How to Use Your Above Ground Pool Filter - Pentair SD Filter System

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hey guys this is rod with hydra hot tubs and pools i'm going to explain to you the operation of the filter itself filter is a normal setting for your filter that means the water is coming in filtering through the top of the sand coming back up through the middle of the of the filter and going back into the pool so anytime you're running the filter about 95 of time you're going to be on filter what you'll do next most often is uh to clean the filter uh to clean the filter your pressure gauge is the indicator of when to do so when you first start the filter up you'll look and see where your needle goes wherever that needle is at you want to put the start arrow on it typically that's going to be between 10 to 15 range but it can vary a little so once you get that set when you see the pressure building to the clean line usually sometimes it takes about a month or so it's time to clean the filter out so now let's say it's time to clean it what you want to do it tells you right here do not change the valve position with the pump running so always turn the pump off prior to moving this valve push this down you want to run it around the back wash and you're going to turn the pump back on and the water is going to blow out right here that's stirring up the top of the sand and blowing the trash out that's how that works directions usually say for 90 seconds to two minutes but really if you watch your sight glass it'll show you when the water gets clear once the water is clear you always want to give it a few more seconds to be sure then you want to turn the pump back off push this down go to rinse turn the filter pump back on then and you're going to run it on ramps for 20 to 30 seconds rinse is just packing your sand back down for you after that you turn the pump back off again push this down go to filter and that's all there is to it and you do have some other settings up here waste let's assume your pool is full of water you want to drain some water out you want to go to waste turn the pump off go to waste turn it back on that takes the water directly from the pool straight out the back what close does is it closes everything off so nothing can get in or out of the filter recirculate that circulates the water but it does not filter it you'll use this in case you use a chemical that says do not run through the filter so that's uh that's not used very often but it it could be used at some point and the only other position is the winter rise position if you were to close your pool down for the winter after you drain everything out of the filter you won't want any water anywhere you can put it on winterize just to make sure no water gets gets in or out of there
Channel: Hydra Hot Tubs & Pools
Views: 29,728
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: Th7pPa0hNns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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