How to use the NEW Microsoft OneDrive - Made Easy for Everyone

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hi I'm Jamie and welcome to teachers Tech and  welcome to my Microsoft One Drive beginners   tutorial if you're new to one drive and want to  get the most out of your cloud storage experience   then follow along with the step-by-step guide to  Microsoft One Drive Microsoft One Drive is a cloud   storage platform it allows me to take files from  my computer or my mobile device and upload them   to the cloud once they're there in the cloud I  can access them at any time from anywhere from   any device now these files can be from a number  of different types they could be Microsoft Word   or PowerPoint or Excel but they can also be  things like PDFs images or videos not only   can I just upload my own files I can also create  brand new files inside one drive and once these   files are there in one drive I can quickly in a  couple clicks share these with other people and   actually collaborate in livetime with them so in  today's tutorial I'm going to be looking at from   a student or work account here and going over all  the great things that you can do with one drive   so first of all let's get into one drive and we  can do this in a few different ways now I'll put   the link to this page down below you could sign  in with your worker school account here if you   don't have an account you could create a free one  but it will look slightly different than the one   I'm showing you today and you're not going to  have all the same functionalities so you could   go ahead get signed in or here's another way  how I usually access Microsoft Drive is right   through my Microsoft 365 account if I'm logged  in at this point already all I need to do is go   to the app launcher in the top leftand corner and  you're going to see all the Microsoft apps I have   access to one drive is right here and I can just  go ahead and select it it brings me to the home   view right here I can tell that I'm in the home  view because this is highlighted in a moment I'll   go over the layout here I just want to show you  one other way that you can access it real quickly   if you're using Microsoft Edge take a look over  on my right hand side I have Microsoft 365 here   if I select Microsoft 365 I have the apps right  here also with one drive but that's with Microsoft   Edge if you're using a different browser just use  one of the ways I showed you previously now I want   to explain the different views that you see here  in one drive and how you can even customize your   settings so I'm in dark mode right now and I'm  going to show you how to change that to light   mode or even some different ones as well so if  we go over here to the navigation pane it's open   here if you don't want this open if you want a  little bit more real estate we can close this   just by selecting this click it and it opens up  again now what you're seeing uh we have home view   right here uh this is over here this is kind of  AI recommended the files that I might want to have   quick access for I've clicked on these a bunch  of times and they're saying oh you maybe want   to access these again versus down here you see the  most recent files that you've uh worked with these   are just the types that you can filter so if I was  going to look for just Word files I could select   this and it filters through this I can also filter  by name or person over at this point now if I go   over here before I continue all these if you take  a look here I can add new so this is where I was   mentioning I could go ahead and upload files from  here I could upload an ENT entire folder from here   or create folders or even brand new document so  if I wanted a brand new word document I could do   that right from here I'm going to go over that  a bit later when I switch my view to my files   so if I go to this right here what I'm seeing  is all my files inside Microsoft One drive so   these are different folders that I've created and  inside these uh I would open these up and I'd see   even more things for navigation purposes notice  that there's the breadcrumbs here so if I want   to go back one level I can just go hit my files  and it goes back to uh that one level and you'll   see the breadcrumbs get created and you can just  navigate through that way as well uh if I go over   here these are shared files so if you're working  with different people I don't have any that will   pop up here I also have favorites so what that  means is if I wanted to quickly add something to   favorites I can do this in different ways but if  I go back to the home and just hit this star here   this has been added to my favorites if I go to my  favorites now there it is so if it's an important   document again you just want that quick access  to you could add it to favorites and we have our   recycled bin that is where we're going to put our  if we wanted to take out any of our deleted items   down here I can also Browse by people that uh  I've shared with or they've shared with me and   even meetings that files were shared during  a meeting you'll see some links down here uh   this is a Microsoft 365 account so I have access  to things like share SharePoint or teams and I'm   going to have these quick access points that I can  go over to a SharePoint those files as well so I'm   not going to go into this part uh it's going to be  more about creating files and uh how to make sure   that we're sharing files and everything all right  let's just do a quick customization if you don't   like the dark mode like I have or maybe you're in  light mode and want the dark mode go up to your   settings right here and take a look at this so we  have our one drive settings uh and then you can   go through and choose what you want dark mode is  here so I can toggle this off and go to light mode   but I can also pick some themes and you'll see  how it adjusts as I click on different ones like   that uh you can see a few different settings that  you can go through and adjust here so I'm going   to go ahead and actually log into a different  one Drive account with nothing in it so we can   start from scratch and do that step by step here  we are in a blank slate One Drive account never   been anything uploaded to it let's change that by  by uploading some files so we'll do it first of   all just by clicking on this add new we're going  to go to file uploads now as soon as I go here   I have on my desktop I just have a folder here  I have a few different things some uh PDFs you   can see there's a recording MP4 let's go and grab  this word document right here so I'm going to go   ahead and grab it it's going to be uploaded now  if you can see it's being uploaded here here to   this uh it's a little larger this document but  it's going to go up to one drive this is all   uploaded now I can go ahead and open it from here  I'm going to go to my files watch when I go to my   files here here it is right here this is what I  just uploaded you can see when the last time it   was modified it just got uploaded a few seconds  ago Modified by Ashton and it gives me a little   bit more information on it I want to just point  out uh different ways that we can view things but   I'm going to upload uh a little bit more and I'll  show you a different way now I'm going to stay in   my files right here and I'm just going to go to  this folder that I have on my desktop and rather   than hitting the add new I can drag things over  so if I go ahead and drag uh this over right into   it I don't have to go through that add new it can  upload just through a drag and drop on it and the   other option if I wanted to take the whole folder  in I could drag the whole folder in this way or   I could go ahead and add the folder this way I'm  going to drag the whole folder and this will make   it that I have actually a couple different copies  because inside of this folder I'm going to have   uh copies of in here that are already uploaded so  it'll be uploaded again just within a folder here   if I take a look now I can see four items in here  I'm just going to go ahead and open up this folder   I have a video and an image if I click on these  and open them up I can view it at this point uh   notice I can just exit out and it will go back to  this view speaking of this view right here you can   change this if I drop down switch profile view  I could change how I see things so if you wanted   the compact list it's like this if you wanted  tiles it shows kind of the example what it is   so it just makes a little easier if you're going  through lots of different things to know exactly   what that file is but it takes up more room that  way as well so I'll just leave it as this compact   list for now but you can make those adjustments  there we also can sort you can see if you have a   long list do you want it ascending descending do  you want it Modified by a date or time you can   click any of these right up here so if I was going  to click do I want it A to Z or zda a it will just   go ahead alphab and change the alphabetical order  of these or even if I chose a different one like   file size I could go larger to smaller smaller to  larger and it adjusted through there so different   ways if you're searching through any of these uh  that's how you can kind of just if you have a long   list if you're looking for a large file it can  move it to the top just by changing the file size   something else I want to point out with your one  drive if you're on a different device and wanted   it on you can download these two as well so if I  wanted this picture here if I click these three   little dots here notice I have a download option  here and this will download to my computer uh it's   selected so if I go back and if I just go to my  files again if I go ahead and select it here we   can have uh a couple different options up top  here I can download as well but as soon as I'm   selected I get all these different options that  I'll cover a little bit more later on so that's   a little bit about uploading your documents to  one drive the different methods you can now if   I was going to go ahead and create something  what I could do is I can rightclick as well so anything I can just go up to add new like I  showed you before maybe we want to start with   some organization I could go to folder at this  point what do I want this to be so this is just   going to be an example today and I'll just call  this example I can choose a color of the folder   so it's going to be blue this one and hit create  notice this was the one I up loaded I can still   adjust this I can change the names I can go ahead  and see all the different actions I could rename   this so if I didn't want that z00 Z there I could  remove it I could change it to a different color   so I could color code all my different files on  this take a look at all the different options   that you have uh at this point with any time I  could uh move these download these rename all   these different options I'm going to come back  to manage access as well well if I rightclick   on these I get the same different options as that  as well so inside if I go inside this example f   file for here I can go and add let's say a new  word document I could go to Word document here   and I'm going to give this a name this is going  to be uh let's say I'm going to close this I'm   going to go and just give it a name up top here  this is going to be called travel and I can see   the location where it is just in that example  folder and I'm just going to go ahead and write   something on here and I'm going to close out of  it right away so I'm just going to go and close   to this up top and you'll notice here sometimes  I have to refresh this but if I go ahead and just   refresh this there it is right there and this um  these marks up top here show me this is new and I   have all those different options uh like I've  showed you before that I can download this as   well I can move it but if I go ahead and open this  up everything that I just did was already there   so I could do this in different files whether  it be PowerPoint Excel I can create them right   from one drive so what happens if you're working  in something like PowerPoint or word or Excel or   other Microsoft Office so what happens if you're  working in Microsoft PowerPoint or word or Excel   or other Microsoft products and you want to save  directly to one drive you need to make sure that   your signed in so if I go up to the sign in I need  to make sure I sign in with a correct account to   that one drive so I'm going to go ahead and match  the account that I'm in with this demo here today   as soon as I'm signed in notice that this changes  up here shows what account I'm in let's go ahead   and save this so if I go over to file and save  as I get some options is it going to be uh one   drive or sites well this is one drive I'm talking  about here so I'm just going to make sure sure I   have one drive selected I'm not saving this on my  computer here's the folder that I already created   that I showed you as an example let's go ahead and  save it in here the name is just called dogs I'm   going to hit save now I'm back over in my files  in one drive and here it is I save directly from   PowerPoint into one drive and I can always open  it up from here or I could even select from here   and it's going to open it up online so I could  actually even edit it from this point so it gives   you lots of different options even if you're  using the Microsoft apps you can save directly   to one drive and work online or even directly  through the app a great collaboration feature   in Microsoft One Drive is to request files this  can save you a lot of time so let's give you a   little example here let's say in this folder I'm  going to request files I want people to uh upload   pictures of their dogs or maybe they can add it to  that PowerPoint we were creating we can go ahead   and give it the topic there hit next then we can  invite people to this so if I was just going to   go ahead invite the different people uh to this  and then they're going to get a notification to   upload the pictures of the dog to that photo  then we can save a lot of time collecting the   information we need we just have to hit send  they'll get notified and they'll know what to   do and the other thing is we will notify you when  someone uploads the file so I'll know I won't have   to be just waiting checking all the time I'll get  a notification for that I think I need a little   help with this PowerPoint here and I want to be  able to give people access this to help maybe   add some more slides or even take a look at this  now I can do this in a few different ways if I go   ahead and hover over it you see the share right  here so wherever you see this uh is going to be   your quick access to share this with other people  if if I click these three little dots you notice   that there is the share here if this is selected  here the share is also up here so there's a number   of different ways that we can get to our share if  I go ahead and just choose the share here you'll   get this dialogue box that comes up and this is  where I start adding the people to share it with   and I'm going to go ahead and share it with my  other account here and I can add more than one   person so I could go and add more people uh to  this and they're all going to get messages about   this is shared with them but how do I want to  share this with so if I go ahead and drop down   do I want them to edit U maybe I just want them  to view I don't want them to change anything I   just want them to take a look and then let me  know and I really don't want them to mess this   up but in this case let's say edit here and uh  I'll just give a message here I'll just say can   you take a look and they can make changes uh as  needed so at this point I can hit send and then   it will get notified inside their one drive and I  am going to switch over to this account so you see   what happens uh from that end with something you  get shared at I could actually even copy the link   as well so anyone with the link can edit I could  go ahead and copy this link uh by selecting this   and I could go and paste it in an email or send it  or and then they'd be able to uh edit it if they   have the link because this says anybody with the  link but I'm just going to go ahead and hit send   like this and I'm going to hop over to the other  account that I shared with so you can see how it   looks coming in so I'm back in my other account  the one that was just shared with me and take a   look right here I'm under my home View and I have  Ashton shared this with you so I can go ahead and   open it here but if I take a look at shared it's  also coming up in here if I click on people it's   also here so just showing you how that share works  and the different views that you can H click on   to access that that different level of sub share  so if I go and open this at here I can go ahead   since they gave me edit edit access I can open  it I can make changes uh to this and add my own   information the other thing I want to point out  when I I shared it with myself there from that   account if I go over to my Outlook mail there was  a message in my Outlook mail that Ashton shared a   file with me so they're going to get notified that  way as too so let's move back to the other account   and do a few more things in Microsoft One drive  now I'm back over in Ashton's account and you   can see if I look at the different columns under  sharing we can see that it is shared here and I   can actually see the activity I can see that it's  shared with the other my my account in one other   and the activity was 19 minutes ago if you want to  manage access quickly uh if you want to take away   sharing uh you can do this in a few different ways  if I just click on the shared here this opens up   manage access and I can go ahead and stop sharing  at this point uh I can also Grant access here as   well but uh the other way I can do this if I go  you'll notice that there's also manage access   here like always there's always multiple ways  to do this I want to point out something else   too about any of these files if we go back to  the ellipses again and we'll open that up and   let's look at detail so details will give me kind  of all that information about that file gives me   the preview who has access and I can go through  and see this information on it uh sometimes as   you get lots of files and uh you're not sure or  maybe you open it up and you want to see kind of   the path you can go through and see the path that  goes through here on it so and you can copy the   direct link as also but uh do take a look at the  ellipses and all the different things that you   can do to this because you can move it from here  too so if I wanted to move to a different folder   I could go move and then it's going to pop up  with the structure so I could go to my files I   could put it in uh one drive examples or I could  just leave it out in the open so if I hit move   here and you're going to see that this is going  to disappear from here and if I go uh back one   level to my files here it will be right here you  can also move this in different ways if I have   this selected I can H click and drag this now so  if I wanted to back an example again I could drop   it and it's going to go ahead and put it back in  there so there it is again so some quick ways to   change things around if I go back to my home view  you can see that it shows me the files that I've   been working with here the most recents there's  only been two in here so far I can make those   quick stars from here or from my files if I know  if I'm access accessing this slots and I can go   back to my favorites here all right just a few  more things I'm going to show you with Microsoft   one drive version history is an important feature  to know about Microsoft One Drive I'm going to   go ahead and open up this dogs PowerPoint here  that uh I've already showed you and you saw me   from my other account make a change I deleted this  information here uh because I gave edit access and   then that person made a change but look at this if  I go up top here and I go to version history and   you'll notice that there's been some changes right  here so this shows the breakdown I can expect this   and I can see Ashton modified it Jamie modified  it and then back to the original so if I go back   to this I can see now this isn't deleted I could  hit restore at this point so even though someone   else changed it I can go back and version history  to get it back to the way I had it before in case   somebody does change it so this is very something  valuable to know about with the Microsoft One   drive and then in the different Microsoft apps  so let's say you go in delete a file so I'm just   going to go and delete this word document this  travel one and go ahead delete it you can still   get this back if I check in the recycle bin uh  you're going to see it right here if I go ahead   and select this I can restore from here I could  delete it permanently if you want but it's going   to be in the recycle band here so I can go ahead  and restore it it takes it out of here and then   I can go back into my files uh and if I go ahead  and just refresh it you're going to see it back in   place so if you accidentally deleted something you  can still restore it quite quickly let's explore   the meetings view so if I click on it right now  nothing's in it and I'm under the jam account here   and I want to create a meeting from this account  and I'm going to share it with the Ashton account   to show you what it looks like so I'm going to  jump over to Microsoft Outlook here and I've   created an event and I've invited Ashton to this  and I've actually attach the dogs PowerPoint if   you want to learn more about how to use Outlook  I'll attach the uh my videos to those ones those   tutorials on how you would do this but I'm going  to go ahead and hit send and now I've moved over   to Ashton's account you can see the name I'm going  to go to meetings and look at this so tomorrow 8:   a.m. dog PowerPoint and there's the file so I can  choose this I can open up the the dog's PowerPoint   from this way and we can work on this together  so that's a handy feature using the meetings how   everything's connected into one drive uh to so you  can share these files very easily so earlier on   I showed you how to create folders and you could  create folders inside of folders and structure it   just kind of like a computer and you could go to  try to find a certain file but after a while you   might get hundreds or even thousand of f the files  and it could take a while to find it that way but   what you should be doing is taking advantage of  search now look at this if I was looking for that   dog uh PowerPoint that we created and hit this  notice it doesn't come up because it's actually   not one of my files it's under all files I'm under  the Jamie account here and Ashton was the one that   created so if I go to all files I get it because  it's actually shared from Ashton's and I have   access to it but it doesn't come up in my files  so make sure you know to switch between different   ones the other thing you can do is filter your  searches so if I go over here to open the filters   pane you can be searching by Modified by time so  if it's oldest or all the way up to today you can   change this and I can even look at type is it  a Word document Excel PDF so you can really uh   narrow it down because if you have thousands of  files it will help you find exactly what you're   looking for and is it connected with people or  email addresses I could go ahead and add that so   then your search becomes quicker and more exact  to what you're looking looking for so make sure   you take advantage of search inside Microsoft  One drive so earlier on I showed you how we can   uh use PowerPoint to save to one drive we can  do the same thing with word excel we can just   save to one drive it makes it that easy we can  also install an app on our computer to make sure   that the files just sync automatically we can  use it to back up things on our PC let's go up   to the settings here and we're going to go to get  the one drive apps and we can install the app you   can install it on our mobile or we can install it  on our computer so if you don't already have it on   your computer you can go ahead and hit download  here so what I'm going to do is just change the   size of this window here uh and I want to be able  to show you how it's working with the online and   also the app and on my computer if I go to the  bottom right hand corner I already have this   uh installed so if it's is not blue right now  you'll have to click on it and log in with the   account that you need to access so if I click on  it uh what I'm going to do right now is open the   folder so I have the online view right here and  then I have the folder so I want to show you if   I go ahead and I'm going to just take this right  here and I'm going to drag it says PDF files it   has a few files and just drag it into here notice  that the status here uh it's going to be sinking   back and forth uh between the the online so if I  go over here and just refresh this here and go to   uh I want to make sure I go to my files here I'll  expand this and I want to be under my files and   now if I look at it I have PDF files right here so  when I just put it into this spot here it got the   check mark it told me it's now being done sync I  can access those files uh online as well just by   dropping them into this spot right here so this  syns right through here now I want to point out   a few different things I'm going to go back to  uh just back one level to all my files and uh you   might be wondering why aren't these files showing  up over here if I go back over here and I'm going   to go up to the settings to show you a few things  if I go up to my settings I want to point out now   I can manage my backup so if I wanted to back  up you know desktop or pictures or documents   this is so large here that uh it's saying that  I don't have enough space to back this up and I   don't want to back that up anyway uh but I could  turn these on and it will back up these items to   my one drive the other thing I want to point out  is that we have our account here and I'm going to   go choose folders right now if I go through and  let's go ahead so here's apps and here's apps if   I select this and hit okay notice I have apps  over here now so this is syncing this took it   from one drive uh online and put it on my computer  so I could be placing things in that file so I'll   do that one more time if I was choosing the uh  signature one right here and hit okay now that's   there so if I was going to be working within those  certain files I could upload them here wherever we   see the cloud like this this means it's living  on online so this I there these copies aren't   on my computer it's just online I can access them  I can work on them so if I go ahead and open them   up I can see what's in them but that little Cloud  symbol means that it's online I can change this if   I want it on my computer if I rightclick on this  notice that you have some options here if I look   at always keep on this device if I go ahead and  select this what's going to be happening now it's   going to be downloaded when I get the green check  mark I know this is going to be on the computer   here so it's stored locally on my computer uh  if I go back a level here it shows me which ones   are on my computer so there's the check mark and  which ones are in the cloud make sure that you go   through and set up your settings so go up we can  go to the settings up here and then check to see   which way you want to have things backing up is  the right account there choose your folders and   then we have things from notifications uh here  that you can turn on or off here so check those   out and it can save you a lot of times a time when  you're editing and just putting working on your   computer and you know it's automatically sinking  with your online version as well this brings me   to the end of this Microsoft One Drive beginners  tutorial let me know if there's something else   you'd like to learn about one drive or other apps  with Microsoft or other ones as well thanks for   watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 15,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft OneDrive, OneDrive Tutorial, OneDrive Beginner Guide, OneDrive 2023, OneDrive Cloud, Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive Sync, OneDrive Sharing, Collaborating with OneDrive, OneDrive for Beginners, OneDrive Setup, Cloud Computing, OneDrive File Backup, OneDrive Training, OneDrive Basics, Learn OneDrive, OneDrive Features, Teacher's Tech, microsoft 365, onedrive, office 365, microsoft onedrive tutorial, how to use microsoft onedrive, how to use onedrive
Id: eCTn3Tmu538
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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