HOW TO USE OBS WITH ZOOM (Windows) #zoom #obs #virtualcam

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hi guys this is Faye wolf front face world media I'm really excited about this video because this is my second collaboration here on YouTube with Francie store from virtual habit dot fitness so she's going to walk you guys through step by step how to use OBS and really brand your class in a very unique way with your logo with graphics and countdown and hook that up using virtual camera to your zoom this video has been highly requested because a lot of people don't want to just pick up another tool or another channel such as twitch or elsewhere so everyone wants to learn how to connect OBS with zoom it's a little bit tricky and I want to preface this by saying that frenzy did such a great job she didn't skip any step whatsoever she at some point got to compare her screens as well so it's a longer video I hope you stick around make sure you look at the description below for show notes to jump to the places where it's going to be most helpful to you last thing before I head out in addition to our thriving Facebook group which finally reached a thousand followers very exciting I have also started a series of tech and business webinars live sessions with people who are interested so all that materials are coming together for you to access freely and please consider subscribing to my newsletter specific to livestream I've also included a link below make a very obvious check that out I can't wait to have you as part of the face world livestream tribe and thank you so much for watching this video make sure you subscribe and I'll see you in the next one hi my name is Francie Sawyer and I am the owner operator of virtual habit fitness and you are in my virtual studio I have been teaching group fitness for going into my fourth year now and we're kind of forced at this point to go virtual right so I wanted to give you some quick and easy steps to download OBS studio OBS virtual camera and feed that right into zoom let's go over to my computer and I will show you how to get OBS quickly downloaded will make a fun little scene maybe with your logo and then we're going to connect to zoom and get you streaming and get your classes branded and something that is completely different and unique for you I wanted to add one quick note before we get started I am not a techie person I'm a group fitness instructor that wants to use a little bit of technology to make my classes look a little bit different than everyone else's I've only been using OBS for about seven days and zoom I've been using for quite a while okay the first thing that we need to do is download the OBS software this is a free software program you get it online and then we need to go in and download the OBS virtual camera so I'm just going to show you where to find this I can't download it again so that wouldn't make any sense to show you this and download it twice but I'm going to give you some quick tips on this number one you need to know obviously what your operating system is right so I use a Windows system Windows 10 and you would choose that and then when you get in there it's going to ask you if you want to do the 64 bit or the 32 bit now I ran into kind of a strange situation when I look at my computer it says that I have a 64 bit however the 64 bit didn't work so I had to uninstall it and I installed the 32 bit and what do you know it works just fine so I really can't tell you that again this is where the non tech side of me comes in and the 32 bit works for now I can figure out all the other stuff later so just make sure you download the one that's right for your system worst case scenario you uninstall the wrong one and reinstall the other it's just gonna be a matter of time saving when you do the download it's gonna take you through just like any other download system be and if you need to view that or look at that there's plenty of videos on that already so that's step number one you have to have OBS studio downloaded step number two you have to find the OS virtual camera there's really there's only one so when you put it into your Google search or your search engine whichever one you're using this should come up and you go right here to the download pretty simple again it just downloads it's free when you go through the setup wizard it's going to ask you how many cameras you set up just set one up for now unless you are like way ahead of me and you've got two and three cameras operating in your room and you want people to see different angles that's the kind of stuff that OBS can do on the super techy side i - i chose the camera that is my HD webcam it's a hundred and twenty degree view wide-angle lens and if you have a small space like me then I kind of recommend that again if you need more information about downloading OBS or OBS virtual camera make sure that you find those other tutorials on that process and now we are going to go in and we're gonna open OBS and I'm it'll show you the basic setup that occurs again this is why I like OBS so I'm going to open this up and it's going to come from the point of view that I left that so when I turned off my camera this is the scene that was there when I closed the program so you don't have to go in and open a whole bunch of stuff to find the things that you've already created in fact it's very easy to toggle in between and you can toggle in between them during class so if you wanted to have a fun little warm-up room with like a countdown and then move into your classroom you can make those changes and most Changez and it's a lot of fun so when I set up I chose this camera which is my HG camera I don't like the camera that's on my laptop I did buy this separately again it's a hundred and twenty degree angle so as you can see it kind of makes my room look a little bit bigger but honestly this is like a 10 by 11 room so it's also good for you as an instructor in my opinion because most people don't have a ton of space in their house okay so let's get into a little bit information about OBS and some of the stuff that you're seeing on the screen right now so one of the things that you'll see down here is on the scenes side these are the scenes that I've already created right here under sources is where I pull that information into the scenes so anything that I add under sources is going to create a scene today we are not talking about the audio mixer and scene transitions I'll show you how to do it's kind of it's just something extra if you don't end up dealing with that it's no big deal okay so I've chosen my camera and the default settings should come out with that but for zoom what you want is right here on your resolution is 1920 by 1080 that's important you can resize this screen right here but choose 1980 or 1920 by 1080 okay the rest of the stuff I would say just leave it as is don't worry about any of that okay so I want to create a new scene so we are going to add the new scene to the list so I'm going to hit the plus button right here in scene and I'm just gonna type in plain logo scene okay give it a name so now what happens is I have a blank screen well nothing's wrong I just have to add some information so we're going to go right here to sources hit the plus button like we did for scenes and I need to add my video capture device so right here I have already added my HD webcam so I'm gonna add my existing again that's in the setup piece that's in the wizard piece so this should already be done for you by the time you get there and make sure to give it a name that you recognize so I'm going to choose that and here we are so here is our camera and you can see that there is a red stripe around the edge that means that we can resize it I'm going to show you how that's done you simply take the mouse and you click and you can resize now the only thing I will say about resizing your video and then casting into zoom if you make it too small then it doesn't make any sense for your class so as big as you can leave your screen for them because remember sometimes people are using their phone so leave it as big as you can on this screen right here the only other thing I'm going to show you today is I'm going to add my logo to this and that is again the same piece so remember our sources feed our scenes so I'm going to go back to sources I'm gonna hit the plus and I want to add an image so let's do it as if I didn't have the image on here to show you that process so I'm clicked under create new and I'm just gonna say another logo I've already loaded my logo so I'm just gonna say another logo and it's just like you would do with any other piece you're going to browse and you need to find your the piece that you want to add let me grab let me greet you know what let me grab this one just for fun because it's a different size I'm gonna load that onto there I can see it in the background and that's great remember we can resize everything so I'm going to hit okay now I'm just gonna take this whoops and I'm gonna grab it and I'm just gonna resize it well that's too small this kind of things happen right and you can see that I keep moving my um my camera around so go down here to sources when you're doing this stuff go down here to sources and hit that lock button really quick and now I can move this around without everything else moving around see we learn something new every day right okay so there's my logo I'm gonna stick it down here I don't teach in that very corner of my room I just teach back here so having this right here blocked is not a big deal because this is literally right up against my desk so I'm just gonna throw my logo right there and I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna hit the lock button so that when I'm toggling back and forth between seams or and pressing things nothing happens so right now I'm pressing my mouse nothing's really happening you see those little squares nothing you can't mess it up when you want to undo it you simply just hit the lock button and then you can click on it and move things around okay don't be intimidated by OBS it is actually a really cool system and if you don't like to use zoom and you want to feed this to something else this works for YouTube I believe it works for twitch and OBS is just a really fun system the last thing I want to say about creating a scene is you can use um PowerPoint you can use Photoshop I use canva I love canva for someone who's not tacky it gives me templates it gives me ideas I download a PNG or jpg and then I can load those right here into my scene and away we go okay so let's take this we'll start here let's take this and now we're going to head over to zoom and I will show you the steps that we need to take to connect those two pieces okay one thing that's gonna be important right here is that we need to let our computer know that we want our video to stream from OBS so I'm going to show you how to start the virtual camera and then when we go over to zoom we're gonna see it recognized now one thing I would suggest is once you download OBS studio you download the virtual camera and maybe you're working in there and you get your scene set up you may need to restart your computer I don't know if you have to but that's my suggestion as a non techie again just restart the computer let the computer kind of recognize what's going on under tools we're gonna go to rural cam this little thing is going to pop up notice that the target camera says OBS camera this is part of the setup process that download the wizard those things will be done kind of beforehand what I want to do right now is I want to start so now the virtual camera is saying okay I'm picking up everything that is in front of the camera what would you like me to do with it just hit the little X okay and now we're going to go into zoom and I've already got my zoom open here and let's host a meeting with video on now I've already used OBS with zoom and as you can see what is happening is the OBS camera is now feeding into there so I'm going to show you a couple of quick things so if you're using zoom you know that you usually have choices about what you want to use you just choose OBS camera as long as you have hit that Start button it should feed into zoom again if you're not seeing these types of settings try to restart your computer bring it up again and try again so there it is OBS camera is feeding in also what you're seeing is my logo is backwards right so um those that should drop down in just a second here so every time I move the mouse anyway so it's backwards that's because I nearer the screen not because OBS is feeding it backwards okay so leave OBS as is and the reason that I mirror my screen is because when I look at it you know I mirror my classes that's just how I teach so if I were to again change my video settings in zoom not in OBS you know to be honest it's just kind of a personal preference what you want to do I like my screen to be mirrored and and I like it to to move with me so when I move this way I want to see also my screen moving in that direction so that is really it on getting OBS to feed into zoom that's all you have to do right and I wish somebody would have just taken a couple minutes to share that piece with me let's do this I'm going to show you so I'm going to show you both screens at the same time just to show you how easy it is to toggle back and forth between your different scenes so I've got OBS open and then I've got zoom open and let's say I want to go to now don't judge me on the lack of you know perfection on the warm-up room but this is my warm-up room this is what I do and see I've got this cool little timer I've got a little thing that says welcome to class I do use a disclaimer that's so that when I start maybe live feeding to Facebook live or YouTube something like that something where I can't see the people or I might not know who's looking at the the workout and I use canva for that so you can do so many things with OBS and again this is just a way to differentiate and make it look more fun if at any point you stop the video from OBS you're just gonna get a blank screen so I will show you what that looks like so that you're not in shock in case something happened there it is you get kind of a blank screen so we'll start it again and it comes right back up it's really smooth and you can toggle between your different scenes and you can see that it's changing over here so just know that there are lots of options out there there are different ways to do this check the tutorials check online take the time and I hope that today you have the ability as a fitness instructor to download that OBS get something cool and get your classes branded and something that's special for you get out there get teaching and I will see you on the other side of the camera [Music]
Channel: Feisworld Media
Views: 157,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO USE OBS WITH ZOOM, zoom, OBS with, obs with zoom, obs with zoom meetings, obs virtual camera, obs virtual camera zoom, obs studio tutorial 2020, obs studio stream settings, zoom obs studio, zoom obs virtual camera, zoom obs stream, zoom obs live stream, obs zoom meeting, obs zoom mac, obs zoom into screen, obs zoom stream, obs zoom live stream, obs zoom meeting mac, how to use obs with zoom meeting, obs studio custom background, zoom with obs studio
Id: k7imGp1Bm2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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