How to flush Out a Radiator. The Best Way, Getting the Best Results.

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hello in this video I'm showing you how to flush out your old Rita get rid of all that old black sludge that's inside you ready to give you cold spots and making your radiator work inefficiently I'm going to show you the best way which you can get rid of all that sludge and make sure that it's system is working more efficiently which is gonna save your gas and make your house warmer if you need to know how to remove the radiator you can click the cards above in the description below or at the end of the video to see my video on how to remove a radiator for decorating my name is Mark Ballard and I've been a gas operations engineer for over 20 years the aim of my channel is to help you with your central heating and your plumbing whether you want to do just basic maintenance autumn or a transfer fault-finding and repair if you're new to my channel then don't forget you can click subscribe to see more help videos you can click like share with your friends and if you have a question you can leave it in the comments below I like to say a really big thank you to everyone who's left a donation at all box phone right now let's get cracking I don't know show you how you can flush out this way later and get rid of all that dirty black sludge [Music] so here we are so we could just get our hose pipe which is here we could just attach it onto one end here and we just let the water flow through and then we can then dispose of the water leave it into a bucket or into a drain but that's not the way I'm gonna do it I'm going to do it slightly differently and I'm going to show you how to do that in just a sec but before that just make sure that when you are flushing this out make sure that you flushes the water into a bucket or straight down a drain or into the part of the garden that you're not going to walk in on don't go flushing onto your patio or onto your lawn because this black magnetite it's terrible to get out it stains really badly and you're gonna end up with the filthy marks all over your patio and then you're gonna have filthy grass and you can walk into your house you're gonna make a right mess so make sure that you flush into somewhere there it's not going to matter so I've got my hose pipe turned on I've made this special little adapter it's just basically an isolation valve and a bit of tube and I can just fit this directly onto the radiator spigot and then we can just do this nut up so that it's now connected onto the radiator all right so that's that one connected so I just want to show you little tip if you've got this to the radiator for outfitted with this big union here I'll see the radius valve comes off like that and then you just have that left in the radiator and you have this big nut and obviously trying to fix onto there it's difficult then you can use it a washing machine for an office so you can get that cook good connection onto there you can then just put that onto there that is the same size nut so you can then do that batten that up it probably leaked a bit because obviously it's not going to be a perfect fit on there but it doesn't mean you can then open and close it and get a good flush of water going through so I hope that helps you for a little tip on how to connect onto these large larger nuts like this these unions so now at the other end of the radiator I'm going to attach this other barrel that means I can then pressurize the entire radiator and I get the good flow going through the radiator so I've got my hose pipe attached here and it just goes straight round into the bucket so that when I turn it on I can see exactly what's coming out to the radiator so I know how clean their radiator is so now I have a valve on this and the radiator which is shut with the mains water pressure on it and also have another valve at this end and this is also shut now what I'm going to do is going to open its valve up that's going to let the mains water come into the radiator and it's going to pressurize the radiator it's going to only get a half fill the radiator because the top is gonna pressurize it they're gonna open this valve here and that's gonna let the water whooshing and just wash out all that dirt in the bottom of the radiator there and then what I'm gonna do is gonna bang the bottom of the radiator with my rubber mallet here so I'm gonna bang along the bottom and that's going to clear out I'll break the razor and just dislodge more of that black dirt to get it out if you don't have a rubber mallet then you can use just your normal hammer but it's what I recommend you do is you protect the top of the hammer and put some tape on it right like this so you can just put it over the top there and just protect that or make that hammer end soft so it's not gonna chip you paint with but haven't said that there's a good chance that if you go whacking radiator eat there's a good chance that you might chip it anyway but this is the best way to remove that dirt so now you've got a bit more Assaf to finish here so you can just tap the razor and you can get rid of or dislodge some all of that dirt okay it's all I'm gonna do now is to open this valve here like this you hear the water going in okay so that's now let all the mains pressure into here and it's pressurize the radiator so now let's take a look and see what's gonna come out of this bucket here I'm gonna open this valve here and there you go you can see all that dirt coming out there now what I'm gonna do I'm going to bang the bottom on the radiator now and we're going to see if that's going to increase the dirts coming out of that pipe they're doing here so I'm just banging see if that's gonna reduce any more dirt so this way this is not too bad this is one way I'm ready it is so my system is relatively clean but like I say most radiators they will come out like treacle and it takes some time to wash them out but you can see there again I can just wash this out now and again we can see this nice and clean and then we can shut this valve again there like that so now what we could do if they turn the radiator over so flushes down through the bottom of the radiator and we repeat the process again so we're just going to turn that one over like that make sure that one there is shut that and open this one here now the water screaming running in because it's heavy it's gonna go down to the bottom of the radiator it's gonna go along the bottom and it's going to come back up to the top there so we're going to open this one here there it goes air whooshes out in fact what's gonna happen with this one is all the air is gonna wash out now in the radiator give that a tap again there again as I've turned it over you can now see this some more dirt coming out I'm going to give that another tap also what we're doing this we could shut this valve here that builds up the pressure again so then when they suddenly turn it back on again you get a nice fast sudden flow through the radiator and that might just wash some more dirt out I know it's going to turn this back over again because now the race is completely full of water we can just open this one up again open this one again and we could basically keep going until there's no dirt coming out at all and then we know we washed out everything that we possibly can so if there's any dirt on the top there hopefully it would have fallen down to the bottom and it's now getting washed out along the bottom there I could bang along on the top as well and we can see there there's quite a lot of dirt inside there that's not too bad that's pretty much what I was expecting to get out of this particular editor because I can say this this way litres comes out system which isn't very clean see this small dirt coming out because we've got it tips up in a different direction so you can see it's worth turning it around banging it around trying to dislodge as much of that as you can because it's gonna make your system more efficient and work a lot better once I got this bucket from a dirty magnetite I thought I'd just take your Trent opportunity to show you this there this is a magnet which comes off a magnet clean and this will pick up all that dirt inside here you can see there if I just swirl this around get it rotating you can see now how that magnet is just picking up all that magnetite which is coming out of that radiator so that's basically what - what these magnetic filters do and if I just keep that swirling around there gradually it would pick up all that that magnetite you can literally just see the bits sticking onto the magnet so want to just show you so just spun the water ran around around and see how all the dirts going into the middle and that's basically the way these things work and then these are usually in the center and they just pick up all that dirt which is spinning around it into the center there and you can see now how that is just completely covered with magnetite which is coming out of that radiator and it's much better that this is on here than in your boiler there you go you can see how that's completely covered in magnetite I just wipe that down there you can see now exactly how much dirt has been picked up by this big magnet and the new magnet cleans they have even stronger magnets in so they do an even better job it's clearing out the magnetite radiators so there you go I just want to show you again I've been flushing it some more and you can see now I've got even more dirt inside the bucket there and that's not including what's on that magnet down inside there so you can see we're doing flushing all through you get you're ready to work nice and clean and you're gonna get your system working more efficiently and hopefully you has with them be warmer so now all that's left to do is just a drain and really iterate and then you can go and refit it on the wall so I'm just gonna make sure this panel here is shut this one here is shut also and we can just undo the valve or another way to do it to turn them really to over like this then we can now undo this file here and you can see I didn't have that very tight that was just finger tight and check that flour off just make sure it's shuts and the water runs out okay then we're gonna undo the valve on the other end you might get a bit of water running out now now I can just pick the razor up and pour the rest of the water into the bucket so you can see how this method works really well so we've just flushed out all that dirt it's in the bottom there we turn the red eat it over that enabled that all that dirt is in the top and any air in there vents will get washed out so I didn't even have to bleed it ready to obviously this is this is a big double panel then it's a lot harder to move it around but it's still the same thing you can put it on there wash it through and by pressurizing it in an unpressurized in it that gives a nice whoosh of water through it and banging it just releases in any of that helps to break it off the sides so it's not just gonna break off when the way user gets hot and expands and then it breaks off so we're this method works really well and that's the method which I use ok that's it then so do hope my video has helped you if you wanted to remove that sludge from your radiator don't forget if you want to know how to remove your radiator you can click the link here to see my video on how to remove a radiator for decorating if you wanted to see more help videos and don't forget to click Subscribe you click like share with your friends and like so really big thank you to everyone who's left a donation or a toolbox fund both for now and I see you next time
Channel: Mark Ballard LTD
Views: 134,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark ballard, mark ballard ltd, vaillant boilers, combi boiler, topping up boiler, leak, Remove radiator for decorating, radiator install, radiator valves, refit radiator, re-fit radiator, Radiator not hot, thermostatic valve, install radiator, with out draining, replace radiator valve with out draining system, replacce thermostatic radiator valve, bleed valve, radiator not working, Blanking plug, How to repair, cap plug, vent plug, flush out Radiator, wash out radiator
Id: bmc4mzBbVT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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