How to use Your Central Heating Controls, Boiler Settings, Hot Water Temperature, Room Thermostat

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hello in this video I'm going to show you how to set up and the best settings for your traditional system where you have that large hot water tank you have a boiler and some central heating controls on this system the boiler is the ideal logic system too so if you have this boiler I'm going to go through everything that you need to know about that boiler but I'm also covering all other heat only and system boilers so no matter what boiler you got by the end of the video you should know the best settings for your boiler so I'm going to show you the correct settings for a boiler on a traditional system and then how you may need to adjust your boiler to suit your system I'll also cover your hot water temperature how you adjust that and what it should be set to and of course your room thermostat and how that operates and what to do if your house is still a little chilly if you want to know a little bit more about your motorized valves then at the end of video I'll explain how they operate and how you can check if they're working correctly now I'm not going to go through your programmer that's for another video so I'm going to take it that you know how to turn your heating or your hot water on and off I want to quickly let you know that down in the description you'll find lots of links to other really helpful videos which I have made right now let's get on with how to set up and operate your traditional system so here is our ideal a logic system to boiler now this boiler heats up our hot water tank and also our central heating now one of the differences between this boiler and a standard boiler is this boiler has a pressure gauge on the front of it and some of the other ideal system boilers and heat any boilers also have an additional dial on the front with any system boiler where you have this pressure gauge we want to keep our black pointer in the green area so that's between the one and the two ideally around 1.5 bar I'll go into how we adjust this later in the video moving on to your boiler thermostat this adjusts the temperature that your boiler runs at now I find a lot of my customers are quite confused about what temperature they should be set in their boiler to because we're all going for an energy crisis right now and it's important that we make a Ballers as efficient as possible now here's a misunderstanding which I come across regularly and that is some bullets have two controls one showing hot water and one showing central heating now unless you have the specific controls which go with that boiler then that hot water control is not connected to your hot water you can turn the dial and it looks like you're setting hot water but in actual fact it does absolutely nothing the way to check if this hot water control has any effects on your hot water is just to turn it down to zero and see if it affects your hot water temperature in a couple of days if that control has no effect over your hot water you'll know that all the temperatures are controlled by that one border thermostat which normally has a picture of a radiator on it now this dial has no stop point you can just keep rotating it and then you'll see the target temperature in the top of the display there changing as we turn the dial now this target temperature is a temperature that our boiler is trying to heat up to and the two larger numbers is the actual temperature that the boiler is running at and you'll see there's two larger numbers continuously changing as your boiler Heats your system and the boiler will be trying to heat the system up to that Target temperature which we set now the lowest running temperature that we can set this boiler to is 30 degrees but in the average house there's probably never a time where we want to set that temperature that low if we turn the dial the other way we can turn the temperature right up to its maximum and the maximum temperature we can set this border to is 80 degrees now again there's probably not a time when we're going to want to set our temperature at 80 degrees because also this would make the boiler very inefficient so what temperature should we be setting our boiler to well because we have a hot water cylinder or tank whatever you prefer to call it the lowest temperature we should be setting our boiler to when we have a hot water cylinder is between 60 and 65 degrees now the reason for that is because we have that large hot water cylinder which is full of stored hot water and with all stalled water there's a chance of getting Legionnaires disease now at 60 degrees and above that will kill any Legionnaires disease that may be in the water so that's why when you have that traditional system and you have a hot water cylinder you should set your temperature not lower than 60 degrees so you can see on this boiler I've set it to 65 degrees I'll come back to setting your hot water temperature in just a minute now let's not forget that this boiler also heats up our radiators to heat up our house now this is where it can get a little confusing but I'll try and keep it as straightforward as possible now we've established that we shouldn't set our boiler running temperature lower than 60 degrees if we have that hot water cylinder but we may need to set it higher to get our house to a nice temperature now every house should have a room thermostat whether it's an analog dial style or a programmable room thermostat like this Honeywell t3r now if you're a homeowner who doesn't have a room thermostat and you've got thermostatic radiator valves on all your radiators and you say well you don't need one well I'm afraid you've been misinformed and you should have one besides the point that it's a building regulation it's going to make your system even more efficient and if you watch my video on 10 ways to save yourself some energy the first tip will explain why you should have a room thermostat now going back to our room thermostat your room thermostat controls how hot your house gets it doesn't control how hot your radiators get that's the job of your boiler now if you set your room thermostat to say 21 or 22 degrees but when your heating comes on the house doesn't get to that temperature and it just feels a bit chilly well that's the time you turn the boiler thermostat up that's going to make your radiators hotter which is then going to put more heat into the house making your house warmer and then hopefully your house is going to reach the temperature you set your room thermostat to and then the room thermostat will then turn the boiler and the central heating off now if you find that your house still isn't warm enough even if you set your boiler temperature higher or even to its maximum make sure that you haven't got radiative thermostats turned down low that will make your radiator cooler and of course make your room cooler if you've got some radiators which are really hot and then some which aren't so hot then maybe the thermostat on the ray is faulty or maybe this system just needs balancing I've made two separate videos covering radiator balancing and faulty thermostatic radiator valves so I hope that's helped you understand how your boiler Heats your house now you may be thinking I've turned my temperature on my boiler up so that's going to make my hot water hotter and your water is already scolding hot at 60 degrees and you don't want it any hotter where that's where the cylinder thermostat comes in now all the hot water cylinders will have a cylinder thermostat unless it is a really really old system just before I show you your settings for your hot water let me quickly introduce myself my name is Mark Ballard and I'm in a gas registered engineer for nearly 30 years the Amy channel is to help you with your central heating and your plumbing if you find this video at all useful then please give me that little bit of feedback by clicking on that thumbs up all the Subscribe you can ring on the Bell if you want to receive a notification and of course you can share the video with your friends if you visit my website I have categorized all my videos on products and parts that I recommend so you can easily find what you're looking for and I'd like to say a really big thank you to everybody who's bought me a cup of coffee and left me a donation in my toolbox fund is really appreciated and it does really help me to make more videos which will hopefully help you now what you're seeing the thermostat does is it controls the temperature that your hot water gets to now like I said earlier because we have stored water we want to heat our hot water up to 60 degrees because at that temperature it'll kill any nasty bugs that may be in the water now you can see on this thermostat here the dial is set at 60 degrees now what happens is our boiler is running at 65 degrees and when our hot water reaches 60 degrees the cylinder thermostat will stop the boiler from heating the water anymore if we were to set the boil at running temperature lower than 60 degrees then our hot water would never reach at 60 degrees killing those nasty bugs and the boiler would stay constantly running continuously cycle going on and off as the hot water will never reach that 60 degrees that we set the cylinder thermostat to so the cylinder thermostat will not turn the boiler off we should make heating your hot water very inefficient now these cylinder thermostats aren't always very accurate so although you may have the cylinder thermostat it's set at 60 it might actually be heating your hot water up to a much higher temperature so if you do have really scolding water coming out of your Taps if you're able to check that with a thermometer and you find the water is way over 60 degrees you could then adjust the cylinder thermostat down a bit lower now there is some torque at the moment in the industry that maybe we can set the hot water temperature down lower than 60 degrees this will reduce our energy consumption and of course reduce our gas bills so the thought behind this is that Legionnaires disease only grows in water which is sitting still so stagnant water and if you're using your hot water every day a and replacing the water in the tank with fresh water then the waters never sat still long enough for that nasty bacteria to start growing so in theory you could set your hot water temperature down at lower than 60 degrees now like I said this is still all in discussion and I am definitely not telling you to go turning your cylinder thermostats down lower than 60 degrees but on my travels I definitely come across households where the cylinder thermostats are turned down lower than 60 degrees now this is just a quick note to everyone it's recommended that if you go on holiday for a couple of weeks when you return you should always just run all your Taps and flush out all the water that may be in your system because obviously it's been sat still for a couple of weeks one last thing most hot water cylinders will have an immersion heater that's an electric heater which you can switch on and use to heat your hot water just in case your boiler breaks down now this should always be switched off because you don't want to be heating your hot water with your immersion heater and your gas but with it that would be incredibly inefficient and immersion heaters in general aren't very efficient because they're electric so follow the wire back from the immersion heater and make sure that the switch is turned off I do visit homes where immersion heaters have been accidentally turned on so do check that yours is turned off hopefully that covers everything you should need to know about setting your boiler temperature for your hot water and your central heating so moving on to fault codes your boiler has a fault code in the display and a boiler has stopped working all we can do then is to press the reset button on the front of the boiler that will do a reset of your boiler and hopefully it will start working again if it doesn't and that fault code keeps coming back on your Frontier boiler then there's not a lot you can do you can check to make sure that your gas supply is still turned on at the meter if you've got a gas hob or a fire maybe just make sure that that is working so you know definitely got gas other than that you'll then need to call a gas registered engineer to come and take a look at your boiler resetting your boiler every now and again is absolutely fine because sometimes they might get a little hiccup but if you're constantly resetting bullet then obviously indicates there's a fault there and you might actually be damaging your boiler or your system by constantly resetting it so do call a gas registered engineer if you're having to reset your boiler regularly now I've just reset this boiler and the zero zero has changed to a temperature indicating that the boiler is now being told to come on and now a flame has appeared in the top there showing us that the boiler is now running and the temperature at the bottom of the display will start to rise as the boiler starts heating up our central heating or our hot water so after resetting this boiler it's working absolutely fine moving on to our buttons and display now the button on the left that's the mode button that will turn your boiler on and off if I press the button you can see the bullet then says off in the display and I'll no longer be able to get hot water or Central Heating if I press the button again it then says on and display and we'll be able to get hot water and central heating again if you ever die on the left hand side of the boiler obviously that would do exactly the same thing and turn the boiler on and off but there's really not many occasions where you're going to want to turn your boiler off now if you have a system boiler you're going to have a pressure gauge of some description on the front of your boiler now if your pressure drops down too low your boiler is going to stop working and you're gonna get a fault code come up in the display now you can see on this ideal system boiler the pressure gauge is reading zero and in the digital display we can see it says f01 now you can't just press the reset button for this fault we need to find out filling Loop and top the system back up with water so the pressure gauge would then read about one and a half bar now your filling Loop can be absolutely anywhere on your central heating system but the most usual places would be underneath the boiler or in your airing cupboard with a hot water cylinder and all the controls now that's exactly where this filling loop is and what we're looking for is a silver braided pipe with a valve at each end with a handle on it now you're not all fill in Loops that like this one but I can assure you that if you do have a bullet that has a pressure gauge on the front of it you will have a filling Loop somewhere on your system and it's just the case of hunting around and trying to find it now this system also has a pressure gauge with the filling Loop so I can see exactly how much pressure I'm putting into the system because we don't want to put too much pressure in the system because that's going to give us more problems so all we need to do is to turn one of the handles to open up the valve and then once we've done that we'll then do the other handle also so I've opened this valve here and now I'm going to open the other valve at the top here and then I should hear some water noise as the water starts going into the system and then we want to keep an eye on the pressure gauge and make sure that we don't put too much pressure in the system now when the pressure gauge reaches at 0.8 of a bar you see this Bay change and it goes back to its normal standby screen but I'm going to keep topping the boiler up until I get to 1.5 bar now you may need two people to help you do this if there's no pressure gauge where the filling Loop is because as I said you don't want to put too much pressure into the system so now the pressure gauge is just about on the 1.5 bar so I'm now going to turn off the two valves on the filling Loop in the Airing cupboard and that's it our boiler is back up and running again I thought I'd just add is quite normal if you have a pressure page upstairs and your ball is downstairs for the two gauges to reach slightly different pressures another quick tip when the handle is across the valve the valve is shut when the handle is in line with the valve or the pipe work then the valve is open now if you want to know how your motorized valves work I'll show you that in just a sec but that's about it for how your border operates and the how to set up all your controls on your central heating system I hope that all makes sense it is all pretty straightforward but at the same time I fully understand it is a little bit complicated so what do these motorized valves do and how can you tell if they're working so it's very easy for me to show you on this hot water zone valve so here we have two zone valves this one is for the central heating and this one is for on hot water now these zone valves have an electric motor inside them and they open and close the valve letting water flow around our hot water system or letting it flow around our Central teaching system you may have a mid position valve instead of zone valves that does exactly the same thing it just uses one valve instead of two and for various reasons I prefer a mid position valve but that's for another video so how can you tell if your valves are operating so we want to turn our hot water on so make sure that your timer or programmer has the hot water turned on now the cylinder thermostat is just a switch and when we turn it up and I hear a click I know that it's now telling the hot water to be heated and when I go to the zone valve the zone valve should now be opening up and this lever should start becoming Loose as the valve opens up so now I know that this valve here has now just opened up when it fully opens it will then press on a micro switch inside the valve which then turns your boiler and pump on when we then turn the cylinder thermostat down again we're here a click we should then hear the zone valve make a whirring sound and we see the lever move back across indicating that it has now closed turning off the hot water mid position valves work exactly the same obviously whenever you turn something on we see the lever move across and it will stay in that position until something else is selected mid position for us will always have one port or even both ports open and the motor will move the valve backwards and forwards selecting either hot water or Central Heating or both if when you select central heating or hot water the valve doesn't move then that may indicate that your valve is faulty it's very easy to tell with Zone Wars because they are either shut or they're open so that's just a brief summary of how mid position valves and zone valves work and how you can tell if they are working so I hope that helps you out don't forget check in the description below where there's lots of other useful videos so that's about it then so if you want to watch one video on 10 ways to reduce your gas bill you can click on the video just here and of course you can click on subscribe you can click on the Bell give me a thumbs up share it with your friends and as always my toolbox friend bye for now and I'll see you next time
Channel: Mark Ballard LTD
Views: 19,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use central heating controls, central heating controls explained, room thermostat setting, heating thermostat temperature, central heating boiler thermostat, how to set boiler thermostat, what temperature should central heating thermostat be set at, how to reset ideal logic system boiler, how to openate ideal logic system boiler, how to set up ideal logic system boiler, how to use a ideal logic system boiler, how to set hot water temperature, how to adjust water temperature
Id: -j2_atHgmQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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