HOW TO USE SLACK | Business Communication Tool (Slack Tutorial for Beginners) 2021

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slack is a powerful business collaboration and communication tool designed to make internal communication between staff and teams more simple and streamlined for everyone hey guys threw it here thanks for joining me today I want to share with you how to use slack in 2020 in this new slack tutorial for beginners I'm going to break down exactly how you can effectively use slack to transition from internal communication using Missy emails to using dedicated channels to streamline communication and productivity within your business now with teams predominately working from home there isn't a bit of time to transition into a easy to use internal collaboration tool like slack now just quickly if you get value out of this video please leave a like and comment down below and if you're new here consider subscribing to stay updated with actionable business tutorials like this one and with that said let's get started with slack [Music] all right so here we are at the web version of slack now you can also download slack on mobile devices for iOS and Android and you can also download the software onto your computer however today we're just going to go through select the web version because everyone can access slack through the Internet now remember slack is ideal for businesses internally for communication as you can see here select brings the team together wherever you are now fundamentally slack essentially replaces emails ok emails internally within your business so we're moving from emails into messages and those messages are organized into channels and that's what we're going to break down and go through today so you understand how you can use this within your business and how it's going to bring the value to your organization essentially what we want to do with slack is increase your business productivity collaboration and streamline the communication okay so with that said the first thing we want to do is sign in now if you don't already have an account click get started or you can come down here and click try slack for free so I'm going to click this button here ok if you already have a slack account you're already part of a team that has an existing work place an existing slack account then come over here and sign in to slack now if you're creating a new slack workplace this is the first time you've ever used slack and come over here and click create a slack workplace and here we want to create our account so pop in your full name here then add your email address and add a password then once you've added your information come down here and click create account now if you do not want to receive emails promotional material from slack then just uncheck this box here and then click create account you can navigate over here and click Save to save this password on to your browser then what we need to do is head over to our email and find the six digit code in order for us to verify our slack account then once you've jumped over to your inbox your email inbox all we need to do is copy this code here and return back to the Select website and here we just need to paste in those digits here we want to add our company's name this can also be your team's name it's completely up to you and then when you're happy with your company or team's name pop down here and click Next and here you'll be asked what you're going to use slack for so for us we're going to click on working on a project because that's what we want to use slack for working internally on a project with the team then we're also going to select staying connected and then we will also select sharing ideas you want to select at least two options and when you're happy with those options then pop down here and click Next you can also skip this step but I recommend choosing a few of these options so you can get started with the channels then when you're happy with that come down and click Next then what we want to do is add our team to slack so think about the people the people within your organization that you want to work on projects with so all you need to do is add their emails here or you can come down here and copy this link by clicking copy link and then you can send that link directly to your team directly to your staff or other people within your organization that you want to collaborate with through slack so I'm just going to quickly add two of my team members here and once you have added your team members come down here and click invite now you can add your team members later on down the track you can skip this step or you can invite additional team members later on once we've finished the setup so I'm gonna click invite and here we go welcome to your slack dashboard so this is where the magic happens now remember the idea of slack is to move away from internal communication using emails into messages as you can see here we can write a message and those messages are grouped into channels so as you can see we have ideas projects team and a Welcome Channel now with each channel you can communicate with everyone there is part of this particular channel before we dive into all the details so you can understand how slack works as a beginner first we'll just quickly cover an overview of your slack dashboard so first things first if we hit up to the left hand side this is where we can create a new message so if you click on new message here you have the option to send a new message to one of the channels now like I mentioned before we have four channels on this side and we can edit the channel name and we can add additional channels so for example if I click on welcome this is the new channel that's been created I can come down here and I can type in a welcome message to everyone that's part of this team part of this channel and as you can see I've just typed up a quick message to everyone that is now part of this channel for us to communicate welcome to slack here we can collaborate and communicate with complete ease so everyone that's part of this channel as you can see welcome here welcome everyone it's part of welcome we'll see this message now I can come down here and is a few options for example there's shortcuts bold italic strikethrough I can add code if I'm more advanced I can come down here and enter a link I can create a list I can add bullet points blockquote and code block there's options here that you can choose from so play around with these different features then we can come across to the right-hand side and we can hide the formatting we can mention someone we can add emojis and we can attach files or documents then when you're happy with your message you've added your documents you've added your emojis and you've tagged individuals that you want to see this particular message then click send message and as you can see I have seen this first message so even it's part of this channel can now see the message now on the left hand side we also have our account details which we'll cover shortly then we have drafts we can add additional people here by clicking add and here you can add the email address of the team member or the staff that you want to join your slack you can give them a name and these people can then change their name later on if they like so once you have added additional people we can click send invitation so we'll just exit out of that for now we don't want to invite any more people as this is just a tutorial so exit out of that one then we can come down to files and if we click on files this is where you'll see all the team files that have been uploaded so this is where you can upload files to share in channels then if we navigate over to channels again we can add another channel so if I click add Channel I can come down and browse a channel or create channel so if I click create a channel here I can give the channel a name now remember what we're doing is organizing what would usually be email conversations into topics so as the example suggests up here we have marketing now let's say I am a web designer we're a web designing company so a name of this channel could be design then I can come down here and add a description if I like and then once you've added your description we can come down here and we can make this channel private or unproven and then when you're happy with your name description and you've made your channel private come down here and select create here you want to add people to your channel so here I'm going to add my two team members that I added earlier then click done and remember you can add more people later on so here we are on design so it's as simple as that to create additional channels now as a web designer I would also add other channels so for example I could add graphic design I could add website design marketing sales and possibly Friday drinks and these would all be independent channels which I'd add relevant people to that I want to communicate with and collaborate with for that secular task or project now if we come down here you can actually direct message individuals so again rather than messy email what you can do is come down here and you can click on the team member or you can click on the individual and then you can come up here and say hello if you haven't communicated with them before and then come down here and click either this suggested message and add your custom message just like that I developed one let me know if you need help with your web design project I have free time today and that will go directly to developer 1 now as you can see develop one has not signed up for select yet so your message will be sent to them via email and when they sign up to slack then they'll be able to access this exact dashboard just like mine now remember this is a direct message so only developer one can see this message again I could click developer two and I could send a message here and then I can come down here and invite additional people so once again it's very basic we have channels which we can create additional channels we can make them private or public then we can come down here and send direct messages just like if we were to send a message to one of our team members very simple and straightforward and streamlined then if we navigate up to the top we can change our settings here so if we click on Scindia media down here we can see that you're set to active we can click change and this just shows that we're away so now people that are part of our slack will notice that we are offline now when you're back online just click then we can come down here and you can update your status for everyone to see we can also come down to notifications if you don't want to see notifications pop up on your device or on your computer then you can pause them for a specific amount of time then we can come down here and click view profile here we can edit our profile so we can change our profile picture we can add a title we'll head back up to Scindia media and then we will come down here again we can invite people to send yo media our organization another important thing to know as if we come down here and select manage apps here we can connect apps to slack so if we head over to browse app directory as you can see there are tons of apps that we can connect to select to enhance the communication and collaboration for example we can connect Gmail Dropbox Google Drive we got zoom here that we can connect Monday comm there's many tools that you can choose from to enhance their communication we have Trello down here so there's many apps that we can integrate with slack to make communication a lot easier within our organization so again you can identify the app download it and connect it to your account so that's one of the most powerful things about slack is that it easily integrates with other productivity communication and collaboration tools to make your work more streamlined so what we'll do now is head back to our slack dashboard by navigating up to the top left and clicking slack as you can see very straightforward very simplistic very easy to collaborate with your team especially if they're in a remote location and this is just gonna help communication within your organization less Missy now with bigger organizations this is great because you can move away from Missy emails and you can start collaborating through messages within channels now the great thing with slack is it's free to get started however there are paid options also so let's check those out quickly so head over to your account and come down here and click see upgrade options now this free version gives the team access to selects basic features okay so this is sufficient for small businesses especially just getting started however if you want more integrations with apps and other features then come down here and you have the option to select the standard version which is great for small and medium sized businesses now the important features that kind of take you to the next level from the free version there's unlimited apps to integrate with your slack account and also group calls with screen sharing and then that other options are for larger businesses that require more features and more room for expansion in terms of communication and product but for now the free version of slack is sufficient for many small businesses the price is per person per month communication tools like this are going to become more and more important as people move away from emails and in a lot of people are starting to work from home this is a great place to interact and collaborate no matter where your team is based in the world so play around with slack with your team and see if it's going to work for your organization and decide if slack is the right communication and collaboration tool for your business and there we have it that's how you and your teams can get started with slack thank you for watching if you enjoyed and got value out of the selector toriel please leave a like and comment down below and with that said thanks again for watching if you haven't subscribed make sure you do so and we will see you in next week's video take care [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 148,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use slack, slack tutorial, how to use slack app, how to use slack for business, how to use slack video, how to use slack software, how to use slack with trello, how to use slack chat, use slack online, slack for project management, slack tutorial video, how to use slack 2020, how to use slack for beginners, slack tutorial for beginners, slack tutorial 2020, business communication tool, slack 2020, slack, stewart gauld, how to use slack like a pro
Id: Yzv-303_RWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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