrating how you could use your own image to create some amazing images generated by AI for example you have super over here you will be able to use your own face and have the same body and like the background all those different elements but this time with your face I'm going to be showing you the method on how you will be able to do that so let's Dive Right In now there are two ways or rather three ways that you will be able to do this but we will only be tackling the two ways and the other way was using AI canvas but for me personally it's still in development and I don't prefer using it because it's sometimes buggy and for me I prefer using the generic or the typical AI image generation so let's go there let's open it on a new tab and the two ways that I'm talking about will be done over here in the basic generation and you know this is like the typical area where you will be able to generate your PR you have your promp area over here your different model uh let's select a model for now actually or let let's do it so over here on the left side you're going to look over here on the left side on settings where you could modify the different settings of your generation you will be able to see on the bottom the option image to image and you have the other one image prop now these are the two methods that we will be able to use to be able to apply or use our own image on our generation now what you're going to do is You're simply going to upload an image that you you have into this part of you here which would allow you to use that as a face and image image basically like the definition or like the title means it will use an image that you will provide to help aid build an image that you're trying to build so for example we have this generation over here if I uploaded a cave beforehand and this will allow us to have some bases the AI will have some bases on what type of output you're trying to get and that is how image image would work now image prop will use your image as a source or like a reference so image prop is much stronger or much more preferable to use when you're trying to put your face on an image than the image to image but image to image still works similarly so you will still be able to do that so right now I don't have an image yet so let's go and look for a portrait in pixels over here simply search for portrait now pixels allows you to download stock photos and stock videos for you to use for anything that you are trying to do so let's simply look for a very simple photo over here preferably a portrait that is looking in front of us so that thei will not have a hard time creating an output so for example this time this one simply click on download you will be able to download this photo absolutely for free and there we go simply go here to Leonardo again and put it on the image to image and as you can see you have your output or your photo over here now you will see this settings over here in its strength now the definition of this is that the higher the in its strength the more the original photo will be preserved so for example I say Iron Man or something like that you will be able to put an Iron Man on this image but the higher the in it strength the more original this image will be so the lower it is the the more creative yardo will be and the higher it is the more original it will be so let's go and look for a propt over here for example this one I'm simply going to copy the prop and let's see what would happen if we try to make them together so this one is using absolute reality 1.6 so let's simply look for that version let's click on SE other models platform models and absolute reality 1.6 so let's look for that so that we have a similar output there we go generate with this image or this model and you can check out the different settings that it has done there is no negative prop so let's simply click on generate now this will generate with a 0.3 in its strength and let's see the output that we will be able to produce let's see if we will be able to get our image or this sport R over here with this style over here now if it doesn't put the face on it you could increase the edit strike slightly don't put it to the mous of course but you could put it slightly but there we go as you can see it has a similar form or like portrait the artistic is still there although it's a bit toned down but you can see that the face and like the faal beard it's still there so it's generated an image for us with the same like place where the person originally was so let's increase our inage strike to see if we will be able to actually make it more closer to the face that we have so generate again four times over here and let's increase it one more time to point6 so that we have multiple uh image generating over here and that's how you will be able to use the image image and there we go as you can see now there will be a perfect balance with edit Shrek of course if you click on showare settings you will be able to see options over here as well and there we go although it's having a harder time so simply find the perfect balance right now uh earlier it was too much the was too stronger this one it's kind of in aid but it's struggling and this one this one is not original and like the output that we want to have like this style is no longer present over here but the face is present and that is why I said it is possible to do it with the image to image but it is much harder now we're going to do it with the image promp and there is a requirement for the image promp which is the where is it magic prop there we go this prop magic over here and and now we have image prop available for us so simply drag your image again and as you can see there will be your upload image over here and then you can check out there's the image wave which will work the same the higher the value the more the output would look like the reference image so let's go with the 0.9 for now generate that then let's lower it to halfway uh let's go with 0.7 generate that as well and let's go with at least a 0.5 cck on generate and now let's see the next output we have three generations over here being generated here we go we have the first one uh it's a very good style but it's not showing us our original image over here I guess we could increase this as much as possible to see how that works as well generate and there's also more advanced settings over here that you can play around with and this is the second one again it's not that ER but you get I think you get the a color eye color I guess uh there we go then we have our third one over here it's a bit far it's it's hard it's not that easy to be able to do it or to be able to pull it off perfectly of course so you're going to have to try and try again if this doesn't work let's go and try another prompt over here uh sometimes you just have to change your prop to a better prop because it's going to have a harder time to build your output so let's go with this one for I guess copy and let's go paste our prop over here again over here on the top unfortunately on the last one we weren't able to really capture our original image I guess on the on this last image over here kind of you kind of have it but uh let's go with this other prop over here and let's try how we will be able to do it this time with this one now if you want to try my strategy where I'm just going through the General photos over here or like the Community page and copying the props because that would secure and allow us to have a specific image already to be generated because we already know the prop and like the output so let's see this one so far away it's not trying to it's having a hard time with our imagy here so uh you're going to have to really pick out the perfect uh reference as well the perfect prop so so let's actually make it a simple prop this time let's say Iron Man then click on I guess let's go with theard diffusion click on generate and let's see the output that we will be able to produce with a very simple prompt and let's see the output we have our image R over here maximized and hopefully we'll be able to do it and we have our image over here I guess it's having a hard time with our Generations over here hopefully when you guys try it out for yourself you will be able to have a better output although we still have a good uh results so far hopefully when you try it out yourself you will be able to produce a very good output let's leave it there for now guys if you enjoy this video guys please leave a like And subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Tech Tricks Tutorial
Views: 11,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai image to image, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai, leonardo ai - image to image prompt, how to use leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai tutorial image to image, leonardo image to image, leonardo ai image prompt, how to use leonardo, image to image leonardo ai, text to image ai, how to upload image in leonardo ai and edit, leonardo ai image to cartoon, image to image, leonardo ai prompts, how to generate image to image in leonardo ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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