DaVinci Resolve Beginner Tutorial | Free Video Editing

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hey i'm tom graham for envato tuts plus and i've been editing video in one way or another on many different platforms for about 15 years now if you're looking to learn how to edit videos for the very first time right now i'm sure it's a pretty daunting task where do you start what program do you use well i'm gonna make it easy for you go and download davinci resolve it's completely free and it's packed full of great tools for beginners and editors of any level but for the next 90 minutes i'm going to sit with you and take you through the process of editing i'm going to walk you through all the basic tools that you need to know in davinci resolve and i'm also going to step you through the fundamentals of editing why we make certain choices what the processes are and kind of where the edit can take you as you're working on it we'll look at how to make selects which is basically picking the best take out of in this case an interview we'll look at adding b-roll to that we'll also look at adding some great assets from envato elements like stock music stock footage fonts and video templates i'll show you the fundamentals of color grading and we'll also do a very basic sound mix at the end so that you can get your project out the door to a very happy client now if you've never touched video editing software before this is the video for you sit with me and i'll show you from start to finish all the processes that you need to know but if you are also a seasoned video editor and you're just looking to learn davinci resolve for the first time you're also in the right place i'll walk through the entire program from the top level and show you everything that you need to know now i mentioned vito elements before and we'll be using a bunch of assets in this tutorial from inviteo elements it's a super easy to use subscription-based service that gives you access to millions of digital assets like stock footage stock photos stock music fonts video templates and heaps more check out the link in the description below today to see what is on offer you get unlimited downloads of all of these assets the licensing is really simple so you can just use the assets in your projects right away don't have to think about it and you can cancel the subscription at any time so there's literally no reason why you shouldn't check it out today but right now we're going to jump in to davinci resolve all right well first things first we've got to open up davinci resolve so let's do that right now and you can see that i'm using davinci resolve studio 17. now this is the paid studio version of davinci resolve there is of course the free version of davinci resolve which is almost as powerful as the studio version the studio version you get a few extra little bells and whistles but for the most part every single thing i show you today you can do in the free version so maybe right now go to the blackmagic design website download davinci resolve the free version and uh and click along with me if you haven't used it before and like i said in the intro this is a complete beginner tutorial i'm not going to show you every single thing that is in davinci resolve because we'll be here all day what i will show you is how to open up davinci resolve for the first time set your project up learn generally where everything is and start editing and if you've never edited any videos before i'm going to take you through my process and the process that i kind of learned when i first started editing videos in a completely different program so the fundamentals of editing actually cross over to any other platform so you can take what you'll learn in this video and apply it to other programs like premiere pro or final cut so this is what it looks like when you first open up davinci resolve 17. now when you first open it you'll just see untitled project you won't see this old project's been that's uh where all of my old projects are just like to keep things nice and neat and you may only see it like this now what you want to do on the top left here that button that i just clicked to pop that in and out that shows your databases section now davinci resolve it treats uh your folder where you save things it calls it a database and the way you can think about this is if you have used premiere pro before other nles like that generally you have scratch disks and you have folders on your system where you save all of your projects so that's what databases are in davinci resolve now when you first install davinci resolve it will just automatically create a local database on your computer but if you're working from a portable hard drive or even a server or something like that and you want to create a new database on that disk how do you do that well in this section here if you create a new database down the bottom and you click on disk and you name it new database or whatever you want to call it uh and then you browse for that location i'll just do it on the desktop here and hit create you'll see it's created a new database on the desktop here and that is also reflected over on the disk section in this new database so for me because i just always work on this machine i tend to just leave it on the local database that davinci resolve creates but if i was ever to work on a project which i knew i might work on another machine or was handing it off to another editor i would make that new database onto a removable hard drive so once all this is done you just want to create a new project jump into an edit you can just double click on this untitled project here or you can hit new project down the bottom i'm going to double click and go into untitled project now if you hit command s i'm on a mac obviously everything on pc translates over just you know swap your command and control i'll let you work that out i'm going to hit command s and just save this current project so we're actually going to call this ride a bike because i'm going to be using some footage i shot a few years ago for a local bike workshop in melbourne i'm going to be repurposing that for the sake of this tutorial so i'm going to go through the process of recutting that little micro documentary it's called ride a bike so now this project will be saved as rider bike you can see that reflected in the top of the screen here this is davinci resolve so if you've never seen the program before this is what it looks like when you first open it this is it plain bare bones and what you'll see is it's it's relatively easy and straightforward to work out on the bottom of the page here you've got seven different tabs and effectively these are almost like seven different programs within one program so if you think about premiere pro being part of the adobe suite you've got premiere after effects media encoder things like that that would relate to edit fusion and deliver in this instance so what's great about davinci resolve even better than it being for the most part a free piece of software you've actually got an entire suite of programs all in one so let's work through them quickly and you'll kind of see that things work from left to right in davinci resolve so if you go over onto the left here media this is where you start bringing in all of your footage that you want to start working with any media that you are working with that goes for your rushes uh you know music graphics things like that we'll get into that shortly cut is da vinci's kind of modern approach to editing it's the speed editor really um it takes a lot of cues from traditional nles non-linear editors which are basically like premiere pro uh final cut uh sony vegas things like that uh and which is reflected in the edit tab here that's more of a traditional nle but in the cut tab blackmagic design davinci resolve they have kind of rethought the process basically to get you from raw footage to you know a relatively polished story as quickly as possible and then you can move into the edit tab and do more of your finessing what we're going to do today we're going to spend probably a lot of time in the edit tab because i think as a new editor and again this is a beginner tutorial as a new editor it is important to learn the fundamentals and to learn why we do things uh kind of learn a little bit of the long way around so that then you know down the line once you get that muscle memory in you can move over to things like the cut page here and just really power through it but it is important to know the kind of fundamentals behind why we make certain choices in the edit so this is the cut page here and before we move on to the edit let us know in the comments if you do want to see a more in-depth tutorial about the cut page in davinci resolve now the edit tab here is third from the left this is where we'll spend most of the time today this is where we will complete our edit i'll come back to this very shortly and i'll run you through everything you need to know on this page moving across you've got fusion and fusion is basically after effects if you're used to the adobe suite it's our compositor it's our vfx software it is node based compared to after effects which is layer based so there can be a little bit of a learning curve when it comes to transferring those skills which you may already have from after effects into fusion uh it's a bit of a beast but it is very powerful now again this is a beginner editors tutorial so we won't spend really any time in fusion today we'll do a little bit of motion graphics work in the edit tab which uses stuff from fusion um but in a very drag and drop kind of way moving across you've got color and now this is what davinci resolve is known for it's the standout feature davinci resolve is industry level it is hollywood level this is where all of your favorite films get graded uh there are just some incredibly powerful tools in davinci resolve you can learn really quickly how to become a pretty decent colorist in davinci resolve it's really easy to understand the fundamentals and then once you get further into that journey of becoming a colorist it goes deep there is so much you can learn now i actually produced a color grading tutorial for davinci resolve it goes through everything you see on the color page here i go through my color correction and color grading process uh and i run you through everything that you need to know on this time you can check out the link it'll be up here right now or in the description below but yeah if you're not already subscribed to the envato tuts plus youtube channel get subscribed now because we are constantly putting out great content like this to help you become better editors better colorists uh you know better illustrators all of that great stuff so go check it out right now moving on to fairlight fairlight is the more upper level audio editor if you're back over here in the edit tab there are a bunch of audio things that we'll be going through today but fairlight is where you do your audio mix you finish everything off uh in a in a much more professional sense this is more akin to adobe audition if we are going on the adobe suite still uh and there are a lot of great tools in this it's very powerful again this is a beginner edited tutorial so we won't spend much time if any in fairly today but no if you do want to dive in further to audio editing in davinci resolve fairlight is the place to be finally we have deliver here very self-explanatory this is where you deliver your project so once you've finished your edit once you've put all of your graphics on it you've color graded it you've you've finalized your sound mix this is where you go through and you deliver your footage over on the left hand side here you'll have a bunch of different presets and different settings that you can change we'll get into that at the end of the tutorial when we're finished with our edit and we export it out to our very happy clients so that is in a nutshell the uh seven different programs within davinci resolve and roughly what they do so now that we know where everything is let's go back to the media tab and we'll start this beginner tutorial for editors in davinci resolve like i said if you've never edited a video before in davinci resolve or any other program stick with me here and by the end of this video i'll have you ready to go with all the tips and tricks that you need to get started and speaking of get started that's what we're gonna do right now okay so up on the top left here you've got media storage now this is pretty self-explanatory on the left-hand side here you've basically got uh you know equivalent to a finder or an explorer window uh mac or pc you can twirl these down and then find where your footage is or if you know where all of your footage is you can just open up a finder window here and drag one piece in and we'll automatically find it all so just drag this first one in here you can see that it's twirled down all of our folders here and we've got our folder full of rushes here now all of this footage is still just on our computer it's not in davinci resolve yet so if i just click on one of these hit command a to highlight it all i want to bring it all into my project i can just click and drag down into the media pool here now it's going to ask me about changing some frame rates here and this is because we haven't yet set up our project settings so this is a great time to do that right now we're going to hit don't change but before we do anything more we're going to go down into the right hand corner of davinci resolve and hit the little cog wheel and that will bring up our settings so you can see here we've got our timeline format timeline resolution is set to 1920x1080 that's fine that's what i want to use for this project but our timeline frame rate is set to 24 frames per second now i shot this footage i know it's at 25 frames per second and i want to deliver at 25 frames per second so i'm going to switch this over to 25. you can switch it to whatever you need to switch it to uh depending on what footage you're working with make sure that your playback frame rate is the same as your timeline frame rate now by default pretty much everything else in davinci resolve is set up the way you would need it to be set up to get started once you're a little bit further along in your editor's journey uh there'll be a bunch of different settings in here that you can go through and toggle on and off you can change uh to your heart's content depending on the project that you're working on the files that you're working with uh but for now that's the main thing that i want to change i want to make sure my timeline resolution is set to 1920 by 1080 and i want to make sure my frame rate is set to 25 frames per second so we've done that right now and i'm going to hit save now it's going to say uh change project frame rate yes i want to i want to change it that's why i've just changed it thank you davinci for reminding me but change so now that we've done that we're back to organizing our footage here so this is all the footage that i've got from the shoot i did for ride a bike in melbourne uh i've got a an interview here uh with nello i've got a couple of motion portraits and you can just hover your mouse over here and get a little bit of a preview uh and then i've got a bunch of b-roll footage that i'll use throughout the edit of nello working on his bikes in the bike workshop but i want to add a few pieces of stock footage here as well just to kind of round out the cycling vibe uh and i'm going to get them from envato elements as i mentioned in the intro to this video now we'll be working with a bunch of envato elements assets throughout this project we've got some motion templates as well so i'll show you a little later on but we've created a little intro to this video using a video template specifically for davinci resolve from envato elements so i can do exactly what i did before i can open up my finder window and drag one piece of footage in and we'll find the rest or because i now know where everything is i can twirl down this one here and i can go to my stock footage bin just highlight these drag it into my uh media pool down here and it's all good to go so i've also got the intro and title that i mentioned before so i'm going to drag this one in as well and i've got some music as well i think i'm going to use this one from memory so i'm just going to drag all three of those in and we'll play with them later on so i can twirl this back up now if i click down here in my media pool if i just hit command a to highlight everything right click i can go to create new timeline using selected clips i'm going to hit that and it's going to ask a few different things here first of all it's going to ask me to name the timeline so i'm going to call it ride a bike and i'm going to call it v01 underscore o1 now as a new editor one thing that i will definitely try to impart on you is cleanliness and tidiness in your editing i i taught myself how to edit from a young age i never had anyone to teach me how to edit and therefore i picked up some bad habits along the way with having messy timelines and it wasn't until i actually entered the workforce as an editor and i had to work with other editors on the same projects within an agency environment it wasn't until then that i realized how messy my projects were because i would get feedback from other editors that it was sometimes taking them a half day or so to jump into one of my edits and kind of work out where everything is so it's very important to get into a habit from day one if this is your first day editing get into the habit from today to create a relatively tidy project you've got to know where everything is to make your workflow fast but if you ever have to hand this project off to another editor or maybe you put this away for five years uh the client wants a change to it you know many years down the line and you have to jump back into it you want to know where everything is you don't want to be guessing so creating a clean and tidy timeline and an edit in general is you know of key importance something that you should definitely pick up and run with as a new editor now naming conventions also go into that so i'm calling this v01 underscore 01. and for me that means this is the first version that i'm working on and then the first iteration that i'm working on so tomorrow if i come back to this i will duplicate this project and call this vo1 underscore o2 because it's still the first version i'm working on but then it would be the second iteration now if i send this off to the client if i send v0101 off to the client and they provide feedback and then i'm working on the new version of the edit with their feedback i'd call it v0201 because it would be the second version and then the first iteration of the second version so naming conventions don't have to be exactly like this but they should be one form or another something like this so that you don't end up with you know version underscore one underscore final underscore one underscore next you know you want things to be nice and neat and controlled uh again i was a messy editor when i was younger don't be like me be like adult me now the other thing you can do here is use project settings uh we checked our project settings before when i went down to the cogwheel but this is where you can also change things like timeline resolution and timeline frame rate but because i checked them all before i know that they're right so i'm going to hit use project settings and hit create now you can see here it has created a new timeline down here right above via 101. if i double click it on here it's going to open up in the edit tab alright so this is the edit tab right here i'm going to zoom out on the timeline just to show you what it looks like but what has happened is all of our footage has been brought in here you can see this long piece here is our interview and then you can see through here we've got our motion portraits this is all of our b-roll you can see it's all come from the same camera because i've got all of these different audio channels here at the start you'll have that stock footage that i bought in yep a bit of cycling footage from envato elements and then at the end here you'll have our music which sounds awful as i scrub through it and a bit more stock footage as well so first things first i'm gonna do it sounds a little bit counter-intuitive but this is the way i like to work this is not everyone's way of working but i think this is a really good way to get started as a beginner so for the time being do as i do but then as you kind of grow and learn along the way you can start to kind of carve out the way that you like to do things so it might seem counterintuitive but i'm going to click in the timeline here i'm going to hit command a and i'm going to hit delete get rid of it all so i want to start fresh i want to control where i'm bringing things in i think there is definitely a process that you should take in actually creating and crafting your edit so let's first run through a few different things that you're going to see on this page up the top left you've got media pool now that's exactly the same as in our media pool over here it's just more accessible in our edit tab so if i click media pool that opens that up there i can just grab any of these pieces of footage and drag them onto the timeline there and there we go that's in our timeline nice and easy i'm going to close that down for a second you've also got effects so through here you'll have a bunch of different effects that you can use video transitions audio transitions titles um some static titles here and here we've got some animated titles from fusion remember fusion is our vfx and compositor you've got uh generators down here so this is like color bars and grayscales and things like that probably not necessary to know as a new editor as you go further with your journey and you and you may start editing for uh tv programs or tv broadcast this is where those things will come in handy um now there are going to be some things in here that are in the studio version only not the free version uh so forgive me i'm not going to use many of them at all but there may be some things that you're seeing in these menus that you won't see in yours if you're just using the free version uh and then you've got audio effects as well uh you can use these in fairlight or you can use these on the edit timeline so i'm gonna drop effects away from here at the moment uh you've got edit index and sound library we won't really touch those today davinci does actually have a sound library built in where you can download that from the davinci resolve website and you can search things like um i think glass break let's see if that works there you go it's got sound effects and things like that which are royalty free but you should jump on that and read the t's and c's and work out if you can actually use that in your projects but uh that is something that is built in to davinci resolve we're not going to use it today though because we'll of course get all of our sound effects from inviteo elements uh you can go through here to mixer so this turns the mixer the audio mixer on and off and you'll start seeing that come into play more once we have some audio on the timeline i'll close that down for now just have a little bit more space you've got metadata up here again nothing to inspect because we don't have anything selected but if i select a clip over here you'll have your start time code and time code uh the amount of frames uh bit depth some bits and pieces that will be handy for you as you're going through like it's shot 25 frames per second 1920 by 1080 but if i scroll up and go to the interview you'll see here that's shot 3840 by 2160 shot that in 4k so that i can punch in on that now if that doesn't make sense because you're a brand new editor and this is a beginner tutorial so that's okay i'll explain what that means uh in a moment dropping down the metadata you've got inspector up here again nothing to inspect if i pull something down onto the timeline here and i click on this now we've got a few other things you can do now in uh in video you've got room here to zoom in and out you can reposition things on the canvas here you've got our rotation uh different fun things like this i don't know if you're ever going to use that that looks super fun um you've got cropping if you double click on this you can crop the sides crop the tops um there's a whole bunch of things in here that are really handy to use as you're going through your edit we'll probably play with that a little bit as we go on uh you've got some audio stuff here as well just to do some quick tweaks to audio to make sure that everything is balanced for now i'm just going to reset all this and bring this out of my project so i've got a nice clean timeline to start with now quickly the tools in the middle here you've got your select tool which i've got on now you can change that with the keyboard shortcut a you've got your trim edit mode t got your dynamic trim mode w you've got your blade mode b now again there are a lot of great tools in davinci resolve but this is a beginner editor tutorial and i want to show you the ropes i want to show you the fundamentals of editing so we're not going to go through too many uh handy shortcuts we're not going to go through too many of the actual editing tools we're going to stick to the basics we're going to stick to the a which is the selection mode tool here and we're going to stick to the b which is the blade tool blade tool cut your footage selection tool selects the footage and you'll see what i mean in a moment moving across here you've got snapping uh so that means that uh the timeline will be a little bit magnetic so things will snap to the playhead uh and and then over here you've got link selection so that's if you've got audio and video that are linked together you can uh uncheck that or recheck that uh and then you've got some timeline view options here where you can zoom your timeline in and out you can also do that with command minus and command plus over on this side here you've got some timeline view options so i'll just bring a piece of footage in here that's got audio so you can see what i mean you can click on the timeline view options and you can see here they'll give you different options so the moment we've got our audio waveforms off and we've got our video collapsed if you click here this will show you a video preview but i've got to give the track a little bit of height and i'll give the audio track a little bit of height as well we can turn the audio waveforms on with this button up here and we can give it more height if we want we've got different audio options here as well um i like to have the audio waveforms on when editing uh for the most part because you can see at a glance where there's going to be gaps so for here we know that there's probably a gap here where it's just humming and ring or i'm talking in the background as the interviewer and you know you're just going to cut that out so it's really handy to see the audio waveforms clicking on here again i can click this button here and this will give you more of a video preview throughout makes a little bit more sense when you see something like this we'll put it in if i zoom in here and start to scroll across you can see we've got the uh cyclist relatively close in frame uh then he drops a little bit further away from frame we can kind of scroll through to work out when he's in the air there we go you can see he's in the air there so at a glance it's handy to be able to see that kind of stuff so that is basically setting up our timeline and now we're ready to start editing so what's the process for editing well for a project like this where you've got a master interview and then you've got b-roll of that subject plus you've got stock footage and then you'll have stock music and some graphics elements i like to treat it like this first of all you bring in your entire interview you do selection cuts find the best takes find the best bits and start to craft the story get rid of all of the filler all of the things like the interviewer talking all the things like the interviewee just talking between takes you know touching their face you know thinking about what they're going to say cut out for the most part all the ums and rs and the stumbles and then just start to kind of move things around on the timeline to create a story the story doesn't have to be linear it doesn't have to be presented the way that uh the interview took place you can take the end of the interview and put at the start you can take the start of the interview and put it in the middle that's where the storytelling element comes in to editing and that's where the term non-linear editing comes from so once you've got your selects made and you've got your story relatively crafted then you would start bringing your b-roll in and your b-roll serves to authenticate the story and to add a little bit more flavor to it and you can also use your b-roll to hide cuts so if you've got a hard cut in your interview where it's very obvious that a cut has been made but you're trying to make that point feel succinct then you put a bit of b-roll over the top of that and obviously b-roll and other things like stock footage is there to just highlight points and really accentuate the the story that you're trying to tell then you've got things like graphics so that's titles like uh lower thirds name burns uh the title of the film uh anything like that and then you've also got titles packages like intros and things like that so and then uh music and audio is is kind of like the finishing touch put a bit of a music bed underneath and that's really editing 101 cut your interview create a story add your b-roll add your graphics add your music and you're kind of you know 90 of the way there so i've been talking for a long time and you're probably thinking tom shut up and edit let's do it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring our interview in here now i'm going to zoom out a little bit uh so we can start seeing some things i'm just going to collapse my uh audio height here for the moment and what i actually will do is i'll open the audio hide it up a little bit more and i can see here that this is our main talent microphone and i can tell that just by looking at the waveforms they're a lot bigger they're a lot clearer i know that that is our talent audio but i can double check this by using the solo and mute buttons on the audio track here so if i solo our audio here three weeks ago when we opened bajo and if i then solo this actually three weeks ago when we opened it's very clear which one is our hero audio so i'm gonna highlight all of these tracks as i've done now i'm going to hit the unlink tool up here so now if i click out of that and click in again you can see that i've just selected the video so i can move that around and that's going to pull it out of sync hitting command z to undo that but what it does mean is i can select all the audio tracks that i don't need like these two at the bottom which the camera added in because the camera had four channels of audio as well as my scratch track which is basically just me as the interviewer asking questions and i can just delete those but now i want to make sure these two are together so i'm going to highlight everything on here again and i could have done that with command a as well and re-link this with this button here or i can right click and go link clips so they are now linked again and i'm just going to drag the audio up here so we can see as much of our audio as possible but still see everything on the one timeline here now like i said before the reason why we use the audio waveforms here it's very obvious when i'm asking a question and when nello is answering a question here you can see that this section here is probably going to be one answer to a question this section here is going to be one answer to a question and so on and so forth so now i'm ready to do my selects i'm selecting the best parts of the take and like i said earlier i'm going to be using just the basic tools only the basic tools that you need to know to get started as an editor that's the select tool and the blade tool and these tools can be found in any editing software now if i just zoom in on this section here and i can see using the audio waveforms that this part of the clip is probably just me in the background asking a question which is correct and then this part will be nello answering that so i know that i don't need any of this section and that it's probably just going to start from around here so i'm just going to hit b on my keyboard and make a cut here and that's now cut the clip into now if i hit a i can just click on here and you can see that these two are separate clips now so what i can also do then is hit b over here as well cut this section out hit a on my keyboard select this part and hit delete and now that's gone because i know i'm not going to use that at all so that's kind of half the process of making the select what you could also do is once you've got this part you know that he's going to start answering in here and let's just play through this for a second yeah before you even started this or uh yeah now you can see that i continued to ask a question whilst i thought he was going to start answering and you can see he's rubbing his head here which we don't want so now i can just hover my mouse over the start of this clip here and you can see it's giving me two different options i can either grab this piece of the clip and start dragging this clip backwards until i've found the point where i want it to start let's say for instance that's there way before yeah yeah or and i've just undone that now command z or instead of dragging the clip from there i can then select the cut point and i can drag the cut point around so if i go down to here and go yes we want him to start from where he's pointing and now we can go to that next part four or five years ago and that's another way that we can make an edit or a cut and again that's just uh some basic tools that you can use on the timeline using your mouse and these are the options that come up or you can really just go through and make cuts and delete where you want that's using the b tool if i hit a delete that delete that delete that and so on and so forth so i'm going to undo all of that now and i'm going to go through and i'll fast forward this on youtube but basically you'll see me uh in a very timelapsed way go through and make all of my selects for this interview and i'll be using a combination of the blade tool uh the select tool and i'll be dragging different parts of the clip in and out what i'm looking for is gaps in the audio waveform here so you can see where i'm asking a question and nello is answering the question and i'll be cutting out things like arms and r's or where he's rubbing his head or talking to the camera and as i'm doing this i'm thinking about how we're going to craft the story you'll also see as well with my process i like to do something like this where let's say that this part of my footage is the section that i want a select that i've made once i've done that i can hit a on my keyboard and drag it up so if i do that a couple of times let's say for instance that also is a piece if i drag that up once i get to the end of my clip i can go all the way through and i can see all right all the selects are at the top there so i can then just delete all of the ones at the bottom and i'm left with just my selects but what it does is through the process i'm not deleting all of the extra bits of footage because i might get down to here and realize that something that i've cut out earlier on is actually something that i want to use but instead of then having to drag that back into the timeline and find that part again i can just go back through to my cut points and finesse those before i uh delete everything so let's uh let's go through i'm going to make my selects we'll uh we'll hit the time-lapse we'll pop some music over it and you'll see in a pretty fast roundabout way how long it takes me to edit down this 30 minute interview piece i'll i'll set a little timer and i'll let you know how long it takes me once i come back from the time lapse [Music] all right there we go so that's relatively straightforward i've picked out a few selects for this one i haven't gone too too crazy for this just so that we can get through the tutorial so i'm just going to go here and i'm going to delete everything that didn't make the cut delete so now we can just go down and zoom in a little bit here and to get it all together into one piece you can just click between them and this highlights something called a ripple which is just the kind of empty space in between two clips if you highlight that and hit delete it's just going to close these gaps so we'll go through and we'll close these gaps here there you go uh and if you close the first gap it takes everything back to the start i'm gonna highlight all of this and just drag it back down again so they're next to each other and gonna zoom in so now these are just random different bits of footage from throughout the interview um that don't really tell much of a story yet so we're gonna have to go through and kind of place them in the right order i've got a pretty good idea of how i want things to be here i shot a little motion portrait which is uh nello just standing and walking into spot coming into focus underneath that i want to have him saying i'm nello this is rider bike bicycle workshop so we got that piece of footage in our selects i then want it to go into our intro piece which we've created yesterday and i'll bring that up shortly then i'll go into a little bit about the the workshop which is the other parts of the interview here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to scroll through and you can use the up and down arrows to go in between your cuts here so i'm just going to hit spacebar just to hear things through well this is my little business and i quite like that piece but i'm gonna use that coming out of our intro so i'm gonna just jump through and see if i can find the hi i'm nello i'm nello and this is my business ride a bike bicycle workshop cool so that's the part that i want so i'm just going to highlight everything here i'm going to click and i'm just going to drag to make myself a little bit of room at the start i'm going to select the piece of footage that i've just identified and bring that down to the start so i'm nello and this is my business i'm nello so i kind of want him to say hi uh which he doesn't say in this piece here so i'm just going to zoom in here so i'm just going to copy and paste this bit of footage out here so i've just duplicated that piece of footage because i although although that is a good take i know he did a few takes within that because i've just gone through with all my selects there i'm nello and this is my business that was the last take that he did of that usually you can bet the last take is generally the best take but it always pays to go through and make sure that you're not missing something and in this case i think i'm missing something i think i want a different version which i think is somewhere around here also hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop that's the take that i'm after so i'm just going to uh drag this down here to the start of that drag this down here to the start of that there and delete this piece from the start bring that over so now hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop perfect but i don't want the footage of him i want this motion portrait so i can now watch through there's a couple of takes within this you can see he walks up and smiles a few times walks into focus i like the ones where he smiles versus being too serious and i'm just trying to find one where he doesn't look down immediately i think that one's gonna work well so as i'm scrubbing through in here i can just hit i and o on my keyboard to set an in and out point so i'm hitting i about here and o just before he looks down there we go now i can just click and drag this piece of footage and you'll see it drags all of our audio files in here but we don't want the audio files for this so i'm just going to click here where it just shows the video you can also do this just for audio but i'm just pulling the video i'm gonna pull that down and sit on top here of him saying who he is hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop now that's good but it's probably a little bit too much at the head here where it's blurry so i'm just going to pull this back and i'm going to bring the back edge in hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop great i think that looks pretty good now the next thing i want to bring in is this intro that i've already made and we brought that into the media pool earlier so i'm just going to scroll down and find that intro so i'm just going to click the intro here and drag that in now this doesn't have audio on it if it did that would be great uh but we're going to use music under this later on because it's got no audio on it i can either leave that audio there or i can unlink it right click here and hit link clips or use the little button up here can i just hit that and delete so now play that through hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop so i actually think i want the intro to come in black bicycle workshop just as he finishes saying that so i'm going to pull this back a little bit there there we go hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop great and now we go through this so ride a bike i've got some of the b-roll here that we'll be seeing later on now i made this using a davinci resolve template from envato elements in the description below there'll be a link to an elements collection where you can not only find this project but you can also find all the stock footage and music that i'm working with right now and the fonts as well uh so make sure to check out that below and check out envato elements today so now that i'm getting a feel for this i kind of want to get some music in that could be a little bit putting the cart before the horse but you want to start to get a bit of a feeling here so let's bring this uh kind of tracking that i want to use we'll bring the 30 second version in first we'll just click and drag and pull that down here now i actually am just going to go to my timeline view options here and shrink my audio tracks a little bit and my video just so i can see a little bit more when i play this through the audio is going to be quite loud on the video here and i'll show you how to turn that down in a moment too loud way overpowered so if we go up to mixer up here to bring this open you can see here as we play it and i'll stop talking because you won't be able to hear me over it as we play it it'll be very high straight into the red we don't want that at all so we can either grab on audio 2 over here and pull this down or because that will do that for the entire audio track or if we want to do it just for this clip we can reset that and we can just hover our mouse over here there's a line that goes through this we can just grab this and that is changing our volume there so we can bring it down to around negative six and we'll see how that feels still huge so we can just drag it down even more around negative 16 i tend to find works well for background music [Music] hi i'm nello and this is my business rider so i actually think there should be no music playing whilst he introduces himself and i want the music to kick in as that intro kicks in so i'm just going to zoom in a little bit here and i'm going to just click and drag this so it kind of hits right women hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop and you can see it kind of ramps up a little bit just before it now it can be a bit louder actually because there's no audio playing underneath so we'll just click into here and we'll grab this and bring this up a little bit a bit too much pull it back down and it's all about finesse here [Music] now that's all good and well we kind of want it to taper off now at the end and again this is a little bit putting the cup before the horse but sometimes this is where your edit takes you you just kind of gotta go with the flow a little bit so we can see here on this beat on that beat right there and i'll zoom in we can make a cut i'm going to turn snapping off so i can get a bit more granular on this i'm going to cut right on the cut here and then i also will go down to where it fades out that's going to be the cut right there zoom in and i'll make that cut now if i delete this section here and bring this in i'll turn snapping back on [Music] that's a nice little fade out but [Music] what do we do there obviously we've got a few seconds where we're going to come back to the interview and it's still going to be a bit too loud so let's leave that for now i'm just going to hit mute and we can work on the next part of it and we can come back and finesse that it's all about telling a story so i'm using my up and down arrow keys here down to move further right along the timeline to find the part where i think it's this part where he says this is my workshop well this is my little business and i think that's going to work nice with that bit of audio that we've just used there so i'm just going to click and drag this back zoom back in well well this is my little business and it's kind of nice how he looks at the camera there even though it kind of breaks the fourth wall and you know maybe that wasn't a stylistic choice in the interview i actually asked him to look at me uh which was across from camera and not directly out camera but he kind of breaks it here and you know he's a charming person so it kind of works well on the edit he's very proud of his business so this may be considered an outtake to some but i actually quite like it so i'm going to leave it in so if i undo the mute track here so we can hear the audio again let's see if this works [Music] well this is my little business now i think that works but it's still a little bit hot as we come back in so we actually just want this to fade out a bit so if i just click down here that's going to open up our keyframes now i'm just going to drag this piece of audio closed so that we can see what we're working with down here and i'll just drag in the middle between our audio and video i can drag the video channel up so we've got a little bit more room to work with now what this means and if you're not familiar with the idea of keyframing basically you can set two different points along your timeline on different pieces of footage you can set your keyframe to be 100 in one position and then zero percent in another position and over that period of time it will ramp down from uh from 100 to zero what we want to do here is find when we want it to start fading out so around here and we'll add a keyframe hit this little button here you can see it's adding a keyframe there adding a keyframe there and we've got this set to volume keyframe here if i click down here it's you've got different effects added to this music track here you'd have different options and now i can go forward to the part where i want it to quiet down and i can open this up just to see where he says it there so i want it to quieten down by the time he gets there so we can hear his well adding another keyframe i can just drag the volume down here and you can see that's creating like a little envelope there and quietening that down almost creating a fade out well now obviously it comes back in hot here we can fix that in a minute i think this goes down a little bit too low so i'm going to bring it back down to negative 18. well and i'll just make this one match so i'll pull this back down to negative 18 as well just manually well this is my little business now i think that works well but we're tapering off very quickly and what i want to do is add a little bit of a curve to that keyframe so what i can do here is i can click on these keyframes here and highlight and then i can add a curve here at the moment they're just straight if i add a little curve out and it's adding a little dip down well and i think it also should happen uh basically exactly as the clip cuts so let's cut it right here well and it's still feeling like it's going a little bit low so we're going to bring that back up to negative 16 as well as this well this is my little business i think that works well now again we could spend uh the next four hours finessing this but we've got to move on we've got to get you uh well on your way to becoming an editor you're already part way there we're editing this let's let's take stock of where we're at we've uh created uh a nice little intro here with a motion portrait and a bit of voice over underlay we're going into our pre-design intro piece we've got some stock music here and then we're moving into our actual interview so let's uh play back and take stuff hi i'm nello and this is my business ride a bike bus the workshop [Music] well this is my little business so there we go that's a nice way to start so i'm going to just uh move on to continuing to craft the story here so we'll go through and we'll just play through some of our clips here and we'll start to craft a little edit here i'm not going to go through this in too much detail because we just want to show you the fundamentals we don't want to get too bogged down in this tutorial without actually crafting a story we just want to give you the tools to then go out and do it yourself so i think there's some nice stuff there we'll just drag that in that's a full select but i think there's going to be parts in it that will actually edit out so so i don't like that be where he stutters i'm going to make a cut there deleting this part closing the gap and i've done that a little bit too harsh there so i'm going to command z i'm going to zoom in and i'm just going to un check the snapping tool here and just drag this out a little bit more so there we want to make sure we get that that in there okay so that's a nice little part there i don't know if it makes sense coming straight out of this is my little business so we'll just move on you can also use some uh tools to speed up your workflow here and i do this very often so on your keyboard jk and l will act as like play uh fast forward and reverse so uh l fast forward k play pause j reverse i like to kind of edit in double time uh because you know if you're editing a half an hour piece here and you're having to play back that in real time the entire way through your edit can really easily bog down your time so if i hit l here twice okay so there's some really good stuff in there and i think that will transition really well out of our intro so i'm just going to grab that piece there uh just using command and my scroll wheel here to move left and right on the timeline i want to bring it into this section let's check this is the right piece so at rider bike yep so at rider bike so i'll bring it over here so now at the moment we've got this is my little business this is my little business and then we want him to talk about the business here's my little business so at riderbike we restore bicycles we service bicycles we repair bicycles but the the core of the business is to reuse and upcycle already existing parts and i'm going to cut there because he starts to ramble a little bit so i think we go from this part here so what we want to do to reuse and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their their former glory so people can love them and enjoy them again so that's a nice bit there now there is obviously a bit of a jump cut here cycle already existing parts so what we want to do and it's a bit distracting so what we can do is we can click on this piece of footage here and we go up to our inspector as we saw earlier and we'll go over to the video part here and we can create a zoom in so what we want to do is just punch in on this a little bit and now i said before you might not understand what i mean by punch in uh if you're a brand new editor now we're editing on a 1920 by 1080 timeline full hd whereas this interview i captured at 3840x2160 ultra hd 4k now the reason why i did that is not because i want to deliver at 4k it's because i want to have room in the resolution to be able to crop in on my footage without losing any quality on a 1080p timeline so if i go to 1.5 here that's basically our limit now obviously this looks a bit janky already existing parts so what we want to but you're starting to see the the process here if i use the position here to move my position down kind of the rule of thumb that you want to uh take with this is to make the eyes match up if the eyes don't match up the audience can kind of get a little bit confused sometimes when you have a lot of rapid quick cuts as to you know what they're looking at and what's happening in that cut so the principle behind this is is really make sure that the eyes match up when you punch in already existing parts so what we already existing parts so what you can see here i've got him framed on the right hand third so if you look at the rule of thirds here you've got your left third your right third top third bottom third his eye line is basically on the cross between the right third and the top third and if i then cut in here you can see his nose there is basically on that line and then his right hand eye is you know just a little bit further to that line so i'll move that over just a little bit and just down a touch but i think that will feel pretty natural to use and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to actually think it can move over a little bit further because we are quite on the thirds here we kind of still want to stay on the thirds here as well it'll feel a bit more natural and upcycle already existing parts so what we wanted and now to show you what i mean by the thirds here if i really go to the opposite side dramatically you'll understand what i mean let's pull it all the way to that side already existing parts so what we want to do it just makes no sense and feels really jarring when you watch it through and upcycle already existing parts so what we so we won't do that at all we'll go back to here i call already existing parts so what we want to do here and there we go that's a nice punch in or cropping cut so let's continue with the edit there is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their former glory so people can love love them and enjoy them again and let's see what this piece is doing next to it seeing something that was was literally dead rusted away that somebody else former glory so people can love them and enjoy them again seeing something that and now you can see that punching that we did punches back out to the original footage and we've already kind of cleaned up our cut there was literally dead rusted away that somebody else has already considered that there's no more life left now what i don't like about this part is obviously the jump cut which we'll have to cover again because it's not very nice you can get away sometimes with a straight up jump cut i do it all the time for the tuts plus youtube channel videos here but that's kind of part of the youtube language whereas this is more of documentary style where you don't want to have those jump cuts out on display so what you can do is cover it with b-roll so let's think about what he's talking about right now dead rusted away that somebody else has already cons he's talking about a rusted piece of the bike here that someone may not appreciate whereas he takes it and you know and works on it and brings it back to its former glory let's go through our footage here and see what we can find that would kind of make sense to cover that bit of a cut so maybe something with him working on it i'll double click on this and we can see here so that's good but you can't really see him doing much maybe this one here there we go we've got his hands working on this old cog now don't worry about this uh little bit of pixelation that you're seeing here you might see this from time to time in your edits this is just part of the encoding that goes into playing back this footage in real time depending on what the file formats are that you're uh shot with and what you're editing in you'll get a little bit of this from time to time but rest assured on the export following my export settings later on that will all disappear all right so let's uh set it in that point i think here's good you always want to cut on the action and let's drag that down on top of this clip here we'll just zoom in dead rusted away that somebody else has already and that looks good but it's a bit too quick rusted away that somebody else let's add a few more bits and pieces in there this one of him looking at it makes sense because obviously we want to see his hands there and then we want to like cut to something else that he's doing in a way that somebody else has already and then i think one more piece of footage there and we'll hear what he's saying considered that there's no more life left so we kind of want to find something that's uh you know looks like it's being worked on maybe these handlebars will work well here just finding a good part of the footage here at the start here you can see there's a shadow you can see he must have been walking around uh in front of the light on set i don't like that um the bottom of the bars are cut off here i think coming up from the table here from the workshop is nice in point there out point there bit of motion and we'll drag that in on top now my snapping is off so i'm going to put that back on just so i can snap these together that somebody else has already considered that there is no more life left in this thing this object well it says that object is a bicycle there so we want to bring in just one more piece of footage here that really shows off what we're talking about so let's find a nice bicycle piece uh maybe this one and out points dragging our footage over that object is a bicycle and i think we just need to bring that in a little bit closer as he's saying it there is an element as a new editor of uh kind of getting used to say and c which is basically as someone says something then you kind of want to show what they're talking about so cnc is kind of a big thing in corporate video editing and documentary video editing as well um and it does it just makes sense to hear what someone's talking about and if we're going to cut away to something we're going to cut away to something that visually represents what they're talking about so here we've got him saying but that object is a bicycle and to me all bicycles have a life until they're literally broken in two pieces they've still got a life so i'm pretty happy with that let's uh let's go through and see what we've got left in our clips here actually technically that apollo was the first one ever four or five years ago yeah now i know that i've got footage of the bike that he's talking about he's talking about the first bike let's go and bring this down here and we'll make some edits to this piece actually technically [Music] now the bike that he's talking about is uh this red apollo here in point there our point there maybe drag it in see how it feels two pieces they've still got a life so what i'm doing here is just creating a bit of a bridge cut between our b-roll here they've still got a life so now that we're seeing that apollo we're going to hear him saying actually tick i'm gonna drag that little bit at the start so you don't hear his little um actually technically that a polo and then i'm going to cut this piece of apollo footage so we still get him pointing they've still got a life actually technically that apollo was the first one ever four or five years ago and i'll close that gap i also want to add a little bit more of this apollo footage four or five years ago and it kind of just sat in my bedroom at four or five years ago and it kind of just and i'll get a little bit more if i can this is not from the same bike but uh you know this is where as editors we get to get to decide what we want to use or what we don't want to use four or five years ago four or five years ago and it kind of just sat in my bedroom as a frame for literally two years and that was the literally the the little pebble rolling down the top of the the mountain which snowballed to what we've got today okay so i'm pretty happy with that little edit here as an example of how to cut a video like this but i want to add some of the stock footage that we got from envato elements so let's find some you know some appropriate places other than this intro here some appropriate places to pop this uh throughout so i'm just gonna play through from the start and we'll see where we're at see how things are feeling hi i'm nello and this is my business ride a bike bus the workshop [Music] well is my little business so at rider bike we restore bicycles one thing i did notice as we're going through here is that uh well you've got this jump cut my little business so i ride a bike which doesn't really work so i'm just going to make a little bit of a punch-in cut here we restore bicycles i'm just going to put a blade here select this piece of footage make this a little bit punched in my little business so at rider bike we restore bicycles we service bicycles we repair bicycles but the the core of the business is to adding a little bit of footage just out of here some b-roll footage of him restoring the bike i think would really tie this piece together nicely now i've got this nice piece of him uh working at his bench there's also a nice wide shot of him turning the light on so let's use that pulling that over the top so at rider bike we restore bicycles we service bicycles and i'll do a little bit of a punch in here with this other piece of footage we repair bicycles but the the core of the business is to reuse and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and where is talking about giving bicycles love you know and and for people to be able to ride them i think this is a good spot to put in some of our b-roll of cycling so we'll scroll up and uh and we'll just start picking some b-roll that we like i've got this woman riding her bike here in and out point drag the footage on uh this mountain biker here doing a bit of a jump i think in and out point here would be cool see how this feels already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their their former glory i think this is feeling nice like i add a little bit more it's my sunset shot dory so people can love them and enjoy them again so we'll just drag this out so it covers right to the end of the cut so this entire section now is going to be b-roll now i think this part their former glory is probably a little bit too long let's add one more piece in there this is a nice shot here you've got a bit of a teal and orange background going on uh and we'll just drag it in here these two shots will complement nicely all right so let's play this section through we use and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their their former glory so people can love them and enjoy them again seeing something that was was lit i think that was working really nicely what i want to do right now i think we're almost done we might put a little bit more music on this and obviously then we're going to do a color grade just to make sure everything is nice and tight and we'll do a little bit of tweaking of the audio here as well let's just zoom out so we can see our entire timeline and we'll just play it through and see where we're at hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike buster workshop [Music] well this is my little business so at rider bike we restore bicycles we service bicycles we repair bicycles but the the core of the business is to reuse and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their their former glory so people can love them and enjoy them again seeing something that was was literally dead rusted away that somebody else has already considered that there is no more life left in this thing this object but that object is a bicycle and to me all bicycles have a life until they're literally broken in two pieces they've still got a life actually technically that apollo was the first one ever four or five years ago and it kind of just sat in my bedroom as a frame for literally two years and that was the literally the the little pebble rolling down the top of the the mountain which snowballed to what we've got today so i think that's all working really well in terms of the story i'm happy with it and now i just want to put some finishing touches on things and again this is a beginner editing tutorial i've used the most basic tools in a free piece of software here and we've gone from a bunch of random footage an interview that was a little bit rambly sorry nello uh to something that feels concise something that has uh b-roll footage that we shot with nello something that is using stock footage and video but how can we just polish it to that next level so that we're ready to release it one i think it could use a bit more music underneath the interview part even just a light music bed two we'll just do some basic audio processing just to make sure all the levels are right and then we'll do a quick color grade and like i said earlier you can jump into my uh more extensive color grading tutorial on the envato tuts plus youtube channel that will take you through the process in much greater detail than what we'll do but we'll just tweak everything a little bit just to make sure it's all nice and consistent you know at a beginner level so first of all let's bring some more music into this so at rider bike we restore bicycles so now i'm happy with that i've just gone and grabbed another quick track from envato elements i just did a little bit of a background low-fi hip-hop number we've got this kind of rocky track at the start which i think works well for this kind of topic bicycle workshop you know working with your hands you know mountain biking all that kind of stuff works well but then you don't want to have that big kind of rocky tune behind your uh vocals something that's a little bit more down tempo tends to work better in the background so we'll just play through restore bicycles we service bicycles we repair bicycles but the the core of the bit skips through a little bit being something that was was literally dead mountain which snowballed to what we've got today and now we've got this little bit at the end which we can open up our keyframes and we can bring the volume back up we'll put a little bit of a title there i think to finish again just adding some keyframes here and i'll add the other keyframe around about here i'll bring this section up round negative six and i'll add a little bit of a slope to it [Music] and what i want to do in this section i think i might just have some footage of the bike workshop blur it out a little bit and we'll have a little bit of a title where you can learn a little bit more about rider bike maybe a logo i like this little brake lever gear lever let's uh bring this in here and add that to the end trim it to the end of our music track here and then we'll just do it to the end there and hit o just to bring out out point all the way to cover that which snowballed to what we've got today i actually think our audio needs to come up a little bit closer so let's do it around there and we'll just make sure that this gap is closed here today [Music] and what we want to do is add a little bit of a blur effect to this so this is a great point in the tutorial to show you some little effects that you can add to just finish off your videos so if you go up to effects here i'm going to close the media pool because i think we're done with that now if i go up to our effects here and i just go into search and look for something called a gaussian blur you can just grab this and you can drag it over the top and that's just made it blurry but how do you i guess control the amount of blur well now that that's happened you can see that effects is up in our inspector and we can change some things in here so this is with the gaussian blur on and off and we can do the horizontal strength we can do the vertical strength and this is at the same time we can uncheck that if we want to so i think around about there is going to be nice because we'll put a little title above this as well now speaking of titles the final little thing that we need to do before we get into the color grade is add our lower thirds and that's to introduce nello who he is uh and then we also need to do a little title at the end of this we've used a font within the intro here and we want to make sure that it's consistent throughout so i'll make sure that i'm doing our titles in that up in our effects section here we'll get rid of our search for gaussian blur that we did and we go to titles just do basic titles here or we can do fusion titles and let's go with fusion titles because they're going to be animated so you can double click them to get a bit of an idea of what they're going to look like and play through here you can see sample text it comes in it's uh nice and animated uh let's have a look at this digital glitch that feels kind of in line with what we've got going up here i'll play this back again got that kind of glitchy effect so i'm going to use this digital glitch but you've got digital glitch lower third and that's going to put it in the right place for a lower third playing it through here great so i'm just gonna click that and drag it over and we could put it at the start where he introduces his name hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bus for work but i actually think it will get in the way what i'm going to do is we'll zoom in and we're going to put the lower third uh when he first comes on screen after the intro well this is my little business now sometimes with these titles you'll see it's going to start to slow down the computer a little bit and now we're getting a few things happening at once here so you just have to be patient with it editing's all about patience to change this i'm going to go up and just change sample text to ride a bike and then i'm going to go up to so that's our large text and then on our small text which is this name i'm going to do yellow now we want to make sure it's the same font so i know what the font is here so i'm going to just select all highlight going to go into the font section here and go to i and go industries capital uh and then i'm also going to do the same thing down on nello here now this font i got from envato elements again i'll have the link in the description below to my assets collection so you can download all of these if you're an element subscriber and if you're not get subscribed today the link is in the description below we want to make this a little bit bigger so i'm going to make nello's name slightly bigger we can just drag the size up here and we can move the position as well so i'm pretty happy with that there let's play it back through well this is my little business so at rider bike we i'm happy with that and i know that it's going to look better once it renders so i'm being a bit patient with it right now okay so we've done that and then the very last thing we want to do is add a title over the top here uh and let's go back to our fusion titles and find something else what's this jitter one that's kind of cool we did have a bit of a glitch theme going but with this kind of movement i think that could work as well so let's just drag this jitter one over the top and i want to pull it out a bit further so it goes the whole way across and this will simply say ride a bike and again we want to do it in our industries capital and we'll play this back through and it does last a little bit long here so let's put the music back on and see how it feels bald to what we've got today [Music] and i think on that last beat i'm going to change this uh to say melbourne so i'm going to drag this all the way back and then i'm going to click uh hit command c and hit command v and paste that in [Music] and then i'm going to change this to melbourne melbourne oz [Music] and we'll just make sure that ends right at the end of our clip there and i do want this to fade off a little bit this uh title so i'm just going to go up to our video transitions in our effects panel and grab the non-additive dissolve and put that onto our title here and you'll see this will fade our title out and i also want the footage underneath to dip to color so we'll dip to color and that means it just dips to black because black is what is underneath this piece of footage at the moment on the timeline and we'll make that a little bit shorter on the title [Music] there we go and that is our edit done i'm very happy with what we got done there the last thing that we need to do is color grade it so all of this footage that's directly out of the camera this stuff here uh actually looks good uh and matches some of our other stuff that we've got going on like our stock footage from envato elements so the next thing we're going to do and i'm going to go through this very quickly because remember you can click the link up here or in the description below to watch our more in-depth color grading tutorial in davinci resolve right now we're going to do the fast version which i touched on in that tutorial but this is the fast version for beginner editors so go into our color tab here and you'll see our timeline is represented in the middle here so you've got all the different pieces of footage that show up in the timeline represented here and for each one we can color grade them now i'm going to turn my effects off up here because we don't need them and knowing what footage and camera settings we used uh on the day helps and we can go through and select the right light for the right job and a lot by the way is a lookup table which is a very technical way to say it's effectively an instagram filter it's basically just a pre-designed look that you can put over your footage that will get it to a certain point so if we go into the sony lights here i know this was shot on slog3 and if we want to move that to rec 709 which is a color space that most things are displayed in again you can get very deep into this this is a very top level overview we can grab this light here and just mouse over the top of it and you can see that's brought a lot of color into our footage going from our washed out log footage logarithmic footage to this with a bit of a lot on it and you can look at these ones as well that one looks a bit more natural i can just right click on this and apply lut to current node and there we go that looks pretty good so i'm actually going to take that approach but i'm going to tweak it a little bit further still so these luts are built into davinci resolve when you download the program the free version or the studio version you'll have these built in but right now i'm going to close that so i've got a little bit more space to work with and up here is our nodes so that's the node that now has our lut on it if i create a new node here add node corrector and just drag this up to here this is where i can start tweaking a few little things uh because i want to make his skin color a little bit richer so down here in our primaries color wheels again apologies for flying through this but uh you know we've gotta we're gonna get through this tutorial this is a beginner's tutorial for editors not colorists so we're moving through quickly this is the editors toolkit uh i'm going to use my primary color wheels which i can uh manipulate the lift gamma and gain which is basically our shadows our mid tones and our highlights and i can manipulate the color within those as well so looking at my scopes you can see at the bottom here is absolute black at the top here is absolute white i'm going to grab my lift which is my shadows and i'm gonna grab this jog wheel at the bottom and just play around with it and start to bring a little bit of contrast in so looking at his shirt here i want that to be almost right at black and on the very corner here that's where you're seeing this is really solid black now on our gain which is our highlights i'm going to do the same thing and just drag that down a little bit now the highlight that you're seeing here is represented in this light in the background so we know that's blown out anyway it doesn't matter because you know it's a light if his skin was blown out that would be a problem but it's not in our gamma that's our mid tone so that's everything that's going to be sort of sitting around the skin tone uh everything else in the background here we'll bring that down a little bit and we're starting to get a little bit more drama in there and now what i want to do is change the color of his skin a little bit i'm going to give this a little bit more saturation so down here it's at 50. i'm going to just slowly start dragging it up to probably about 60. yep 60 looks good to my eye and again i'm just eyeballing this in the shadows i want to introduce a little bit more blue and i'm mostly looking at his skin tone right now and it seems a bit counter-intuitive to put blue in skin but skin tones do have a lot of blue undertones so bringing blue into the shadows here in the mid tones i'm going to bring a little bit of orange in here now i'm just clicking and grabbing this little circle with inside the color wheel and doing micro adjustments and just pushing in towards those hues so i'm pushing towards orange now with his skin and now on the gain or the highlights i'm going to bring that up towards red that's looking pretty good to my eye and then in the offset this is where you know how to do global tweaks so i'm going to just play around with this and see which feels good to me i think it's probably going to feel a bit better going towards blue again that feels nice and then we're just going to play with the luminance again here with this jog wheel a little bit moody's nice i like that and play a little bit with our contrast here i think that's looking good now what we can do is we can just click the little o2 here on our node and turn that off and on so that was what we got with our lut and this is where we've taken it so if i click this little bypass button up here this will show you from our raw footage which you're like mind is blown now you got so used to seeing that log footage earlier and you kind of got used to you know how it looked in the edit and then you're like oh you know i'll put a little bit of a color grade on it and bam we've got like proper color now and we did that super quickly uh now again i'm not going to go any further with our color grading tutorial here because this is a beginner editor's tutorial but what i am going to show you is if i right click on here and hit grab still that's going to show up in the gallery section here and what does that mean it means i can now go along to every piece of footage that i shot with this camera and i should be able to just mouse my mouse over this and you'll see it's reflected if i right click and i can hit apply grade there we go that's now applied it to that piece of footage as well so i'm just going to grab all these pieces of footage here and i'm holding down command as i click all of these grabbing everything that i shot with that camera scrolling along the timeline still holding command here that's all of our footage i'm going to go up here right click apply grade and now you see down here it's all reflected in the grade what we can do is we can go back through and just make sure that's all looking good you know it's not going to be perfect every time but it will look pretty good throughout happy with that although this is a different shot so it's a little bit more orange so i'm just going to click here and go to my offset and just move it back to blue a little bit i think that looks nice to my eye these ones look good i'm actually going to add a bit more contrast to that uh first one there you go a bit more drama pull a little bit of orange out of his skin here and take some highlight out as well there we go that looks pretty good this one's nice and moody but we want it to be moody because he turns the light on there that looks pretty cool once the light comes on though it's a bit it's a bit grainy so i'm just going to play with the tint here and i'm going to push it towards magenta and then pull the color temperature more towards your blue rather than your orange a little bit cooler again this one i'll just make it a little bit cooler it's a little bit warm and now we're into our stock footage we're not going to play with that too much because we know it's stock footage it's okay but we could go through and we could tweak all of these if we wanted we could bring this down a little bit uh and then go into here bring this down a little bit as well or up but we're not going to do that actually this one could use a little bit more saturation so let's just give it a little bit of a pump up these ones look nice that looks nice clicking through here everything's looking good it's basically just our b-roll that we want to make sure works because we know our interview pieces are working b-roll is looking good everything's looking nice and vibrant uh that bike's looking very vibrant here so i'm just going to pull the saturation down a little bit there that looks a bit better same with this the saturation is very high on this pull the saturation back down to around 50. these look beautiful very happy with that and it was such a quick color grade so now that should be all done we should have finished our edit so we'll just go back and play through now just to see where we're at hi i'm nello and this is my business ride a bike bust the workshop [Music] well this is my little business okay it's looking really good but i have realized that i actually haven't done any audio processing on his dialogue track and you can see here when i play through it and i'll just drag the volume down so i can talk over it uh down in our mixer here you can see that it's clipping right into the red so how can we get around that i think the best way to do it in davinci resolve as a beginner editor someone who doesn't need to know too much about audio processing uh is to use something that's already built in and you can go up to here and go to fairlightfx for audio effects and go to dialog processor drag this down to your dialog audio track you can do this on individual clips but it's better to do it on the entire track and let go so let's play through i'm just going to solo this track so i can hear it i'm just going to do it without it on hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop you can see it's into the red uh it's a little bit muffled there's not a lot of dynamic going on there so i'll play it back through and turn it on hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop and it feels a bit teeny doesn't it so in here go to your default and click mail vo and this is going to change it for i guess more of a deeper voice hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bus the workshop that's sounding pretty good let's compare it to the original hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bicycle workshop hi i'm nello and this is my business rider bike bus the workshop i'm happy with it it's as easy as that we don't need to spend too much more time on it this is a beginner tutorial after all let's unsolve this and uh let's play it through hi i'm nello and this is my business ride a bike bicycle workshop [Music] well this is my little business so at rider bike we restore bicycles we service bicycles we repair bicycles but the the core of the business is to reuse and upcycle already existing parts so what we want to do here is give bicycles as much love as possible and bring them back to their their former glory so people can love them and enjoy them again seeing something that was was literally dead rusted away that somebody else has already considered that there is no more life left in this thing this object but that object is a bicycle and to me all bicycles have a life until they're literally broken in two pieces they've still got a life actually technically that apollo was the first one ever four or five years ago and it kind of just sat in my bedroom as a frame for literally two years and that was the literally the the little pebble rolling down the top of the the mountain which snowballed to what we've got today [Music] now we've gone through a lot of different processes here but like i said i've really tried to stick to the basics if you've never edited a video before if you've never even looked at a program like davinci resolve or premiere or anything like that before you should now be able to jump in grab all of your footage make all of your selects bring that into a coherent story add your b-roll add your music add your titles to a bit of a color grade the very last thing that we've got to do is export that so we can share it with the world so let's go over to our deliver tab here making sure that we've got our out point right where we want it at the moment i'm happy to have a little bit of black after this and let this music fade out actually you know what i'm going to put it right at the end of that footage there out point done hitting deliver tab down the bottom and you can see that's just transferred our footage over into this timeline here on the left hand side you've got a bunch of different settings that you can use or you can go up to the presets and the presets are really good here so if you're exporting for youtube which most of you will be or vimeo or twitter or whatever it is you can just click these uh presets here and it will change a bunch of things for you depending on what you're selecting or you can do a prores master now this could be your highest quality uh you know lossless it's basically a big chunky file you'd do one of these to keep for archival purposes or maybe uploading but it's not very efficient when you're uploading onto the internet or you've got your h264 h265 master which will be similar to what your youtube one will put out here so we'll do it for youtube for now 1920 by 1080 25 frames per second mp4 h264 this is basically all of the specs that you would want for a youtube export we'll call this ride a bike and we'll do it v01 underscore one like we talked about earlier we'll find our location and then if you're really keen and you have your youtube linked you can do upload directly to youtube but i like a little bit more control than that so i'm not going to do that i'm just exporting out to our computer for now down the bottom here hit add to render queue that's going to put it up into the render queue on the top right hand side here and that means you can actually do multiple jobs at once so you can get everything into the render queue and then render them all at once say overnight if you wanted to but we're going to render this one out right now hit render all and it will do its thing and it's pretty quick you can see it's going in you know better than real time it's going to go a little bit slower when we start to hit things like these lower thirds that are animated we've got all of our color grades and things like that on but for this piece of video it's not going to take much time at all so done that's it that's the process of editing we've taken all of our raw footage we've uh put it together with our b-roll we've put it together with our music we've put it together with our assets from envato elements and we've created a little micro documentary here in not that much time at all using the most basic tools in a free editing software if you've never touched editing software before go ahead and download davinci resolve right now like i said it's completely free rewind the video follow my steps and you'll be well on your way to becoming an editor now this of course was a beginner level tutorial and there's so much more to learn in davinci resolve and video editing in general make sure you go ahead and get subscribed to the envato tutsplus youtube channel you're probably watching right now on youtube go down and hit subscribe if you're not already so therefore you don't miss out on any of the great content we're putting out you can learn heaps more about davinci resolve premiere pro after effects illustrator photoshop so much more go and get subscribed today and also while you're at it go and check out envato elements i've mentioned it a bunch throughout this tutorial but there are great assets up there you get unlimited downloads of all of these assets for a single monthly fee you can cancel the subscription at any time so there's really nothing stopping you from going and checking it out today also i'll leave a link in the description below not only to elements but also to the collection of assets that i've used today if you do want to follow along and try some of the editing techniques that i've showed you again thanks for being here i'm so glad that i could take you through this leave a comment down below to let me know if there's anything else that you want to learn in davinci resolve and anything i should be focusing on that i can bring to you on the envato tutsplus youtube channel until next time happy editing [Music] you
Channel: Envato Tuts+
Views: 193,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Envato, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve for beginners, editing in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve, free video editor, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 17, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci tutorial, resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17 color grading, davinci resolve 17, envato tuts+, envato elements
Id: 4m4SSw_qGds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 35sec (5255 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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