Procedural Tools with Houdini | Inside Unreal

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Head over to Unreal Online Learning to get started. Over 1,800 talented creators participated in the Unreal Engine Short Film Challenge Australia, showing off a wonderful diversity and wealth of talent in their projects. Hear from a sampling of the finalists and uncover their experiences in the emerging world of real-time filmmaking. And after nearly two years in Early Access, tactical deck-building adventure Trials of Fire is celebrating its long-awaited launch. We caught up with Whatboy Games to learn more about the game's evolution and ongoing development - check out the interview. And over to our top weekly karma earners! Many, many thanks to: Everynone, ClockworkOcean, Tuerer, BamaGame, GrumbleBunny, staticvoidlol, Nachomonkey2, chrudimer, Kehel18, and A_J_E_42. Onto our community spotlights, Dev Enabled is a general game development YouTube channel with loads of great videos to help you create your indie adventure. Tutorials typically focus on pipelines and game feel, in a variety of 2D and 3D software. See all the videos available on Dev Enabled's channel! Get your groove on in Spell Beats, a spellcasting rhythm game. Punch harder, heal faster, and throw farther while sustaining a solid rhythm. Mastery will be the result of perfectly playing spell beats while strategically responding to enemy attacks, positioning, and elemental states. Download Spell Beats on Steam! And the final piece today is called Life Hunter, a story on global warming and humanity, where scattered life is the only thing that matters. This is just a teaser of a longer form story. Stay tuned to Amaru Zeas' ArtStation page for future updates! Thanks for watching this week's News and Community Spotlight. VICTOR: Hey everyone, and welcome to Inside Unreal, a weekly show where we learn, explore, and celebrate everything Unreal. I'm your host, Victor Brodin, and my guest today is Simon Verstraete, technical artist from SideFX. Welcome to the show. SIMON: Thanks. Victor. Thank you for having me, great to be here. VICTOR: Yeah, and I appreciate the late notice. Because as of last week's stream, I didn't actually have any guest this week because I had a cancellation. So big up to Ben Mears on SideFX for pulling this off and for Simon for coming on last minute to talk a little bit about the procedural tools with Houdini. Y'all have been working on some cool stuff recently and that's what we're going to show today. SIMON: So we can quickly jump onto a small presentation and I will also do some demos in Unreal, of course. So yeah, let's go through a few slides. I will just-- VICTOR: One moment. OK, you're good. Go ahead. SIMON: Go ahead now? OK. VICTOR: Yes. SIMON: So first of all, I want to go through some slides, talking in general about Houdini, Houdini Engine, so everyone gets an idea about what I'm going to talk about and what Houdini is doing here. So let's go. So I want to talk about Houdini Engine and version 2 about this, so giving an intro to that. And I'm also going to use the starter kit, and this is going to be a small live demo where I'm going to go into Unreal and play around with some procedural tools. And I also want to mention something about Project Titan, which is a learning project from SideFX this year. So we'll give you a bit of a sneak peek in what that project will be. So first of all, let's talk about Houdini Engine. So what is this Houdini Engine? So we have all of our Houdini software. So if you would not be familiar with Houdini, it's a node-based software where everything you do is a node. So if I have a box and I would do bevel, those are separate nodes. So with Houdini, we can create procedural tools, like a rock or tree, house. In retrospect, it can all make cool tools inside of Houdini, do procedural things and setups in Houdini, which are great. And then the next step would be like how do I take these tools and bring them inside of Unreal? That is where something which is called Houdini Engine comes in. So we can send the tools to Unreal directly or even open them in Unreal. So our tools, like a tree generator, is now being able to open inside of Unreal. We also have this plug-in for other software. So we have it for Unreal, Unity, Max, Maya, and so on. So we have a variety of usage here. So it's a really powerful way of opening a procedural tool you built in Houdini into another software. Especially, to mention is that this is for an editor mainly. So you mainly use this to build faster your environments and then you just take out the results, so this is not something that we want to use in the runtime. And then I'm going to show you some small video demos about this. So here I have a small demo here. So in the game Unreal, we have sliders, so we can change the slider and then we proceed to generate new variation. So it's quite artist friendly, because we are just working with basic menus like a slider or toggles or menus. Like you can just slide here and then generate different variations of that. So this is how it would look like it in Unreal, for example. So it's quite simple too, but we can normally generate multiple different versions with this tool. So you can see, I can quickly get versions from this sci-fi theme. And then here is quickly another example, which is a ivy tool. So if I move the sphere here, it will automatically recalculate where things are growing. So whenever I move it, it will automatically try to find a new path around this object. And this is also nondestructive, so I can still move my original inputs, like squares or boxes, and it will automatically start updating. So as you can see here, it's just updating that, so quite nondestructive. And you can also just, for example, grab another tool, like a tree. So grab the tree tool, load it in, and a few seconds later I have my tree here. So it's all done procedurally. And already, like building a few small tools can be very powerful. So in this case, if you want to build like a forest with like some ivy growing on top of a building, it would be really quickly by using a few tools. Then, next up, I want to talk about version 2. So now you have some idea of what Houdini Engine is, so we can open our Houdini tools in Unreal, for example. But we recently have Houdini Engine Version 2. So we have a few new features. And I mainly want to talk about PDG, world composition, session sync. There are, of course, way more than that, but I want to just like quickly give you a glimpse of what's new. So we have PDG which then which is actually for larger calculations. So basically, the nodes here in Houdini would look like this. And every green dot a task. So if I need a tree and I need 50 different variations of a tree, I can use the different tasks here to give me each different three. So that's basically what PDG is. So just like large calculations of a tool. Like we can quickly get different results from one tool. So we can use that to make bigger worlds, and we also have a special menu for Unreal. Here is small demo of that. So in the background now, Houdini is calculating everything. Once it's done calculating, it will bring everything to Unreal. So here it's seeing one part of a terrain is its task, so it will bring that into the scene when it's done calculating. And that's how we can, for example, build something bigger, something that's more of an open world. OK. So that's some quick example of what you can do with PDG. You can do all kinds of things with PDG, but in this case, it's like world building. Then next up is world composition support. So world composition is a feature from Unreal which allows you to manage bigger worlds. If you have an open-world game, this is quite interesting. So you basically get a top down view of your map and you can easily manage your world. And in Houdini, we can say that hey, when we output something that's terrain, work with world competition. So it's like automatically set up for that. So we also have done autostreaming, things like that. So we can really work together with Houdini and Unreal to make that happen. So here's also then a small demo of that. So I previously generated the desert. Now I'm walking around in it. And you can see here that the gray areas are being in loading, and core areas are being correctly loaded. So as I walk around, you will see that things start to load and unload. And this is all basically done by default with world composition. So it's a great way of combining the two powerful softwares together where Houdini generates the world, generates some terrain placements, and so on. And then Unreal, for example, we use the Houdini world composition to make this all happen. So it's just an example here, and you can see it's clearly unloading parts that are pretty far away from the player. You can also, of course, change these values as you go. But this is something that you almost get out of the box. And then let's talk a bit about session sync. This is a connection between the two softwares, so Houdini and Unreal, but also Unreal and Houdini. So if I have something open in Unreal, I can also see them in Houdini. So I'll also show the small video of that. So here in Unreal, I have the sliders again, so they can play around with the sliders. And it will update in both software, so that's a great feature and also great for debugging. So if I have an issue in Unreal, I can always open session sync and see what's going on in the background when I go into Houdini. So you can also just, in Houdini, play around with sliders there. And you can see that it's automatically will update in both softwares. So it's a great feature. And again, if you're building a tool and you need to debug something, you can just connect the softwares and it is working together. So it's quite useful. Here is also another thing that I did with it, is a small house generator. So in Houdini, I have a simple layout generator. So whenever I click that button, random layout, it will give me some random cubes. And this automatically gets used by a building generator and then turned into a house by Unreal. So we are basically sending point clouds and from these point clouds, we then use instances. So these were some features that I wanted to talk about from the newer updated plug-in. So V2 has also been rewritten from scratch, so it works way faster than the one before. But there is, of course, more stuff that you can check out about this new plug-in. So we have a couple talks. So I did a talk, Houdini with Unreal. But also Damien did a talk and Damien is one of the developers on this plug-in, so definitely check out the talk by Damien. And he also shares a few things for the future about where this plug-in goes. So I sent a link to Victor, so you probably should find one of these links in a similar description, I think. VICTOR: They're in the forum announcement post underneath resources, that's where you can find him. SIMON: Thank you. So yeah, if you're interested, you can check them out. Quite interesting if you want to know more about plug-in and things it can do. And then we are almost going through the last demo, so I want to show you some starter kit assets that we have at SideFX. So first of all, the starter kit is a free tools, so you can use that for learning. If you just want to try out Houdini Engine, you can just download them for free, open them in your project, and play around with it. So of course, you will Houdini Engine, so that's important to know. It's beginner friendly and you don't necessarily need Houdini experience. So you can just open these tools in Unreal and you can play around with the sliders that you saw before in the video. So you can just play around with sliders, like you don't need Houdini experience. Of course, if you want to like modify these tools, you then, of course, will need some more Houdini experience, because you can open these tools and edit them if you want to. So now let's jump into Unreal and I'm going to give you some demos there. So I don't know if there would be any questions already, Victor. VICTOR: Received a couple. I don't think we've had enough. Yeah, let's maybe go through them. I think most of them are fairly general, so we can go ahead and cover them during the Q&A at the end of the stream. SIMON: OK, sure. Yeah, so now let's go into Unreal here. So I already have a message here. But of course, first to mention is Houdini Engine needs to be installed, so I have it here at the top. And I'm also connected to a session, so it's also important to have your connecting So now I have this tree, but I can also grab it here. So we have a tree, I can drag it and drop it in the scene. It will sort of like calculate on the warm up tool a bit, so this might take a sec. And once it's done, it's then ready to use. It will work way faster for us. So here we have that tree. So this is a tree. So it's the same asset that you see here but just with some different settings. So what I can do with this tree is I can, for example, move around these points. So by default, I see this line and I can click this point over here and start moving that. So if I move this over here, you will see it automatically updates. So you can move that around. So I can go, for example, grab this one, go a bit more extreme. And now my tree leans more in that direction. So from here, we can then change some properties, like we can build custom menus here to what you want. So a tech artist would like, build this tool and then you can have some level designers or other artists using this interface to then modify the procedural tool. So let's say I want to lift up the branch here, so let's lift it up. And you can see that they're sort of like going closer to each other. So if I increase it more, you can have that information. There are some more settings here to like, play around with this branches and swarm. But let's talk a bit about the leaves since it's quite different. So I use a low poly style where on the other one, I used more like playing cards for leaves. So I built a small checkbox here. So if I would now don't use the chunky leaves and use the normal leaves, these are the cards. You know have the card here. So in those leaves, we can then also assign a material. So we pre-built some stuff here. So if I would drag and drop it in here, you should have that material, so now we have that as well. So I can play around with settings, so I can make this a bit bigger. That's nice to make a bit bigger. We can play around with ceiling, so just generating the variation. They are like scattered, a bit different around the tree. And also the color of this gradient is also coming from vertex color. So in here, I have this green vertex color. And then I actually used a hue shifting to make it like the red color. So that's how this is sort of working. So again, we can always go back and forth between settings. Like if you're not happy with like this left lean value, like maybe it needs to be more, you can go back and forwards. I also have something here to push down near the part here, so it's like pushing down a bit more. So it can always go back and forth between these two, because it's the procedural too. So even if I'm not happy with this line, I can grab one of those dots and change things here and there. So let's say you have those assets and now I want to use this in the game. So currently, it's still like a Houdini asset, but we have some option here for baking assets. So once you finish, you can just click bake. You can back to an Actor, Blueprints, some more things. But in this case, let's just click bake to Actor. So it's [INAUDIBLE] Actor. And normally if I would go here, it created the new folder called Houdini Engine baked folder. And I have some trees here. So here, this is the three that I'm currently having. So it's the same result as you seen. I also made some other one before. So you can just now quickly just spent half an hour making like 10 to 20 different trees for your game and you're done for that. So by just having a simple tool, you can already start generating different versions. And that's basically how you would build it. So here, this is still in normal mesh. And then here's my Houdini Engine. So you still have some more settings here for outputting and you can automatically delete this Houdini assets when you have done baking, for example, and so on. So that's the tree example. If you're interested in Houdini itself, we also offer some tree tools. So we don't have to build tree generators from scratch, we have some tree tools there. So are there any questions, for example, on this tree or are we good to go? VICTOR: We had one question, which is where do you get the tree generator? SIMON: So it is part of the starter kit. I also normally send you that link so it should be available there as well. Or you can just Google Houdini starter kits, you should be able to quickly see that. VICTOR: Pasting in the chat right now. SIMON: So again, this is all free. Like what I'm going to show you next will also be available for free. So if you have access to the new Houdini Engine, you can just try it out. Or if your studio's interested in Houdini, you can just try these out for free. And then here, we have the worlds tool that I made. And this world too is built out of boxes. So I often find boxes or simple shapes quite useful to guide a tool. So if I now click this box, well, we already did some setup here. So if I were to rotate this, the tool will start and it will update. So you can see we now have this world. So it can make something more complex, like maybe this. I can see that that perfectly works. So now I can press play, and I can walk around. So go walk around in the street. And now I can just like say, OK, maybe this world needs to be bigger or I need more space here and there. You can just jump back to our tool and we can move things around, so maybe I want to move this back here. And each made some changes. So let's look a bit at the parameters. So the way I use the boxes is by something which is called a World Outliner inputs. So we can basically select here things. So these cubes are all selected, so if I were to deselect this cube and use a selection, it will now remove this cube so that cube is not in that system anymore. So if now go back to selection, select this back, and this is now back in the system. So the idea is here that you can just grab the cubes here from unreal. Add more of them and make a more complex world. VICTOR: Hey, Simon. Sorry for interrupting. We're seeing a little bit of artifacting coming from your screenshare here. Let's go ahead and just go be right back for a moment and we're going to go ahead and adjust some of Simon's settings to try to compensate for the upload rate of his internet. We will be right back, everyone. All right, we are back. Thanks for waiting, everyone. Just adjusting some settings on Simon's end to make sure that we don't have all those nasty artifacts when he's moving around in the interface. Cool. I think we are good to continue, Simon. Please go ahead. SIMON: OK. Thank you. So yeah, so we had our world tool. And based on these boxes, we can generate some shapes. Like it automatically figures out in sections and so on. Now, let's quickly show some settings. So we can adjust the size from this square, so now it's just like 50 by 50. We can make it bigger. We have some settings for the border, like this border you see here. And we can add more geometry to this or less. So if I say, the corners here are five, you would see that they are like more low poly. If I would increase this back to 10, they are more smoother. Furthermore, some settings for the roadlines or also, like, output settings, we can automatically also generate collision from Houdini and bring them in Unreal, that's also possible. You have some UV properties and also materials. So we can have multiple IDs or we can have single ID with vertex planes. So as you could see, like we can really build our own menu to whatever your need is. So in this case, you can build multiple material IDs, some UV settings, and so on. So you can do a lot of different things and build your own menu. So again, you can always go into Houdini and add or remove more options for this too. So if you already would be more experienced, you could just take this tool, you can download it from the website. And you can maybe start building a house generator on top of this. Like you can calculate that there is enough space here and maybe let's divide that space into a couple squares and then extrude them to a house. So that was the bit about the world too. And now I want to show you another interesting tool, which is the edge damager. So this is all in game engine, so we can do edge damaging here. So it could have that tool, so HGAs. Edge damaging, so drag and drop that. This mechanic fakes some time to calculate. And here we have a basic setup, so you can see that this chipping off the edge of an object. Then you can use something like this. So these simple shapes, and again, these are shapes from Unreal. Like if I need an extra box here, just add the box here. Like maybe I want something at the top. So and now I can use my input menu again. So we need something from our world or see, then start selecting, select these. And use as input. And now we chips automatically to that location, but I built an option here to align outputs. So it's snapping back to my original pivot here. And so now we have that result now with edge damaging. So I hope you can see it on the stream. This edge damage. VICTOR: Yeah, so occasionally we're receiving your packets a little after you're showing things. So why don't you try to just be a little slower and I think we could follow along. We're still seeing some artifacts. Unfortunately, we cannot fix Simon's internet right now. We're doing as good as we can in the pandemic, I guess. Next time, Simon, I promise I'll fly out to the office. SIMON: Yeah, sounds great. So I will go a bit slower then, so it's good to know. So yeah, so we have this tool that takes some basic input like these boxes and automatically applies some edge damaging. And this is actually done by a Boolean, so under the hoods I use a Boolean operation. And it will cut off the edges here along an object. So if I would go here somewhere else, you can see that all these edges are cut off. So we have some settings for that as well. So we have, of course, a basic seat parameter, which is the variation. So if I change that, we have some variation. So it's probably like quite slow on the stream, the damage overall is quite subtle. You also have resolution. So if you look close enough, you have like quite low poly gut here. So we can increase or lower that. So you can increase these polygons so that you have like less or bigger chains. And of course, we have an intens slider, so I can make this quite intense or we can keep it super slow, like only like edges and maybe a few cuts here and there. Then we also have a noise intensity, so if I would crank this up, you would see now some more noise in this variation. So we could see it's a bit more chipped now. So the chips are a bit more extreme with the noise increased. So if I increase the scale of the noise, we will have some more bigger scale with that noise. So we also have, for example, chips here along a ground surface. So again, so a few settings here and there to play around with. Damage settings for quickly damaging objects and something that I've not shown is that we can always go back and forward. So my original input is still seen as active. So if I go back to my original input and let's use this scale, you can then always go back and forwards between that. So they can quickly scale this up, scale this down. Make this one bigger, maybe it needs to be a bit smaller. Like we can always go back and forwards between our inputs and/or if we need to. So now what is interesting here as well is that we can also subtract. So I can enable subtraction and you can subtract this shape, and I want to use that sphere, so select sphere. And now that sphere is seen as a subtraction for my Boolean operation. So I will grab my sphere and collide with my blockade, you can now see that we are chipping off this whole chunk. So let me move my sphere around. So you can see, they're just in real time, like this Boolean on geometry here, whatever they need to. So we can move that around, play around with that. It's also playing some edge damage here, as you can see. VICTOR: Looks great. 3dgo was wondering, adding edge damage-- sorry, here. I know how to talk. Adding edge damage would add poly count. Is there a way to automatically bake out the normal map of the damage and apply it to the original mesh? SIMON: In my set of what I have here, no, but what you're asking is definitely possible. And Houdini has a maps baker, so you can pick out normal map, height map, diffuse vortex scroll, you can do roughness, and also all kinds of things. So you would have to get built on top of this to open this tool, add a baker in there. And then sort of like unwrap the input here. Like you can do some [INAUDIBLE] on the original model. And then bake in there, so that's definitely possible, but in here, I'm not doing that to make things easier. VICTOR: And that's something that would be, maybe not easy, but you would at least have the option to do that, sort of just adjusting one of these starter tools that you've already provided in the starter kit. Building upon one of them, right? And sort of add more features from Houdini into the Houdini Engine. SIMON: Yeah, definitely. Like again, these tools are editable. Like they are not clocked behind something. We can open them in Houdini, can just say and look asset and you can go into this asset and start adding what you're feeling, and adding a baker for normal map and you're basically done. If know how Houdini then I think you can pretty quickly assemble that in here. Then I want to show another example, and this is actually with a megascan, so you can also use a megascan asset. So instead of my inputs being the blockade, let's grab the Megascans here. So start selecting Megascans and now this barrier is being edge damaged. So let me bring it here. So of course, I'm overriding the material here. Like you can see I have like this vertex color, but I can edge damage this now. So maybe let's increase some values here. Like you could see I'm clearly damaging a few areas here and there. Like this is more extreme. So I'm really damaging these areas and for UV, I actually have an option here to keep UVs. So we can keep the UVs that you inputted. But of course then for the damaged areas, I did some auto UV in there. But of course, that gets auto UV, so if you want it to be something very specific, you can, of course, do that in entity. Like if you have a specific texture where this damaged part needs to be, you can build it. But in here, it just has an option for keep UV. We can also do auto UV and so on. So if you also don't use any UV, of course, this will calculate faster. If you do auto UV, then you also add auto UV on top of the Boolean damage here. But it's definitely possible to use something like a Megascans asset and do some Boolean damage here, like you could see. And again, my sphere is still linked here. So we kept my sphere. And let's get out the part of the barrier. So you could see I'm just gutting and damaging this barrier. So you can play around with that. This is a small demo of that Boolean tool. So it can be quite useful. You can open this in Houdini and tweak settings in here. If something is not necessarily what you want it to be, you can always go into Houdini. Or you can open the sessions sync, where you can have two softwares having the same results, so you can change along you go. VICTOR: Halefall was wondering if the column was made out of basic shapes and then re-meshed into a single object. SIMON: So what I basically do here is there's not necessarily re-meshing, but just like a Boolean. So I Boolean this shape together. So we don't have like the insides here. I can probably quickly show that by enabling wireframe. So again, you can choose to do like your re-meshing or voxel or other things. So in this case, if I would go inside. You can see that it's like Boolean has one single measure, even here. It's like now one measure. I can quickly maybe go wireframe so you can see that it is-- I think I also some extra divisions here. I'm not sure. Yeah, you can see like it automatically deletes some inside because it's a Boolean. So it will delete these overlapped parts. I think I did some divisions here to support the geometry better. But I also built in the poly deducer. So yeah, I built numerous of options here. But again, you can tweak this as much as you want. This is just like a demo tool for you to try. So you now have this really damaged pillar. So yeah, so any more questions on this while I have it open? VICTOR: I have some more. There's definitely more questions. Let's see. Which one, which one, which one? Does the Boolean tool work with dynamics? SIMON: Dynamics, you mean...? VICTOR: Not entirely sure. That was the question. I was hoping you would know what they were referring to. SIMON: Well, it's mainly just pure for geometry. Like if you just like, very static geometry. Like it is designed to input very basic static geometry, like you have these boxes and this barrier. So again, this is something that you use in Editor. So if you play your game, you would bake out this asset to bake out everything to a single static asset. So there is no dynamic thing here. VICTOR: That makes sense. Christos-Marios Eftichidis was wondering, what about collisions in this case, and I would assume it's the same thing, right? You actually generate a mesh out of that and you then have to generate collisions for that mesh. SIMON: Yeah, yeah. So in this case, I don't think I built an option for collision. So in the world tool, I had like an option for collision, and here I didn't. What you could do is you could use this base input and sign it as collusion in Houdini. Because Houdini will receive the same mesh here. And then you can just say, hey, you can give it the text, like you need you can assign text to geometry and then it will see this action in question. So that could be maybe interesting to do. VICTOR: There other ones are fairly general so you can continue, and then I'll make sure to go through them in the end. SIMON: Yeah. Yeah, so I have one more demo here that I want to show you live. And that is a small level generator. So it's very useful for like a top down game. So here this tool generates a level based on boxes here, in this case. But it also uses something which is wave function collapse. But first, let's just show the boxes, so if I move the box it will then update here. So my tool is now warmed up. So you could see if I move these boxes, it will update. So that's something or a way to block out quickly like a level by just placing boxes and then everything too calculates an area. So what is special here is that you might notice that they have some specific colors. So a corner has this gray, these three pieces are like more pinkish, then the ground is more purple. Like they have all a specific color, and that is because they are using a modular set. So the artist, or an artist, or yourself, has to build like this modular kit. So here I took some pieces of a module kit. And normally, what you would do is you would manually put this together, so like copy paste it and take some time to put everything nicely together. But with this Houdini tool, it basically figures out where things are. So it will take that model and it will based on the nice position where it needs to belong. So that's the idea of this tool. If you're interested in these floor tiles= sets, it's using a Wang tile set. So if you Google that, you will find more about what this is. So it's called a Wang tile set. So it's quite interesting if you are into these procedural things. Now let's jump into wave function collapse. So let me correct, quickly, an image here. So here I have an image. So it's like 20 by 20 pixels, it's super low res. And what it will do is, wave function collapse sort of like analyze the image and they will scale it up or try to repeat that on a bigger scale. So it's great, for example, to quickly generate levels. So I can roughly sketch out what I want this layout and the wave function collapse will try to replicate that on a bigger scale. So he had already filled in the texture and I'm going to enable wave function collapse. And as you can see, it is now generating these extra rooms. So on top of my cubes, it is also now generating a random layout. So based on the wave function. So here, let's say I want to have a bigger level. Let's say I need it to be like 50. So let's wait a moment. So the bigger the level is, the more time it will take for the wave function collapse to calculate. So you can see, it's now like a bigger level. But of course, I'm going to maybe keep smaller here, so it's a bit faster. So we can also get to play around with seeding value. So we have here variation. And if I would now quickly grab my player, my [INAUDIBLE] guy, and release it here. I can now play this level. So I can walk around in this level. So again, you would have to use your own module assets and kit to make this more final. But overall idea is that we have a tool that automatically places modular tiles next to each other so you don't have to worry about that. I've also made a tutorial series on this, which is called a dungeon generator. So it might also be interesting if you're looking into sort of like, level generators. So I have some more settings here. You can also delete that gray border if you don't need that, so we just have this level. So again, like we have this randomly generated layout, wave function collapse. And we can combine it with custom meshes here. So if I need to have this specific boss room over here, like I need a boss room over there so I need more space. I can drag the cubes around, so we'll have that space there. So it's the generator with wave function collapse. We can also scatter here of these cubes, like you can replace that by assets. So what could be interesting is, let's say I want to grab my tree here and I want to use my tree in one of these instances. So here we have instances, so we can show this to Unreal. But we also have different outputs as instances. So now let's place the cube with my tree. And as you can see, now I have these trees automatically assigned here. So again, these are just instancing. So if I would play this now, you can see that we have automatically now scattered around these trees. VICTOR: Is it possible to run that generation at runtime or is it editor time only? SIMON: Yeah, so it's editor only. So the Houdini Engine overall is mainly for editor purposes. So it's for building things faster and then when you want to play it, you just sort of have a baked version of that. So that's the overall purpose of the Houdini Engine here. So yeah, so that was the re-generator. So again, they can also for example, bake out this photo and plug it into another system. Or maybe I could use the damage tool to build my modular kit and so on. I can use a different kind of small procedural tools to plug in picket and procedural tools and so on. That was it for the demo. So again, we have more HGAs or Houdini tools, you can have a DS tool. I'm not going to go over every single one. That would be a bit longer. But yeah, feel free to check them out. VICTOR: Yeah, there's both a starter tutorial on as well as the download for the Unreal starter kit from SideFX. You can find all the links in the forum announcement post on the Unreal Engine forums. Ready for a couple of questions? SIMON: Yeah, also have a small last part for the representation. VICTOR: Oh, please go ahead. Be my guest, Simon. SIMON: And so last thing I just quickly want to go over is Project Titan. So that's something we also have been working on. Let's go to Project Titan. So Project Titan is something SideFX will be working on this year, so it's mainly a learning project. So if you want to show a process of building a full scene, so we will have some story and around that we will build a certain scene. So we will build a cinematic and a real time site. So for a cinematic, we will have [INAUDIBLE], who will be leading that. And I will be more for the real-time site, so I will be using Unreal to make a real time scene for Project Titan. And of course, everything will be seen as a learning project, so we will share what we build. We will make tutorials around things that we build. So if you have any questions like hey, how did you guys do that, we would just then make the tutorials and show you how we did certain things. So that is basically what Project Titan is or what we want to do with it. So I would want to give you a few sneak peeks, but I also want you to remember that this is still early on, like we are early on in the process of this, because this will be along the year. So you might see a few more things here and there as we go. So what I've been doing is, for example blocking out a scene, so this was an alleyway. So we had an ID as an alleyway. And I blocked out the scene and in also real time in Unreal, so this is all in Unreal. What happens here? So the character walks up here, then he walks over there, and so on. So what was great with this is I basically give this to the cinematic guys, guys who are working on the cinematic, will be more like rendered in Houdini. And they use then USD, so they grab the scene, convert it the USD file and then open it in Houdini. So that's sort of like a quite interesting way of working where we just quickly get in Unreal, can block out things, I can quickly get an idea in my head into a scene. And make it already look good. And in here, we then have it open in Houdini. Again, these are like early shots, early renders. But that's the overall workflow that I had here that I think is quite interesting. So of course, not everything works perfectly with USD. Like if you have a very complex material with like vertex planes or high clips like the ground tier you see in this picture. Or like, some vertex painting in the high clips, that will not perfectly translate that with USD, of course. And then another thing is then I built a small preview of a city that we want to build. So again, we want to, of course, have some procedural nature to this. So at the moment, it's not fully procedural because we are still working on this, but this is sort of like already trying to get the first few of what we want to have. I also want to mention that we are using some assets here like we are using Megascans, get bash 2D, so we don't have to build every single asset. We can then focus on generating these things and using all kinds of different packages, like omega scans to build or build a bit faster. Also here's a quick sneak peek of the generator to the house generator. So Paul from SideFX has been making some updates to the house generator. And I can now basically use a pattern like you could see here. I could type certain numbers and each number stands for a certain module. So if I want to have a store next to a hotel next to a museum, I can just type the numbers of that and it will then try to fit these models next to each other. So that's sort of like a quick demo here of the house generator. So again, we are still working on this, so this is something that we are exploring. So the next steps would also be bringing this into Unreal so we can just, in Unreal, block out a scene, have this tool, type in some patterns for the store. So if I want to have a specific area with stores, I can just type the pattern. Like hey, I want five stores here next to each other, that would be possible. So that's just a quick look at Titan. So again, Titan, we are working on it and we'll be making tutorials about how this is done. So if you're interested, feel free to check it out. So currently there's not much about it, but you will probably hear more about this along we go. And now, Victor, I will answer everyone's questions. VICTOR: It's time. I'm so excited. Thank you very much, Simon. All right, let's dive right into it. We have some general questions around Houdini as well as the Unreal plug-in. I think let's start from the bottom here because some of them are relevant to some of the later things you were showing. Halefall was wondering if the scatter tools, if it's possible for them to scatter Blueprints as well as other assets? SIMON: Yeah, you can almost scatter everything. You can scatter Blueprints, lights, particles. Yeah, you can scatter all different things. VICTOR: Pretty much any uasset then. SIMON: Yeah, you can directly call the light by its name, like you can have the point lights, scattered around five point lights. You can even assign colors to it. So if you want to scatter ten lights and they need to have a different color, each of them, you can assign random colors, for example. VICTOR: JooleanBoolean was wondering, can Blueprints access and modify HDA parameters? SIMON: That's something, we have some Blueprint support, but it's still like early. Like you can open a digital asset we have here. So these orange Houdini things here, we can open them in Blueprints. But it still has some more limited functionality, like you can generate things in Blueprints, but you cannot just link Blueprints code to these things directly. So that's something that's, I think, not available right now. VICTOR: And if you're watching and you're wondering, wait, this is an editor tool, what does Blueprints to do with that? And it's the fact that you can actually run Blueprints in editor and build blueprints for editor functionality in Unreal. So I think that's why Julian was asking about that. Another question from JooleanBoolean, is Houdini able to access the Unreal Engine Content browser? Like a collection of assets in a folder that I want to scatter? That's the question, can you point to a folder rather than a specific uasset? SIMON: Most of the time, when you want to scatter something, you will often just directly point to that to uasset. Like I want to scatter that model. We don't have something, I think, to say like, hey, this is my folder model, scatter it around. I don't think we have it. VICTOR: So it's a little bit more similar to the sort of Foliage Tool workflow where you specifically had what you want the tool to work with? SIMON: Exactly, it's like that. VICTOR: Let's see here. Your next question comes from Lynorek, and this is more a little bit of a clarification, but they were wondering aren't those procedural tools creating thousands of unique assets and tanking the performance with no autoinstancing at all? And I think this goes to clarify that it's an editor tool in editor time, right? So it won't process at runtime and essentially once you've placed all of these assets in the scene, the default autoinstancing in Unreal Engine will do its thing, right? SIMON: Yeah, so it's really the idea is that you bake out everything. Like with the edge damage tool here, this is something that you would bake out as a model, like a static model. But if you can also instance things around and then it will just use the instancing system from Unreal and it's optimized because it's just instancing. VICTOR: Reversednormal was asking are there plans for Houdini Engine to be able to output volumes? This would be useful for creating triggers and other level mark-up inside a Houdini asset. That's possible though, right? SIMON: I mean, I think so, yeah? VICTOR: Yeah, because if you're able to scatter and dynamically add Blueprints, you can have a Blueprint with a volume and associated logic to it, right? SIMON: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. VICTOR: So for your level generator, say there were some traps or some doors or any other form of Blueprints where the player entering a volume would trigger some form of logic, you can go ahead and sort of procedurally add those as another uasset in the level generator, right? SIMON: Yeah, definitely. Like as soon as you see something that is being instant, you can drag a uasset in there. VICTOR: Go make some really dangerous mazes for us to explore. KniceGuy was asking, does learning Houdini require math above algebra or is Houdini more based on arithmetic and logical application? SIMON: Depends on how far, or what you do, or how far you actually sometimes want to go. Like if I look back at how I learned Houdini, I barely studied math, I just tried to use basic logic. Like I have this point, so I want instance that thing. So it depends a bit on what you want to do. Like even though with this Boolean edge damage here, like it's a Boolean. It doesn't use any special math or algebra, it's just doing Boolean damaged pieces with a input. VICTOR: Would you say that it's from just the philosophy of approaching the tool, it's similar to how we have like a large math library inside Unreal Engine, right? You don't need to know what a dot product does or what it actually is, right? You just need to know how to use it. Would you say that it's similar sort of working with the tools in Houdini? SIMON: Yeah, I mean a lot of things have already been done for you. It's just like you need to know how to use the node, but you don't necessarily need to know the whole math behind the node. Like there is node for scattering, there is node for automatically transferring this thing to another thing, or calculating distance between objects. Like some things have been built in for Houdini, so most of the time you don't have to use the math. You just have to know how to use the nodes. VICTOR: Even in a job interview for the games industry, very few people will ask you, do you actually know what that function does? As long as how to use it. SIMON: True. VICTOR: Let's see here, a question from Lazy Bum. Can seats be autorandomized on asset instantiation in the editor? So for example, if you placed many trees, they all have different seeds automatically. SIMON: I would say that that is possible, but that also would increase the calculation. So if every single instance needs a new seed, then it will, of course, increase, like every single instance is a new thing. So it will increase calculation time. Unless you already have a library baked out of trees, for example, and then you just randomly pick from the 20 different trees and then it will be a bit more optimized. VICTOR: Yeah, you almost get diminishing returns at some point. Say you have like 10,000 trees, right? Does every single tree need to be theoretically different? A lot of games only have a couple of variations and the way that you can composite them in the scene helps remove any sort of perception of them being the same. Let's see, some of the questions about real time, we already covered that. You can always write in Unreal Engine tool, you can generate all the assets with Houdini, right? And then you can write a tool for Unreal that can do all the stuff at runtime. That's why they go so well together. So going back to some of the earlier questions from your initial starter kit presentation. NoveDies was asking what are the performance considerations when using Houdini in Unreal Engine? SIMON: Well, it depends on what you do, because most of the time you just bake it out to do a mesh. Or if you just use instancing, like you're just instancing, like you can have a tool that only uses your model that you already have and just places them in the scene for you. So it depends. Once you hit play, you need to bake everything down. So you don't really have performance that drops from Houdini. It just like bakes it down when you want to play your game. VICTOR: So it's more of a question of the developer's computer versus the end users' when it comes to using Houdini Engine. SIMON: Yeah, yeah. VICTOR: Upgrade that RAM. That's usually where you fall short. SIMON: Yeah, true. VICTOR: So more general questions in regards to the usage of Houdini. MR3D-Dev was wondering, I think this is a question for both of us, can I use Megascans and Houdini to work in Unreal Engine and still abide by Epic's license of Quixel stuff. So I guess my question for you would be then, are you aware if there are any limitations on what other forms of assets you are allowed to import and work with in Houdini. SIMON: I mean, I think if you want to use Megascans in Houdini, then I think you might need a license for it. VICTOR: So I think, not a lawyer, but what I know about the Megascans license and Megascans being free in Unreal Engine is that if you ship an Unreal Engine product with Megascans, you are free to use them. And so that's an important difference, because even if you are using Megascans in Houdini, you don't ship Houdini, right? You're not shipping a Houdini application. And so the end product is, in fact, an Unreal Engine application. And therefore, you are good to use Megascans. I guess my question was, for you and maybe Ben who is in chat, if in case there are any limitations of using assets of any kind, right? Inside Houdini, when you're working with it. My guess would be no. SIMON: No, I don't think there are any limitations. There is also [INAUDIBLE] for Houdini. VICTOR: Ben Mears is saying no limitations that he's aware of. So go him. Make all the things. See here, next question comes from Alex Gachanja, who's asking, does Houdini Engine import SOP nodes and associated textures? SIMON: So, yeah. Houdini uses SOP based. You can just use, I think it was SOP or S-O-P. So all these tools you see here in the scene were all SOP-based tools. I did not use any textures, but I think it's possible that if you have like a material properly set up, it will also import that material. I think I had a material here on my edge damage tool. If I enable here set material for damage, it will actually import a material. So normally, this should be red. So the red color comes from a material inside of Houdini. So if you set the proper material, it normally import everything correctly. VICTOR: I had no idea what an SOP tool was. Node. SIMON: It's the Houdini magical language. VICTOR: I like that. SIMON: You have SOPs, DOPs, VOPs, ROPs. VICTOR: I need to learn the Houdini terminology so I can be as cool as all the Houdini kids. SIMON: It's just like a shortening of surface operation. VICTOR: Here's another good question. I saw this asked a couple of times, actually, but the question came from Mostafa Nabil. Do we need to have Houdini enabled and installed to work with the UE4 Houdini plugin? SIMON: Yeah, I think so. I think you need to install a version of Houdini and also have the plug-in. So what you often have is that the plug-in is bind to the version you have of Houdini. So if you have within your version number 18.5, dot so on, the Houdini plug-in is also focused to work with that Houdini version. That's something important to keep in mind sometimes. VICTOR: Yeah, and that goes to say that the Houdini plug-in for Unreal, it's not entirely standalone to the point where, since you require Houdini to use it. Since we're basically taking the Houdini Engine and we're sort of running that inside Unreal in editor time. You're also required to have a license to use Houdini, right? SIMON: Yeah. Yeah, the Houdini Engine is with licensing. So I mean, as soon as you have a license from Houdini, you probably have Houdini Engine there for free. VICTOR: This was not a question about instanced static meshes or hierarchical instanced static meshes. And I think the answer is the same, that once you've generated the asset of the mesh that you were sort of modifying in using Houdini engine, you can then use that asset just like any other static mesh in the editor, right? SIMON: Yeah, I mean I baked down here, the tree. So if I go back here, like these are normal static geometry. Like there's no special Houdini settings here anymore. It's baked out to normal mesh here. VICTOR: See if we got some last minute questions here. Yes, we did. Alex Gachanja was asking, does the house generator generate the textures? SIMON: That I showed in the presentation probably, at the last? So what we will do is, we will instance a model that's already set up in Unreal. So if you set up the model correctly in Unreal, just use that as input for a tool and then it will work fine. Basically the same how I did to the trees here. So we just set it as an insistence here. So in the building generator, we will just plug in a building block. VICTOR: Question comes from Coryy42. Can you write vex expressions in UE4? SIMON: Well, I mean if you expose a certain string value or value here to write that, that might be possible. So I need to probably have like specific parameters to write that. VICTOR: Another question from Alex, can you generate particle effects using the Houdini Engine? SIMON: We have actually plug-in for Niagara. VICTOR: Oh. SIMON: So, but it's actually just, you do some calculations in Houdini and then you save that out in a file, which is basically containing the positions of its points. And then that file is then read by Niagara, sort of like replicated effect. So it can be interesting to look at this. We also have to tutorials on that for Niagara plug-in. VICTOR: Create The Imaginable are asking are Houdini universal scene description meshes supported by Houdini Engine or Unreal? SIMON: So you mean USD, right? OK, so I mean USD can be opened in Unreal or Houdini. So I mean you can even make your Houdini tool that is exporting USD. Like it can here have this built, like an export something for you in my parameter if I want to. VICTOR: Is there something you can't do with Houdini? See, let's grab the last couple of questions here. Youmna Sahab was wondering so we can not import the asset in Unreal Engine if we are on Houdini apprentice? SIMON: Yeah, so Apprentice has some limitation since it is free. So again, if someone didn't know, like Houdini has a free version which is called Houdini Apprentice, so you can use that. It's mainly actually for learning Houdini and trying out Houdini. But Houdini Engine or some functionalities of Houdini Apprentice are not available. Like you would probably, like you can also use in the license to make everything that you want. VICTOR: Let's see, oh. Another question from Aliens from Space. Can we do Sims in HDA in Unreal engine? SIMON: Yes and no, like it depends on what you want. Like we can force a tool to calculate at a certain frame. Like if I do water simulation and I convert it to geometry, we can say like at frame 100, I want to see frame 100 in the viewport. That's possible, but we cannot just like see the fluids instantly by the tool. So we have to either export it to like vertex animation or Olympic files and then we would actually see the result. But Houdini Engine itself will only be able to probably output one frame at a time. So we would have a slider, that is sort of like seeing what frame needs to be calculated to see your sim. VICTOR: Maxim Shevtsov was wondering, can I generate vector fields with Houdini Engine? SIMON: Yeah, there are some tools inside of Houdini. I don't know if you would have it. You need the Houdini Engine for that. But instead of Houdini itself, we have some vector field tools. Also like volume slicing and so on, like if you want to use that for clouds, you can do volume slicing there as well. VICTOR: Question from earlier that I missed you. Eugene Flormata is asking, can you create characters with Houdini engine, pack meshes with weight, and skeletons with KineFX? SIMON: KineFX. Not yet, actually. If you watch the talk from Damien, so he is one of the developers. At the end of the talk, he will actually show a glimpse of what's next for this Houdini Engine because there will be still improvements as long as we go. So that's something that we are definitely looking at, to have the character and then import that with the rig and so on. VICTOR: Next question comes from Reversednormal. Does the Houdini Engine license permit distribution in mod kits? That one is a little tricky, because that would essentially require the user, so say whatever it is or isn't. It would require the user who's downloading the mod kit to own a Houdini license. They would actually need to have Houdini installed on their PC. And so I'm not sure that I would ever want to limit a mod kit, to sort have another tool other than the mod kit being required, that is unlike Windows or a text editor, or something like that. But I guess that's a question for Ben, in case you wanted to. Yeah, in case you wanted to ship that with an Unreal Engine mod kit, if that would be-- yes, so Ben's saying you can take out assets and provide those in a mod kit unattached to Houdini engine. And I think that's the right approach because otherwise, you are going to sort of put a price tag on being able to use the mod kit, which would limit the reach and the accessibility of using your mod kit. SIMON: Yeah, definitely. Like if you share Houdini files, then you need Houdini to open it. VICTOR: Right. MakeBelieveTV was wondering, do you have-- I'm not entirely sure when they asked this, so let's see if you know. Do you have mesh crossing problems with this? SIMON: But, edge damage tool or the world? VICTOR: Not sure, how about you respond about all of them? SIMON: Yeah, I mean sometimes it can happen that there is some conflicts in the mesh. Then I would recommend opening session sync so we can see what's going on in Unreal and Houdini and then we can debug. Because sometimes you need to do some mesh cleaning or maybe even remesh the models to get clean results. So I mean, that sometimes can happen that you maybe need to figure out a way to polish a bit, a input model, since you don't already know what the input will be. But most of the time, like with the world tool, it has some little bits clean up with the input. So can easily figure out intersections and nicely build these things. So, yeah. You can have issues but then you probably need to build the procedural system to clean up some of these issues. VICTOR: Cool, and this is not really a question. It's actually an answer that came from chat. DonPepe1705 filling in. For the question about pointing to a folder for instancing from an object pool, you can input the folder path to Houdini and create a CSV from the files in the folder. And then just use those names for tagging the scattered points. Thank you, Don Pepe. Appreciate when chat fills in. Cool. Those were all the questions that were on topic today, but I did want to message something that came from Zayee. This is not a question, but thanks a lot, Simon. You make me want to learn more about Houdini every day. SIMON: Thank you. VICTOR: Oh and, this is a question from Youmna Sahab. Is there a way we can contact someone without bothering him too much? You can see his Twitter handle, right? OK. I'm not going to point. You can see his Twitter handle, it's right there. SIMON: You can also send me message on ArtStation, that's also fine. VICTOR: So I'm doing a last check. Cool. Simon, thank you so much for coming on the stream and showing off these tools today. I think we already discussed with Ben Mears that there are some interesting new developments with Houdini that's coming. And we will probably have, I don't know if that will be you, Simon, but someone from SideFX will be back to talk about Houdini later this year. August is when we planned to do a little bit of a Houdini update, more magical tricks. With that said, I'm going to do my quick little outro spiel here and then we will be offline. And hopefully I'm going to let Skye know that we're about to wrap this up and we can try to find someone to raid today. But thanks to everyone who's been watching today. Hope you enjoy the content, hope it was valuable for you. If you have more questions and would like to continue the conversation, perhaps if you're watching this as a VOD on YouTube or Twitch afterwards and you're not with us here live, a great place to continue the conversation is on the forum announcement post that Skye will go ahead and link in just a couple of seconds. In both chats, they're pretty awesome at that. I'm not doing all the linking anymore. I have help. I've had help for quite some time now. It's very nice. Thank you, Skye. Head over to the forum announcement post. That's the place for post discussions. YouTube comments, not the best when it comes to technical conversations. But the new forums are good at that. If you're looking to find other people in the community that might potentially live close to your area, go out and visit, it has a locator tool where you can find meetup groups in your area. And now you might wonder, but we're not really seeing each other right now, they're a pandemic. And that is true, but these groups are still active and they're hosting meetups on their various discord channels. If you don't have a group near you and you and a couple of friends would like to start one, there's a little become a-- There's a form, top right of the page. Brain freeze, forgot what it says today. There's a form. You can go ahead and contact us if you would like to become a meetup group lead and then you get access to our tool bevy which helps you organize these meetups, give you a little bit of publicity. Also make sure that you visit our forums Discord. We have an unofficial Discord channel called Unreal Slackers. It is fantastic. Some of them are here in chat. Everyone, give it up for P Fis, I've seen him. He's around. One of the awesome admins and moderators who make that community as awesome as it is. You can also find us on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, all the places. And we generally post on most of them. So if you have one platform that you are more interested in or more comfortable with, you can just go ahead and follow us there. We do a community spotlight every week and we also add those spotlights to the Epic Games Launcher. And to make your projects visible for us, you can go out and post them in the forum release channel. There's a work in progress channel. Tagging @unrealengine on Twitter is another good way, we frequently check all of those. And anything that comes our way, it's always considered for the community spotlight. You can also just go ahead and email if you sort of have planned an announcement and you would like to get in touch and let us know that it's coming. We keep a close eye on that email as well. The countdown videos that we play at the stream every week, they are 30 minutes of developments or usually 30 minutes of development. I realized that the last new one that we received from the main stark was actually not what I say every week, and I thought it was great. So five minutes of footage is what we're asking for. Send that to us to get it with your logo and we will go ahead and composite that into the countdown that we play every week. Have some new ones coming up soon. If you stream on Twitch, make sure you use the Unreal Engine tag, as well as the game development ones, they are the two that makes it easy for us to filter all the content that's on Twitch so that we can find you when you're live. And that's precisely the way that we search for people when we go ahead to rate them afterwards. For those of you out on YouTube right now, there's the rate feature. But if you want to continue to watch more Unreal Engine content, you can hop over to And yes, I said follow us on social media. That's where all news Unreal comes. And SideFX Twitter handle, I think it's just @SideFX, isn't it? SIMON: Yeah, I think so. VICTOR: Yeah, @SideFX, should be posted on the forum announcement post as well, where all things information lives in regards to the streams. Make sure that notification bell on YouTube if you want to see when we go live there. And next week, I have a stream, but I can't announce it. Oh no, wait I can. Yes, because yesterday was when the MetaHuman early access signup went live. So I can say that, I just was not able to put it in the newsletter for this month. We will go ahead and have some of the developers from the MetaHuman creator tool on the stream next week and we will go through MetaHuman creator, watch a little bit and see what goes on behind the scenes, what the plans are for the future, et cetera. Quite excited by that, I think we have four developers from the team on the stream next week. Cool, and that's my outro spiel. I've done my talking for today. Simon, thank you so much for coming on stream once again. Chat, please give it up for Simon and Ben Mears, who made sure that this dream happened today. Go ahead and visit. I really should know the SideFX website Simon, why don't you plug the SideFX website where you can get Houdini? SIMON: I mean, just SideFX. VICTOR: That's it. SIMON: Just Google it. VICTOR: Yeah, you know, but it's so boring to say, just go Google it. Just go Google it. Like yeah, we all know it's on Google, but sometimes, you just want to know. You want to punch in that web address where you're going. You don't get any ads, you don't get any of the other stuff. It's just that's where I want to go. Awesome. Anything else, Simon, you would like to leave chat with today before we go offline? SIMON: I mean, it was great to be here. And thanks, everyone, for watching this and I hope I got some people excited to try out Houdini. VICTOR: I think you did. They said so, so I'll take that as proof. Awesome. I hope you're all staying safe out there. We will see you all again next week at the same time. Take care, everyone.
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 39,243
Rating: 4.9595141 out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Epic Games, UE4, Unreal, Game Engine, Game Dev, Game Development, nvidia, chivalry, torn banner, level design, map design
Id: gCt4oLEQ2LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 39sec (5319 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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