Center Programmable Room Thermostat Instructions | Step By Step Guide

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[Applause] okay so we're going to give you a quick brief guide to using your new center programmable room thermostat so first of all this is the actual unit itself this comes with a stand or it can be wall mounted in the standby screen here what we can see is the current room temperature so 23 degrees is quite warm but I am holding the unit itself above that we've got the current time to activate any of the menus simply press any of the buttons and these menus will now illuminate so you've got three function buttons across the bottom and you've also got an up and down arrow to set different parameters or different temperatures on the side there there's also a QR code which gives you a quick reference user guide and at the bottom here this is where the new batteries can be replaced when required so moving left to right the first button here is menu so if we press the menu button this is where we can set the times and temperatures that we want the programmer to come on and come off that we'll come back to that in a second next along we've got Auto and manual so Auto is where you set the times and temperatures on the left hand button here if you have the programmer set to Auto the programmer will read off those times in temperatures if you suppress it and move it across the manual essentially manual is on or off so manual there means it's on set to a set temperature on the right hand side you've got on a power button essentially you can turn the unit on and you can turn the unit back off again so going back to selecting our times and temperatures on our schedule this is done under the menu section press the menu button we're now going to select program so okay which is the far right button and then we're going to set Monday's schedule so okay again what you'll see here now is you've got P1 P2 P3 and P4 P1 is currently flashing P1 is program one so what we're going to do here now is we're going to set program one press ok and you'll you'll notice that the temperature starts to flash so in this instance we're going to set the controller to come on at 6am in the morning okay and we want that controller to be telling the ball they're heating the house to 21 degrees so 6 a.m 21 degrees is our position one press okay and that will save now you'll notice that position or program two is now flashing and what we're saying here is at 9 30 we want the boiler to turn down to 15 degrees to alter that just press the OK button move the time to the time you'd like to do it and again this would be P2 and P4 would be off positions P1 and P3 would be on positions so we turn the boiler on at 6am and we had it at 22 degrees we're now staying at 10 AM we want to turn the boiler down to 15 degrees so okay we could even turn it lower 13 degrees just to keep the house tepid save that now we're saying P3 has come back on here so we're saying okay we can we want to adjust this now to come back on let's say we come home from work around five o'clock so 1700 press OK and we want the house to be 21 degrees at 1700. press OK that will save and finally P4 so this is us going to bed and what temperature the house is going to be between the program of P4 and P1 in this instance we're going to bed at 11 o'clock and we've said 16 degrees we might want to go to bed a little bit earlier let's say 10 o'clock I'll turn that heating off at 10 o'clock okay and because it's night time we want the boiler to only come on if the temperature drops below 12 degrees you can set this for your own preference your own times and your own temperatures now if you wanted to you could go through every day obviously this is now moved on to Tuesday you've got seven day schedule alternatively you could just press copy so it's saying copy to day three okay save copy to day four okay copy to day five copy to day six now alternatively here we may want to adjust day seven it's Sunday we want a different schedule for Sunday that's quite easily done just press the back arrow Sunday will appear because we're on day seven and again we can just move through the menu so we want Sunday six o'clock in the morning 21 degrees work through the different parameters P1 P2 P3 and P4 save them as you go once this is all done you'll actually be able to set the programmer then to be in auto mode and the auto mode will then abide by the schedule that you've set here if you don't want to be on auto mode and you just want to use the programmer as an on and off switch because your habits change you're in and out the property all the time that's not a problem on the middle button here move away from Auto onto manual what this is telling us right now is the temperature in the room or because I'm holding the controller is 25 degrees but the set temperature is only 19 degrees therefore the programmer has no reason to come on we can simply adjust this by pressing the up and down arrows and as we can see the set temperature is starting to flash if we increase the set temperature higher than the current room temperature so in this instance 26.5 degrees the controller will now call for heat and will turn the boiler on if we set the temperature lower the boiler will turn off some customers prefer to use the manual option as essentially you can just set the boiler to a nice comfortable temperature it'll kick in kick off all day and when you go to bed you can just turn it right down some customers prefer to use the automatic option it gives them a program and they like a set schedule if you're going away for a period of time or you're nipping out and you don't want to adjust the schedule then simply just press the off button and the controller will turn off so hopefully that was a useful guide in getting to know your new controller how to set some times temperatures and how to use it on manual mode there are further instructions in the box and also you can scan the QR code for further useful user instructions
Channel: Heatable
Views: 129,542
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Id: YoccWxLQims
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Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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