How To Play Dwarf Mine RPG in Under 10 Minutes

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[Music] how to play Dwarf Mine RPG in under 10 minutes Dwarf Mine is a solo RPG come Rolen right by James horon I hope I said that name right from paper dice games and it's currently going for about $7 um us that is you can pick it up for cheap it sometimes so it's worth checking just to find out if there is a sale going on it's a mapping dungeon building game where you create a mine you dig deeper and you try to stay along stay alive as long as you possibly can to essentially create an empire and do the best that you possibly can it's about 30 minutes in length once you know what you're doing it's fairly similar to Anna Blackwell's delve RPG as you create a dungeon you manage your population and resources and you have to draw it as it goes along however it sits between this and for against Darkness is you need to draw some rooms and some corridors of different sizes and shapes you need to work out how those interact together to make sure that you building something that works physically and doesn't put you in too much danger and then in your addition addition to that sorry the resource pool is a lot more limited than other management games particularly Del RPG there are only about five things that you realistically need to keep your eye on and it quite simple um as you go through the game you need a D4 a D6 a d8 a d10 a D12 and a D20 dice to play however you'll only be rolling one of these at any given time so there's no dice management orever but you do need the whole set of dice you will generally speaking go at least up to a D12 within the game um however it's highly likely that you use all of them there are two play areas for this game the first is the map mine itself the core game only has one design but by changing where you start your mine from anywhere at the top and the random nature of the game it can drastically change the way your game is played and so add interest there are also some Advanced rules that we'll get on to later that can develop this slightly further too the map mine is basically a large squared or dotted grid however on the right side of the grid is broken up into four unequal sections as you go mine goes deeper and deeper and further into these sections the higher the reward however there's also more danger so initially you need to make make sure that your mine is as built up as possible in the lower section the lower numbers one or two as you then start pushing yourself into three and four by that point you really should have a good understanding of the game and should be able to tackle some of the the more dangerous areas the second play era consists of a large ER to Chronicle your game this is completely optional you don't actually need to do it and then secondly is an area for trekking stats now this is split into three different sections we'll talk about those SE separately the first is your resources gold or and other which is uh unique special items that you can gain through your playr and most notably there's something called a mythal ore that you're likely to come across at some point the section section is your score section uh this is your mind age how deep you've gone in your mind your population and your prestige you don't really need to concentrate on any of these unless you want to this is more of a case of trying to compete with yourself as time goes on however population is important population essentially acts as your health if this drops to zero that's the end of your mine and finally the dice area now I know this looks complicated but it's not essentially you start off with a D4 for attacks you can purchase buildings or rooms to increase your dice that you use starting with a D6 d8 d10 D12 and then finally a D20 this essentially just Chronicles exactly where you are and which dice you should be using so it's not as complicated as it does look the game itself consists of rounds each round has four parts part one is simply updating your mine age you do this on every round apart from your first round Mini starts at zero every time that you roll on a table you have to use this mine age so it's a really important thing that you are making reference to it part two is the building phase you can build corridors and if you can afford them you can also build rooms you can build as many many corridors as you want for free each turn but rooms do cost money or sometimes special items and sometimes a combination of each each of these rooms gives you a boost in some way and each has its own shape that you must fit into your dungeon there are also at least one square between each room and they must connect by a corridor to another room you can't have them on their own without a corridor you can build as many rooms as you can afford in every given turn and it's worth noting that you should also probably build at least something every turn even if it's just a tiny one by one Corridor because the deeper that you go the more danger that is you want to make sure that you try to keep as high as possible when building all of these buildings and corridors now the reason that you want to build something is the next phase phase three the treasure phase now if you built anything at all it does not matter what Corridor or building in part two you can roll on the treasure table you look up your treasure table for the deepest part of your mine and you roll a d8 and then add your mine age whatever you get in this table is what you physically found whilst mining you only roll once regardless of how much you have mined within that previous phase phase four is the combat phase once again you look up on the combat table for the deepest part of your mind and then you roll a d8 and you add your M age combat is made up of attacking and defending in which happens at the same time using the attacking die that you found on your M sheet you roll this and the amount of damage that you've done to your enemy is that given number on your dice therefore the higher you Dice the more likely that you are to have a higher amount of damage done to your enemy defending is exactly the same but of course it uses the attacking enemy of the sorry the attacking dice of the enemy that is defined into the table and any damage that they do reduces your population by that amount this process repeats until you have either zero population and you've lost or the enemy has zero life and they have died you repeat these four phases until you have either built up a mind that's able to continue regardless of the dangers that are incumbent upon you or until you have died in which case you need to look at your prestige your age level and just how long it took you in order to get there and how much gold that you have at the end of it essentially it is a points space system but there is no tracking as such to compare it's purely up to you there's some expansions to the game both free and paid the free expansions add more rooms they add more variation to your mountains different um players that you can use there are more enemies and there are some missions to achieve as well and there are also some paid expansions roughly speaking they're about $5 at the moment and they will have new uh Moun maps that you can use and they have unique obstacles making the game slightly harder there is a Sci-Fi version with a crashed ship there's a power infested mountain with Wizards powers and there's something called the underd darker a massive open space in zone 4 specifically that makes building in that area particularly complicated overall this is a great game mix mapping strategy Base building um and management all together really well it takes about 30 minutes to play a session it has some great V repay value and of course it's fairly cheap it does initially see seem fairly simple considering there is a limited pool of buildings that you can use but actually there's a lot of strategy going on here and if you compete against yourself and your friends there's a lot of replay value that you can really try to improve your strategy to
Channel: Lord Libidan
Views: 3,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playthrough, play through, play test, dwarf mine, dwarf mine rpg, roll and write, how to, how to play, solo rpg
Id: yNfbQkKOCj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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