How To Use Different Pool Filter Valve Settings

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hey welcome to another video on homeowner up here and we heard you guys loud and clear and most of you I'm going to show you all the different settings on a pool valve and how they are used alright so here's the top of my pool filter and there are a whole bunch of different settings this one right here it says filter and then this one over here this is waste and winter and closed and there's a backwash one under here and they can recirculate and the rinse so let's go through them one by one on the field filter setting that's if you want to filter the water in the pool if you have chlorine in the pool we want to keep filtering the water through the sand we'd put it on the filter setting now if you were to go over to the waste setting that what that would do is if you had a lot of algae or debris in the bottom of the pool you didn't want it to go into the filter sand you can bypass the filter in the Google rate through and out of the waste outlet on your filter so if you wanted to get debris out of the pool and not get it all tangled up in the sand dive you the setting that you would use so right here is a winter setting at the end of the season when you got to store the pool on the filter you should always put the valve on the winter setting make sure all the water is drained out and that'll prevent the valve from sticking and getting damaged during the winter months the rinse setting a lot of times is used after you backwash the filter what that does is it rinses off the sand and it gets anything out of the inside of the filter at the bottom on the recirculate setting that's good if you want to be able to get in line chlorine tablet you can circulate the water through the in-line chlorine tablet and back out into the pool without filtering it if you're gone away on vacation from a long period of time we want the pool to continuously get chlorine but not necessarily filter it you can do that you can set it to the recirculate it'll continually move the water around in the poll and add chlorine to your pool if you have like a tablet in the filter or an inline chlorinating tablet so this backwash setting what that's used for is to clean out the inside of the filter so that if you have gone like a couple weeks and those like a lot of algae something in the poll and the sand is getting contaminated and built up with debris and algae and stuff like that I use the backwash setting that will discharge all the guide water and debris out of the filter will clean up the sand and then when you've done that you're going to want to use the rinse setting the rent setting does is it goes the opposite way you know clean the sand and will clean all the rest of the debris out of the inside of the tank so I hope that helps take some of the confusion out of the different valve settings they have any filter and any of you guys are kind of asking us to do a video on it so you have any questions to comment leave a comment on the channel and we'll reply back to you thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Homeowner Repair
Views: 554,664
Rating: 4.5176373 out of 5
Keywords: how to, use, different, pool, valve, settings, rinse, filter, backwash, recirculate, close, winter, storage, Hayward, pool maintenance, swimming, summer
Id: zXQbpJqhbmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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