Introducing our Pro Grass Layering System for Static Grass | How to Tutorial with Myth-busting

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hello and welcome to ww CX and this is the prograss layering system it's the most comprehensive kit on the market and in this video I'm going to show you how to use it also I'm going to do some myth busting on some of the techniques that are used in The Hobby today so starting with a baseboard it doesn't matter what it's on it can be old scenery it can be modern form it can be a brand new board as long as you can get GL on to it now the first part of the video of the myth busting is static grass does not like PVA the reason being PVA is a rubber based glue is in a constant state of movement it peels it shrinks and it blisters from the board so we use a polymer acrylic glue it's plastic based which is strong uh which is strong and bonds to the board it's go it goes off a lot faster and is a lot lot stronger and straight out of the bottle onto the baseboard and then using a brush paste it on and you want to cover the area that you want to do your static grassing on add more glue if you need to now now we're going to start off with a 2 mm basing grass so get your applicator and I'm using 2 mil spring and that's roughly round about half is what you want to fill it up put the lid on switch the switch on and apply the static Rass now the reason why why I using spring grass 2 m spring grass is because it's a bolder color and if you look at the way that Grass Grows you always have a lush Lush bright green at the bottom because it's New Growth then it gets darker then it's bleached and in this system I will show you how to create that effect right we haven't got to wait for the glue to dry right but if I should put a brush over the top of it again yeah I'd flatten it okay and it'll go and it'll drag all over the place so we use static grass spacing glue okay it's a fine spray adhesive that allows us to go on the next level yeah without touching the baseboard and without waiting for any of the glues to dry uh make sure you're in a well ventilated area and open the window when you use it uh the glue is water-based but the propellant is a bit smelly now we're going to start creating the the layering right so now I'm using 4 mil Autumn and again that amount lid on and apply the grass okay before before we move on there's a a few things that I need to speak to you about static grass the first one's being is glue it has to have glue for it to work hence that we have basing glue and layering spray if there's no glue there the grass falls flat yeah and if you noticed I'm constantly moving the applicator yeah making sure that I'm not over applicated in one spot covering that the grass has not already been glued so the second part of the myth busting is uh if you noticed I haven't put a pin in the glue yeah and I'm holding the applic the the crocodile clip on the bottom of the hopper right reason being the negative ends in there and gets charged in there and that is the positive end so the grass is attracted to the positive end so as long as that's close enough to the hopper the better the grass it'll work and the third point about stattic grass is color yeah like I said to you in the beginning about it being bright dark dark and then light yeah now we're going to start introducing some brown tones into it yeah so we stick into the four Mill theme again but we're going to introduce a uh a a brown color like patchy formal and dead formal all and now we're going to introduce another color which is dead for mil and if you noticed it's in patches it's not all over again another layer and spray and then to finish this section off we're going to use a six mil of strw you can see that we've gone from baseboard so this High matter of minutes roughly around about 4 hours later that's going to be dry give a take the the temperature of of the building that you're in right while it's still wet right if you want to create sort of a wild embankment or a wild Meadow or down the sidings is something like this so we've exposed the baseboard we need to go back to base color down back down to the 2 mil and again layering spray yeah that cat of glue again and all we want to do is cover the exposed baseboard now we're going to create the effect so we just finished showing you the prograss L system okay where we' gone from flat board to a good 3d effect with plenty of height now there is another uh stage that you can go on from there with using the different fages that we've got okay if you want to sort of create of a a a GS or Nettles area right it's just grab uh some of the green foliages that we got and I'm using a coarse burnt green Ure right and just sprinkle on the top and to get different colors again you can use different colors the the the different folage that we've got now this is a fine burnt one that we've got so it makes it'll make it a little bit thicker and solid and then we're going to highlight it with a vibrant green but only little bits you want for this little sprinkles which gives you the highlight and brings out the bottom green of it and then all you do just to seal it on is hold the can quite far about a foot away and gently spray over the top and then leave to dry so if you want to create a wild flower medal there's this range of colors that you can use yeah yellows for buttercups pinks for pink flowers yeah Daisy colors red colors for poppies all sorts of things and the same the same as technique as I did with the gor yeah is just grab a color grab a pinch and not so as thick as the goost cuz you want that s of color to come through and we also have autumn colors Autumn mixes and then just a light dust of layer spray it over the top just to seal it on so we just finished showing you the prograss layering system and some added techniques using the different foliages that we have plus we had a few bonuses with the myth busting so I just wanted to show you the extra applicators that we have in the range yeah so we had the prograss micro which we used in the layering system system but also you can buy it on its own we got the prograss detailer right which gives you a smaller spread can be able you get into smaller buildings into the areas into smaller buildings or down the track site you then have the prograss grand which gives you a lot bigger area to cover with a bigger Hopper it also comes with three heads and one of them able to do the 10 mil which you have to have the big hopper for the grass to get uh electrified and and charged and then there's the prass box which wasn't featured in this uh in this film now this is the one that you can do uh trees within 10 seconds or grass Tufts uh or Ivy up aside of the buildings so that's it thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoy the video um I hope to see you on the next video thanks very much for watching bye-bye
Channel: WWScenics
Views: 3,944
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Keywords: Static Grass, Applicator, Static, Grass, wwscenics, modelling, diorama, model railway, how to, scenery, wws, railway, landscape, grass tuft, basing materials, hobby, crafts, scratch build, n gauge, oo gauge, laser cut, model scenery, model train, miniature, tutorials, modelbahn, scale model, modelrailroad
Id: aR3fI9zCqdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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