Content Calendar Notion Tutorial + free template πŸ“…πŸ’‘ how to use notion for content creators

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do you want to learn how to make a Content calendar welcome you're in the right place welcome to my content calendar Series where I'm going to show you how you can create your own content calendar using different Tools in this video we're going to break down notion so the first portion of this video I'm going to show you examples of different ways that you could set up a Content calendar depending on your visual preferences and in the second half of the video I'm going to break it down we're going to make it from scratch so that I could teach you how to make your own content calendar on notion from scratch if that's the approach you want to take if you like the content calendar that I show in the video of course it is a free template I will leave it down below have fun do with it what you will take care I don't know why so sorry when I first started using notion I found it really really overwhelming I did not like it and here we are I'm making a tutorial for it because I've discovered how to use it and I really really enjoy it now so I want to show you a few different ways you can present your content calendar there's so so many different aspects of things that you could have there so within your content calendar you could have like a to-do list if you also want to see your daily tasks of what to do so Monday I want to focus on filming Tuesday I need to do this keeping track of everything you want to do next week so you could have a checklist portion you could also have a Content pillar reminder so this is something that I like to keep at the top of my content calendar so if you're in the fitness industry maybe one of your content pillars is protein tracking right so you want to keep that as a reminder okay when I create a video I want it to involve protein tracking content pillar number two is form breakdowns where it dives into actual form for fitness and different exercises so you could have your content pillars there as a reminder of course we have the calendar view this is the essential part of your content calendar you can track all the content that you're working on across any platform so you could have it visually tracking your Tik Tok YouTube in Instagram content all the things you can set that up there you can also set up as place to have any quick grabs I like to call this my quick grabs section so links if somebody's like hey what's your YouTube channel in an email you have your YouTube link you just hyperlink your YouTube channel Instagram hyperlink that there Tik Tok hyperlink that there if you have a script template you could hyperlink your script template so it's just quick when you're ready to script a video templates there YouTube description template that's the descript destion of your YouTube videos brand collab pitching your pitch templates quick grabs for like branding if you have specific hex codes that you use in your branding you could do each hex code there so it's quick and easy to grab so again this is the quick grab section and then people love to also break down each platform so that they could see specifically what their Tik Tok ideas are that they're working on below that you could add a specific section for Instagram below that specific section for YouTube so there's lots of different things you could do we also have let me show you a few other examples in my YouTube course this is how I have the YouTube content calendar set up so again you have the script template the video process template uh you can track collaborations this is another view that I really like so you could see all videos in progress so you brain dump your video ideas and then you could when you're ready drag a video idea over to the planning section all of these cards are movable so if you have an video idea that you want to go into planning or planning that you're write a script you could click and drag it over to its proper place in the progress uh video brain dump so this is where you just brain dump all of your ideas uh let me unlock it so I can show you so video idea you drag it here when you're ready to work on it brain dump you could just like new idea here oh there's an idea oh I have another idea another idea here right so these two sections are also options that you could have AER visually again depending on what your visual preferences are let's go back to a few other examples this is if you are somebody that you want that focus on those content pillars you have that reminder you put your Niche up top and then you put your content pillars here so that every time you add a idea you're constantly focusing on rotating through those content pillars you're tracking ideas in their progress and then planning them into the content calendar plugging them in so you could see them visually this was the template that I used when I first started getting into notion I thought it was very simple straightforward it really helped me with how I create my content so I really like to just like brain dump focus on rotating through content pillars tracking the progress of an idea and then scheduling it onto a calendar Cal I feel like that was something that really helped me if you're somebody you're like great content calendar fantastic better like I need help with making content and coming up with really good content ideas I don't know how to film I don't know how to make hooks how do I come up with content ideas how do I do all the things I'm just going to plug myself right here because I have so many courses for Content creators so I have an Instagram course that teaches you how to grow on Instagram and make money on Instagram as a content creator I also have a course bundle called the bsp model which has eight courses in it so if you're watching this video in January you can actually sign up for the bsp model right now doors are open only for January to help people who have New Year's resolutions to become a full-time content creator so you can sign up for bsp if it's after January when you're watching this I do have a wait list that you could join where you're like okay that's something I'm curious about hearing keep me in the know of when it launches again and I'd love to hear more about it so you can get on the wait list or if it's January you can can sign up for the bsp model today so now just've seen a few different visual examples for how you could set up your own content calendar like I said you can use my templates down below but if you want to create something from scratch which I think is a great way to familiarize yourself with a product like notion I'm going to show you how you can create your content calendar from scratch okay so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new page and we are just going to call this the notion cont content calendar and I'm going to put that because it's the one I made for the YouTube video and to start things out I feel like the most common thing that everybody will want is the calendar view right we're all going to want a calendar view it's going to ask for a data source we're going to create a new database because if you have a new notion account you probably won't have a database this is our new database okay this is our master calar calendar view okay we need to title it this is the master view this is going to show us all the videos we're working on whether it's YouTube Instagram Tick Tac all the things no matter what content pillar it is this is going to be the master view okay we're going to start big and then filter it down from there cool so we are done let me click out you'll see that this has appeared here the notion content calendar view so from the get-go you're like okay wait this doesn't look like any of the other things you were showing me Millie this is so itty bitty I don't like it we're going to press the three dots up top and we're going to do full width this is going to make it nice wide Master view we love it okay so to add other elements you just go below the calendar and you can add other elements here usually you're going to type a back slash and then whatever other database we choose to create or space that we choose to create first I'm going to focus on building out each of the spaces that I showed you before we make it fancy schmancy right we can add a cover photo we can add colors we can make it cute we can make it aesthetic but first I just want to show you the fundamentals foundations for your content calendar the next thing that I think will be most helpful is potentially that quick grabs list or even columns right if you don't want this calendar to take up an entire view you want the calendar to be like on the right half of your screen or the left half of your screen this is where you're going to create columns to do that so I'm going to do back slash and I'm going to start typing columns and there's different options you could do two columns 3 four five we're just going to do two and now you can see here we have two columns I'm going to drag my calendar to the second column here yeah cool now on this side maybe this is where you want to do those quick grabs you want to organize different links you want to organize your templates you could organize again you could set up a thing to track your collabs here we're going to do branding now let's kind of add a little bit of spice make this look a little bit more presentable so I'm going to go over here hover my mouse on this column we're going to expand it make the calendar a little bit bigger and I'm going to click on this side of links press enter to add another space and I'm going to actually call this my quick grabs section I'm going to highlight it make it bold press text to make it a little bigger quick grabs and then here is where I could like bold text this will be heading three bold text this will be heading three bold text heading three we get it now we're going to add a link to our YouTube a link to our Instagram a link to our Tik Tok templates YouTube script outline pitch templates branding hex code hex code okay this is just kind of brain quick brain dump to make this a little bit cute I can add like emojis here so for my laptop my shortcut is the windows period and then it pulls up the Emoji options so I could do this for YouTube Instagram is more of like a photo even though they're not a photo sharing app Tik Tok is um it's the music symbol right it's a little that make it little cute you could do that double click to highlight the text press link to add your hyperlink this is where you could paste your YouTube channel Instagram Tik Tok for the templates this is this is one where you're going to actually link and create your script outline within notion so it's all in one place so I can press here these this grid I'm going to turn this into a page and we're going to put it exactly where this page is so it's going to be under the notion content calendar that we're creating so now when I click here I can actually put my script outline here so I have like my hook I have my intro I have my main point number one I want to put a call to action here to my courses and then main point number two right so you could put your own script outline to go back up top this is where you're tracking where you are in your notion space so I'm going to go back to the main content calendar and now I could click into this whenever I want same thing with your pitch template let's do that that again press the grid turn into a page that is inside of the notion calendar and now you could copy paste your pitch templates which you got from okay so that's my website where you can get your free pitch templates moving on let's build out our calendar a little bit more right you want to be able to brainstorm your ideas brain dump your ideas track them all of the things so what we're going to do is we're going to create multiple different views for this one database so you can view all of your ideas on a calendar form you could view all of your ideas in list form you could view all of your ideas in progress form so we're just adding different views for this one element so next to this where it says calendar view there's this plus sign we're going to press that there we go and we are going to do a table View this one is my favorite one to start with so we're going to call this brain Dump YouTube and done so now this is where you're going to add all of those different filters all the things depending on what you want to track what I like to do is have an area this is called the ideas list so this is where you brain dump the ideas you could have a post date so this is where it goes live tags is when you can add different filters or tags to organize your ideas in a specific way so if I want to organize my ideas based off of content pillars I can add tag like content pillar one or again specifically it would be protein right so you would write out what that content pillar is for me as an educator Instagram tips is one of my tags so I'm just going to say content pillar one and you'll put whatever your content pillar is content pillar two content pillar three this way when you're brain dumping ideas you could see that you're really rotating between your different content pillars okay let's call this content pillar this one I don't want to have a text property so it defaulted to another text property I don't really use another text section so we're going to press edit property and we're going to switch this to select now I like the select option this is for you to add which platform that idea is for so you have YouTube Instagram Tik Tok you can also customize these so that you could choose a color for it Instagram I feel as purple YouTube I feel is red and Tik Tok is like blue or pinky so we'll do blue so you can edit the colors there if you prefer that way and then this is oh we're going to change the title to platform what platform are we posting to another section that I like to add here is another date and instead of post date this is film date so what day do you want to film that piece of content all of these are drag and drop so you could put it in the order that you think makes most sense to you ideas content pillar film date post date platform this is just an idea of how you can organize it now comes to brain dumping your ideas so here's idea number one you could just do a quick summary of what it is and each of these cards open where you could do more of a brain dump so this is down here you can actually brain dump your idea even more you could brainstorm different hook ideas so you could be like five ways to make money on Instagram or maybe my hook is do you want to make money on Instagram so I'm just kind of brainstorming here and then I can say oh that falls under content pillar one I want this to go live on this date which means that filming wise I'll probably need to film it on this date and this is going to go up on in stagram okay so this is kind of just me getting the idea ready filling in the blanks all the things this is your master view brain dump so we have idea number two you could also change all of these by just selecting the section film date post date for YouTube and let's do another one for Instagram content pillar number three posting on no filming that day posting this day Tik Tok right so this is just braing dooming all of your ideas now when we go to the calendar view the calendar will have all of our ideas here and because we made the post date first that was like the default date that came up because we made the post date as the first date and then we added film date after the calendar is going to go off of the date that it defaulted did I explain that okay so when we pressed New View and it automatically gave us these categories up top it defaulted as date being one of them that's because that's the date that it's going to track in here the cool thing with this masterview is that you can like drag and drop ideas here and you drag and drop them around when you update it in the master view it's also going to update it here as you can see it updated here in the list View you so so long as you're making different views under the same database if you make one edit on one view it will change all of the views let's do another view let's do the board one okay so for board we're going to call this one progress because I know progress is something that we really like to see Group by we don't want to group it by platform we actually want to group it by progress status as you can see progress status is not here so we actually need to add a progress status let's exit out go to brain dump and add a progress status we're going to do select progress or even just like status options are going to be new idea outlining filming editing scheduling and posting again you could change those colors so that it fits your preference and type select sort perfect now it's a new status let's say idea one is currently being filmed idea 2 we're outlining idea 3 is a new idea so that's how you could organize it jumping into progress now we can click up here edit View we're going to change the group so instead of grouping it by the platform it's on I want to see what progress type it is so we're going to go to status that's what we T called it and all the ideas we already categorized them as in filming new idea outlining obviously these are not in the order that I envisioned so I could just click and drag new idea here outlining filming editing post scheduling and then this one's technically posted or published but we'll just leave it so then you drag and drop and it's going to show you the progress of each thing right and again if you add a new idea here it's going to add for all of the views so in brain dump idea number four is added again this is not going to show idea 4 won't show on the calendar unless you have a date so let's add a date and now when we switch to calendar view idea 4 is there so if you're a social media manager somebody who manages multiple social media profiles or social media platforms for your clients for yourself for other people then you're going to love the sponsor of today's video metrial metol is amazing first of all let me just say that it's really such a great all-in-one social media tool where you can schedule and plan all of your content so that it auto posts for you now a new feature that metrical recently released is their social media approval process which is so freaking cool this is basically a tool for social media managers to mainstream your creation process and approval process so that everybody can be in on the planning when you create a piece of content for a business or your client they could be part of the process from beginning to end so how does this process work what you're going to do is go to the planner section on your profile and select create a new post you're going to highlight the social networks that you want to post to and add in the content select the time and day that it'll be published on the bottom click the drop down next to save draft and click Send to review and then your content will be sent off for approval now metrial works great for Content creators as well so if you're a solopreneur content creator you can create a free metrial account and if you're a social media manager somebody who juggles multiple platforms then you could use my code Modern Millie when signing up let's finish our content calendar cool cool cool cool cool cool cool okay now that you get the gist of creating different views for your ideas let's add those views to our main content calendar right cuz we we don't want to just be like clicking and be like oh where's this video oh I want to see this view like we don't want to click back and forth so what we want to do is we want to add these views down here so instead of pressing like backlash board view because one of them is a board view what you're going to do is press backlash linked view of a database so it's going to link the view from this database and bring it down here so let's click that and we're going to choose our source let's do the master calendar view that's what we just created and then you could choose whichever view you want right you could do the list view the progress view all these great options so we have that now if you want to get fancy with it and you want a calendar view for each platform you want to see all of your content for Tik Tok all of your content for YouTube let's do that we're going to press calendar view and now we're going to add a filter so we're going to filter by platform Tik Tok now this calendar will only show our Tik Tok videos on the calendar pretty cool now if you want that little label that says like this one's going to Tik Tok this one's going to Instagram let's edit the view let's edit our calendar view so right now we have each of those cards showing the date they're posting but let's go to properties and we want to also see the platform so we're going to unhide the platform this is going to show me Instagram is going up here YouTube is going here Tik Tok is going up here and then again when we scroll down here we can add that filter properties we want to view the maybe status and the platform so now we see that idea number three is a new idea haven't filmed it haven't outlined it it's still kind of in progress so we get to see all those views so that's how you kind of filter those views I'm going to delete this space and we're going to make another space to make the content pillar view what you're going to do is press back slash gallery and this is going to be a new database we're not linking to any other views this is our new space okay and we're going to call this you could put your Niche here so maybe it's like Fitness for beginners that's what I'm focusing on and then here's where you're going to add your content pillars delete all that I don't need it content pillar one right I think we already went over this you get the gist number one number two number three number four if you want this to be up top click and drag all the way to the top now you have your content calendars you could have four of them so I'm just going to put number four there add as many content pillars as you have between three to five so that's how you add that view and then the last view that you could have is the checklist of hey this is what you want to do too list all the things so just to show you this is specifically this view so this calendar is actually a widget which is a little bit more advanced and involves embedding so if you want this widget specifically use the template in the description down below it's a free template you'll get access to all of this here so that you can customize as you see fit so if you want to have that WI it visible use my template that's next up that's Advanced or a little bit more intermediate maybe we'll do a part two but we're going to make this little checklist section to make that let's say you want it up top so I'm going to delete the this view so I just click that grid delete we are going to add a little space up there I'm going to bring this empty one bring it up top cool so we need this space back slash column I'm going to create five Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday let's say Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and a Friday cool and then each of these is going to have their own check box so I just pressed enter I can do back slash and to-do list I type in to-do there we go back slash to-do list and you just you just do that or you could drag copy paste it there drag this one here yeah so now you have little checklists you can add another one [Music] add add to-do list now to add a little a little bit of spice a little bit of Personality a little bit of color let's make all of these like heading heading three heading three is fine heading three we want to press the grid color and then you could add a background color or text color so if you actually want it all of these to be yellow you can do that if you want to change the background color we could do background colors yellow or orange or brown so now we're adding a little bit more color here we're having some fun we've added our emojis let's add some a cover image so we have ADD cover change cover you could upload an image yourself choose maybe like a color scheme that's nice and simple or you could use unsplash these are free images and we could type in the word calendar and just click through a few see what we like maybe we like this one maybe we don't actually let's go back to this color because I actually thought that was pretty nice so we could do that can add a little icon to make it cute so calendar icon that's going to appear here as well so we have a calendar icon and yeah you've pretty much created your entire content calendar just like that one bonus thing to make it look cute if you want it to look cute let's go to student templates the niches or the content pillars if you want you could have these be imag so instead of I put content pillar one here you could just do back slash image and again choose one of the pictures in unsplash you could upload your own and the picture that you choose will be the cover of that so if you want to do different images there to pull inspiration for when you're creating content that's something that you could do as well if you've made it this far be sure to comment the secret phrase I'm a notion Wiz with like the little wizard Emoji or even just the wizard emoji works just as well and if you're somebody who needs help coming up with content ideas that convert really well into more views hire engagement watch this video next I share with you how you can come up with endless content ideas for your platforms thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one follow your joy bye
Channel: Modern Millie
Views: 40,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, content calendar for 2024, youtube content ideas, video ideas for 2024, notion for beginners, how to make a content calendar, youtube content calendar, content calendar template, free notion template, notion tutorial, notion tips and tricks, content pillars explained, content creation workflow, content creator resources, tips for content creators, tip for social media content, trending content for 2024, how to use notion for planning
Id: NuHt84jv4ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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