How to use Microsoft Forms

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can use Microsoft Forms to create both surveys and quizzes entirely for free it's not gonna cost you anything at all and as full disclosure before we jump into this my HR department requires me to say this I work at Microsoft as a full-time employee all right well enough talk why don't we jump into it and I'll show you first off how to get forms Here I am on my PC and what we're gonna do to get Microsoft Forms is we're gonna go to the website office comm office comm is how we are going to get two forms so once you navigate to that website you're gonna see a website load and you have two primary actions you can either get office or you could sign in if you have an account or even if you don't have an account what we're gonna do is worry it we're gonna click on sign in when you click on sign in if you already have an account you could go ahead and type it in here I already have an account so I'm gonna go ahead and do that however if you don't have an account you could go ahead and click on this to create one so you could go ahead and do that from here I'm gonna go ahead and type in my existing account and I'm gonna go ahead and type in my password and this will bring me into the signed in version of and today I said I would show you how to use Microsoft forms but Before we jump into forms I also wanted to call out that not only can you use Microsoft forms entirely for free but you also have all of these other office apps like Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote you can also use these from office comm now I'm gonna walk through two different ways you can get two forms one of them is up here in the top left hand corner this is called the waffle see how it looks like a waffle with all those dots if I click on that what that'll do is that'll bring up my core apps so similar what I see here in office comm and if I click on all apps I can then click on Microsoft forms right here what I could do is on the main office comma homepage I could also click on all apps here and then within here I could click on Microsoft forms over here so that's how I'm going to get to Microsoft forms for it doesn't appear on the homepage so what I need to do is I need to click into all apps and then I'll jump into Microsoft forms Here I am on the forms homepage and you see that I have lots of different options here I'm gonna run through just what some of the functionality is here directly on the home page so what I could do is I could create a new blank form so I could start a new form or survey from scratch I could also create a new quiz from scratch what I can also do over here on the right these are all these different templates that I could start with so let's say that I'm a small business and I want to create let's say a customer feedback survey well I could start with this let's say I'm a teacher and I want to send a course evaluation out to all of my students I could do that as well and here if I click on more templates I could see all the different templates that I could just automatically start from now the nice thing about the templates I'm gonna click into one of them the nice thing about this is this already has a whole bunch of preformed questions that I could just use and let's say I don't like one of these questions I could delete it or I could modify it so I could go through here and modify the template as I see fit so this is a nice quick way to jump in if I don't want to do the groundwork of building up this survey on my own now back here on the home page I've returned to the home page of forms I also see all of my forms down here and below and a lot of my forms are a little lonely because I've gotten zero responses so far but here's how I could easily get back to my forums I'd like to even go ahead and search for forms if I want to do that now what I'm going to do today is I'm going to show you how you could set up both a new survey or form and how you could set up a new quiz you know so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna click on a new blank form and what that does is it'll drop me into just a blank sheet here and so there's not very much there and I need to start adding some content in one of my previous videos that I did I I ran a fictional cookie company so here I'm going to pretend that I'm still running this cookie company and we're gonna create a customer satisfaction survey so what I'll do is I'm just gonna click in and this is this first section here this is the header for the survey that everyone's gonna see and I mentioned I have this fictional cookie company so I'm going to go ahead and then paste in Kevin's cookie company customer satisfaction survey and it wouldn't be a great survey if it didn't have some visuals so here's an option where I could insert a visual and it brings up being searched I could also look on onedrive or I could upload a picture but I'm sure the Internet has some amazing pictures of cookies so I'm gonna go ahead and search and these look very similar to the types of cookies we would offer at the Kevin cookie company so I'll go ahead and select that one and what that's done now is it'll insert the image alongside the title of my survey and what I could view within as well as it has enter a description or a subtitle and I'm gonna go ahead and type that in and say help us improve our company and get a free cookie in return now what I can do is so this is the header to my survey now I need to add some questions you know survey is not very interesting unless you have some questions and to do that there's this add new button I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and then you can see all the different types of survey questions that I can insert you could do a multiple choice I could do a text response a rating you could even have a date and then you have this little caret drop-down where I can see more and so there are more question types I could even do a ranking question a Likert scale a Net Promoter Score question or even add an entire new section let's say you want to break up sections on your survey you have the ability to do that so what I want to do is for my first question with my cookie company I want to see if people were satisfied with our visit to the cookie company so I'm gonna go ahead and add a rating question here and I kind of like these stars that seems pretty good and for the question I think what I'll say is how satisfied were you with your visit to the Kevin cookie company and so what I could do is right now that you'll see five stars by default if I click on the levels I could go ahead and choose all the way up to ten stars but that seems like a lot of kind of nuance and options I'm giving people so I'll stick with five and then you could choose if you wanted stars or numbers I'll go with stars and with this little toggle here you could say whether you want the question to be required or not I'm going to go ahead and require this question just to jump into the nitty-gritty of what you could do with each question you could also click on it you to add a subtitle you could add a label and you can even add something called branching what branching means is let's say someone was satisfied with the Kevin cookie company maybe I just shoot them off to the end of the survey or maybe if they respond and you know let's say a different way maybe I send them off to a different part of the survey so you could decide where they go based on their response to this question that's what branching refers to so I like this question I think that looks good and what I want to do is the Kevin cookie company is a very large company and we have many different locations and so what I want to do is I want to know ok well first off they were satisfied but what location did they visit so I'm going to add that and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and just have someone enter in a response to that question and I'm also going to require that as well one of the things I might also be interested in it is when did they visit the Kevin cookie cookie company let's say that maybe I had a different crew on the weekend verse the week so I'm gonna go ahead and add a date question and I'll say when did you visit and what's interesting that is when someone clicks on this will bring up a date dialog and they can choose the exact date that they visited the Kevin cookie company on and then maybe I want to add one more question down here at the end and what I'll do is I'll just have this be a free-form question so once again I'll go with text and my question will be do you have any other feedback for us we're always looking to improve we want to kind of end on a positive note here and what I'm going to do is maybe I'll add instead of a cookie now maybe we'll add a smiley face let me go ahead so I'm going to search for a smiley face and we'll go ahead and throw in this big smiley face next to the question in terms of survey design probably not the best thing because I might influence someone's response you want to get honest and transparent feedback but you know a smiley face will probably put someone in a good mood and maybe we'll get some better feedback and I'm gonna go ahead and allow this to be a long answer in case people have a lot of feedback that they want to provide and I'm not gonna require this so I'm just gonna leave this as an optional response and then lastly what I want to do too is I'm gonna go ahead and click on add question and there's something called Net Promoter Score I'm gonna go ahead and insert that and the question is how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague and then it's on a scale of zero to ten from not at all likely to extremely likely so the questions phrased in a very good way some of the things I can also do with questions I can move a question up or I can move a question down so here I can move it down I could also delete a question if you know maybe I inserted a question that I don't want I could delete it or I could also copy the question so let's say I like this question but I want to have a slight variation of it I could go ahead and copy that and then insert it elsewhere into my survey so this is the main functionality of how to add different questions into a form survey I also want to show some of the other functionality here on the page up here in the top right hand corner what I could do is I could choose a theme for this so right now you see I just have this kind of plain lightish blue green type background and I could click on a theme instead and here I could go through and choose from all these different preset themes whether I want just a solid color and back so here I could set different colors or maybe I could add some imagery in back so maybe kind of a fun little city shot there and I'll go with that one I think that looks good and what I can also do now is next to theme so once I have chosen the theme and I'm satisfied with that I can click on preview and this will show me what my for the forum or the survey looks like on the computer I can also see what it looks like on a mobile display by clicking on mobile and here you see it's formatted very nicely for a phone if that's going to be the device that someone uses to fill out this form and then come back to go back to the previous page now what I can also do is up here in the top right hand corner there's a set of ellipses or a dot dot dot right here and I can click into settings this has some interesting things that you could do right now it's set to accept responses but let's say when the survey is done and I don't want any more responses I can go ahead and uncheck that I could also set a start I could set an end date I could also have it so shuffles the questions so the questions don't always show up in the same order this way if you want more of a randomized survey and you know maybe most people always respond just the first few questions you could switch up the order another option is to email notification for each response so let's say with a Kevin cookie company every time a customer responds I want to be on top of it I could go ahead and get an email notification of each response and lastly I can also customize the thank you message right now it's just a boring your response was submitted but I could say hey thank you for your response here's how you claim your free cookie or something like that if I want to customize the message so once all of that's done once I've gone through I've set the theme I've set all my different settings that I want I could go ahead and click on send the survey and what this will do is this gives me a link that I could copy and I could bring that to Facebook to Twitter wherever I want to post the link to the survey I have a few other options I could also generate a QR code so this creates the link and a QR code format and so I could put that let's say on a PowerPoint slide if I'm at a conference or maybe at the Kevin cookie company location on a poster we have the QR code so and here I could go ahead and download that QR code I could also get a link where I could embed it into a website or maybe an email signature or what I could do is I could simply go ahead and email out my survey so there are lots of different ways I can distribute my survey so I could start getting responses now once I distribute the survey what will happen is I'll start getting responses on it and so you see I'm on the main question view if I click on responses this will now allow me to view all the responses that have come in well I just created this of no responses yet but I'll tell me how many responses I've gotten how long on average it's taken to complete the survey whether it's still active and here I can go through like a delete response was like a print a summary or I can even create a summary link that I can share with others and one of my favorites you can also open all the responses in Excel if you want to do some in-depth analysis of let's say what your customers or what your students are saying in response to your survey so this is a basic survey that you could create I just clicked up here to go back to the home page of forums and I also want to show how to set up a quick quiz so I'm gonna go ahead and click on a new quiz and right now this is untitled and what we're going to do is just to have a little bit of fun I'm gonna call this the Kevin Stratford quiz and the the description is gonna be are you subscribed to Kevin's channel and I'm gonna go ahead now and actually let's go ahead and search for an image of myself on on Bing to see what comes back and it looks like there is a picture of me that came back so I'll go ahead and use this one of me okay so there's a picture of Kevin and I could go ahead and click on add a new question and I'm just gonna have it be a choice question and I could say are you subscribed what's interesting with Microsoft Forms is based on the question it'll suggest different options so you don't have to go through and type each option instead I could say well yes no and maybe that's all sound like good options so I'm going to click on add all so here it's already added all the possible responses and you probably know this but here next to the option yes I can either delete that option I could display a message to respondents who select this answer or what I can do is I can identify this or I can indicate that this is the correct answer and you probably already know this but that is the correct answer here there's no is not a correct answer maybe it's not a correct answer and I could even add some text here that says maybe why not you should subscribe today so I'm just gonna add that so when they select that option now this is a quiz that I've set up there's one right answer here if I click on responses you'll see that it's a little different here but it'll also show me the percent of correct responses and they'll give me some additional detail on how people of responded to this and then I can also go ahead and click on send and I could send out my quiz to my students or whoever else is gonna end up taking this quiz but that's how easy it is to create a quiz and Microsoft Forms I'm gonna click back here again I'm gonna click on forums to go back to the home page and here what you'll see is down here in the my forum section here I have my Kevin cookie company customer satisfaction survey and over here I have the Kevin Stratford quiz if I click on the dot-dot-dot I can create a copy or I could delete the different forms and once again if I click into it I could see I could go back I could see my responses I could send it again if that's what I'd like to do or I can even go through and then modify some of my questions alright well that was just a quick tutorial of first off how you can get Microsoft forms and also how you could use Microsoft forms to create both surveys and then also quizzes if this video was helpful when you were able to create either a form or a quiz please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future hit that subscribe button that way you get a notification any time new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other videos that you want to see me cover in the future leave a comment down below I read them all and I'll add it to my list of videos to create alright well that's all I had for you today I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 329,357
Rating: 4.9388847 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, office, forms, microsoft forms, survey, quiz, quizzes, responses, response, surveymonkey, survey monkey, surveys, question, self grading, report, excel, microsoft office,, form
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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