How To Use Static Grass! (Flocking)

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hey guys welcome to today's video so I thought today we'd have a go at some flocking now this is quite a cheap flocking machine that the dino Lord actually got because he was going to do dashboards inside of cars but it came with static grass and he was like I think I've bought the wrong thing so he's given it to me to work on my diaramas because I'm working on a project which is going to need some flocking so I figured let's practice on one of my old diaramas and just Z it up a little bit and see how this thing works so let's go for it let's do this so this is the flocking machine that he's given me it's pretty cool it's really a lot lighter than what I thought so it's got a mesh on the end and a tub and then it's got this lead sticking out of it with a crocodile clip on the bottom of it and this is the packet of grass that we've got it looks like 2 mm static grass and what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this paper clip I'm just going to unfold it I'm going to attach that to the crocodile clip we're going to try a couple different things in this video the first first thing we need to do is remove the lid and put the static grass inside there so we'll pour that in and when we put the lid on we have to make sure that that wire is touching the wire mesh at the top of the lid as well now I'm going to use Mod Podge for this I do some tests a little bit later on where I'm going to try a couple of other things but I'm going to use Mod Podge on the actual diama and see how this goes I'll put it in all the places where I would like the grass to be then we can start using in the machine and there was no light coming on it I wondered what was going on there was nothing really happening and it turns out that the charger that came with it was broken so I'm going to have to find another charger and we'll come back once it's actually got some power in it okay it's the next day and it's charged and we're going to actually have a go at doing this thing now the light's coming on so that's a good sign and I've attached the paper clip to the crocodile clip so the clip is actually electrostatic which helps the grass stand on end so we have to put the end of the clip into the glue while we're doing this I did try a couple of different things later so we'll have a look at that in a bit but this seemed to work really well so now I wanted to spread the glue a little bit thinner on this bit here just to see if that made a difference I'm just trying a few things out here to see what works best I'll be honest with the end results all the clumps looked kind of the same so it didn't really make a difference doing this but I just wanted to try give the flocking machine a old shaky shaky and watch the magic happen I had a lot of fun doing this so then I took the paperclip away and just clipped the end of the crocodile clip to the diarama now I'm not sure if this worked but it looked like it did but apparently because it's not a conductive base apparently I should have used a thin metal plate and clipped the crocodile clip to that but I didn't have one of those so I tried it this way anyway just to see what would happen if we take a look at the results it's come out quite well I'm really happy with it the grass is standing on end inside the glue and it's about what I expected to be honest so yeah now we're going to do a few tests on different glue glue so I'm going to use some tuy glue some mod podge and some PVA glue just to see which one works the best we'll dab a few Blobs of each onto this sheet of baking paper so again I'm going to put the clip inside the glue for each one of these and I'm shaking the applicator as we go as well so let's just tidy this up a bit get rid of the excess grass and take a look at the results so the tacky glue actually looks really good but so does the mod podge and then if we move along and take a look at the PVA glue that also has come out really well so any of these glues would work really well for it cuz I always see people using their flocking machines and they never really say which glue they're using so I wanted to try a few and see which one worked the best but it looks like any one of these would work really well so now that my diarama has actually got the static grass on it we're going to have to do something to blend it in with the rest of the diarama because it just stands out like a sore it's far too vibrant for the scene that it's in so I'm going to put a little bit of brown paint around the outside of where the grass is and I'm actually going to dab it inside the grass as well I know a lot of people use airbrushing for this but I'm not very experienced with the airbrush yet so I need to do a bit more practicing with that so now I've added a bit of water to the brush and I'm going to dab that around to try and blend it in with the existing ground that's around the grass and I've got a bit of green and I'm apply that to the old faded grass bits that I had before I did the flocking followed by a little bit of yellow very small amount of yellow and I'm just going to brush that lightly over the top of the flocking just to try and tie it all in a bit you know I think it's coming together a bit better now and it's making it look like it kind of fits a bit more on this diarama so we'll go around the other parts and we'll do that on there as well bit more green on these bits and I think that looks a lot better oh excuse the shoddy Bas as well this was like before we knew about XPS foam and other types of bases and we were just using cardboard when we worked on these but all in all I really happy with the results I think this flocking machine's awesome and I feel more confident in using flocking on my future projects it was a little bit daunting at first it felt a bit like the first time I used epoxy resin it was a bit scary but I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to use it again and if you've got any other tips and tricks on flocking feel free to leave them in the comments below cuz I'm always wanting to learn more so I'd really appreciate that if you enjoyed the video maybe leave a like and consider subscribing if you're not already we've got loads more crafts on the way thank you for watching have a great day and take care get the Bell on oh
Channel: Game Changer Creations Studio
Views: 2,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, board game, gamebord, tabletop, gaming, wargames, warhammer, 40k, 40000, D&D, dungeons & dragons, dungeons and dragons, diorama, terrain, build, medieval, building, crafting, craft, tower, paint, hobbies, hobby, bridge, river, fence, gamesworkshop, painting minis, mini painting, miniature painting, citadel miniatures, model building, tips, tricks, scale, modeltrains, miniature diorama, diorama making, flocking, machine, static grass, how to, tutorial, walkthrough, applicator, applying, paint grass
Id: Rv8ZvHnrYpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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