How to Use Shopify - Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners 2024

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- Hey there, my name is Simon, and in this video I'm going to give you a detailed guide on how to use Shopify to build a beautiful and fully functional online store. Now, Shopify is probably the easiest way to get your online store up and running in just a few hours without needing any prior experience in building websites. However, Shopify keeps adding more and more features to improve their platform, which is great, but at the same time, it makes it a bit overwhelming for complete beginners who are just learning how to use Shopify. So that's why I decided to create this video. It will guide you through everything you need to know about Shopify, covering all the essential steps to create a professional and fully functional online store from scratch. So feel free to follow along with this video. It's definitely the best way to learn and build your Shopify store at the same time. Without further ado, let's get into the video. All right, so to get started, we first have to create our Shopify account. And if you don't already have a Shopify account, I recommend to use the first link down below in the video description to sign up. By using this link, you're gonna get a three day free trial, plus you get the first month for just $1 for using Shopify. So if you wanna make use of this offer, just use the first link down below in the description, and this will take you to my Commerce Coach landing page where you can claim this offer. So once we're here, just enter your email down here and click on Start Free Trial. Then here on the next step, we need to set a password for our Shopify account, so let's do that, and click on Create Shopify Account. Now our Shopify account and our store will be created. And once that's done, we are in the Shopify dashboard. And the first thing I'd like to do here is choose a Shopify plan, because choosing a plan within the first three days will allow us to extend our trial for an additional month for just $1. So we can either click on Select a Plan here at the top or here at the bottom. And then here we have three plans. The one we're gonna choose is the Basic Plan. It has all the features that we need to get started. So let's click on Select Basic, and then here we can see an overview of our Basic Plan. So currently we are still in the free trial, and then after three days we will be charged $1 and we get another 30 days for using Shopify. And then after those 30 days, we're gonna have to pay the regular price of $39 per month. But if at some point something doesn't work out or you wanna create a different store, you can always cancel during the trial period. So to continue, we wanna enter our payment details here on the left, there's the credit card option or PayPal. And once that's entered, we want to click on Subscribe. Alright, so now we've chosen a Shopify plan and we've also extended our trial period so we have enough time to build our store and make everything look great. So let's get started building our store. The first thing we're gonna do is choose a store theme. So let's head over to Online Store right here, and this will take us to Themes automatically. And then we can see here that currently we are on the Dawn theme. This is the default theme that comes with every new Shopify store, but we can also choose from different themes when we scroll down here to the Theme Library. We can already see a few different themes that we could choose. These are all free themes that we could go with. If you want to have some more options, you can also scroll further down and go to Visit Theme Store. And here in the Theme Library you can find a lot more themes you can use for your store. Now keep in mind that most of these themes are actually paid themes. So you're gonna have to pay a one-time fee in order for you to use them on your store. You can also filter them here on the left side by industry. So if you want to create a clothing store, you can just hit Clothing and then you can see all of the themes that are optimized for creating a clothing store. Now for beginners, I would just simply use a free theme. That's gonna work totally fine, and you can also filter them here by Free. And then you can see the 12 free themes that you can use just with your Basic Shopify Plan. And some that I recommend because I've used them, are the Refresh theme, the Sense theme, and then also the default one, the Dawn theme. And if you wanna take a closer look into each of these themes, you can just click on them here and then go to View Demo Store. And then here you can see how your store would look like. Obviously you can customize everything, add your own products, change the colors, the fonts, the images and everything. But you can also go to different pages here and see the layout. And you can also check out the mobile version, so see how the store would look like on a mobile phone. That's also very important nowadays. And once you decide which theme you're going to use, you can just click on Try Theme here at the top right, and then it will add this theme to your store. And here we can see this new theme has been added, but we are still on the default theme, the Dawn theme here. So what we need to do once this is loaded, we need to publish it. So let's click on Publish, and then again, Publish. And now we are on the theme we have chosen before, the Refresh theme. So now you know how to change the theme on your store, but in this video I'm actually going to use the Dawn theme to build my store because it's one of the best ones in my opinion. And I see a lot of successful Shopify stores using this theme, which is why I want to use it as well. So to change it back to the default one, I'm just gonna click on Publish right here and then Confirm. And now we are back on the Dawn theme. So now we have decided which theme we're gonna use for our store, the next step is to learn how to customize everything and make this store our own. So to do that we're gonna click on Customize, and this will take us into the Shopify Store Customizer. This is where we can change the design of all of the pages on our store. Currently we are on the homepage as we can see here at the top. And this is what it currently looks like. We have a lot of placeholder content, we have some predefined sections that were added for us to just get a simple structure that we can start with. And we can see the structure here on the left side. So for all the pages, we have a header here at the top with the menu so people can navigate throughout your store. And then we have the content area, which is this area right here. And currently we have a an image banner here in the content area, which is just an image background, some text and a button. Then we have a featured collection. So we can feature specific products on our store directly on the homepage. Currently there are just some placeholder images for our products because we haven't added any products yet. We're gonna do that later. And then all the way at the bottom, we have the footer with an email signup section, and then just some payment icons, and we can also add some more links later on. We're gonna look at how to do that later. Now we can also check out what our store looks like on different devices. So currently we are on the desktop view, but here we can switch to the mobile view and then we can see the mobile layout for the store, which I recommend to always check because most people will be browsing your store on mobile. And then we can also see the full screen view and just check out how the design looks like there. Usually there's not much that you need to change because all these themes, they're already optimized for different screen sizes, but sometimes different options look better for different devices. So I do recommend for every change you also check out how it looks like on mobile specifically. Now let's get started and learn how to customize our store. Again, currently we are on the homepage, and the first thing I wanna do is customize this image banner section here at the top. So to customize this section, I can either just click on it right here in the preview area, or I can also go to the left side structure and click on the image banner here. And this gives me all of the options that I have with this image banner section. So the first thing I wanna do is change the background here. So I've prepared a few images that I want to add. So I'm just gonna drag and drop in the first image to this box. And by doing that it will be replaced with my image right here. I also wanna add a second image, so that's also something I've prepared in advance. I'm just gonna drag and drop it here into the second image box. And now I have both of these images, one on the left side and one on the right side. Now the next thing I wanna do is change the content of this text. So again, we can just click on the element right here and then change the text, or we can also go back to the structure and look for it right here. So under Image Banner, we can see there's the heading block and we can just click on it and then we get to the same options. So I'm just gonna change the text right here to say "Make every outfit count." And now it has changed. Now I also wanna make this text a bit smaller. So what I can do is change the heading size from large to medium. And to customize the button below this heading, it works exactly the same way. We can just click on it and then we can see all the options here on the left side. So for example, we can change the text from Shop All to Shop Now. And then under Button Link, this will be the page where this button will go to. So currently it's set to All Products, but later on we can also set it to specific collections once we have set up a few collections. We're gonna learn how to do this later. Then you can also change this style. So currently we have this Outline style. We can just untick this and then we can see the white background for this button. And this theme also allows us to add two buttons to this image banner. So for example, if you have a clothing store, it would make sense to have a Shop Women and a Shop Men button. So to do that, we can just change the text here from Shop Now to Shop Women. And then obviously we would need to change this link to Collections and then add the Women's Collection. But we are gonna set this up later. And then for the second button we're gonna say Shop Men. And currently it's also set to All Products. Later, we're gonna change this to Shop Men. So this makes sense for a clothing store because people can immediately just look at the products that they're actually interested in. And now I also wanna make some more changes to the layout of this image banner. So I'm gonna go back one step here, and this takes us back to this structure. And I'm gonna select the image banner once again. And now something I wanna change is the height of this banner. I think it's overall a bit too large. So let's scroll down here, and then under Banner Height, we can change it from large to medium. And I think that already looks a lot better. Then I also wanna make the background a bit brighter. So what I can do is just decrease the image overlay opacity from 40% to let's say 10%, and this will brighten up the background. But now I don't really have a contrast between the text and the background. So I would need a darker background behind this text here. And to do this, we can just take the Show Container on Desktop and this will add this darker container in the background. Now we can also play around with the color scheme. So currently we are on Scheme 3. Maybe let's change it to Scheme 2. And now we have a brighter background here, and everything else turned black. I think that looks better, so I'm gonna keep it this way. And now like I've mentioned, I always recommend to also check out what your store looks like on a mobile phone when you do some changes. So let's switch from desktop view to mobile view here at the top. And here, I don't really like how this looks. So let's see if we can change this down here. When we selected the image banner, we can see we have a mobile layout area here. And here we can play around with the layout. So something I would do is activate the Show Container on Mobile option. And this way we have a separate container here for the text and the buttons. And I think that already looks a lot better. So now we're done with the image banner section of our homepage, and you've also learned how to customize different sections using the Shopify Customizer. So let's save our changes by clicking on Save on the top right. And then let's go back to the desktop view. And here when we scroll down, we can go to the next section where it says Featured Products. And here we can see a few placeholder products that would be displayed on our homepage. Now, in order for us to see our own products on our page, we first need to add our products to our store because everything that we sell on our Shopify store, we need to add to our store first. So before we continue customizing our store front, we're gonna learn how to add products. So what I would recommend is to leave this Customizer open because sometimes you want to change back and forth between the dashboard and the Customizer. And because in order for us to add products, we're gonna have to go back to the dashboard. So you can just right click on the Exit button here at the top left, and then click on Open in a New Tab. And then in this new tab, we are gonna see our Shopify dashboard. And now to add our products, we're gonna go to Products on the top left. And then to add our first product, we can just click on Add Product. And here we can manually add all the information of our product. So let's say we wanna sell a hoodie, we can just go to the Title and type in Classic Hoodie. Then we can also give a description. So I haven't prepared anything here, so I'm just gonna say This is an Awesome Hoodie. And then for Media, we wanna make sure to add some high quality images of this product. So I've prepared a few images here that I can just drag and drop into this box, and this will upload the images to this product. And we can also change the order here by just dragging this around however we want, and we want to have this product at the top. Then under Pricing, we wanna set the price for product. So let's say this is $80. And we can also set a Compare Price. So this will be displayed as the price, which has a strikethrough, which was the original price, and now it has been discounted and is only $80. So let's say it used to be $100 and now it's $80. Then you can also add Cost Per Item. This is just for you, so you have all the information about your margins and stuff. I'm just gonna leave this empty for now. Then you can also track your inventory. So you can just add, let's say we have 100 of these hoodies in stock, you can add 100, and then whenever a hoodie is sold, then it will go down and you can keep track of how many you still have in stock. Then for Shipping, you can also add a weight to this product if you want to charge shipping based on weight. And then you can also add variants. So for this hoodie we have two different colors. So under Variants, we could add different colors as well. But to speed this up a bit, I'm gonna skip this step here. And then we can also go to Search Engine Listing and change the search engine, how it will be displayed in the search engine. So currently it just says Classic Hoodie, and then we have the description here, which is taken from above. We can also change the URL here, but for now I'm just gonna leave everything as it is and click on Save. So now we've successfully added our first product and we can go back one step and then we can see our product right here. And to add more products, we can just click on Add Product again, and then go through the exact same process. So I've added a few more products here to this example clothing store just so we have a few more things to work with and that we can then see on the store front. So let's go back to the Shopify Customizer that we still have open in the other tab. And now we can see that we have already our own products here on the homepage because now we have added them. And this is under this Featured Collection here. So let's click on it. And then here, under Collection, we can see that this is just set to All Products. But maybe we don't wanna showcase all of our products or just some random products on our homepage. Maybe we wanna show just the newer products that we have just gotten in stock, the new arrivals. And to be able to categorize our products and show them on our page the way we want, we need to sort our products into collections. So that's what we're gonna do now. So let's go back to our Shopify dashboard. And now let's click on Collections right here. Then here, by default, we have a Homepage Collection. We actually don't need this one, or I don't need this one. So I'm just gonna take this and then go to the three dots and click on the Delte Collection and Confirm. And now I wanna create my own collections for this clothing store. So let's click on Create Collection. And the first collection that I'm gonna create is a collection for women's clothing. So I'm just gonna name this one Women. And then I'm also gonna add a collection image. So I'm just gonna add something I've prepared here. I'm just gonna drag and drop that in here. And then I could also add a description. I'm gonna skip it for now and just click on Save. And now when we go back to Collections, we can see we have a Women's Collection. And now I'm gonna add a few more. So I'm gonna click on Create Collection, and now I'm gonna create a Men's Collection as well. Add an image and click Save. And then I'm gonna create one more collection. I'm gonna do a New Arrivals Collection, which is a collection where I wanna showcase all of the newer products that we have just gotten in stock. Let's also add a picture to this collection and then click on Save. And now we can go back to Collections and we can see the three collections we have just added. But we can also see that there are zero products in each of these collections. So the next step is to actually add and categorize our products into these collections. So to do this, we're gonna go back to Products, and then I'm going to take all of the products that are, let's say products for women. So let's just say these first four are women's clothing, so I'm just gonna take them, then go to the three dots, go to Add to Collections, and we're gonna choose the Women's Collection and click Save. And let's do the same thing for the Men's Collection. Just take all the products, Add to Collections, Men, Save. And then let's also add some random products here to the New Arrivals Collection, which I wanna showcase directly on the homepage, New Arrivals, Save. And we can now go back to Collections. And here we can see how many products are in each of our collections. Now let's go back to the Shopify Customizer in the other tab. And now for this featured collection, let's change this collection to the new arrivals. So let's click on it here, and then let's go to Collection, and Change, Change Collection, and then let's click on New Arrivals and click on Select. And now we can see five products that we have added. Maybe we only want to show four of them, so we can change the maximum products to show from eight to four. And then there will also be a View All button here at the bottom for people who wanna see all of the new arrivals. Now we also wanna change the title here at the top, so just gonna change that to New Arrivals. All right, now let's go back one step and take a look at the overview of our homepage. We've already customized this top image banner and then also the Featured Collection. Both of these sections were there by default added by Shopify with the Dawn theme. And you don't need to use these ones on your page if you don't want to. Let's say we want to not use this Featured Collection. What we can do is just click on the trash icon here and then it will be deleted. If you want to make it appear again, you can just click on the Undo button at the top right, and then it will be there once again. You can also add more sections that aren't here by default by just clicking on Add Section here at the bottom left. And then you have a lot of different options for different types of sections. You can add a Featured Collection, which we already have here, a featured product, a collection list, a rich text, and a lot more. Now let's add a collection list and display our Men's and Women's Collection so people can decide where they want to shop. So I'm gonna click on Collection List, and then I get three different collections I can add. I just need two, so what I'm gonna do is delete one of them by just going here and then clicking on the trash icon. And now we still have three columns, so we wanna just have two columns. So let's go to the Collection List and then decrease the number of columns on desktop to two. And now we can choose our collections. So let's click on the first one and then Select Collection. Here I'm gonna display the Women's Collection, Select. And then for the second one, I'm gonna select the Men's Collection, Select. And now when people scroll down, they can see these different types of collections. Maybe we also wanna change the title here, so I'm gonna click on the entire section and then just say, Choose Your Style, something like this. And now people can simply click on these collections to go directly to the Collection page where they can see all the products for women in this example. Now by doing this, it already changed the page here from the homepage to the default Collection page. So to go back, we can just go to Homepage right here, and that will take us back. And here at the top we can also see that we have added these two buttons. And now that we have created our collections, we can also assign these buttons to the correct collection. So for the Shop Women button, we wanna change it from All Products to the Women's Collection. And then for the Shop Men, we're gonna choose the Men Collection as well. And then let's not forget to save our changes. Alright, so up until now we've mainly focused on editing and customizing the homepage of our store. And now we wanna also take a look at the Product page of our store, because this will be where you'll be sending your traffic, your visitors usually from paid ads or maybe from your social media or however you wanna promote your store. So let's go to the Product page by clicking on this dropdown menu here and switch from homepage to products. And then let's click on Default Product. This is our default product page that we currently have for all of the products on our store. And the structure of this page is built in the same way as our homepage. So here at the top we have the header with the announcement bar, we have the the menu here at the top. So this is the header that is visible on all pages. Then below we have the content section, and all the way at the bottom we have the footer area, which we're gonna look at later, the header and the footer. But for now, let's look at this content area. So here we have this first section, which is product information. Everything we can see here is what we have entered before when we were adding our product. So we have the images, the name of the product, the price, quantity selector and all that stuff. And here at the bottom we also have the description in case we have actually entered the description. Now I haven't added anything, which is why you don't see anything here. And then when we scroll down, we also have a section called Related Products. So this will usually be the products that you have added into the same collection. But just keep in mind that everything that is here under Product Information is what we have entered before. So when we go back to the Shopify dashboard, go to Products, and then click on this first product here, then here's where we can change that information. So we can add the description here, we can change the images, and then it will change here on the Product page as well. And then here in the Customizer, you can play around with the layout and the design. So we can click on the Product Information section and then we get all the options here. So we can just play around with these options and see what looks best for our product pages. We can also look at these different blocks. So for example, if we don't wanna have a Share button, this one right here, we can just click on the delete icon and then it will be deleted also. And then we can also add more sections and more content to our product page. So for example, we could click on Add Section here at the bottom and maybe add a rich text section. But you wanna keep in mind that this section is now visible on all of the product pages. So for each product that you have all the way at the bottom, you will see this new section. Now in case you want to have different types of content for different types of products. In this case, you want to create product page templates. So what we can do is just go to the dropdown here at the top again, then go to Products. And here we can click on Create Template. So let's say you want to create a specific template for all of our T-shirts, we can just type in T-shirt and then click on Create Template. And now we can just add any content that we want for this type of product page. So maybe let's add a section, then maybe let's add a slideshow here and then add some content to the slideshow. And let's click on Save now. And now what we need to do is make sure to tell Shopify that whenever there is a T-shirt on a product page, then we want to use this new template, which is the one that we've just created, the T-shirt Product Page Template. And the way we do that is by going back to the dashboard. And then let's go to products. And now let's go to a T-shirt product like this one right here. And then here on the right side, we can see the theme template. Currently we are still on a default product template, but now we have created a new one, which is the T-shirt template. So we can just choose this one and click Save. And now to see if this has worked, let's go and preview our online store by going on online store and then clicking on the Eye icon here, this will open up our store in new tab. And then let's say we want to just check out this T-shirt, which I think is the one we've just added to the New Product page. So let's go to the product page and then let's scroll down. And here we can see we have this slide show that we have added. So whenever somebody goes to this product page, then we have this specific product page layout. All right, now let's also take a look at how to customize the header and footer area of our store. So first, let's go back to the homepage. And here, let's start with the announcement bar, which is all the way at the top of your store. You can use this to give people information, maybe about a promotion. You can give a promo code or maybe to let know that there is free shipping if they buy things worth, maybe over $100. And to change the text here, we just wanna come over here and then click on this block. And then here we can enter whatever we want. So for example, free shipping for orders over $100, something like this. And then we can also go back one step and click on the Announcement Bar section here and maybe play around with the design. So we could change it from Scheme 1 to maybe Scheme 3, whatever you think looks the best. Next, let's add our logo to our header. Now if you don't have a logo, then we will just see our store name right here. But I recommend to make your store branded and add your own logo. Nowadays it's very easy to create your own logo using Canva or other sites online. So let's go back one step here and then click on the header section. And now it's a bit confusing because as you can see here, it says Edit Your Logo in Theme Settings. So we can either just click on Theme Settings here, or we can go to the Theme Settings by clicking on the gear icon here on the left. And then here under logo, we can add our logo. So I've prepared a simple logo here, I'm just gonna drag and drop that in here. And now it has added the logo here on the top left. And I think it's a bit too small, so I'm gonna change the desktop logo width from 90 pixels to maybe 120 pixels. And while we're at it, we can also add our Favicon image. So if you don't know what that is, that's basically the browser icon, which we can see here at the top of the browser. So when we click on these three dots here and then click on View, open this in a new tab, we can see our a preview of our store. And here you can see we don't have a browser icon yet. So let's go back to the other tab. And I would just recommend to get a square version of your logo and just drag and drop that in here. And now we can click on Save. And then when we go back to the preview and reload the page, we can see our browser icon here at the top. And now one more thing I want to do is center this logo in the header. So I'm gonna go back to the overview of the sections right here, and then I'm gonna click on the Header section. And here for Desktop Logo Position, I'm gonna change it from middle left to middle center. And now I have the logo here in the center and the menu on the left side, and the search icon and card icon on the right side. And now the last thing I wanna look at for the header is how to change and customize this navigation menu here. So first of all, let's save our changes. And then to edit this menu, we have to go back to the Shopify dashboard, which we still have open in the other tab right here. And then from here we want to go to Online Store, Navigation. And then here, let's go to Main Menu. And here we can see the menu that is currently active. I'm gonna delete all of these links. So I'm just gonna click on Delete, Remove, Delete, Remove, Delete, Remove. And now I want to add my own menu links. So what I wanna do is add a link to the Men's and the Women's Collection first. So let's click on Add Menu Item. And then here, let's click on this and then go to Collections. And I'm gonna first choose the Women's Collection, Add, and I'm gonna do the same thing for the Men's Collection. And then maybe we could also add a link that goes to all the products. And we're gonna name this link Shop, and then Choose Products, All Products, and Add. And now we can save the menu by clicking on Save Menu. And now let's go back to the Customizer in the other tab and let's reload the page. And now we can see the menu has changed to Women, Men, and Shop. Now let's move on and go to the footer area of our store, which is all the way here at the bottom. And as we can see, currently we have this email signup section at the top of the footer. And a great way to collect emails and boost your sales at the same time is to offer new subscribers a discount code for signing up to your email list. And there's an easy way to do this here on Shopify. So what we can do is just go back into the dashboard. Then here on the left side, under Discounts, we can set up a simple discount code. I'm not gonna go through how to do this in detail because it's actually quite straightforward. And once that's done, you can go to Marketing, Automations and then create a new automation. And then here they have some templates that you can use. So for example, you can use the Welcome New Subscriber Automation. This is just one email welcoming your new customers and giving them a discount code for their first order. So we just click here and then go through all these steps, choose your discount code that you have created before, and then whenever somebody signs up on your homepage, then they will be sent this discount code and they will be more likely to actually go ahead and purchase something from your store. So if you were to do this, I would just click on this area here. And then I would also change this text here to subscribe to our emails and get 10% of your first order or something similar. Now for this store, I'm gonna keep things simple and I will just deactivate this email signup section for now by unticking it right here. Now the next thing we might want to do is add our social media icons to the footer. So when we scroll down here, we can see here social media icons and it's already activated. So all we need to do is actually add our links to our social accounts. And here we can see that we have to do this in the Theme Settings. So again, we can just click on this link, or you can go to the Theme Settings using the gear icon and then scroll down and look for Social Media. And then here you can enter all of the links for your social media accounts. So enter your link to your Facebook account, Instagram account, YouTube, or whatever social channels you currently have for your brand. And once all of them are added, we can go back to the footer settings by just clicking on the footer. And then we can see all the options here on the left side once again. And we can just go from top to bottom. So for example, for the color scheme, maybe want to change it from Scheme 1 to maybe Scheme 4, whatever you think looks the best. And we can scroll down here. And one thing we can also do is deactivate the payment icons by just unticking it right here, and then they will be gone. I like to just keep them there so people can see how they can actually check out and that there are many different payment options. Now, something else we definitely want to add to our footer is our store policies. So this would be our terms of service, our refund policy, privacy policy, and so on. So we have to go back to the dashboards to set these up. So let's first save our changes and then let's go back to the dashboard in the other tab. And here, let's open up the settings all the way at the bottom left and then scroll all the way down and click on Policies. And here, Shopify tries to make our life a bit easier by providing templates for most of these policies. So for example, for the return and refund policy, all we have to do is click on Create From Template, and then the Shopify template will be inserted right here. And all we have to do is go through the policy and replace all of the placeholders and make sure to add anything that is missing or to take things out that aren't applicable to our store. And we can do the same thing with the other policies as well. Just click on Create From Template. Now for the shipping policy, they don't have a template, just make sure to enter how long it will take for your products to be shipped to your customers. Then once all of these policies are set up, we can click on Save, and now we can go back to the Shopify Store Customizer. And then when we select the footer and go to Policy Links, now we can activate the Show Policy Links and we can see them here at the bottom. Now, I don't really like how this looks because it's kind of aligned on the left side and I want to have them here in the center, so I like to do it a bit differently. So I untick this option again, and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a footer menu with all of my policies. So to do this, we're gonna go back to our dashboard and close the settings. And now I'm gonna go to Online Store, Navigation, and then go to the footer menu. Then I'm gonna delete the search link right here, and I'm gonna add new menu items. And here I'm gonna choose my policies. So I'm gonna start with Contact Information, Add, and then I'm gonna do the same thing for the other policies as well, so Privacy Policy and the other ones. Now all of my policies are added to the footer menu, so I'm gonna click on Save Menu and go back to the Customizer. And here we're gonna go back one step to the overview. And then what I'm gonna do is below the footer, I'm gonna click on Add Block. And here, click on Menu. And now we can see our footer menu with all of the policy links. We can also make some changes by clicking on the quick links here. And then I want to just remove the heading, and I think that looks better than having the policy links here at the bottom left, but maybe that's just personal preference. Now the next thing I wanna show you is how to get rid of the Powered by Shopify here all the way at the bottom, because this is a bit tricky. So let's first save our changes again. And then to remove this, we have to go back to the dashboard once again. And then here, let's click on Online Store, go to the three dots, and then here, click on Edit Default Theme Content. Then we wanna filter by links. And here under Links we can see Powered by Shopify. So what we need to do here is just click into the text field and then hit Enter so we have just a space, and this will get rid of the text, Powered by Shopify. So we can click on Save and then go back to the Customizer, reload the page. And now when we scroll all the way to the bottom, we can see Powered by Shopify is now gone and we just have the My Store link. And here it will just display our store name, but because we haven't told Shopify what our store name is gonna be in the settings, it just says My Store. So to change this to our store name, we're gonna have to go back to the dashboard once again. Then go to the Settings at the bottom left, and here all the way at the top, under Store Details, here under Profile, we want to click on the pen icon, and then here, Store Name, we can change it to whatever we want. So the name of this brand is Coconut, and then we can click Save. And you also need to add a phone number apparently. And once that's done, you can click on Save and then go back to the Customizer. Once again, reload the page. And now when we scroll all the way to the bottom, we can see our brand name here in the footer. So now you've learned how to build and customize your own Shopify store, but before you're able to launch it and actually sell your products, there's a few more things we need to set up. So let's go back to our Shopify dashboard once again, and then let's go to the settings. And here, one important thing we need to definitely set up is our payments. So let's click on Payments right here. And what we have to do here is set up Shopify payments, which will allow your customers to check out using a credit card, Google Pay, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, whatever they want to use to pay for your products. All you have to do is click on Complete Account Setup, then go through all the steps, enter your information, enter your bank details, and so on. Then by default, they will also be able to use PayPal to check out. In general, I recommend to leave this activated because it will increase conversion rates in general, but I know sometimes people have troubles with PayPal. So if you want to deactivate it, you can just click on it here, and then you can deactivate it by clicking on Deactivate. So once your payments are set up, you also want to take a look at shipping and delivery. This is where you can set up your shipping rates. So you can set up general shipping rates, or you can set up custom shipping rates for specific types of products under your shipping rates. You can also define what the prices are for specific regions for international shipping, local shipping, where you can also set up prices based on quantity or based on weight. So it can all set this up here under Shipping and Delivery. Next, we also want to go to Domains and connect our custom branded domain to our store. Currently, this is our domain just in random numbers and characters .my, which looks very unprofessional. So if you already have bought a domain for your brand or store, you can click on Connect Existing Domain. If you don't have one yet, you can just click on Buy New Domain and then look for the domain you want to connect to your store. So for example, Coconut Fashion Store, something like that. You wanna actually make it as short as possible, but I think the shorter version is already taken. So once you find one that is available, you can just click on Buy Domain, and after the checkout it will be automatically connected to your store. Now you can take some time and go through all of these tabs here and make sure everything is filled in correctly, but those were the things that we absolutely have to do before we launch our store. So once those are done, we can close the settings and now we are ready to publish. So to publish our store and make it available to our customers, all we have to do is go to Online Store. And then here we can see our store is still password protected. So all we need to do is click on Remove Password. And now as we can see, our store is now live. I hope this video helped you learning how to use Shopify. If it did, please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. Also, check out the links down below in the description where you'll find a free Shopify course going over the next step, which is advertising your store and getting your first sales. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 6,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use shopify, shopify tutorial, shopify store, set up shopify store, shopify store setup, shopify tutorial for beginners, complete shopify tutorial, how to set up a shopify store, how to create an online store with shopify, how to create a shopify store, how to start shopify, how to build a shopify store, shopify for beginners, create a shopify store, shopify store tutorial, shopify store design step by step, shopify store design, shopify dropshipping, metics media
Id: sWTt7loQXO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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