How To Use Mythic GM With Four Against Darkness

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in a world cloaked in Shadows where the line between reality and myth blurs four Intrepid adventurers stand at the precipice of Destiny welcome to the realm of the red sphere Guild a few people on the far against Darkness adventurers Guild Facebook page have asked me in regards to how I use onepage Mythic and four against Darkness together so I've decided to put a quick video together for you I think the first things first you're going to need three things for this obviously you're going to need whatever for against dark uh supplement you are using you can use almost all of them there is one that you can't use because it's more of a um uh a Choose Your Own Adventure style book um and as a result you can't do that it's um buried of the the four I believe it is or something like that um however any other um standard for against Darkness supplement will work including all of the um additional uh card games as well you can get obviously you're going to need one page Mythic or Mythic itself there are two different versions there's one page that just simplifies this table somewhat and then there's also the standard one which makes it slightly more complicated essentially we're going to use the onepage Mythic regardless of which version we're going to use and then in addition to that you're going to need two extra dice specifically you're going to need two d10s or a d10 and a simple uh D100 dice just so you can roll essentially and that is going to be your GM so any decisions that you're going to make throughout the whole campaign are essentially all going to be made on this one sheet of paper uh there's essentially three different parts to it there's going to be the ask the game master the Discover meaning and then there's a few random events things down here as well U but we'll go through them as on when we get through them so first things first we're going to talk about the Mythic GM emulator itself and essentially it comes down to one very simple mechanic and that's essentially that you set the odd that you're going to have for any task or question you might ask and then you're going to roll the dice and you're going to see what it fits within one of these four different categories obviously you have your yes and you no they're very simple they'll just you tell you one thing or the other um however you also have exceptional no and exceptional yes essentially this works a bit like a yes but or a yes and and a no but or a no and you simply roll your di you try and work out exactly what it is based upon the table and in this particular instance I've got 33 let's assume it's certain therefore the answer is yes and you simply go on your way essentially that is the only thing you need to think about there is an additional role to this and essentially that comes down to the random events so if you come up with two of exactly the same for example 33 as we just had you're going to have to ask the GM um and you're going to have to generate a random event now essentially the way that you do this is you roll the dice again uh you're going to roll them twice and you're going to work out what the Discover the meaning is as a result so quickly we're going to have 81 and we're going to have 75 so so if you look all the way down here for 81 you got official and 75 you got powerful so depending on what you're doing specifically within your journey you're going to have a result as direct result now we're going to go through examples here just so everyone's super clear on how to use it on what we're doing but essentially we're going to use the four against Darkness to have our standard campaigns and then we're going to use onepage Mythic to link everything together for our first example we're going to go with a really simple one this is the Guild of the red sphere essentially they have a single sphere within their Guild and that's essentially the entire story is based upon that singular sphere now obviously it's really important to them so don't want to take it with them everywhere they go and as a result in their Guild Halls the little red mark that you can see here within the town of gamy they're going to store that um sphere so they've just been on an Epic Journey and they're just about to come back and the first question that they're going to have is have we been robbed it is a mechanic in for against Darkness specifically TT T um you can just roll the dice on TT essentially it becomes a case of yes or no and it's simple as that however by adding Mythic onepage GM we're adding an extra element of um decision making that can give us somewhat more ansers than we would initially get so I'm in my guild house there is the option to have something called traps within your guild in TTT but I'm going to assume that my guild currently has absolutely none at all therefore the likelihood is of impossible nearly impossible very unlikely or unlikely a somewhat negated there's nothing there within my guilt has to stop someone breaking in however the likeliness is purely going to depend on what you want to do so it could be that you want a nice easy game therefore it's going to be incredibly unlikely or it could be that you like quite a hard game therefore you're going to go for something that's more likely to be certain I'm going to go with simply likely simply because it's a fairly large style Town um it's a singular Guild house we're known around the area for having quite a lot of money we just bought a new ship and as a result there's going to be quite a lot going on so I'm going to say 50/50 or likely I'm going to go with likely just because of the size of the town so I ask the game master the question have I been robbed and then roll the dice I'm not sure if you can see that so it's going to be 07 therefore I'm looking up 07 and that's going to be an exceptional yes so yes I have been robbed but there's also an exceptional element to it what is that exceptional element now you could just say well obviously they just you know robbed me blind they're taking the sphere as well or it could be that maybe they haven't taken the sphere so I'm going to ask the GM another question and this time it's going to be have they stallen the sphere um sorry before I roll we need to work out the odds of this now obviously the sphere is the really important thing within our Guild therefore it's going to be the best protected therefore it's going to be the the thing that they're going to try to make sure that no one has stolen however at the same time it's going to be the thing that's going to draw someone's attention for this one I think it's probably going to be unlikely the reason being is yeah it's a fantastic looking thing but the fif might not necessarily know what it is I mean our Guild definitely don't and therefore it's extremely unlikely that the Fai will and as a result I'm going to go with unlikely and then roll the dice again and this time I've come up with 50 so I'm going to go on here 50 sits in the no category therefore I have been rolling but he hasn't taken the sphere so what's the exceptional yes is my next question um could it be that the fif is still there now that's an interesting one so I'm going to go 50/50 on that one and then going to roll the dice again this time it's 14 that means yes the FEI is still there therefore I can then work out what my next step is going to be am I going to speak to the FEI I'm going to try and work out why possibly he's U broken in or am I going to start asking the question of how am I going to track this guy down exactly what's going to happen therefore you can sort of add on the journey as a direct result now this did happen to me um I went through a specific campaign I was robbed and as a result I decided to go through one of the um Maps specifically it was um a a totem based thing that was stolen from me and I used one of the posters essentially taking absolutely from everything from there and then sort of adapting the story as I went by I just picked this one at random I have a big list so I had say essentially had to find the Fe within the standard campaign this wasn't something that I was planning this wasn't something that was on the tracks but simply the dice decided to say that there was a fe I did need to track him down and in the instance of my actual play um he was close but he wasn't still within the guild therefore I had to track him down on this and essentially I added an element of play that wouldn't normally be within the standard 4 against Darkness campaigns the second example I'm going to use is that of people or NPCs without your campaign so I'm going understand a town this is called Bal it's a town that I happen to have comr it's actually a city my apologies um and essentially I'm not sure if you can see the Grays but they're different sectors within the city and as a result they have different people in charge I picked these people at random um essentially it was from a different book that I stole the idea from and so there are just essentially five groups within the uh the story itself and this time instead of having to ask specifically in regard to an event instead I can ask in regards to how these people get onto each other so maybe I want to know how Lord Vish and the Traders get on together I'm going to say I have no idea it's a completely new city therefore I'm going to roll on the dice it's 33 therefore it's going to be a case of the answer is yes now there was a really important dice there it was 33 this means that not only do we have to answer the question of yes but we then have to go into discover meaning so the question was do they get on I said yes which is fantastic I'm going to roll the dice that's 79 and then 11 so we're going to look on here and we going to have 79 which is going to be obstacle and then 11 which is going to be cold so there's something within this story that I then need to work out how obstacle cold is going to come into place now it could be now it actually is in this instance which is fantastic that this is a snowy area so cold makes absolute sense and obstacle is the case of of whoever the parties are in this case the Traders and Lord Vish are both trying to get something into the city or out of the city but the snow is causing issues therefore they're working together to try and work out how to get around that snow therefore I've just added an extra element in so I'm into the city now I know that those two people get on and I know it's snowy is this something that I can help on once again I can and ask on the Mythic GM to work out exactly what the likelihood is is to then work out how I can then add that element into my story and essentially Mythic GM and then four against Darkness come together to make a story that you can then use the Dungeons and essentially link them all together hopefully that helps everyone and if there's any questions just drop them in the comments below
Channel: Lord Libidan
Views: 865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Four against darkness, 4AD, Mythic GM, One page mythic
Id: Yn6_h4X48gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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