How to USE the Ender-3 V3 KE || Unboxing and first impressions

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the ender3 V3 K is the fastest Ender series printer that creality has ever come out with with speeds up to 500 mm/ second thanks to its dual linear rail system for the y- AIS as well as the addition of a linear rail for the x-axis as well this printer also showcase a super easy hands off leveling with the CR Touch system that they introduced with the Neo and S1 series not too long ago there's also the option of high Precision Calibration with the adxl 345 vibration compensation sensor which calculates the input shaping of your printer then uses their data to mitigate the vibrations of the printer which reduces the amount of ghosting and ringing it also uses another smart algorithm system which optimizes the feed and flow rates of your extruder therefore reducing blobbing and oozing this printer also allows you to print with a wide variety of filaments due to its hardend being able to reach up to 300° C it also allows for various control systems like printing over your land Network wirelessly connecting through the creality Cloud app or by manually uploading the files to your printer by using the USB stick that is provided along with the vibration compensation sensor this printer is also compatible with the nebula camera so that you can take highdefinition time lapses of your prints through the day and even through the night today we'll be doing the unboxing and setup of the printer as well as throwing a few interesting printing challenges toward it to see how great of a printer it really is so stay tuned for highspeed high quality print so here we have the box for the end the 3b3 KE I'll quickly just be taking you through the unboxing and then assembly of it as well luckily creality has been on a hot streak with making assembling the printers they bring out super easy once again using my scraper perfect for cleaning dirty beds and opening boxes first thing we greet it with is a very thin black layer of foam on the top and then the rest is just the wonderful disassembled printer staring Us in the face waiting to be assembled we got our ghetto plug our screen Mount oh our completely our screen not even just a screen mount it is compatible with nebula products like the calibration compensator that I mentioned as well as the nebula camera then we have our run out sensor and our filament spool Mount little bags of goodies and thingies like our Allen Keys screwdrivers and screws as well as our USB instruction manual and nozzle cleaner last but not least the bed and base let's do a little bit of a zoom in here here so that you can see the Dual linear rail system for the Z axis to ensure that the bed can move really fast but also really smooth as well as a linear rail for the x-axis as well then we move on to the assembly procedure first thing that I noticed is there is a cable that runs through the profile here just be mindful when uh you put this on to slide this jst connection through first before dropping down the Gantry like so otherwise you might end up Hur hting that cable and that could cause problems with your filament sensor there's a little connection which can connect to the bottom of it once you have slotted the Gantry into the printer what you can do is just tilt it to the side making sure that you do it carefully so that nothing starts shaking violently and you'll see three holes at the top as well as three holes at the bottom you'll be using the m3x 14 screws that have been supplied by creality to fix the Gantry to the bottom plate be sure to add all six of them three on both sides before tightening the screws all the way just to make sure that everything is lined up correctly once all six have been added you can now tighten them all the way to make sure that the Gantry is nice and secure once you're confident that they all have been secured properly you can flip the printer back over and secure the plate on the top last thing you have to do is to completely secure the Gantry to the base plate is by using the two M3 by8 screws supplied to finally screw this down [Music] as I've stated before the screen is new to the Ender line having two USB connections on the side here one for the nebula camera and one for your USB as well all you have to do is to line up the three holes on the Little Triangle bracket on the screen with the holes on the base plate then screw it in with the 3 m 4x10 screws provided once the three screws are in and you can sure that the screen is mounted securely all you have to do then plug in the cable at the back the final step for the assembly is to add the bracket to the top uh which holds the filament spool and the run out sensor do the half turn just cure it in place now all that's left is the wiring and then we can start it up now that the printer has completely been assembled and all the wiring has been done allthough we need to do is plug it in and see our first boot there we go you can see the CR touch is going as well and the screen is turning on too so now that the printer has started up what we need to do is choose our language which will be English set up our Wi-Fi then you choose your time for now I'm not going to bind the creality app so I'm just going to skip this step and go now the printer will be performing its own self test so what you do is just hit start detection and the printer will then go through and check everything to see if all of the accesses move properly the nozzle heats up properly and the bed heats up properly etc etc seems like it is extruding some filaments I guess that is in the nozzle when they pack it up you see it at the bottom [Music] there so that was just took the offset now it's going to do its automatic leveling as you can do see there it is going to be a 25 Point automatic leveling system there we go now we just say okay and voila we are in and it is ready to go as you can see we have a little graph depicting our bed temperature and our nle temperature as well um also the actual numbers of those temperatures at the top too here is a quick activation of the fans so that you can start the cool down process if we go on to our next tab here we can see our movement and temperature settings our extrude track settings as well as our adjustment settings if we then click on the folder at the bottom here we can see where our files are sort so there is a local storage it seems as well as a USB drive and then your print history as well see here you can also sort it by date size and name which is also a new feature that I haven't seen yet and we move on to the Cog wheel which is our setting so here we have our system where you can set your screen brightness you can also set your screen display timer reselect your language turn the sound on on or off you can run your filament self test once again or sorry your equipment self test once again the vibration Optimizer which I mentioned at the beginning of this video is needed for this optimization of vibration veins so as you see currently if we click on it it can't do anything with that you can change your um times and settings and you can also bind your creality Cloud app from here again under the bind the creality Cloud app as well there is a version detector next one over is your network settings once again and then lastly your camera this is where your time lapses will be stored as well as you can set your camera settings to optimize your time lapse uh in any way that you want well in any way by two changing two options then we have our AI detection to turn these on you also need the camera I'm pretty sure let me just check here yeah no camera detected basically they'll just detect if there's anything wrong with your print as it's printing or just before your print starts and then pause your print or to let you know that it uh there's something not correct there finally we have our help and log to get the printing process on the road we're using the USB drive that is included with the printer and then looking at the print that was uploaded here you can see we have boat which is the Beni so let us add some filaments and then we can run that print the filament that we will be using on this print is some red pla plus from Wow let me get this up and ready and see how the print dies for my na sh yeah this actually super nice look super [Music] nice so there we go after just around 17 minutes it has completed its first print its first Beni oh I want I was going to flex it off the ball PL but it just came off on its own this is our first print on the Ender 3b3 ke there we go you can see the lay lines are really well done there's a tiny with literally one string in between the whole there don't don't see one on the other side as well and there's a little bit of wobbling but I think the wobbling is perfectly fine considering the speeds at which this was printed but now for the test that I know the majority of you are more interested in is how does it do with our own custom slices to slice for the end of 3b3 ke we will be using creality print it is City's own slicing software for the more new generation printers that have come out so like the K1 K1 Max and the scn K to download creality print you can go to the creality website and go to any of their printers really and scroll down to the creality print fdm slicer you can choose to download for Windows Mac or Linux make sure that you have the latest slicer downloaded once you have that done the first thing we have to do before slicing for the K is make sure that we have it selected as our printer so we going to go over to the right hand side and select add then we go over to the Ender series and choose the Ender 3 V3 ke we just have to add that printer and choose the nozzle diameter that we have for our printer currently the standard one is a 0.4 mm nozzle so we just have to hit okay the first thing we're going to be printing on the in the 3b3 KE is a allinone printing stress test we're going to see how the K handles uh printing at higher speeds and how well it can do with stuff like overhang stringing uh Etc first thing we're going to do is go and check if our normal settings are fine so quality is at 0.2 shell is good info 15 um% speed 300 mm/s which is the recommended speed for the printer no supports the material is going to be at 200° cus uh just change that then our bed temperature is 60° C that's perfect cooling is on it will generate an auto brim for uh the adhesion I think I'm just going to turn that off for now I don't think this uh stress test needs anything you just have to hit save to save that profile there so then to send your print to your printer there is one of three ways you can do it either through your landan network at your home if you have a landan cable plugged into the printer or you can send it wirelessly via the careity Cloud app on your PC or on your phone or by just using the USB as I am going to do now then we just hit slice it will generate the G-Code so we just have to wait for it to finish up once it is finished you can choose your different export settings so I will say export to local then we just rename it stress test make sure to eject your USB and just don't just plug it out because it could corrupt files 2 hours later so this is the result of our filament stress test our all-in-one test as you can see it doesn't look too bad at all there's a little bit of fuzziness on the top layer I do believe this is due to the filament though uh that filament has been sitting on for a while so it could be a little bit wet as you can see the vertical it really nicely as well um as well as the overhangs that got to 80° overhang here that was basically the first spot where you could kind of see the bridging failing or starting to struggle it still came out looking perfectly fine I'm very impressed with this test so we can move on to printing something a little bit more fun many hours [Music] later so as you can see our 12-hour print of the articulating Dragon did finish overnight we also use the nebula camera that I mentioned earlier uh to take a time-lapse footage so I will be showing you guys that as well the majority of it is going to be in night vision mode but I think it still should look really cool so let's uh let's see how this went at least you can just easily pop it off with the spring steel bed plate so now you can have look oh stick you look at that that's actually really cool it's working so well a lot of the times with these ones you can print them and they just kind of don't work like they don't articulate like you want them to so it's really cool to see that it is actually articulating properly so to view your time lapse you first need to upload it to a USB drive so you just have to take either the USB drive included or just to one of your own this is just an SD card extender thingy that we got and then head over to your settings to the Cog wheel at the bottom then you hit on camera which is already ass um selected but go over to the third option go to camera then go to video list here you'll see your video of the print uh the video length is 13 hours and 55 minutes that is how long it took for this print to finish so all we have to do then is then export it so now all we have to do is remove our SD card and then head over to our computer and watch the video [Music] as you can see the time-lapse video of uh the guy printing is a little bit sporadic so there are two options that I showcased before that um for the video recording for the timelapse recording it's the one that just uh takes a image at the end of a layer and then there's another one for the head to move out of the way before it takes the image so I want to see I'm going to print something smaller I'm maybe just going to print that Beni once again um and then see if I select that option what happens is there anything different that happens and it's also a shorter print so we should be able to see it in a daylight time lapse instead of a night vision one so there we go our new more colorful Beni has now finished printing prin in what we have to do is the same process of just adding our USB to the printer so that we can export the time lapse you can see it there on the top of the video list uh and then we just export so I just want to slice something custom as well it's the final thing I want to try and see if the G-Code gets overwritten by the printer to move the head out of the way for each time-lapse frame have a look at the time-lapse footage of this Beni and then I'll be back with the results of that [Music] and there you have it I hope you guys learned a little bit about the IND 3b3 ke this video was very introductive and just kind of going through your first setup and first impressions basically on on this machine I was really impressed by the time-lapse footage when I saw the dragons time lapse I was a little bit disappointed but then I just realized well that was my mistake I shouldn't have chosen the setting for the start of each layer but you actually have to choose the setting for moving the head out of the way because it actually does override the G-Code yes it does make the print a little longer but it looks really really good I would say it's absolutely well worth the extra printing times just to get that cool time lapse the other thing that I was really impressed by is how detailed these prints still came out even at those high speeds without the use of the vibration compensation sensor with inclusion of that I think you should be able to push your quality even higher than what we currently saw today if you guys have any questions regarding this printer or regarding any other printer that you might have seen before or might have some questions about feel free to ask them in the comment section and if you enjoyed this video please leave a like leave a comment and maybe consider subscribing thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: 3D Printing
Views: 17,831
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Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, how to set up the ender-3 v3 ke, how to set up the ender 3 v3 ke, ender 3 v3 ke, how good is the ender 3 v3 ke, how fast can the ender 3 v3 ke print, creality, fdm, how to use a 3d printer, first 3d printer, how to build the ender 3 v3 ke, is the ender 3 v3 ke good?, fastest 3d printer, should I get the ender 3 v3 ke, timelapse, easy printing timelapse, how to record 3d printing timelapses, Timelapse's on the nebula camera, how to, Ender-3 V3 KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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