How To Use Movavi Video Editor Plus 2022 (Easy Tutorial)

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this video is brought to you by movavi video editor what is going on guys my name is alex welcome back to a brand new video in this tutorial we're going to check out movavi video editor plus 2022 what is new because right now we are october we're approaching 2022 because they actually released this version a couple days ago and i'm really really excited and they reached out to me and they said alex we have the perfect perfect version for you for movavi like you love it every single year so i'm really excited guys also guys my full-length album fire on all cylinders is now finally able to pre-order it for you guys the link is down in the description as well if you want to get your hands on that it will be released on amazon music spotify apple music deezer audio mac every platform you can imagine youtube as well so make sure to check out the link down below just to go ahead and pre-save it because it's releasing on october 22nd at midnight alright guys so with that all the way let's go ahead and check out what move out video editor plus 2022 can do i'm really really excited so let's go ahead and get started right after the intro [Music] all right guys so as you can see right now this is movavi video editor plus 2022 the link is down in the description if you guys want to go ahead and pick it up right after the video so of course with every kind of update with video editing software they don't really change too much when it comes to layout because it's really really handy that you get used to like the whole interface and it's also really efficient that they don't go ahead and change up the layout for example every version so they actually get used to a new user interface so right here on the right we have of course our preview that's where we will be seeing our preview what we are editing what we have made so far on the bottom right here we have our entire timeline where we can add in our tracks or videos or music sound effects or all our audio basically on the left right here we have our import button basically meaning that we can drag in our files or select them right from here we can record our video we can capture a screencast we can record audio meaning that we can make a voiceover if you want to with your microphone right inside the program or you can make a quick video make your video in a few steps so let's go ahead and start at the very top left so right here we have the file import button which basically means that you can go ahead and drag in all your video files your audio files right in there or you can just click on this button and then you can go and select them right first like that all right so once you have imported your files right here we have our media bin and that's basically where you will see all the files that you have imported so just so you can make sure that everything that you need for your project is efficiently and actually in there so once you have checked everything like that we have the sounds button so right here we have all kinds of sound effects such as a beep a beep sets we have gunshots we have dj we have a crash we have city ambience very very nice we also have music right here which can actually lead up to a very nice cinematic video depending on what kind of style you're editing that you can just also choose on the genre which one would fit the best for your project we have sample videos meaning that you have like these overlays such as bubbles camera candle city clock clouds old film newsflash money flames film strip countdown two countdown one we have all kinds of really really nice overlays let's say this volcano if you click on there this is what it looks like and if you're happy with it you can just drag it straightly into your timeline alright so we also have backgrounds meaning that if you are making for example a thumbnail besides your video you can just drag in this really nice sunburst effect or basically any background that you like we have sunset space we have a seashore we have white we have yellow stripes very cool and you even have this transparent camera overlay let's say that you want to make this night vision effect you can just go ahead and drag in this camera overlay right here so that looks very very nice all right so below that is one of my favorites which is the effect packages meaning that you have all kinds of packages ready to go but if you have any external ones in mind you can click on for example available and then you can just search right here at the very top to see what you're looking for and right here on this button it will show you exactly which one you have installed already so that's very very sweet that they have actually upgraded a lot of different features and also these media files such as video sound effects with this version i'm really really stoked on this version actually and also below this one we have the filters menu which basically is color grading so if you have a clip that looks very very plain almost black and white or shot in v-log or s-log you can actually go ahead and color grade these very easily by just dragging these filters onto your videos so let me just show you guys real quick this is the intro clip of this video but as you notice this is how i always shoot my videos very very plain almost no color but that's actually allowing me to color grade really really nicely optimally so right here let's say that we have this one let's drag it onto the video so as you notice this makes a huge huge difference now i wouldn't pick this one personally because it doesn't really fit that much but of course you have a lot of different presets to choose from to really make your video come to life let's say for example this one which gives us all more like this more of a night vision but i think the color burn would actually be very cool as well all right that looks almost like that i had a power cut while recording so i'm just gonna go and press ctrl z but you guys get the point you can just drag on any kind of color grading that would fit of course you can press ctrl z to undo the filters if you're just testing out for a little bit until you find the right preset very very sweet below that we have all the featured ones we have the noise we have adjustments artistic we have blurs if you want to blur a certain section of your video as you can see that looks really really nice as well you have the color filters which is more of a color grading kind of style too if i drag it on there this is what it looks like more of a yellow touch to it we have picasso which is more of a green slash green color the options are endless guys and you can keep on going on forever creating your own custom color grading presets and then we have the balloons we have light leak effects which you can drag on right on your video as well so if i play it back you can see that they're actually moving they're not just photos we also have this one which is of course all kinds of textures that we can drag onto the video if you want to create this you know let's say that you're behind like a glass door or a glass window and of course we have the vignettes as well which is more of this black fade towards the edges all right guys so one of my favorite features of the software are always the transitions that they have really really nicely programmed for you so let's say they want to create a cut you can just press ctrl b on your keyboard to make a cut right here and then you can create a transition by dragging it in between these two clips on that cut that looks very very nice and of course it doesn't really look that efficient on this clip because it's the same video but just a different jump cut but if you're gonna edit this to a different kind of scene or a whole different clip that's gonna look a lot a lot better we also have a flash let's see what that one looks like it's not really that basic and you don't have to go ahead and animate all of these things yourself very very sweet we have the parallax we have artistic we have crossfades we have blurs transitions circle blocks geometric ripple a warp let's say that you want to have this kind of a swirl vibe let's see what that one looks like almost like this wave that's across with water and we also have the wipes we have zooms we have also with sound and also the offset so now that we have the transitions as well covered with the color grading we can also of course add in text we have all kinds of titles that are pre-animated for you you can just go and drag them into your timeline and the only thing that you have to do with yourself is just edit the text just like this if you have a long name you can just go and stretch this little box right here more to the right just to make sure that everything fits you can just align it very easily with this green help line and that's just really really cool that you don't have to go and spend so much time animating with keyframes and doing all that stuff yourself because if i play it back this is what the title looks like as you notice guys just with a few drag and drops into the timeline you can actually make your videos really really come to life it is so so easy and that's always the case with movavi and then right here we have the basic text files of course we have artistic opening and the speech bubble overlays that you can drag onto your timeline as well if you want to create some sort of a cartoon conversation or if you're thinking about something so if you're editing and you want to you know spice up your videos a little bit with stickers or that you're saying that people should give the video a like if it was helpful you have this thumbs up icon that you can just drag onto the timeline right here you can reposition that to the bottom left corner for example to make people like the video as well you can hit apply and then we have all kinds of emojis we have this instagram like icon we have a heart we have an exclamation mark we have a bang we have an animated rectangle and of course the list guys goes on and on right here very very cool you don't have to go ahead and download all kinds of photos from google they're all the way right here at your fingertips all right guys so right here we have more tools as well which is the color adjustments crop and rotate we can overlay we have panning and zooming stabilization animation highlight and contrast chroma key if you're using a green screen like i am right now scene detection logo and slow motion all right guys so what i also want to show you guys is this really really nice bright gradient gift pack that you will also get when you are upgrading to this new version through your subscription so what this actually is is it will come with this software like i mentioned when you upgrade meaning that you can use all kinds of really really cool effects such as right here if i click on the titles right here we have of course the bright gradient and then we have all of these really really cool overlays that we can drag into our timeline let's say that you want to use this facebook one then you have this really really cool overlay let's just type in our facebook page which is this one now of course if you're having a little bit of a longer name you can just always go and resize this text as well to a smaller size until it fits just like that make sure to also position it really really nicely and centered and also change up the font to also make it look a little bit more nice than just a standard one but of course guys this one is also animated as you can see right here and that looks very very nice we also have this one for instagram for youtube itself we also have this palette right here and then also just this neon sign that you can just use for example as your name lower third or anything like that and it's really really nice they also have this one in the text right here if you click on this one which is the stickers one we also have this bell icon meaning that we can just say in our video like make sure to also hit the subscribe button and the notification bell to get notified and that's also animated as you notice right here and we also have the like overlay but this package contains also effects for audio so let's go to the audio editing tab right here we have the sound autocorrect meaning that we have like this enhanced voice recording we have a noisy place and we also have a recording studio so what this essentially does is it's going to cancel out all of the noisy background sounds as well which is really really cool we also have audio effects right here with tons of other different buttons we also have this one which is very very nice so what is also important guys is you can also go ahead and add in like distortion to your audio you can even use a flanger effect which is actually something that i used a lot while working on my music that i use this flanger on my guitar sound so right here if you want to add in distortion you can click on overload which is very nice and it's of course going to add in a lot of you know noise and all that it's also used for memes quite a lot you can use the flanger like i mentioned you can click on robot if you want to you can have this telephone effect radio you want to pitch it higher or lower add an echo there's so much possible and it's actually endless by the way guys the link in description will also have a discount of 30 ready for you when you purchase the subscription to movavi video editor plus 2022 so make sure to check the link down below guys to also get this bright gradient gif pack with all kinds of really nice effects we have also regular updates and new features containing in each version and there's also premium tech support on the website if you guys are struggling with something so we also have audio editing right here meaning that we can also do sound autocorrect we have audio effects let's say that your audio is really really soft and you can use some more bass you can just click on audio effects and then you can have your echo we have muffled we have overload low pitch very low pitch telephone effects so let's say that you're making a skit and you have a conversation with somebody on the telephone you can just go and drag that right into your timeline so yeah also have your equalizer as you notice right here that we can just drag up the high ends and the low mids as well it is very very cool that you can just completely customize all the audio yourself because let's say that you have not an external microphone or the microphone isn't that good of a quality you can still approve it a lot by just adding all of these effects and that's the same for if you have like noise outside for example or you have this weird buzz in your mic and you haven't noticed that during the recording you can click on noise removal and then you can just do it exactly that way we also have a noise gate so that basically means that it's like a gate it opens and it closes so if you have audio and you're saying something the gate goes open the audio comes through and if you're silenced you're not going to hear any kind of buzzing for example or ambient stuff from around the like on the street it will completely cut off and you can just also see what the threshold is like how far do you want to have that gate to close i would actually just put this one let's say halfway so it's still not going to affect the way i'm talking but it's going to for example cancel out any kind of noise or buzzing that's happening right here when i'm not saying something and that's basically what a noise gate is doing alright so we also have a compressor meaning that we can make sure to you know level all the audio the same and then we have the synchronization tab if you want to synchronize audio with the video automatically it's very very nice so once you have finished your video it is ready for exporting what you can do is click on file at the very top save project as of course we're going to first save a project just in case if it might crash during the editing or during the exporting and once you have done that we are ready to render so once we have saved our project we are ready to render so right here we have the export button and then we're going to click on export video but you can upload it straight to youtube to google drive to a vimeo or you can just click on this one or also the audio separately let's click on video and right here we have all our formats i'll just pick mp4 we're going to give this a name let's say rendered video you can also choose where it's going to be saved you can click on browse the quality is of course is going to be on high we have our resolution which is 1920 by 1080 and you can also see that the estimated file size is going to be between 69 megabytes and 260 megabytes right here we have the advanced button and we can also choose the frame rate so if you shot your video in 60 frames per second you can just drag this one all the way up to 60 right here or even 120 frames per second if you have some really really high quality slow motion footage and then we can also put the quality on a maximum the sample rate for the audio is going to be 44.1 kilohertz and we're gonna hit okay and now we can just click on start and now it's going to render it's going to give you a remaining time calculator now i want to mention that of course how long is it going to render it depends on your system how much ram do you have how long is the video how many effects have you applied onto the video like color grading how much music is there all of these aspects make a huge difference in the file size and the length it needs to render as well and that is basically how to do it you can also render only the audio to mp3 a waveform aac and then you can also save it onto your computer as an iphone format or just a sony lg panasonic everything is in there and also to youtube google drive or vimeo so guys this is movavi video editor plus 2022 this is how to import your clips how to add in sound effects music how to cut your videos very very simple guys you just have your control b shortcut right here to go ahead and drag it around but as you notice right here it is not really moving and that's because we have to click on this little icon on the left and then we can actually move it freely throughout the timeline it is that simple thanks a lot for watching guys the link is down in the description if you guys want to go ahead and check out mobile video editor plus show movavi some love and this is movavi video editor plus 2022. all right guys so that's for this video this is how to use movavi video editor plus 2022 and also make sure to let me know if you would like to have this angle more than just a regular one where my camera was sitting all the way back there and i had like all the guitars in the background make sure to let me know if you like this angle more because of course i think this is more like a 20 20 style so make sure to let me know down in the comments the link is down in the description as well to pick up mobile video out of the plus 2022 thank you so much mobile people for sponsoring this video and i'll see you guys obviously in the next video [Music] you
Channel: JustAlexHalford
Views: 36,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movavi video editor tutorial, movavi video editor 2022, how to use movavi video editor, best video editing software, cheap editing software, video editing for youtube, movavi, movavi video editor, Movavi Video Editor Plus 2022, movavi video editing tutorial, video editor, video editing, how to, tech, tutorial, editing, video, video effects, transitions, movavi tutorial, how to use movavi video editor plus, How To Use Movavi Video Editor Plus 2022 (Easy Tutorial), movavi 2022
Id: HUZdF3DlOmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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