How to use the Yamaha Montage/MODX in a DAW- The Complete Guide

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hello everyone and welcome back Dom here with another video and today I'm going to show you something that has been requested a lot but quite a few of you and this is how to set up your mo DX and your montage for work in a da W so how to integrate your mo DX and montage in a day that we have to record MIDI how to record audio and there are quite a few ways to do this I will show you how I do it and how I find it works great with my workflow and it gives me results super fast so without any further ado let's get started so as I said this is a question that I've been getting a lot how do I configure my mo DX and my montage for use with my da W and the great thing is that the mo DX and the montage work great in a DW environment they have many features that allow you to incorporate these instruments into your workflow so let me show you step by step how you can set it up how you can set up your mo DX and the montage the montage has a few more options when it comes to inputs and outputs but basically the whole procedure is going to be the same for both mo DX and montage so let's get started the first thing you need to do is go to google and search for mo DX drivers the first result is probably going to be the USA Yamaha dot-com website so what you need to do over here is you need to make sure you download the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver for Mac or for Windows depending on what system you're using Vista Connect I totally recommend that you use that as well especially if you want to recall your performances when you load a Cubase project and of course make sure that you have the latest update for your mo DX so once you've downloaded these and install these the next thing is to use one single USB cable to the USB to host port into your Mori X and connect it to your computer it can be makng can be PC and of course as you know you can use it on the iPad as well I've already done couple of videos for the iPad so make sure you check them out now once you do this you have quite a few options of course you need to use a day W Modi X and montage come with Cubase AI which is a more than capable da W if you want to use it for music production so this is for free and you can use it and I recommend if you don't have any other da W to give Cubase AI a try because it's really brilliant but today I'm going to show you how to set up everything in Cubase because I know that if you have mo DX or the montage you definitely have Cubase AI so let's get started first thing you need to do is run Cubase and then you need to go to studio studio setup and now we need to configure some things you only need to do this once most of the times so these are set at forget settings so let's try this the first thing you need to make sure is that you go to VST audio system and right here where it says Asia driver you select the mo DX as you can see you might have quite a few options right there like I do but in this case you need to select the mo DX driver this means that now the mo DX communicates with Cubase as an audio interface so not only transfers meat information when you play on the keys but it also transfers audio which is really really cool that's a really powerful function when you click on the mu DX right here you will see that you have a control panel and here is where you can set up your latency if you're familiar with order interfaces and DW you will probably know what that means already but basically the lowest the number here the lower the latency that you have especially when you play with software instruments for example if I want to play retro Logan Cubase when I play a key on my mo DX the buffer size determines how fast this instrument will respond and how much of a delay I'm going to have to the sound of course you would probably think that you would need to set this as low as possible but the drawback is that you will put a lot of strain on your CPU and your computer CPU if you set a buffer size too low so you have to find the sweet spot in my case I found that most of the times the buffer size of 192 or 128 is sufficient so I can play with no latency in a nice and snappy way so the drivers are also very good so you're probably gonna get quite a nice latency even on 128 and that's it now you click OK and now we've established the communication between the mo DX and our computer now the next thing is you need to go to studio audio connections and that's where we can start creating our inputs and outputs for our moti X and as you can see most of the times when you launch Cubase you will have for example a stereo in and stereo out if you're using Cubase Pro you will also have a control room section which I totally suggest you use so you guys are already using you know what I'm talking about I'm probably going to do a video on control room so that I can show you the benefits but that only applies when you have Cubase Pro so if you want to set up your mo DX with Cubase we need to set up our input so the mu DX has quite a few inputs as you can see so we have USB main left right and then we have 1 2 3 4 8 more inputs to choose from so it's a 10 in audio interface which means I can record up to 10 mono sources straight from the instrument without any external cables that's extremely cool so let's say I want to have a steroid which is my USB main left and right and maybe I want to add let's say five more stereo inputs so you go add input bus ad bus and there we go so as you can see now I have USB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and this I don't need because it's a duplicate of this input basically so let's remove this and now basically I set up all the inputs that the mo Dax provides which is very very cool now when it comes to outputs well the output is where you monitor when you listen to the output of your mo DX because the mo DX is not only going to play its internal sounds it's going to play any sound that comes out of Cubase like drums loops you click all those things and of course you can control this using the USB volume monitor knob right here so if you're not using control room you want to set your outputs right here so you need to set mo TX and make sure that you have left and right set right here in my case I music control room so I'm going to leave this to not connect it and in control room I'm selecting the main left and right of my mo DX it's a monitor bus that's it now we're ready to go now we can start setting up a project in Cubase and basically start creating music so all you need to do is go file new project and then click just on an empty one I'm going to show you how you can start creating a project from scratch and then of course if you want you can set up a template where you can just load it and everything is ready for you so you're ready to go so I'm going to name this Mori x da W and let's hit create and that's it now we have an empty Cubase project so I'm going to give you now some information on how to set up your Mori X so that it works flawlessly in Cubase there are a few ways to set it up I'm going to show you how I do it how it works on my workflow ok so the first thing you need to do is go utility and let's take the pages step by step on the sound page you don't need to do anything on quick setup this is a very quick way of configuring your mo DX or your montage for work with a DW and it's great that you have it because you can set it you can say I want to record media on the aw I also want to record the actor of the arpeggios to my da W and all those things and I want to record audio to my DW so I'm going to skip that for now because this is basically a set of settings that you can configure anyway so I'm going to show you how I do it so audio i/o you need to make sure that this is the page that you see right here there's not much to do most likely you will have this page like this and then that's where we want to go first media hill so number one you need to make sure that your meeting out is said to USB that's very important because you need to make sure that all the miracles through that USB cable and not through the media cables of the MOE DX then the other very important thing is that your local control should be set to OFF so that when you play something on the Maury X you don't hear the sound that's been sent out of Cubase through MIDI and of course the keyboard because you will get like twice the sound you will get duplicate notes which doesn't sound very good and they sound weird so you make sure that local control is off so when you play on your mo da and you don't have a media channel armed in cubase you're not gonna hear anything which is how it should work now the other thing that you need to make sure this everything else you can leave it as it is and then you need to go to advance and make sure that your midi i/o mode is set to multi why because we want every part of our performance like this as you can see right here they have its own discreet mini channels so part number one I wanted to be on channel one part number two on channel two three on three four and four and so on and so forth so it's really important that you do this so right now we've done this the other thing that you need to do is make sure that your keyboard control buttons are off or for every sound okay so make sure that these are off and that's it now you can basically start recording in Cubase and creating songs so let me show you how you do this the first thing you need to do is create a MIDI channel in Cubase okay see so when you click on this plus symbol right here you get this dialog or the other way you can do it is just right-click and say add MIDI track and basically what you want to do is create as many MIDI parts as the parts you're planning to use in this case I have 11 parts okay and I'm planning actually to use basically just I don't know four or five I just want to demonstrate this for you because the whole philosophy is the same so let's say I'm going to create like six mini parts and let's call them mo DX and that's it now we have six MIDI parts now normally if you only have your mo DX connected everything should be ready to go but I'm going to show you how you can double check that everything will work so let's go to mo DX channel one and as you can see I have set this to all MIDI inputs and output is my mode II export one and my channel is channel one which means that when I play this sound the first part is going to play okay so now let's go to channel two as you can see this is routed to channel you and of course it also goes to Modi export one and now if I play this sound [Music] okay so let's say I go to channel 4 [Music] so let's say I also want to play for example let's say I change my mind and I want on part number three to actually play Channel seven so my part seven I can just change this channel number and then I can play part seven now if at any point you don't hear any sound just make sure that instead of selecting this performance right here see you select one of the party it doesn't matter which one you select because Cubase determines what part plays at any time and of course that means that you can play multiple parts at once if I want for example I can say I want to select this and this one and this one and play all three of them [Music] so it's very flexible you can do so many things with it and it's very easy to place tax of sounds you know like layered sounds this is really really cool so I'm going to show you how I can start creating a very very quick track I'm going to set up a four bar loop like this and I'm going to set my cycle to on and I'm going to now start recording and while I'm recording I'm going to change the channel so I can move on to the next sound okay so now let's record the drums now let's move on to the bass I'm just clicking on it and I can start recording [Music] let's record this sound [Music] so now let's say I want to change this part I can just delete this and I can start recording again [Music] so just like that I recorded very very quick loop now let's say I want to mix this I can just go back and of course I can go to my mixing page into my mo DX and start mixing the sound so let's do this [Music] and I cannot reverb [Music] and of course I can solo the sounds so just like that I've recorded all these great meeting formation and I can play back I can of course go and edit it here and it's very easy to edit it's always way way simpler than a hardware sequencer it's very easy very quick to make changes I can immediately have feedback and all these things now the big power of the Modi X and the montage comes to this now I can say I want to record all these channels in separate audio channels so basically I can start mixing them I can start manipulating the audio and all these things so let me show you how you do this I'm going to go to the plus symbol right here and add an audio channel now as you can see the sterile ins that we created before I can start adding channels like this and I can say okay I want a stereo in stereo out and now I can say Modi X audio and now how many tracks do I did I use I use one two three four five and my inputs for the Modi X are going to be enough to record those channels in one go so let's create five audio channels like this and we're good now what I can do is I can set each of the audio channels to received audio from a different input of the Modi X so let's try that let's say my first channel is going to be my drums and I want them to go to stereo in my second channel I wanted to receive audio from Cerro into my third Channel three my fourth four and five so that's great but now here comes the clever bit check it out if I go and record on channel one right now let's start recording so I hit record [Music] so as you can see let's solo this track it recorded everything that the mo DX was playing all the parts right so this might be useful if you want to do like a quick mix down or if you're recording the sounds one by one but what if you want to record every sound in its own separate channels and now I'll show you how you can do this so the trick is to go to your sounds let's select part one right here and go edits and now we can route every sound to its own output so my drums are going to be on main left and right my bass is going to be on USB one and two three Adam use channel three number four are going to be to my USB three and four five is going to be my five and six and I also use seven which was my guitar it goes to seven and eight so now if I record all of these let's see what happens [Music] and as you can see in one go in one click I recorded all these channels in separate audio channels so let's go to my drums and of course now I can completely change the audio I can for example reverse it so there you go guys that's my workflow when I want to use the mo DX and the montage in a DW scenario I think it opens a whole new world of possibilities and of course you take full advantage of the order interface function of these instruments if you liked this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel share it with anyone that you feel they might benefit from it and of course until next time have fun and make great music [Music]
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 102,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dom sigalas, modx tutorial, #modx #montage #yamaha #synthesizer #cubase #daw #yamahamontage #yamahamodx, yamaha montage, yamaha modx, how to use modx in a daw, how to use the montage in a daw, how to use cubase, how to use the montage in cubase, logic, ableton live, daw
Id: ZPPJeU9Ayy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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