How to use Nvidia DLSS in Unreal Engine | Inside Unreal

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Last time we went through a couple of topics, but today the plugin DLSS for Unreal Engine is actually available on the Marketplace, and we're going to talk a little bit of how to use it and the future. RICHARD: Yeah. So I should probably start by explaining what DLSS is for anybody who's new to it. DLSS stands for deep learning super-sampling and if you break that down, it does exactly what it describes. So it's using deep learning algorithms to supersample an image, upscale it. And so essentially take a lower res image and make it higher resolution, but do it intelligently. Not just the traditional way of up scaling an image and then sharpening it and then hoping everything looks right. This is using intelligent-- artificial intelligence programming to enhance the image, bring out details that would otherwise not be visible, and at the same time give you a real significant performance boost. Another way to look at it is it alleviates a lot of load on the GPU. A lot of games, especially in an advanced engine like Unreal Engine, a lot of your time is spent trying to optimize the scene for GPU tasks. Maybe you're doing a lot of dynamic shadow casting, maybe you're doing a lot of fill rate intensive effects. So anything where the GPU is a bottleneck, DLSS can help. VICTOR: And you showed me some impressive results, so why don't we go ahead with the presentation. RICHARD: Yeah. So let's look at my screen if we can switch over to that. VICTOR: Good to go. RICHARD: OK. So I'll show you the-- step 1 is when you-- first of, you just go get the plugin. We have it up on our website. After you sign or after you agree to an end user license agreement, you can download it. And DLSS, it works with Unreal Engine 4.26. So when you get the plugin you have everything you need. Let me just step through that a little bit. You'd want to-- now there's directions for all this but I'll walk you through it. What you want to do after you get what you need here is-- this is like your plugin folder, let's say I've got for 4.26.1. So I would grab all this content here, copy it, and you need to get to your plugins directory in 4.26. So I would surf to this location, go into my engine plugins, runtime, NVIDIA. If you don't have it NVIDIA video folder-- I think you should by default, but just in case, make one. And then make a DLSS folder, and just copy this plugin content into this folder here. And that's step 1. That should get you good to go. VICTOR: Are you required to put it in the Engine Directory or could it be on a per project basis as well? RICHARD: It could also be in your project folder. I think the reason why we document it that way, I believe, is because somewhere, I think, it's been said that or written that that's technically correct plugin installation. But I think with plugins you can also make a plugins folder in your project and put it in there. Either should work. But I'm just wanting-- that's what we document and that's what-- I think that's official-- the official method. You're not allowed to redistribute the source is the thing. So you just-- nobody should be doing that anyway. They're probably not passing their project around, but as a compiled binary there's no problem with distributing your project with DLSS. So, yeah. Once you've done that-- let me load up a basic project here. I've already enabled DLSS for this, but I'll walk through all the steps for setting it up. VICTOR: And we are taking questions for our Q&A we might answer them in the middle of the stream or at the end during a Q&A session. So feel free to submit all your questions in regards to DLSS and NVIDIA RICHARD: Yeah. So here I got a basic test project. I'll explain more about this later. I've set it up for ray tracing, and what I've done here, even though this is a very simple project with simple graphics. I have attempted to bloat this out intentionally so that DLSS has something to do. So that we can get a nice frame rate boost and I'll. Just sort of be a representative of how you might put a lot of advanced graphics in your game so that the GPU has something to chew on. Anyway, once you're all here, just go to your plugins, and you can search for DLSS. And you would just enable it, and then you would need to restart the project. But once you do, once you've done that and you've restarted-- oh, and I would just note to carefully follow the PDF instructions as well because there's a lot in there that's documented. If you run into any trouble. If you hit any snags whatsoever that's all there. Common ones might be you're not on the latest Windows 10 version, or you need to update your GeForce drivers. But if you've done all that, after you activate the plugin and restart the project, if you go up here into your viewport, you'll see a DLSS settings menu. So it then becomes active and built in. And that's how you know it's working because it's right there. So let me set this up. OK. So this is with DLSS off. And if I'm skipping anything, I mean, please, seriously just stop me and ask questions here. But-- VICTOR: I'll be on it. RICHARD: Sure. OK. So I've got-- yeah it's-- you can see what the frame rate is. By the way I'm running on 2080 Ti right now. So this is-- it's fast hardware, the 2080 Ti is no slouch. This is a very high end, very powerful graphics card. But it's not the highest end. Faster cards would give you better performance. And, like I said, this is a ray trace scene where I'm doing-- you can see it's got the nice penumbra shadows the ray tracing gives you. So sharp at the base, gets softer as it goes out. Same thing over here. I've set the sampling up on all the lights. So this is a ray trace skylight, ray traced ambient occlusion, and a ray traced direct light. And all of them have their sampling set up to either, a value of eight or in the case of the skylight I set it to 16. So that's why it looks so smooth. There's very little distortion, there's almost none. I mean, maybe a little bit if I turn the camera real fast, and you'll see the denoiser catch up. But it's looking pretty good. it's performing decently. Almost 60 frames per second is OK. I'm running in 1080p on a 2080 Ti. That's all right. But you know we'd like it to be faster. So that's where DLSS comes in. I go to my menu here, and I'll send it to quality mode. You can go faster with the lower quality modes. But if I set it to quality that's what it does. So you see the frame rate there, and very arguably image quality has not taken a hit. In some cases, it might even improve. But here I've taken a ray tracing. Like I said it's bloated, I'm oversampling. I'm doing too much. It's not very optimized, I guess, you could say. Even though it's simple geometrically, in terms of how much ray tracing activity is going on here, there's a lot happening. Because as you can see it gets those nice shadow within shadows and soft shadows where you want them. And it looks very solid. Yeah it's OK. VICTOR: Those settings that for the plugin, you can expose them to the end user, the player as well, right? And they can adjust them during run time in the game? RICHARD: Yeah, absolutely. I can show that real quick. So there's some simple Blueprinting here, but yeah, you're most-- once the DLSS plugin is active, you have access to Blueprints to control it. You can still do console variables those work as well. Excuse me, let me see. So all of your console variables are going to be under RNGX.dlss. And there you can see the relevant console commands. And there are some here that aren't, I think, are not available or maybe less available than in the Blueprint. But that gets very particular. So you can control-- you can enable it and disable it. You can quality, you can set sharpness. You can do all that from here if you want. But if you prefer Blueprints we do-- we have that too. So here's a very, very, very simple Blueprint where on level start we can test for this. It's all under DLSS so if I do a search-- context sensitive --and type DLSS, I get my DLSS Blueprint scripts. And in this case, I can test to see is DLSS supported? Is it supported on this hardware? This function here will-- is looking at do you have an RTX card? Do you have-- are you on the latest drivers? And you can test for that too using Blueprint functions. So you can test to see which driver version a user is on, and then make your code appropriate. But this would all potentially feed into like a user interface. Where the user can go into those preferences and turn DLSS on or off, set the quality mode, et cetera, et cetera. So here I'm just doing a very simple thing where it's checking to see if I-- if DLSS works on this hardware. And if it does, put it in quality mode and set the sharpness value. If it doesn't-- if it's not supported just turn it off, and that's OK. So I'll just compile and save that. And I think I did another thing up here just a quick thing. Yeah, where if I press the Tab key, I do a simple flip-flop where it turns DLSS on and off in real time. And, like I said, you can use these menu functions to pick what you want. Or you can do it the old fashioned way which is just execute a console command. Maybe that's how you prefer to set it up. So, yeah, getting back to this. Yeah, I'll run it. And I think yeah there we go. So that's DLSS off, running TAA, so the standard anti-aliasing that most everybody uses today. And then if I turn it on it almost, almost, doubled my frame rate. And like I said, most of the time quality will improve especially if you're in quality mode DLSS. There may be some edge cases where it does-- it's not as good as TAA, but I think 90% of the time, it's equal to or better. And this is from a visual standpoint and you get the significant frame rate boost. And here, down at the bottom of my screen, you can see it's got some debug information. We supply with the plugin the source there, some Windows Registry keys. So you can drag and drop those into your-- or you can double click them and they become active in Windows. So this is just for my sanity as a developer. End users won't see this. Because this is just on my local machine. But if I want to know what-- if DLSS is actually working and if it's active, I have this ability to enable a registry key, and then see the output down there. So down here at the bottom of the screen, you can see that it's got-- in quality mode. Quality mode is-- well let me-- I'll step through each one. Ultra performance is 33% input resolution. Performance is 50% input resolution. Balanced is 57%, and quality is 66%. So I'm doing quality mode right now that means that it's rendering. The original image is 66% of this size. So you can see what that is. It's 1281 by 694. That's the input pixels and then it scales that up to 1920 by 1040. So basically 1080p. And I can swap back and forth. So there's standard anti-aliasing, full resolution basically, that's every pixel being drawn. VICTOR: And that should be temporal, right? By default. RICHARD: Yes. And so there's with DLSS active, frame rate goes up considerably. And you can see the resolution is 66% now and it's scaling it up. But I really want to emphasize this point about the scaling thing. Because you'd say, oh, well I don't want to draw 66% of my pixels. Well if that's all it was doing, I would totally agree with somebody who had that concern. Because that's how games have been made to date, right? Like I don't know when it started exactly probably around maybe 2000 with the Xbox One. And maybe it was done before then maybe around like Halo 1 days or something. But most games to date-- I shouldn't say most. A lot of them will render the game at a low resolution, scale it up in real time, and then do something on the back end to try to clean that up. They'll do basically a real time sharpened filter. This is standard practice. And some of the games will, especially on the PC, they'll give you an image scaling option. So maybe you're not running the game at 100%, you're running at it like 80% or something like that. Most major titles do something along those lines. DLSS seeks to improve on all that behavior. Because now what we're doing is we're using the Tensor Cores of the RTX card. And that's part of the reason why DLSS requires-- it requires an RTX card is because only those cards have basically AI cores. The Tensor Core hardware is making this possible. Makes it possible for us to feed in a lower resolution image, scale it up in real time, and then reconstruct missing details. And not just sharpen the result but improve the result. Actually make the details cleaner in some cases. And it does this because the best explanation is it's a set of AI algorithms that have been trained to know what things should look like. It was trained on very high resolution images, like 64,000 pixel images, very high resolution photographs. Taught how light should behave, how detailed it should look. And all this training was done for a very long time to teach the code really so it could teach itself how images should appear perceptually to the human eye, and then fill in the blanks. So it's not just up scaling and sharpening it. It's doing a lot more than that. And as you can see you get a nice performance boost out of that. I think when we started with this we had DLSS 1.0, and it was-- this is one of the big changes now with the plugin is that when DLSS was first invented, it was it was slow start. We had to get it trained with very specific apps. We had to teach it like with this particular software to make sure it would produce the right details and things like that. But as time went on we've been able to improve the software make it more generalized so it can reconstruct those details from any kind of image. And it doesn't matter what it is. even stylised whatever. So that enabled us to release the plugin where the plugin can work on any kind of rendered image. And it will do the appropriate thing. It'll know how to take a lower res image of whatever it is you're trying to draw and upscale it. And it's literally enhanced. Where the artificial intelligence is inserting and creating enhancing detail that's important to basically how people perceive imagery. I guess it's like-- yeah, that's how I might explain that. But, I mean, the benefits are enormous. As I move around everything looks great. Having a higher frame rate in this case actually helps to stabilize the ray traced image with the noised pixels. Because the faster it can update when I whip the camera around, the quicker it can produce a smoothed out image in this case. VICTOR: Jon Stoll was asking, "Can you use this even without tracing enabled?" RICHARD: Oh, yeah it's-- the scene doesn't need to be ray traced at all. It's for any kind of image. Raster, ray traced, any mix in between. Yeah the only requirement from a strict requirement side is that it requires RTX hardware to run. There's not much we can do about that because in order to reconstruct that image really quickly, you need Tensor Cores. You need some type of neural net hardware basically. Something that's really fast and really powerful, capable of doing billions of operations per second. But, yeah, that's all part of it. But, yeah, it does not need to be ray traced at all. I can get more granular about what's going on here from a cost standpoint. VICTOR: Yeah I think we're all excited about that. RICHARD: So let's see. I'll show you a stat GPU. So let me turn it off. So, OK, this is with DLSS off so I'm looking at just my GPU cost here. If you're familiar with optimizing scenes graphically, you're probably used to looking at the stat GPU command. And you can see here my biggest cost, this is a pretty outlandish cost, is almost eight and 1/2 milliseconds going to a ray traced skylight. That's a lot. But like I said I set the-- I turned ray traced shadow casting skylight on, and then set the sample count really high. So there's lots of pixel operations happening in order to keep-- produce a nice clean shadowed image. And then you see past that my next cost is my lights cost, and ray tracing ambient occlusion is very high. But this all makes sense because like I said I cracked those values up. But all that sampling is it's really on your screen space. So if you had a way to reduce the amount of pixels that you're inputting into the system, and then you could scale it up somehow. Then, in theory, you could shave a lot of cost off those things and make them more affordable. So that's where a lot of the savings are coming in this case. So let's see if I do-- so if I turn-- when I turn it back on you'll see the skylight lights and the occlusion values all drop. And pretty much everything will go down too, but I'll turn it on. And there you can see everything went considerably down. And there is DLSS off. And you'll note there's a line in there for DLSS. DLSS itself is not free. It takes typically about maybe 1/2 a millisecond in that ballpark for DLSS to do its real time operation. But, I mean, in this case, I'm spending 1/2 a millisecond to shave off like six milliseconds. So that's a good win. Maybe even more than that. What does that-- reduces from 20 milliseconds down to 11? But the DLSS-- there you can see the DLSS cost is 0.64 milliseconds. VICTOR: The numbers speak for themselves. RICHARD: Yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] RICHARD: I mean-- yeah. So, OK. VICTOR: No, I didn't mean you. I meant-- RICHARD: No, you're good. So, yeah. I don't know, it's-- you might be OK not doing DLSS. You might say like I'm good with 40 frames per second I don't need more than that. But there's lots of circumstances maybe where you want 120 frames per second or 200 frames per second. It can become very important depending on the use, the application. Or like I said maybe you're just trying to do something really expensive on the GPU. And you're struggling to hit 30. DLSS can get you over that line in some cases. Maybe if there's no other way for you to optimize your scene. I would point out, though, that-- and I think this is just generally good. Like I'm not I'm not advocating that, oh, you just put DLSS to make a slow thing run fast. Fundamentals are still very important. Like, let me get that back up, knowing what your base pass cost is and what a base pass is. And there's lots of good documentation out there about things like your shader cost, your base pass, your pre pass, your mesh draw calls. And you want all those things to be in good shape. And when you do that, when you have a fairly well constructed or fairly well optimized or at least well set up project from the get go, and then you put DLSS on top, that's where you get the real benefit. Because if you're, let's say, for example, if you have just a really high draw call count and you haven't tuned the amount of meshes that you're rendering, draw calls affects the CPU-- that has a lot to do with CPU and GPU performance. And you can end up with a CPU bottlenecked project. So optimizing the GPU probably won't help you that much. And in that circumstance if your draw call count is really high, you put DLSS on, you may only get a few frames per second. You're not going to get the boost that you want because that's not where your bottleneck is. So this is where it's just-- all the old rules still apply. You still want to have everything that you would do for ray tracing, raster, it doesn't matter. You want to have just a well-constructed scene for all those basics. And then if you do that, like I said, DLSS will really shine. So is there anything else I could show with this basic project here? I guess I could show-- VICTOR: Yeah, we have a couple of questions if you want to tackle some-- RICHARD: Sure. VICTOR: --right now. Yeah RICHARD: Go ahead. VICTOR: Some in general, some stuff that you might be able to try the scene. Atlas BayVR asked, "Does DLSS work with scene capture actors? I only got it to work with regular camera actors." RICHARD: Scene capture actors. So like that sounds like you want to capture something put it to a texture? VICTOR: Mm-hmm, like a render target. RICHARD: Yeah, a render target. Well, so DLSS will work on the final image. I mean, if you have a TV screen and your rendering your texture live to that TV screen in the game, then DLSS will work on the end result there, like, the whole scene. It's not going to work on it individually before basically the scene is constructed. VICTOR: Let's see. There's another question here from Encanta Games. They asked, "How does enabling DLSS for my project work for players with non NVIDIA GPUs. Do I need anything extra for those GPUs, like shifting into the binary?" RICHARD: No you don't need a different binary. We build this into the plugin. So there's failsafes here where, like I said, you can just do-- wherever you set up your game preferences. If that's in your UI Blueprint or some other method. Or I believe we supply the source code when you download the plugin. I'm not sure about that. But, I mean, if you have-- however you set up your preferences I mean you can always test to see if DLSS is currently supported and have fallbacks to that. And if it's never going to break a system because it's-- the fallback is always going to go to standard anti-aliasing TAA You can change that default. There's commands and options to do that. But with just simple scripting, just even like this just to test is it supported or not. If it's not make sure it's off. This is probably even redundant I wouldn't have to hook up anything there but for sanity maybe go with something like that. VICTOR: Yeah we can grab another one here. Matthias Casagrande asked, "I have been testing DLSS and noticed a lot of blur when rotating the camera. How to fix it?" RICHARD: Yeah, there's-- so in the documentation there are some console commands and some things you can try that have to do with motion vectors and a few other details. Now if you step through-- let me point you to where that is. You go into the plugin, the installation guide will get you going. Like this is everything I stepped through at the beginning. Go to this folder, put your plugins there run it, you're good to go. But if you go to the Quickstart guide, the next document and the list, this gets a lot more granular and will step through complex issues. So you go down here and you can see that you might have some problems with motion vectors for example, which sounds-- it's hard to say or it's hard for me to say, right now exactly what's going on without seeing the project, seeing the content. But most every kind of solution you're going to want is in here. And you can-- we document what the console variables are. This is the more advanced stuff. And give it a try and see if it helps you project. Now if it doesn't, then-- this is constantly improving software. It's constantly developing. So we want to make sure that it's going to work with your content. If not right now then in the long run. So just let us know. We have-- I believe there's methods documented here to reach out to us. And we also have our forums, where could possibly post on in real forums. I check there and I would-- if it's something we can address, I'll make sure an engineer sees it, and we can try to get it resolved for you. VICTOR: On that note feel free to use the forum announcement post, where we announced this Live stream as well-- RICHARD: Yes VICTOR: --to this topics we're talking about here today. RICHARD: Yeah VICTOR: Yeah. Why don't we continue? We're still gathering all the questions and we'll go ahead and make sure we get to all of them at least at the very end. RICHARD: Sure. So, yeah. I mean, as you can see, a basic project, just getting going isn't that difficult. Once your you know it's there because you'll get this menu option. I can turn it off, turn it back on I could set different modes. And I'll show you those real quick just so just so people understand. Let me max my frame rate out because I think I'm screened locked to 120 frames per second. OK there we go. So here I'm in ultra performance mode. So this is, as you can see down here from the debug information, this is 33% pixel information being scaled up three times in each direction. So that's a nine times scale up. That's a lot of-- that's like a postage stamp size being blown up to a 1080p image. But you can see that it doesn't look that good. And that totally makes sense. It just does not have enough input pixels to generate a really good quality image at this low resolution at 1080p. And we outline that in our documentation this one right here developer guidelines. And these are guidelines these aren't hard rules we're not forcing anybody to do anything. But if you-- these are strongly recommended, and we find that they worked for a lot of Triple-A developers and even some Indies. So if you step through this document, you can see we document what everything is we say right here ultra performance is really intended for very high resolutions. Above 4K. That's why it exists. So it helps to make 8K possible. And, I think, yeah, if you do the math on that, the 33% of an 8K image is 1440p, I believe. So 1440p original image, that's a lot of pixels. So that's enough for it to work with in order to scale it up and make that 8K possible. So, yeah. But these other modes, performance, balanced, quality are all good for a range of lower resolutions. You just have to look at your content. It's just going to depend sometimes. Like in the case of a ray traced image, I would highly recommend going with quality for almost any resolution. So you'll get less of a performance boost but you will get a performance boost and the reason why I recommend that is because the ray traced denoiser just-- it just needs a bare minimum of input pixels right now in order for it to produce a good image. If you go too low quality on the DLSS it's not going to look very good. But like I said it's you've got to look at your content too. Like you might put your ray trace scene together and you're like, oh, performance looks great. So these are really just suggestions. And we talk about what all these are and what the suggested use of usages are. Do you still have me? VICTOR: Yes, sir. You're with us. RICHARD: OK. We got quiet for a second. I wasn't sure what was happening. So, yeah, was there another question after that or should I get back on track? VICTOR: We got plenty. Let's see. We can cover some of the general ones. danielmn81 asked, "Will the NVIDIA DLSS plugin utilize the DLSS reflection smoothing, caustic meshing, and not sure what that word is GI volume into the plugin like what we showed off a few months ago. RICHARD: I'm looking for the question in the chat. VICTOR: It's way gone by this point. RICHARD: Oh, it's way gone. OK. So what was the question again? VICTOR: Will the NVIDIA DLSS plugin utilize the DLSS as reflection smoothing, caustic meshing, and Sprars GI volume into the plugin? RICHARD: Well, I mean, graphically it should work with everything. Like there shouldn't-- there's really no limits there. I mean it'll even-- the released version even works in VR and it works with forward rendering, and OpenXR. So there's, yeah, there's really no limits that I'm aware of as far as something it wouldn't work with. VICTOR: I think the question was in regards if those features would be implemented as part of the same plugin. RICHARD: But there's something in there about caustics I'm not aware of any DLSS and caustics issue. VICTOR: Not [AUDIO OUT] I think the question is in regards to will those features be implemented in the same plugin as the DLSS one or will they be part of a separate plugin or engine branch? RICHARD: Yeah. I think, yeah, that's separate stuff. VICTOR: So you had another question from-- a couple of questions actually in regards to using DLSS with the movie render queue. RICHARD: Oh, yeah. So I can jump to that project. This is a-- because this is great to look at. We pulled down the Meerkat Demo which-- yeah, sorry? VICTOR: Oh there we go. I think we're back. We had a little hiccup. RICHARD: Oh. VICTOR: Give us just a moment to verify that we're back live I think we are. Going to hit F5 right here. Twitch as well. Sorry, Richard. RICHARD: It's OK, VICTOR: We're getting your stream and the [AUDIO OUT]. RICHARD: OK. You can hear me and everything? VICTOR: Yeah, yeah, yeah you're good. RICHARD: OK. No whammies no whammies. VICTOR: Working out. Yeah, we have you well on our end here. Seems to be only up to Twitch. Let's check YouTube. Seems to be YouTube as well. RICHARD: Oh, jeez. There we go. VICTOR: Yeah, I think, it's actually Twitch only at this point because I'm seeing you just fine on YouTube. RICHARD: OK. VICTOR: Give us just a moment y'all. If you can hear us we're just figuring out some technical difficulties here. Getting the stream live on Twitch. Yeah we have serious issues on YouTube. All right. I think we're going to go ahead and try to restart Twitch Sorry, all YouTube watchers. Got to make sure that everyone can enjoy the content. RICHARD: Yes. But they can-- people on YouTube can still see me and hear me? VICTOR: Yep we are a loud and clear on YouTube. RICHARD: OK. Well, I don't want to give anything away yet. VICTOR: Let's go ahead and do this. We're going to try a full restart here. So we all watching on YouTube right now, we will be right back. Everyone is just chilling at this point. RICHARD: Yeah. VICTOR: We have excellent connection on YouTube. So it seems like we have some issue with going through to the Twitch server. RICHARD: Oh, my goodness. VICTOR: We're back up on YouTube and I believe we are back up on Twitch. Restarts good, Richard. RICHARD: Yeah VICTOR: Sorry about that. RICHARD: Well it happens, right? Didn't you say before that there's at least one major glitch, at least, once in a while or something like that. I don't know. Something happens. VICTOR: There's usually something when we're live. Yes. RICHARD: Something. OK. So but I-- but you can-- everyone can hear me and see me? VICTOR: Yeah you're looking good. Your stream is coming through well, and we are live on both platforms. So you're good to go. RICHARD: OK. So Yeah I just wanted to-- this is the Meerkat Demo and I think I'll just play it. Yeah so this was-- this is-- it was put out by Epic, made by some Weta artists. And, oh, I'm not-- nothing. Let me restart this. It's such a cool demo. But this is obviously very high end graphically. This is very close to CG quality stuff. I mean if you haven't grabbed it and checked it out it's worth taking a look at. But anyway, so this is-- oh, let me-- jeez, I'm going to try that one more time. Yeah, but here I've got-- so DLSS running on it. And it didn't come that way. I grabbed the project and added DLSS on top. But you can see what this is doing for this rendered scene because this was never meant to be real time. This was intended to be a movie file output using movie render queue or MRQ. And so a big question is, well, can DLSS help to speed that up? Can it improve the workflow? I'll say that we're still looking at this, we don't have clear answers yet. So where we're at is-- where we're at right now is DLSS works great with Sequencer. Movie render queue, it's a little bit of a question mark. I think it's not fully implemented. But we're very interested in this area and I don't-- I can't make any promises about what might happen in the future. But this is an area of investigation for us, and we want to support it if we can. But anyway I've set this up with DLSS DMX and you can actually see what the differences visually, the quality differences. I've got a-- whoops hold on. Yeah I've got a shortcut here for DLSS off and you can see that on my 2080 Ti system. This is running at just over 30 frames per second, about 35 frames per second. And then delicious on it's about 40-- it's hard to tell what that is. 47, 48 frames per second. So almost at least a 30% to 50% speed boost. Again, we can look at stat GPU because this is almost all GPU cost going on here. And if I switch back to the standard anti-aliasing, full resolution, you see I got a lights cost. There's an RTX GI cost. There's hair strands, post processing. All those things are fairly expensive because we want this to look quality. But a lot of those are screen resolution dependent. Not everything but many of them are. So when I switched DLSS on I get a significant boost in performance. And let's see, you'll notice it even pulls out certain details. Like the hair strands, in standard anti-aliasing the hair strands get lost off the nose and on top of the head and stuff. You can see them, they're faint over the face and stuff but they're not really showing up. But with DLSS-- this is an area where DLSS can sometimes improve image quality in ways you don't expect. Where it actually can almost grab some sub-pixel detail and pull it out. I think we've shown examples on our website where it's game like that stranding. Where there's some sign in the distance and it's literally too small to read anything on it. But you turn on DLSS maybe in quality mode, and it pulls out those words, sharpens them you can actually read it. I mean, we need to start using this for criminal investigations. like scanning license plates, no you're right. Just like CSI movies and whatever. But you can see what it does the image here, speeds it up. And in this case that actually improves the quality. Sometimes if you look at the fur under his chin there-- so here's with DLSS off. There's like a shimmer to it, like it's not stable. It's not able to, I don't know, fully resolve it somehow. With DLSS on it not only pulls that fur detail out it stabilizes it. Now, I don't want to get-- yeah, go ahead, go ahead. VICTOR: It also seems like the depth of field is working as intended. We had a couple of questions of that in chat. RICHARD: Yeah, no, it is. Depth of field will be different. If you look closely at depth of field-- depth of field totally works. This is actually a misunderstanding. Depth of field works with DLSS. All your post-process effects are going to work. But in some cases namely DLSS and Bloom they're going to work differently. And it may not give you the result you want out of the box. So you might-- because when you-- let's say you're doing TAA or TAAU which is the standard anti-aliasing up sample. So you're doing one of those methods. Like where you're post-process effects sit in the chain is going to be slightly different and give you slightly different results. So between those two methods today in Unreal Engine, you don't get quite the exact same post-process result. Depending on how you-- whether or not you've got an upsample flag on in your project, what your input pixels are is going to determine how your depth of field behaves. I mean, you can see this for yourself even without DLSS. Just start changing resolutions and change that upsample flag. And you'll see different behaviors. So what's actually going on is DLSS just as a slightly different way but it sets in the existing post-process chain. And so it's present it's working but it's going to be-- it's going to give you a different result than how TAA currently looks. And in some cases, it might make it seem like it just goes away completely depending on your depth of field settings are set. Or in the case of DLSS quality mode, the difference might be really subtle almost nonexistent. So that's just a quality thing. And we also recognize too that this is an area that needs to be improved. Like we're not happy with that. Like we would like it if ideally as-- if you're setting up your movie or sequence whatever or using depth of field a certain way, you want it to be consistent across all resolutions, all different anti-aliasing methods, et cetera, et cetera. I'd say that this is something that we just need to keep working on. And I would hope that a future update will see improvements to this. But Yeah if I switch back and forth. So here's standard anti-aliasing and then here's DLSS. I'll just cycle back and forth a little bit. You see is still doing depth of field just like I said. Maybe not everywhere you want or quite in the same way that you intended. But that's where you can account for it. Like in the case of this project here, the Meerkat, it's intended to be rendered to a file. That's the whole point of it. Like I said, this was never intended to be real time. I got into a discussion with the Weta artists on that. They were like Yeah we didn't think that people would be running this in a live application like it's going to be part of a game. And it's a real time cinematic. It's meant to be a movie render cue that's the whole point. And so in that case, you could very easily just design of your post-process settings to be ideal for DLSS. If that's your development machine, and you're spitting out that movie file, then just build it for that right there. But, yeah, in other real time scenarios, this is something we need to improve for sure. So, yeah, I get-- you can-- I can pause it, keep going. [INTERPOSING VOICES] And there's lot-- oh, yeah, sure you want me to pause it again? VICTOR: Oh I was just going to say the chat we're referring to the typical scenario in a movie where you just go enhance. RICHARD: Right. Exactly. Well maybe DLSS has other applications beyond games. I mean, I'm largely talking about games today. But there's lots of potential for other things, including rendering video. Yeah here this is-- I just paused it. So this is DLSS off DLSS on. It's like a 50% speed boost and look at all that back hair fur. Look at that how it gets lost right there. But then pulled out and stabilized. VICTOR: And it's actually coming through the stream pretty well too. RICHARD: Yeah. Yeah. It's so I don't know. I mean, we made this application-- I mean well this variant of the Meerkat Demo so we can start to study these issues and understand it better. This also-- I mean just so everybody is aware of this also has a ray tracing off versus ray tracing on. So we can study those differences too. So we're trying to learn a lot about how DLSS behaves, how GI, behaves, how tracing versus raster. I mean, the project was intended to be raster. So, yeah, we're just-- yeah, we're using this as-- this as one test bed to try to understand some of these differences. And then look for ways we can improve it. Because, like I said, we don't want the software to-- it's not like it's at version 2 and it's done forever. That's not the point. We know it has-- there's areas that could be improved that can always be better. And it's also important for us to understand what the differences are too because we've looked at a lot of content, but we haven't looked at everything. So there may be interesting details that we don't expect like I didn't I certainly didn't expect the hair to pop out like that and stabilize. So that's interesting to me. Yeah this is all 4.26 stuff. So like the hair and fur is brand new like we're seeing this for the first time. VICTOR: I had a question from Hector Centeno "So enabling DLSS automatically disables and replaces temporal anti-aliasing?" RICHARD: Yes. Yeah it's one or the other. But, yeah. Let's say you do your do your standard way of optimizing the rendered scene where you maybe run the project at a lower resolution like 70% or 80% res, and then you upscale that. And then you do a tone mapper, sharpened filter on top of all. That whole set of actions gets replaced by DLSS if it's active. So, yeah, you're doing one or the other. I should just let this play because it's fun to watch. VICTOR: Yeah I had another question from Wild Ox Studios. "Do you control the native resolution manually or does DLSS do that?" RICHARD: Oh, well, so you can specify the-- which or what resolution you're using depending on the quality mode. So I'll just back out here real quick. Let's look at our Meerkat, he's such a cutie. VICTOR: Yeah. I've seen it a lot in Zoom calls. RICHARD: So let's see, if I set it to quality. Yeah. So, I mean, like I said it tells you at the bottom-- if you've got the registry key setup it tells you what's going on. If I set it to balanced that's 57%, this is performance is 50% resolution. ultra performance is 33% resolution. And I think I might have just bit it. VICTOR: Ah, If we don't have at least one engine crash during a live stream, it's not live. RICHARD: The Meerkat thing is very taxing. Like I said, I've got a 2080 Ti in here. It's a good card but-- oh, wait. No, there it goes it recovered. I thought I was going to have a GPU crash for a moment. Jeez what's it what's going on. I think I'm just going to-- VICTOR: Those settings are predefined, right? But you also have-- RICHARD: It's predefined. VICTOR: --to set that percentage yourself? RICHARD: Yeah. You can-- Yeah there's no way I believe to specify that or at least-- I'd say check the documentation on that. We do have-- we are work-- I can say that we are working on-- I mean, like I said you can specify for an end user or you specify it yourself where this is the quality mode I want to be in, and you set that up however you like. But one thing we're working on is a variable rate shading or a dynamic resolution. So it's partially implemented right now. It's there, you can play with it, but this is not a final implementation at all. But I can show that real quick. because the future of DLSS might be this, where you don't even specify the input resolution. The system is making very intelligent dynamic decisions about frame to frame, what the resolution is. So the command-- and this is-- like I said this is a beta. If you just want to experiment. But it's our test. And there's some fun stuff in the R-test category. But this one is dynamic resolution hell. And you turn it on. VICTOR: Always fun [INTERPOSING VOICES] RICHARD: Yeah and then you see what's happening down there. Look at that. The input resolution is changing rapidly. It's cycling between different-- like whatever perceptually thinks it's like the right resolution moment to moment. It depends on the application. That could be a small boost to a big boost. And like I said, I'm very underscore. This is a beta feature right now, we're working on it. But theoretically, like I said maybe in the future you don't even set the resolution. Maybe it all just handles it for you. Giving you the optimal frame rate based on what makes sense in the moment. VICTOR: Cool. We did have some questions about using DLSS with the metahuman project. I believe we were going to cover that, right? RICHARD: Yeah. How are we doing on time? We're an hour into this already? Oh my goodness. VICTOR: But we got plenty of time to go. RICHARD: OK. I'll load up metahumans. Yeah. I personally, I'm really appreciative that you guys are doing all these high end projects. Metahuman, Meerkat. Because I mean this is a good way for us to make sure everything is working with it including/but especially DLSS. We need to keep looking at as much kind of varied content as possible. But these high end projects that are like really GPU intensive or good test cases for us. VICTOR: Waiting for this load. RICHARD: Yeah VICTOR: Yeah a little bit. Maybe we can another question while waiting. RICHARD: Sure. VICTOR: Let's see. We covered depth of field. Rafael Medeiros Lima asked, "Will DLSS have problems with screen space Reflections?" RICHARD: No it Shouldn't. I mean, any graphical feature you can think of, it should operate on the-- really great I mean like I said, most of the time 90-- at least 90% of the time if it doesn't have visual equivalency to standard anti-aliasing it might actually enhance your details. Like I said, it'll depend on what your input resolution is. It will depend what quality mode you're in. But the potential for it to actually improve your details is they're all giving you a better frame rate. I will note a couple of areas where, yeah, DLSS could improve. I mean as long as we're on that. And we already talked about one of them which is post-process. Specifically depth of field and bloom. There are I guess you could call them asterisks. Things to be aware of that might affect your project. It's not going to affect every project. Another area is world space post-process materials. And if you think through the logic on that one it makes sense. Because if you've got-- you have some type of post-process effect and it's specifically tied to world space, the way it works currently is it's counting on world coordinates to match your screen resolution. And if you're working with less input pixels in the case of DLSS world space post-process materials won't render in the correct place. It's really just a know issue. And if you're really good with math you can actually work out the differences and compensate for that in the material. So if you are in DLSS quality mode, you know but that's 66% input resolution you could do some math on your material and compensate for that so it looks correct when you're in that mode. You just need a couple of extra Blueprint functions and something like that. And then it should work OK. But that one's come up. And just because there's a way to deal with it right now, It doesn't mean that that's-- we're happy with that right like we would like it to just work if possible. So these are areas where we always want to try to improve it. Make it a little bit better if we can. Fix anything up that we can. So I mean Yeah like it's actually important for us to get that feedback. If people have a particular project and something is just not playing right, and you've done everything you can. You step through the more advanced settings and nothing seems to fix it, just get in contact with us. I'm on the Unreal Engine forums. You can find me there. I don't post all the time, but at least, I try to get in there check it at least once in a while. And just flag me down I will-- if it's-- like I said if it's something we can address then we will. VICTOR: Thanks, Richard. RICHARD: Sure VICTOR: Let's take a look at this. RICHARD: Yeah. OK. So no DLSS. So obviously a very GPU bound scene. Let's do a stat GPU. We can see exactly how we're spending our time. A lot of time being spent on lights. That make sense. I think there's a number of point and rec lights in here that are all shadow casters. So the DLSS will more than likely have a good impact on that. Most of these other things, like I said, it's going to improve your GPU time. So I can just turn on quality mode. And don't worry I'll take this-- or maybe I should just move this right over here. So we can see the quality differences. But you can see what that did to the frame rate. I think I went from 20 some maybe 25 frames per second to almost 40. Cut the lights time in half that's huge. I'll swap back. Turn it off. Yeah in this case, I'm not sure if it's improving any detail. I don't think it's losing any detail. Like her eyelashes and it everything. So this is just-- I think this is just-- yeah, this is just standard into aliasing. I switched to quality mode. I don't know that looks pretty preserved to me. But it probably could be gone over with a fine tooth comb for like image comparison. But, yeah, the performance gain is definitely there. It affected almost every category. It's not going to-- like I said, if it's not a screen space if it's not a fill rate issue or strictly a GPU type issue it's not going to-- probably not going to impact it. So that's why it just depends on what you're drawing. This gets to that whole point is that depending on what scene you're seeing and how you've constructed it, the gain can be a little bit. It might be 10% to 20%. It might be a lot it might double your frame rate I think under very ideal conditions it's more than double. But so that's why there's some range there as far as-- it just, like I said it depends on where your performance bottlenecks are at exactly. But going from 25 to 40 that's pretty good. This is a very intense scene. I can give it a play. VICTOR: And this is with DLSS on right? RICHARD: Yes. You can see it's active at the bottom there. I guess I'm running in balanced mode at the moment. I didn't-- that is the default. So it just went right to it. VICTOR: That shot right there is my absolute favorite. RICHARD: Yeah, it's killer, right? VICTOR: Yeah RICHARD: It looks so good. And on it's performance, it takes a big hit when it zooms in on his face, but Yeah I think before for me, in regular anti-aliasing, this is no better than 20 frames a second. And here just we're above 30. VICTOR: Had another question from Sintask in regards to using DLSS for virtual production workflows. I don't think that's a one solution fits all, right? Depending on what your production cycle looks like there. But something that would be of benefit is the real time iteration benefits that you might see, right? if you have a-- RICHARD: Absolutely VICTOR: --very intense and performance-heavy scene might not necessarily need DLSS when you're outputting your images. Unless you're seeing a image quality improvement that you like. But especially when it comes to iterating, and this is one of the great benefits of using a real time engine for movies is that you have the opportunity of having it run that at least 24 frames, which is just movie while you're just working on it. It's just make a change hit play look at it right away. You don't have to wait to see-- RICHARD: That's actually-- yeah, any-- it's going to benefit you on almost any GPU bottleneck task. So yeah, as you're working with something in real time. And if you can get a sense for that is my GPU-- what's costing me? Like here let me turn off DLSS. So turn it off. My frame rate goes down. OK. So very basically I can do a stat unit and get a look at what my cost is. But that tells me right there. If game time can be like your-- things like your CPU, your Blueprint scripts or whatever, your game code basically. But here you can see my GPU is my highest cost. And you're only going to be as fast as your slowest component. So that's why DLSS has a out-sized impact on this particular scene. Because one GPU cost as you can see right there is pretty high. So when-- yeah, if I put it on, my GPU time went way down. I think it's shaved like 12 milliseconds off. VICTOR: Yeah, it did. RICHARD: Right so that has a big effect. Not quite a doubling but pretty good. and if it's a workflow thing like you just trying to get the most performance out of it, you could potentially go ultra performance. And it'll be blurry or I should say blurrier, but-- now I just I just went past 50 frames per second at least momentarily. So that can be a big help. But, yeah. Especially when talking about movie render queue, like I said, this is something that we need to further investigate but there are interesting ideas there. Because everything I've talked about so far is DLSS in a-- totally in a real time. Typically a game but maybe a visualization setting too, where you're trying to maximize frame rate. Well, what about what if we took the lessons and ran it not at a lower resolution but a higher resolution, and use that to enhance details that you might output in a movie? That's interesting, right? And at the moment it's unexplored, but we're thinking about it. And I think we'd like to do it, but we need to look at it. But that's especially tied with movie render queue. That might be where you don't run DLSS at a lower resolution you run it at 100% or maybe 150%. It's like how you'd-- typically you'd go into the-- you go here into the screen percentage, and you'd upscale it. set it to some higher value 200% or something like that. So it's not going to-- doing it that way sitting at 100% or higher is not going to save you any frame rate. But it might enhance your details. It might improve your quality beyond what you thought was possible originally. So that's an interesting area. Yeah, I wish I had a more clear answer about that today but that's something that we're looking at. VICTOR: Mippithedork asked "Does DLSS render operations happen before UMG slate UI or after?" RICHARD: I think, well that stuff can be completely resolution independent. So it leaves it alone as far as I know. Like if you do up-scaling right now, like the UI elements all project at 100% resolution. And that doesn't change. VICTOR: Can't Pronounce That Name asked, "Are there any circumstances where DLSS might become a downside? And what would be the worst case scenario?" RICHARD: Becomes a downside. Well, like I said there's the aforementioned world position offset material, post-process material issue. But that's a known one, and like I said, we would like to improve that. And, yeah, just in the current render pipeline the way things are currently set up it's just good to be aware about how your post-process effects might change. That totally depends on the project. How much bloom are you using? What are you doing with depth of field? Some games don't use depth of field at all. And some games turn their bloom off or make it an option. So it's just going to depend on what you're currently doing. But I think my point there would be knowing about these things ahead of time. These edge case issues or known issues. If you're aware of them, you can build it into your plan for DLSS. I mean, our experience generally with working with developers has been, it's always much easier to know ahead of time what the technology is and what you're dealing with. What are the strengths. What are the weaknesses. Just what does it do? And the sooner you can get that into the process, the better off you're going to be with your project. If you've got something that's basically done, your final beta you're heading towards your gold master, you're just about there, and you try to add DLSS on top, you could run into some problems. That way where you've got to go back and change content. So, yeah, the sooner you can be aware-- and that's part of the reason why we're doing this today, right? Is the more knowledge you have on it, the better of your project is going to be. VICTOR: And that doesn't only apply to DLSS, right? There are always upsides-- or not always but frequently downsides to the features you decide to use. RICHARD: Oh, yeah, absolutely I mean, we see this across the board with just about everything. RTX GI, ray tracing in general. The sooner people can be made aware of what the options are and how to make use of them, typically, the better your production is going to be. The easier it's going to be. The hardest thing to do is the game is done, the project's done and now we're going to try to take this advance feature and go back and graft it onto that. Because then like maybe you're-- who knows what you've made? You've got lots of different stuff lots of different types of content, lots of different scenarios. And it's all been fine tuned to the previous way of rendering things, whatever that is. And so, yeah. Like I said that's part of why we're doing this today. So that-- help people be aware of exactly what DLSS US is doing and, yeah, just what to watch out for. But as you can see you don't have to watch out for very much. Like I'm not aware of a ton of issues. And like I said in a lot of cases, you might find that the quality actually improves, which is crazy but true. So it's not every case. I mean like I said, the little details can come up where it's like Yeah they enhance this detail here and made it better and got I got an extra 20 frames per second. So that's wonderful. But maybe this other detail over this part of the image I feel like it took a step backwards and so we just take those case by case. Like how can-- so we look at it we want to try to make these improvements. VICTOR: davig019 asked, "Can you selectively use DLSS, for example, in a first person shooter don't process the middle of the screen?" RICHARD: No but that's an interesting idea. I'm not sure how much performance benefit there would be if it were possible to mix different modes like that. But it's an interesting idea. VICTOR: That falls in line a little bit with how variable rate shading works. RICHARD: That's true. Yeah, it doesn't work that way currently but, who knows what's in store for the future. VICTOR: Yeah it's definitely an interesting idea RICHARD: Yeah VICTOR: Might even be some cool effects and there's always so much to think about. RICHARD: Well, yeah I mean rendering today is a very complicated affair. because there's have all your post-process effects. You have maybe different translucent layers of different Niagara effects or whatever you're putting in the scene. There's a lot of different kinds of content that all comes together. And it's not all rendered in one shot right like here there's different passes that are happening. And they're happening at different stages in the render cue. And, of course, we're trying to do it all really quick right we want to do it in a tenth of a millisecond or some number that's really, really low. So there's big challenges there there's a lot of difficult things to solve. We want to do it as fast as possible. Ideally everything would be running at 1,000 frames per second frame rate would never be an issue. It just runs no matter what you throw in there. So I think this where it starts to get a little theoretical. But anyway who knows what the future brings. VICTOR: Yeah we're still gathering all the questions here. But why don't we move on with the presentation? I know we have some cool stuff to show us. RICHARD: Yeah. OK. VR comes up a lot. So I can't show VR are in real time. So I'm going to show you a video. OK. Hold on let me do this. Do a zoom to fill and a repeat. Anyway. I wanted to show some VR thing just to show everybody that this actually works, and it's potentially very good for your VR project. This right here, this is not a product. This is not anything this is just me messing around with an idea I had at home because in a former life I was a VR developer. And I have a strong interest in VR, and someday I'd like to build a home theater in my house. I'm not I'm not rich, but it's cool to dream, right? So I started to game it out I was like well I could just use Unreal and I've got a VR headset and I could build something to scale virtually, and game out. What does it feel like is this makes sense that sort of thing. So yeah, this is all like a theoretical room space in my house. And I wanted to see if I could make like a virtual reality theater room, just like I said, so I could sit in it and feel it out and see what this is like. But I put deals on this too. I hadn't tried it before yesterday. Just to see what sort of performance I would get out of it. And as you can see I mean this is set up for performance as is. It's running on a 2080 Ti. So performance is really good but-- so now this-- I set it for VR mode. This is what DLSS off. And you can see the frame rate's variable. I actually just so everybody knows, this is a deferred rendering. This is lots of shadow casting lights. It's all dynamic. You can see the shadows they're coming in from different directions. Way too many shadow casting lights. This is not like a realistic production VR project. you'd want to optimize this more if it was something you're putting out there. But maybe as you're developing and working on it in real time you don't want to optimize it as you go. Maybe you just want like good frame rate like while you're building it. Like I said like I'm just-- I think the scene probably has 20 shadow casting dynamic lights. It's too much. But it's VR. This is not ray traced its raster rendered, So, yeah, this is just-- you can see what-- I've got a simple function in there where I press the Space bar and the lights go down they come back up the door opens and closes. VICTOR: Yeah RICHARD: That sort of thing. It's just like I said, this is not a product never will be a product. it's for my own purposes. But I felt like it might be pretty instructive on the benefits of DLSS. So DLSS off and then here I'm enabling it. That's DLSS on. And you can see the frame rate jumped about 20 frames a second in this case, it looks like it went down about two milliseconds. It went almost straight up to like 120 and just it's like pegged like 119 or close to it. VICTOR: When we're talking VR, two milliseconds is huge. RICHARD: It's huge. You're a VR developer, you understand that you're fighting for every fraction of a millisecond you can get in VR. And yeah, I mean, like I said, if you're fine-tuning the project and you had a lot of detail to try on VR more than you thought was previously possible. I mean DLSS, it might almost be most ideal for VR applications. I mean it's got-- like I said it's a lot of applications across the board but in some ways, it's really meant for VR. Because here in this case. So I turn it off look at those-- look at the details right in the center look at the line structure how it's the high contrast area. Look how it sharpens and cleans it up with DLSS on. So not only did I get a frame rate boost, I got a detail enhancement. There's standard anti-aliasing. VICTOR: Yeah, and it's an interesting solution if you are required to use deferred render pass for whatever reasons instead of forward right? RICHARD: Right. VICTOR: It probably doesn't look great in VR. We all know that it makes it rather blurry. And so it can instead use DLSS to enhance the image that way. That's a win-win. RICHARD: Yeah and, of course, DLSS does work like it's intended to work with VR. So it does-- it will work with forward rendering. It works with OpenXR. Yeah. And I would encourage anybody if you're developing VR apps that you want to use DLSS, and you see any issues, please let us. This is an area that's important to us. We want to improve it and make sure it's rock solid. But as you can see I didn't do any-- you can fine-tune the sharpness factor. You can do a few other details to DLSS. Like I said I just sent it to a quality mode, got a small but noticeable frame rate boost, and it pretty much just works. I didn't have to do any other fine-tuning to my project or worry about any other details or change anything or anything like that. And if you're an audio-video file, you might notice in my hypothetical theater down here, I've got an ultra short throw positioned laser. I'm into that stuff. So I think it's pretty neat. VICTOR: Yeah RICHARD: Getting off topic, but anyway. Any other questions at this point or-- VICTOR: Sure. Yeah let's go through some of them ForecsPC asked, "Is there a difference between the DLSS 1.0 of the 20 series and the DLSS 2.0 of the 30 series in this plugin? Or does both gens use the same DLSS as this version of the plugin?" RICHARD: Both generations use the same version of the plugin. You might be playing a game though that that's using an older version of DLSS, but that's just built into that game. But the plugin that we've released is, I think, technically version 2.1.5 or something like that. And that's the latest release and yes it's the same plugin for any ray tracing card. VICTOR: Let's see RareBirdGames asked, "What happens if you optimize your game for DLSS but port it console? It kind of throws me off." RICHARD: Oh, sure. Well, yeah. I mean, DLSS requires Tensor Core hardware right now. So that means it requires an RTX card in a PC. It doesn't run anywhere else. That's how things are at-- that's where they're at today. So if you're running on any other platform, you're going to use another-- you're going to use a standard anti-aliasing or up scaling, or maybe some specific method that hardware offers. But that's really it it's actually very simple. VICTOR: Xenthorx asked, "Can you combine temporal upsampling and DLSS?" RICHARD: No. It is a one or the other thing. VICTOR: That was easy. RICHARD: Yeah, VICTOR: Gideon October asked, "Is DLSS a final post-process or can you implement several layers within the image?" RICHARD: Several layers. I'm not sure I understand the question exactly. VICTOR: Perhaps if it's-- is it affecting several of the buffers or is it after all the buffers? RICHARD: Oh, well, I believe as a plugin it's-- the best way to understand it is there's a page on the Epic documentation that talks about the whole TAA and TAAU render queue. And you can see where basically the temporal anti-aliasing resides in that chain. So if you go there basically just DLSS replaces that. So you're doing one or the other, but it exists at that point. And it's going to depend on whether you're doing the upsample version or not. VICTOR: Let's see. Robin Hasenbach asked, "Will this be supported on mobile NVIDIA chip sets?" RICHARD: I don't have any answer for that right now. VICTOR: Cool. Let's keep some of the other questions in the end. I'm also getting some general that we can cover a little bit later on RICHARD: Sure. Yeah. OK. So I also wanted to show this project here. This is a game coming out called The Fabled Woods, and it's made by an Indie developer. This is really a great-- It's not out yet, it comes out March 25th. But it's really a great success story from a technical standpoint. The developer is actually a one man team-- VICTOR: I think we lost Richard for-- RICHARD: --Pumpkin Jack as well. And so they end up-- Oh yeah, is everything-- VICTOR: Yeah let's just wait for the project to load. I think you're CPU's taking a little hit right there. RICHARD: Yeah. [AUDIO OUT] I was launching it, so that makes sense. VICTOR: OK. Check one, check two. I think we're good. RICHARD: Yeah. VICTOR: OK Yeah we're good. RICHARD: It's doing it again. OK. VICTOR: Yeah. Well, at least we have you. RICHARD: Yeah. OK, so I don't want to show the whole game or anything like that. But I just wanted to show this is an interesting and really cool project because I mean NVIDIA is a big company. We work with a lot of Triple-As, we work a lot of big games. But we work with Indies too. We work with a whole range of different developers. And this particular developer, is really incorporating our technology. So they're using, our NvRTX branch for optimized ray tracing. They're using DLSS, they're using RTX GI. They're doing a whole bunch of things that are really powerful. And they're using it to produce a ray traced forest scene. This might be one of the first to be done on the scale. And I mean, I can just-- I did want to show you a little bit of that content because I think it speaks for itself. VICTOR: Yeah you showed me this yesterday, and I was quite impressed. Especially considering the difference between this scene and the one you showed in the previous stream we did. We can tell that Richard's PC is once again loading a scene. I believe he'll be back momentarily. All right scene loaded into memory. Let's see if this could-- gets a little bit of that back. RICHARD: This is [AUDIO OUT]. There it goes. VICTOR: All right I think we can-- yes we're back, Richard. RICHARD: OK I guess he needs to rebuild some shaders for some reason. Even though I just loaded this just before the stream started at least to do this. Can you hear me OK? VICTOR: Yeah. You're good now. RICHARD: OK. So, anyway, it's very interesting from a technical standpoint. I mean, I think this is going to be a really cool game. This developer, they really want to tell a story. It's a single player story-driven game. But I wanted to talk a little bit about it from a technical standpoint and how DLSS is benefiting this. Because he got our plugin and incorporated it. And, like I said, largely it speaks for itself. And this is-- it's not necessary this game is-- it's ray traced, it's also does raster. There's both. But this is a ray traced forest on a very large environment with a ton of foliage overdraw. And this is normally a pretty killer. This is really difficult to do in any setting, ray tracing or not. But you can-- but anyway this is without DLSS and it's hanging in there on a 2080 card. It's getting a good frame rate but we can do better. VICTOR: Enhance. RICHARD: Enhance. There we go. In this particular case, performance does great in terms of quality and I almost, almost doubled my frame rate. And real time reflections not fake ones. Ray traced shadows over everything. Over a very complicated environment, I think, yeah, like last time we talked, I showed a test forest scene because this type of environment is something we would like to make sure runs at a really high quality and really fast all the time. And so we've spent a lot of development effort to help boost that, optimizing foliage and how it behaves, and all that sort of thing. And I want to know too because sometimes it comes up people ask about our branch the NvRTX branch which anyone can get. They get access to the source code with a sign up. So you go to GitHub, you sign up. Once you're in there, you have access to the source code. You can see it all for yourself. But people ask NvRTX, well, how custom is that? That sounds like it's only going to work on NVIDIA hardware. That's not the case at all. NvRTX is it 100% follows DXR standards. So that's Microsoft's DX12 ray tracing standard. And NvRTX follows that 100%. The only thing that doesn't follow DXR standards is DLSS. And that's because it's not a ray tracing technology for one thing. And another thing is that it requires Tensor Core hardware that's tied to the hardware. But everything we do would run on any rat tracing hardware. It would run on a PlayStation 5. It would run on an AMD. It doesn't matter. We'd like to think that on our hardware runs-- it runs the best but we're not doing any specific optimizations. Zero optimizations for our hardware. And like I said the proof is in the pudding. You can get the source code you can go through it line by line. You can see for yourself. So it's-- yeah. VICTOR: In that previous camera position you ran if you could just toggle it on and off. RICHARD: Oh, the ray tracing or the DLSS? We're talking DLSS, right? VICTOR: Yes RICHARD: OK. So, yeah, that's DLSS off and DLSS on. VICTOR: Thanks Richard RICHARD: Sure. Yeah. If there are any differences, they are often very subtle. I mean we can also compare it to DLSS quality mode. There's still a significant performance bump. But that's-- like when you said that the preferences for your game in this case, the user can choose what quality mode does he want does he even want DLSS? And set it up that way. And I'm pretty sure this game is set up that way. So it's not required. But if you have an RTX card and you want that boost, you get to choose how you use it. VICTOR: Yeah. I guess something that folks might be curious about is are you aware, other than implementing the plugin to this project, are you aware of any other work that was done with DLSS to get it to run this way, or was it more just an implant and turn on? RICHARD: No. Most of the work is-- it was mostly just turn it on or turn it off. Yeah a lot of-- I'd say most of the work went into other areas. The reason why I talk about ray tracing so much with this one is because we want ray tracing to work with all kinds of content. Foliage and moving animated shadows, and whatever. And so this takes advantage of that. We did a lot of work to make sure that part of it works. But, yeah, DLSS tends to be very automatic. Unless you run into one of the, like I said, the aforementioned maybe a depth of field issue, maybe a bloom issue. Sometimes issues with motion vectors we've documented that. In the PDF But Yeah but since this particular game, I don't think he's doing anything with depth of field so he didn't-- or very little it's not he's trying to like blur things at a distance. So, yeah, for the most part, DLSS just worked. VICTOR: Awesome RICHARD: Yeah, VICTOR: Definitely a case of, let's just sit here and look at pretty pictures. RICHARD: Yeah it is pretty to look at. This actually has-- it's come up occasionally, people will notice this is that it-- whoops I'm selecting everything now. There's volumetric fog shadows going on. That's something we have fixed in our NvRTX branch. So in ray tracing you can get volumetric fog in ray tracing. But, yeah, like I said, the-- our code benefits everybody. People often have that question. there's really small, one man teams like this project. There's big Triple-A games and there's everything in between. We do a lot of interacting with developers might be a 10 man team or a 20 person team. And they've got maybe a PS 5 version of the game planned. It's a common question does-- will this technology work on other platforms? Yes. Absolutely. DLSS says it won't but that's not today. I'll say that. VICTOR: Yeah I think you mentioned that the plugin that's available is still in beta officially, right? RICHARD: What are we talking about? For the-- VICTOR: DLSS plugin for Unreal Engine. RICHARD: No. The dynamic resolution feature is a beta. But, I mean, what we have is I think it's considered a release code. VICTOR: OK RICHARD: Yeah. Ready to be used in any project VICTOR: Enhance RICHARD: Enhance. Exactly. VICTOR: Stuck on that now. Let's see. We've seen a couple more questions here. Let's see if any of them are related to the project here. RICHARD: Oh, sure. Yeah and let's see. Yeah, I did want to-- well I mean-- yeah let's see if there are any other questions though. I don't want to miss anything if people are wondering about something. VICTOR: I think you're good. Why don't you continue and I can mark some of them here. Just to make sure that we'll get to them. RICHARD: OK. I did want to take some time to talk about some things we have coming up that aren't specifically DLSS related. But if you're ready to move into that I'm ready too. VICTOR: Yeah let's go. RICHARD: OK so if we could pull up the RTXDI page or-- I don't remember what we were going to do with that if I can get control. But-- VICTOR: We got you, Richard. It's up. RICHARD: OK. Cool. So, yeah. If you-- RTXDI is a ray tracing technology we have coming out very soon. And I really just want to put-- this is a public page we have right now. So you can go to this web page right now and read about it. This is going to be coming to Unreal Engine. And this is a very big deal from rendering and lighting standpoint. RTXDI it's just fundamentally going to change how we light scenes. Using ray tracing methods. Basically, new denoising methods and new lighting methods, new shadow casting methods. It is going to allow you to have what basically amounts to unlimited light sourcing. I don't know if this one can be overstated enough as being the big deal that it is. Not only are you going to be able to have literally thousands of shadow casting lights in your scene, but you are probably going to be rendering the scene faster than you do today. And this is strictly software. These are software improvements using the existing hardware to enable new forms of rendering. I mean, I'm blown away by this one because if you look back at the history of modern gaming, the turning point for modern 3D rendering was somewhere around like Doom 3. Doom 3 comes out and they have hardware base shadow casting lights. And they had-- they were working with pretty hard limits that we still work with today. Doom 3 was like, you can only have like four shadow casting lights in your scene. That's it. This changes all that it's going to change it radically. So you could go crazy with shadow casting lights and you don't have to worry about culling them by distance like we do now, where you set a max draw distance on them. Or maybe put stuff in a different sub-level and stream it Out you don't have to worry about any of that stuff. And, yeah. I mean we'll have more to say about this coming up. I just I just wanted to put a highlighter on it let everybody know this is coming. And It's a real thing. I've seen it working. It actually started as a technology under a different name called Resta and as it gets moved into the Unreal Engine it's called RTXDI. So direct illumination. And Yeah this is going to change a lot as far as what people thought ray tracing was all about and what you could do with it. VICTOR: That's very exciting. I showed a team yesterday as well, and I think we got some eyebrows. RICHARD: Yeah. I don't think it's-- I don't know, it's probably not going to be any secret that we want to-- not only do we want to get this in everybody's hands and make it as accessible as possible, we want to work with you guys, with Epic so that this is a technology that we're coordinating on now and into the future. And just like everything else we do in the NvRTX branch this is not tied to our specific hardware at all. It follows the same DXR standards as everything else. The software that we're developing, in theory, benefits the whole industry. And maybe in the future. It allows for some future console or who knows what we're doing, unlimited lighting there to maybe even on your phone someday. So the potential is huge. I mean, this is like-- this gets us potentially another step towards eliminating baked lighting completely and just dynamic everything all the time. VICTOR: Going through our questions here. RICHARD: Oh, Sure. VICTOR: Do you have anything else, Richard, or we're going-- RICHARD: Oh, yeah. Well, I just wanted to let everybody know that GTC is coming up next month almost exactly one month from now. And GTC is our yearly technology event and it's this year with everything that's going on, it's online, and it's free and open to everybody. So I think if you register you can see all the conferences you can see what we're talking about. There's going to be a lot of Unreal Engine related stuff discussed there in whatever. Ray tracing, DLSS, other technologies. So Yeah I would just encourage people to check out GTC. And also there's-- we just opened up a really interesting contest with the Marbles content. If you can load up that page. VICTOR: We couldn't get that one. But I can go ahead and link it in chat for everyone to view. RICHARD: Oh, sure. OK. That's good. Yeah, I just want people to be aware of that. Because we have this other rendering workflow system called Omniverse. And in previous keynotes, we had showed a thing called Marbles , Marbles at Night. And it was like fully path traced. Really the whole thing was to give us it was rendered in Omniverse. But it gives you a glimpse of future rendering capabilities. Ray tracing is where we're at now today, path tracing is-- well it's the next step. if we can get that to where it's completely real time for everybody, path tracing is where you might want to go. And so we showed the Marbles demo and it was a path trace scene, completely photorealistic. And we're doing a contest where we put out the Marbles content. You can download it. There's a download link on the web page. And construct something in Omniverse But I would just point out, Omniverse has in Unreal 4 Engine connection. So you can actually hook into your Unreal 4 content and do like path tracing of your own Unreal 4 content, using a different path racier than the built in one. But you can see all that. And we're doing a contest with the Marbles content where you could win an RTX card. I think there's like a 3080 and a 3090 on the queue. If you want to put something together, I just want everybody to know the contest is there. That content, by the way, is pretty cool. It's really high fidelity, high detail stuff. We started to see people in the community were reconstructing it themselves. Like I'm going to make a Marble scene like based on that Marbles at Night video and just reconstruct it themselves in one engine or another. And we wanted to actually put out the content and let people download it and mess around with it themselves. So that's up there. And, yeah, so GTC, RTXDI, and the marbles contest this is all stuff that's there now, or coming soon and wanted people to be aware of it. VICTOR: That's awesome. Cool are you ready for a couple of questions? We can hammer out some ones we received. RICHARD: Oh, yeah. VICTOR: Last time you were on we showed off RTX GI and caustics and such. And I saw a few questions and chats in regards to what the state of those were and if you were still required to download the NVIDIA branch source code of Unreal Engine to be able to utilize those. RICHARD: Yeah in the case of-- excuse me. In the case of caustics, yes. I think we're keeping the caustics branch up to date with the latest NvRTX. I would need a double check that. But I believe it's been updated to 4.26. So that branch exists. And we still have goals with all of this technology. RTX GI, caustics to make it more available. We would like to increase that availability. We would like to make it easier to get-- we're not there yet. I don't have any announcements specifically on that today. I wish I did. But I can say that we're close to having an announcement and there'll be more information VICTOR: Another a question from MasterOne Gaming. "Doesn't NVIDIA DSR impact DLSS? Said you did DSR 1440p with a 1080p monitor, will DLSS a scale the image up to 1,440p. RICHARD: Is that these are DXR? VICTOR: DSR. Might have been DXR. I'm not familiar with the abbreviation. RICHARD: Yeah I'm not familiar with. I'm not sure I know what's being talked about there. [INTERPOSING VOICES] RICHARD: Just so everybody's aware DXR is Microsoft's DirectX ray tracing standard. So that's just if we're talking about DXR that's a standard that we just follow. VICTOR: Had a question-- another here from Mippithedork "Any plans on using the underlying DLSS technology in other aspects of game development beyond final score image output? Perhaps texture up-sampling or such things." RICHARD: I mean Yeah. No plans specifically but those are all interesting areas. And I think we're very open to ideas. Like The whole movie render a cue thing isn't something that we initially thought about with the technology. But it's one of those things where once you start to prove that it can work. And that's really how DLSS has started. Because it was very theoretical to start. If you went back three years ago, a Tensor card hardware was being invented. What is possible with AI self-writing software, and what can it do to images? What is it capable of doing? These are very powerful ideas, but it needed to be proven. Like could it actually be done? And DLSS has proven something that was, , like I said three years ago was just theoretical. So, Yeah. Technology like this starts to-- I think it opens up our eyes to even more possibilities. like well, what else can we use on this? What are the other applications for it. So there's a lot of discussion about that. And if anybody has any ideas about what they think might be good for that I mean like please post about it. Please talk about it. I mean we try and listen. We want to pay attention. We certainly want to try to execute on your ideas. VICTOR: Hector Centeno had another question. "Regarding the NVIDIA driver is there any performance difference with DLSS between the Game Ready and the Studio driver?" RICHARD: None I'm aware of. It should be the same performance. VICTOR: SirVoxelot asked, "Does DLSS work on quadro RTX 6,000, I can't get it to work." RICHARD: I'm not exactly sure. I'm more familiar with the 8,000 I'm not so sure about the 6,000. We can take that one offline and I can get an answer to that person. VICTOR: And for those who aren't aware, we usually follow up after the stream in the form announcement post on the, in the Events section. That's where Find all of the announcements for the livestream. Some where we sort of continue the discussion around the topic that we presented on the live stream once we're no longer live. RICHARD: Yeah I mean what I can say is that, like I said, DLSS works on Tensor Core based hardware. So if it's got a Tensor Core in it, it should work. I'm just not familiar exactly with the 6,000 series. VICTOR: Let's see. Navhkrin asked, "Does DLSS use different model per GPU, or is it the same model under the hood regardless of the GPU? And so"-- RICHARD: Go ahead. VICTOR: --"are you planning to use better AI cores on Ampere? Ampere I'm probably-- RICHARD: Right. Yeah, well, I mean it's the same under the hood fundamentally. But it does scale up as the hardware scales up. So as we-- basically as you add more transistors and you make the AI hardware better, software gets better. And we will be continuously updating software and improving it and maybe if little optimizations can be done, we do that. In the most ideal circumstances if you've got to look at something like a 2060, and you want to get a really good frame rate out of it, DLSS can do that. It can enhance the game's graphics the same way it can for a high end card and hopefully, do something like doubling the frame rate even there. So, Yeah. I mean, we just want it to be a really solid you know great quality and performance enhancement across the board. VICTOR: Kentix95 asked, "Does UE4 handle the texture mipmap when DLSS is on? A lot of games using DLSS have blurrier textures due to the smaller internal resolution, and they forget to change to mipmapping." RICHARD: Yeah it can definitely help with textures. You'll sometimes see-- we didn't look at it too closely with the metahumans project. And it might be better for you individually just pull down the Metahuman's project, put the DLSS plugin on it and take a look at it yourself. But it looked to me there are even details with the skin pores were-- it was getting just a little bit sharper and a little bit better. And that's DLSS operating on those pixels. So it's not just the edge of the surface it's the whole image. VICTOR: Batou asked, "Is there any relationship between DLSS and the up-scaling tech used in the NVIDIA shield for video?" RICHARD: I don't know. But that's something we can take offline too. I would suspect not, but I just don't know. VICTOR: Another General RTX question here. Bob's Definitely Not Your Uncle asked, "Pixel offset doesn't currently work with RTX which makes high quality blended scenes difficult to work with. Is there something in the works to fix this or any recommendations to resolving the conflicts?" I think this a general Unreal Engine question as well. RICHARD: Yeah. Actually I got educated on this recently myself because I was wrong about a certain detail. I thought it didn't work either. What's actually true is it works but only in one direction. So the problem is you're trying to-- oh, sorry I got to drink something before I answer this. VICTOR: It's all good. We've been going for two hours here. RICHARD: When you're ray tracing shadows and the problem specifically here is with ray tracing shadows. So if you're not ray tracing shadows there's no issue whatsoever. If you're just doing reflections or maybe-- well, yeah, if you're doing reflections or translucency-- like you're doing reflections or translucency you're probably OK. And if you're doing raster shadows with ray traced reflections there shouldn't be an issue. But if you're ray tracing shadows and you've done that pixel depth offset, and it's pushed outward away from the surface, the ray tracer doesn't know-- because it's tracing off of the literal geometry in order to produce it's-- where the shadows fall. So that pixel depth offset is just a material effect and the geometry hasn't changed. So the ray tracer doesn't know how to compensate for that. And there's no good way to do it right now. But if you pixel depth offset in the other direction in the negative direction, it does work. The issue just tends to be more limited. It can depend on how much you pixel depth offset and in which direction. And then what types of shadow casting lights are hitting the surface. Now, that's instructional, that's informational. Are we satisfied with that? No. We would like to make it better. We're aware of the issue. But I don't have anything to announce on that yet. VICTOR: Let's see. Your next question comes from DISPLACE. "With RTXDI using Resta for denouncing do you think we could see Resta for GI denoising in the NVIDIA builds?" RICHARD: Yes it's possible I mean, when-- I don't when-- I don't know how much of this is public exactly, but I mean it's well-known that Fortnite now has ray tracing. And we helped with those efforts in order to improve denoisers, improve performance, all that sort of thing. And I believe Fortnite has a version of RT GI currently implemented with an improved denoiser. And it could be that that is not out for a general development yet. So it's being used in Fortnite. And you would see this right now. I don't think that's a giant secret or anything. You'd see this if you load up a Fortnite and turned on ray tracing, and you'd see some GI that's what's going on. So we do like if you look at the RTXDI page, you'll see that improved denoisers are in the game plan. That's part of what makes this possible is that a technology like RTXDI, instead of doing it the way it's been done for the past 20 years where we sample individual lights and cast shadows of individual lights and process each light independently of every other light. That's a very expensive way to do it. It works it's just expensive RTXDI, part of that is improved denoisers we have a separate page. If you surf around the NVIDIA website, you'll find a separate page talking about Watchdogs Legion, I believe, and how they're using a next generation ray tracing denoiser. So our goal is at a very high level it's faster better rendering and better denoisers. And it's all linked together because if you can instead of processing each light and shadow independently of each other. If you can do them all at the same time. So it's got one cost doesn't matter how many lights you're doing and then you denoise it in a more optimized way where you're not only getting better quality out of it, but you're doing it in a different way that's faster as well. You sort of changed everything as far as how we light scenes. So improved denoiser are in the future. Absolutely, And, like I said, we've got public pages showing that talking about that right now, VICTOR: Next question comes from Bentraxx. "If I have DLSS version 0.2.11 2021 already installed and want to update to the new version of 0.3.08 2021 for UE4, is it easy to update I am a little afraid of it now." RICHARD: Oh, yeah, it's easy. Just get the latest plugin and copy over what you've installed before. And you could just manually delete out the old plugin and put in the new one and you're good to go. I mean, you should be able-- I've tested this personally where change plugin version load your project back up. DLSS was enabled before it's still enabled because it's-- that setting is done in the Unreal project the U project settings. Like whether DLSS enabled or not that it's in the text document there. So, yeah, you load up and it should just work. VICTOR: This is a pretty good question from Bassem Zammeli. "Is DLSS free to use in a commercially-- in a commercial project or do we need some sort of license from NVIDIA?" RICHARD: It's free to use. It's against the end user license agreement to redistribute our source. We want people to get our source from our website. We do this really just so we know who's using the software how many people are getting the software. We're curious about those details. But once you get it and once you build your binary and you distribute it, we're not asking anything from you at that point, You don't have to notify us you don't have to do anything. It's your application. VICTOR: I don't believe that is entirely true. I believe you are required to contact NVIDIA. There is a page. RICHARD: Is there? VICTOR: Mm-hmm I was looking into this earlier too. RICHARD: OK. Yeah, please correct me, please correct me. VICTOR: I'm trying to find the link. For some reason the Marketplace page is not loading for me right now. And that's the route I remember taking last time. I can find it within the next 10 seconds, RICHARD: But the person is free to use it and I don't think we would-- there's almost no way we would block somebody from using it. VICTOR: Number four. "You are required to notify NVIDIA prior to commercial release of an application including a plugin to a commercial application. Please send notifications to notification. So there are a couple of-- essentially notification to NVIDIA that you're shipping [INAUDIBLE] card based on the end user license agreement. But that does not in any way disqualify you from using it commercially it is just a requirement. That it is you notify NVIDIA. RICHARD: Thank you for the correction. Thank you. VICTOR: Yes. Now, when it comes to releasing games and when you're using-- with native Unreal Engine it's fairly simple. You're still required to notify us prior to release of your application. And the same usually applies to other resources. And so before you release anything make sure that you read through the end user license agreement of all of the products that you utilizing now, it's important because you're using software and products that other companies have developed, and you are trying to make money using those. And so just do your due diligence, read through the agreements and make sure you don't have any angry emails in your inbox after a couple of weeks of releasing your game. RICHARD: That's very good advice. VICTOR: And that involves-- it's fairly straightforward with the marketplace in general. All the products in the marketplace go on under the same end user license agreement. Do not redistribute-- RICHARD: Yes. VICTOR: Yeah and a couple more. It's just a general advice to make sure that you cover your bases when it comes to releasing your products. And it includes if it's released for free in some instances. even though you're not charging money for it is still a commercial application that you have submitted for public consumption. RICHARD: Right. Yeah. VICTOR: Cool. Let's move on from the boring legal stuff and continue with the interesting technology stuff. RICHARD: That's a lot of legal, yeah. VICTOR: Yeah. Yosimba asked, "Is there any one"-- oh, funny question, "Is there anyone credited with inventing the DLSS algos or was the team behind it with a name?" RICHARD: I don't know the answer to that actually a lot of engineers a lot of people have worked on it and it's-- at this point it has become Blackbox software in the sense that-- I mean, we're fine tuning it and guiding it if you will, but-- and we make a plugin and so forth. But the core of it is-- it's self-writing software in many respects. So you know it's a brave new world but a lot of engineers a lot of work has gone into it from a lot of people. VICTOR: Next question might be a follow up on our DSR/DXR question. But Felipe Magalhães asked, "Could DLSS work together with dynamic resolution scaling to achieve a target frames per second by adjusting the render resolution on the fly?" RICHARD: Yeah, theoretically, yes. We're not there yet like I showed earlier. We have a beta of dynamic resolution scaling implemented. And you can try it for yourself with a CVar. But, yeah, nothing else really for me to say about that yet just that it's on our radar and we want to see it grow. VICTOR: Next question comes from vainsoftgames. "Any plans on bringing DLSS as to web browsers? Could be a method to save bandwidth on video platforms." RICHARD: Yes. That's an interesting idea. I don't have anything to say about that right now. VICTOR: The next question, which is our last question if you have anything else we got a couple of minutes left. Make sure you shoot your questions to us before we go offline here. But next question from wildoxstudios is, "Will RTXDI run with DLSS in VR?" RICHARD: Well in VR. Right now ray tracing generally works pretty poorly in VR. It's not mature yet, I think it works in some respects or in a limited way, but it's not there yet. Speaking personally, it would be great to see all these technologies play together. But I guess that's a future conversation. VICTOR: Lottalava asked, "Am I required to buy an hour takes 3090 to work with DLSS?" RICHARD: Oh, no. No it'll work on any RTX card. VICTOR: Any RTX card, yeah. RICHARD: Yeah. You can-- a 2060 is all you need. VICTOR: Awesome. I think in terms of questions that was it so far. I will scroll through this here make sure I didn't miss anything relevant. I think that was it actually. Richard was there anything else you want to cover before I do my autro spill here? RICHARD: Oh, goodness. No. I don't we covered a lot of ground. And I'm happy we kept it-- I mean this is two hours on DLSS. That's a lot to talk about on just one technology And I we dipped into RTXDI and a few other things that are coming up, but Yeah there's a lot that DLSS has to offer. And that's very clear. VICTOR: Think so. I think so. Well, Richard, thank you so much for coming out today and showing off some pretty pictures and-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] RICHARD: [INAUDIBLE] mode. VICTOR: It is available. You can find a link to the developer page-- NVIDIA developer page where you can download DLSS on the UE4 Marketplace. But you can also find a link on the forum announcement post. And I'm pretty sure you can just google, and NVIDIA DLSS Unreal Engine, and that will take you straight to the link as well if you're interested in getting started using that. If you're new to game development in general, and you've been enjoying the stream today and are curious about game development, on You can go ahead and download the engine for free. The launcher, then the engine. If you already have the launcher just go ahead and hit the Unreal Engine tab on the left and download the latest build of 4.26.1. I believe it's live. And you can also visit for a plethora of courses on how to do everything from Blueprints to lighting to optimization. There's a great library of content. And make sure you also visit all of our community previous content. There's thousands of tutorials on YouTube, as well as conversations happening around our forums where people like to post them. There's two goo channels there on the forums, Work in Progress as well as Released. You can go ahead and post your projects and let us know what you're working on. We're also always listening on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn as well. Make sure you let us know what you are working on, and then we can potentially spotlight you as part of this live stream at the beginning. And if you go ahead and visit the launcher afterwards we have a nice little screenshot there for your project. There are no physical meet-ups going on right now throughout the pandemic. However some of the communities group at are still organizing virtual meet-ups If you're curious about finding other like-minded, whether you're a game developer, someone who wants to dabble with film in Unreal Engine, There are plenty of other like-minded individuals out there who are excited about getting together and talking about these technologies, showing off projects, potentially helping out. It's one of my best memories. Actually is from Seattle when we were hosting the meet-up over there and we all got to show off our projects give each other feedback. It's a great environment that you can find yourself in, to get a little bit more of a connection to all the stuff that you're working on. I mentioned the forums, but there's also a community run this channel at There were 50,000 members all talking about all the aspects of Unreal Engine and game development. It's an exciting place to be. I also mentioned there's another community group on Facebook as well as Reddit And if you are curious about-- well, was going to say there. I started off the sentence wrong. if you would like to submit a countdown videos for the live stream please send us a captured 30 minutes of developments in engine and then fast forward to five minutes. Send it to us together with your logo. I know the main start just submitted another one the other day I'm going to go ahead and get that into our roll of our countdown that we do every week. But we're excited about seeing more projects. And we're looking for non games projects as well as Unreal Engine is now and compassing a lot more-- many more industries it's not just video games anymore. If you stream on Twitch, make sure you add the Unreal Engine tag as well as game development tag. That's the best way for viewers to filter your content if they're curious about watching Unreal Engine and the development on Twitch which can be fun. We're going to go ahead and read someone I think as we're done with the stream here today. Make sure you follow us on social media. And if you're watching on YouTube, hit that notification bell and then you can see the next time we go live, as well as all the cool content that we're putting out on the channel. The evangelists are all-- since they're unable to participate in live physical events, they are working on awesome feature videos for some new and some old features in Unreal Engine. I know that Andreas Suika, we just released yesterday the video on how to use Control Rig for a bipedal and a spider-- robotic spider how we use Control Rig to drive your animations dynamically at runtime. It's great stuff. Next week we're going to have two of the developers from Mortal Shell on the stream. They're going to go behind the scenes of Mortar Shell which is super exciting. I've been talking to them for a while, happy to have them on the stream. Make sure you tune in for that if you want to see a little bit of behind the scenes how Mortal Shell was developed and published. They're also going to talk a little bit about how you can be Indie developer and actually publishing your game. Which can be rather scary when you get to the moment that you've been working on it for a while now it's actually time to release it. RICHARD: Very impressive game by the way. VICTOR: Yes RICHARD: I mean we did a lot of work with them. So, yeah, I'm very I'm very happy with how it turned out for them. VICTOR: Cool. Yeah. Tune in next week if you want to check that out. And with that said, Richard, thanks again to you and for NVIDIA for coming on the stream today, showing us some of your new technologies. You have anything you want to leave to stream it before we go offline? RICHARD: No. Thanks, everybody for being here today. Really appreciate it. And this was a lot of fun. I just hope we can do it again in the future. VICTOR: For sure, Richard. I would love to have you back on. With that said I hope everyone stay safe out there. Have a good weekend. And we will see you again same time next week. Take care every one. RICHARD: Bye.
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 36,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Epic Games, UE4, Unreal, Game Engine, Game Dev, Game Development, vr, nvidia, dlss, rtxdi
Id: a9KJo9llIpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 11sec (8951 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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