HOW to use KNIFE tool in Blender

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hi guys ryu here with another tooth for blender in this one i'll show you how to use knife in blender so to access knife in blender you need to be in edit mode either invert mode or edge mode so if you don't use machine tools add-on which allows me to for quick you know switching between these modes you need to press tab and one or two keys to access here either vert or edge mode okay so how you use knife you simply press k then you hover over an edge or vert until it highlights and simply click select another edge click and then move to another edge click and then enter when you're done and this is going to basically add an edge to your geometry okay you can do all kinds of crazy stuff with it if you for example using hard drops you could change it to a pipe and if you're using for example machine tools or sorry i mean decal machine you could change it into a panel right so when i go now to edit mode you can see there has been panel created in here would be a precision cut so let's go to vert mode this time okay and let's delete this edge so x and dissolve edge and then we're gonna go to k and we're going to hover over this edge and press c which will basically uh snap this to 45 degrees angle so it's going to be you know 90 45 etc right so click here and simply click here and press enter and i get the precise edge right another way of running the knife would be uh by running this knife across the whole structure because if you if you notice this cut is only on the top it doesn't go you know through the bottom part of this of this geo but what if you wanted to cut it through you know kind of like slice it with a knife right can you do this well you can so let's click here then let's press c then click here and click here and then z click and enter and this will slice through the mesh okay now what if you wanted to slice through the mesh you press k you click on the edge you press c just let's you know let's make it straight you click on this edge here and then you press you press let me just align this z click and enter and this should go through there you go see now you got an edge loop going through you know across the mesh right now if you wanted to cut to perform multiple cuts what you need to do is press e so if i go here and press c and then go to this edge and click and press e my knife is going to get detached but you see my knife projection hasn't ended yet i can still keep drawing you know new edges you just have to press e so click click and e click click and e and if you want to finish your cutting you simply press enter and it this is gonna get you out of the knife mode here now this is all great but um if you use tools like box cutter or hard ups this is way more powerful okay so let's for example you know shift d this to copy this and make it into a cutter select this shape go to bullions and knife and now this shape was cut with this you know knife projection so with a boolean there is no such thing as you know knife bullion in blender so with a hard ups it's not possible then what you can do is uh create some more complex shapes with box cutter so for example go to ngon and you know you can go completely nuts with it okay very quickly in addition to all this you can bevel it right so you can create something like this there's more you can create custom shapes so for example if i had a cube right and i'm going to move this cube in here okay and i'm going to make it really shallow all right and i'm going to let's just set some cavity here so we can see better let's change this to cutter for a second and let's simply you know slice this cube a little bit okay to create some cool you know some cool shape right let's grab a circle and i don't know cut something like this and you know grab a box and do this and let's apply this okay and now now let's shift this to so press d and custom so we're going to shift to custom cutter and press c to copy this one to a custom cut click on the shape and you know we can now cut it in object mode with a shape so i can go down switch to knife click above your ankle and there's your custom shape but what if you wanted for example to add you know loops to a difficult shape that is uh it's an angle like this one for example right so let's rotate it on x-axis okay and let's say that we wanted to deform this you know or for example uh twist this right so let's go here to the top view and bring this one in here and apply its rotation okay and we wanted to um add a twit twist 360 rotation around right you can see that this shape now it's gonna bend and sort of crack because it doesn't have supporting edges in the middle now the easy way to run knife projection through this is with a hard ops tool called dice because with dice you can run knife any way you want so on x y or z axis and you can just slice it and see what happens it just got smoothed out because she has more he has simply more loop cuts to support the shape as you know running loop cuts through the shape with handguns is simply impossible in blender so dice is literally the only way to do it so anyway guys i hope this helps you out with a knife tool and solve some questions and problems any one of you might have great stuff in modeling i use knife a lot it could be helpful for you know fixing topology or creating new um faces or you know shapes out of geo so extremely powerful tool but like i said with hard ups and books kind of just but like i said hard ups and books gotta bring this thing to another level well that's it for this video guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the vid give us luck and sub if you did as usual links in the video description uh leading to stores of the add-on creators that i use such as box cutter or hard ups in this case also machine stores key ups all this stuff you know i use it all the time so i couldn't recommend it more so if you're gonna go through the links it doesn't cost you anything extra but gonna help me at the same time so that's it for this video thanks for watching catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 18,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, knife, tool, boxcutter, hard, ops, surface, topology, edit, mode, modeling, tutorial, beginner
Id: Bj7KIk67j4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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