How to Use Notion Calendar: Getting Started

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if I press command K and type this in it will  fix the icon function hello folks welcome to   today's video we're going to be diving into  notion calendar and giving you everything   you need to know about this experience now for  those who don't know notion calendar has been   launched and notion have taken KRON which  was their former calendar application that   they bought in 2022 and turned it into notion  calendar in today's video we're going to show   you everything you need to know including how to  change the app icon how to use the scheduling how   to set up notion databases and much more to  improve the functionality if you're curious   whether the notion calendar is right for you  you can use our resource tool finder below   to search all the calendar apps and the best  calendar apps on the market if you're in the   hunt for a new one or you are searching and  want to look deeper into notion calendar as a whole so here we are with notion calendar  and first and foremost you can connect Google   Calendar as many as you like and notion calendar  is free very much like KRON counterpart before and   it has a few abilities that a lot of people like  the first is the beautiful design that makes it   really easy to use but sharing availability is  the next one that is speedy and functional in   this application so to share availability you  can press s on your keyboard and the keyboard   sort of goes the the site sort of goes gray and  you can pick slots uh that you want and choose   the calendar in which you want to connect it up  to now what's really nice is you can connect it   to your notion d database as well so it's by  two-way syns which is very helpful we'll show   you more of the notion abilities later and you  can connect up conferencing with Google meet and   zoom using the settings page which I'll show you  a little later as well but here we are you can   actually create a scheduling link and as you can  see a couple of dates which you can paste your   calendar or you can go ahead and create it now  that snippet was copied to the calendar sorry   the the clipboard so it means I can share it  wherever I am whether that's a social media app   or however I need it and you can see all the  dates here are held until uh those ones have   been chosen which are perfect for making sure you  don't double book yourself as well now next thing   to note is that the viewing options are very nice  you can go into number of days and you can choose   between 2 to 9 and you can even choose maybe even  10 days if you want to now I like the 3-day view   it's a nice window into the week and allows you  to see what's ahead and over the this left hand   side I can coordinate all of the calendars  that I'm part of now down here you may notice   that there's a keepy productive area and I've got  SEO content selected on now this was the release   for the notion calendar so what I wanted to do  was connect up the database that is connected   to that so you can see here once that database is  connected anything that is calendar based that has   a data Associated to it will essentially bring  this item into the notion calendar experience   as you can see in notion it allows you to bring  that edit date in and it moves it about to so for   demonstration purposes if I move the date forward  you can see the edit date has changed which means   that two-way sync is available which means that  you can be in your calendar and move a deadline   forward and you can even choose a specific time  and date which makes that helpful too next up if   you're looking to connect a notion page to make  it easily accessible one thing you can do for   example record an edit session I have a YouTube  schedule link here and that will basically open   up instantly the YouTube schedule that I need to  go through now what's really nice is I can add   more documents and you can search across all of  your workspaces that are connected even the most   recently searched ones or you can find which one  you want in the search it's a little bit slow but   it works pretty well in terms of getting things  going this is great when you're sharing stuff in   teams cuz you can connect the notion pieces that  people might want to easily access like meeting   agendas and things like that this also works  well in the two-way sync because you can connect   at meeting notes with stuff through the notion  database before and it allows you to connect all   your meetings with your current calendar let's  go over to settings there's a range of settings   that can help you enhance your experience like  turning weekends off allowing you to see declined   events and having week numbers on there I like  week numbers on there but you can also set your   day for Monday you can press and use key keyboard  commands to save a little bit of time and there's   some items about context in the terms of meetings  and uh terms of uh the light and dark mode which   you can switch between here now notifications are  easy to set up menu bar gives you an extensive way   to see upcoming items on your calendar without  going forward and also you can connect up all   your Google Calendars here which is something uh  that is very helpful and finally from here you   can set up your zoom and custom links if you have  another third-party video conferencing alternative   now with notion you can connect up your work work  spaces here I've got two workspaces set up and you   can have multiple set up and you can set up which  one's the default here as well so a lot of people   have been complaining about the logo new notion  logo calendar I personally don't like but there's   a way to change it the developer uh the original  founder Raphael shared this on Twitter but all you   have to do is press command K and and type this in  I'll put the Lal text in the description below but   essentially that will turn the icon back to the  Chron icon that you had before with the relevant   on it so other things you can do with command bar  is you can type in p and essentially you can see   the availabilities of other people's schedule for  example uh other people who work with you which is   helpful you can search all of the notion databases  that you have connected to your account this means   that you can see the calendar items attached to  it and finally you can change your time zone as   well which gives it an additional time zone or  change the time zone that you're currently in so   folks I hope that was a good overview of notion  calendar if you're in the hunt for calendar   application or unsure about notion calendar you  can find everything in terms of resources below   hopefully it was helpful we'll do some more time  blocking maybe some notion database intent stuff   with meetings and how to optimize it a little  bit further on this is much more of a beginner's   insight into how to get started so thank you very  much make sure you hit subscribe if you're new   here to keep productive we do plenty of videos  covering all productivity tools but naturally a   couple on notion 2 so I hope this helped and  I'll see you all in a future video cheerio
Channel: Keep Productive
Views: 27,064
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Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion,, notion, project management, personal productivity, tool finder,, notion calendar, notion calendar getting started guide, notion calendar for newbies, notion calendar app, notion calendar feature, notion calendar tutorial, how to use notion calendar, notion calendar beginners guide, notion calendar template
Id: ffwTRUKcUkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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