How to use HubSpot’s Free AI Tools for Content Creation (HubSpot AI Content Assistant)

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HubSpot is a dynamic CRM and marketing platform that I talk a lot about on this channel however did you know you can now leverage built-in AI tools like the AI content assistant to change the way that you create content with hubspot's AI tools you can now generate high quality and unique blogs emails or social media content in just a few clicks and today I'm going to share how you can effectively use hubspot's AI tools to streamline and optimize the way that you engage in content marketing activities to drive business growth okay so just quickly before we go ahead and launch into HubSpot consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to help your small business Thrive online and with that happy note out of the way let's go ahead and dive into hubspot's AI tools for Content creation and marketing okay so to arrive here simply head over to your browser and type in and then locate HubSpot a I or simply click on the link in the description below this video and that's going to take you here now before we dive in what exactly is HubSpot first we need to quickly understand what HubSpot is and how it fits into the small business Market if you're new to HubSpot in essence HubSpot is an allinone cloud-based CRM Suite that offers every tool and feature that your business needs to engage in CRM marketing and sales-based activities at its core HubSpot is a RM customer relationship management software a database for managing your contacts leads and customers what I love about HubSpot is they offer a completely free and feature-packed CRM for small teams then as your small business grows and scales you have access to Unique bundles based on your team's requirements now I just want to quickly say a big thank you to HubSpot for sponsoring this video and supporting our education Focus Channel I've been using and recommending HubSpot to my clients and audience for years now due to hubspot's incredible CRM ongoing Innovation and commitment to adding valuable tools like the AI assistant and more to their free and paid products okay so with that covered let's jump into HubSpot AI by diving into our free HubSpot account if you currently do not have a HubSpot account go ahead and navigate through the signup process also if you would like some guidance on properly setting up your free HubSpot CRM I'll add my complete setup tutorial up above and down below in the description for you to check out so go ahead sign in or sign up again HubSpot CRM offers a 100% free forever plan that requires no credit card to create an account which is unique and unlike what you'll find in most other software and just like that once you have signed up or signed in you'll be taken inside your HubSpot account now as you can see I'm currently inside the activity feed to navigate over to the activity feed simply H up to contacts then come down and click on activ ity feed okay so today I'll be showing you how to effectively use HubSpot AI now for all of you that are completely new to HubSpot CRM what I'll do is add another tutorial up above and down below in the description which will help you get up and running with all of hubs spots extensive tools and features that you have access to and with the introduction of AI you now have access to AI tools directly inside HubSpot now the whole purpose of HubSpot AI is to drive efficiency and help you work smarter and today we're going to focus on the AI content assistant which is a free AI tool that allows you to create engaging content in just a few clicks okay so let's see how you can make AI work for your business inside HubSpot first let's navigate up to marketing then come down and select email and this is where you can engage in email marketing activities now if I navigate down here you can see that I have a draft email campaign that I can go ahead and edit if I like or I can simply navigate up to create email and create an email campaign from scratch now for the purpose of today's tutorial I'm going to navigate down and click on edit to edit this email campaign before I send this email and this is where we can customize our email campaign so how can we use hubspot's AI content assistant to help us build and create our email campaigns well first let's navigate up to the title here and then click on edit what I can do is highlight this title and then you'll see this little a I icon pop up if we click here we have a few options that the AI content assistant will provide us I can come down and rewrite this title I can expand shorten or I can change the tone for example I could use AI to make my title sound more friendly however I just want to go ahead and rewrite this title and as you can see in just a few clicks HubSpot AI has gone ahead and regenerated this title and made it a lot more compelling you can see that this title is a lot better than what I originally had discover C the ultimate secrets to Skyrocket your business growth with these top three expert tips I also have the option to regenerate but I like this title so I'm going to go ahead and insert and as you can see I now have an awesome new title that I generated with AI now down here you can see we have more content I'm going to go ahead and click here and then click on edit and as you can see this is just dummy text so what I'm going to do is highlight this and then click on delete and then click on for Slash and here we have the option to use AI to generate either a par gra or heading I'm going to go ahead and click on paragraph and this is where we can add a prompt now the more detailed your prompt is the better the result will be for example I'm going to add a quick prompt that's going to allow AI to create content that's relevant to this email campaign so this is my prompt add three unique tips for helping local businesses get discovered on Google search once you've added your prompt come down and click on generate and as you can see HubSpot AI has generated a subject and then we have the content down here you can see by adding a simple prompt HubSpot AI will generate relevant content based on your prompt what you want to do is take the time to go through the generated result you can also make changes before you go ahead and insert this into your email campaign for example I'm going to come down and delete this and then navigate up to the top and delete the subject okay so I'm happy with this AI generated content I'm going to go ahead and click on insert then simply click on the content and then make further changes to your email content it's best to do it after you've inserted the AI content because you have access to these formatting options up here it's also important to take the time to read through the content that the AI has generated to make sure that the content flows nicely that it makes sense and that it's relevant to the prompt that you added okay so I'm going to quickly go through this content that the AI has generated and use some formatting okay so I've quickly gone ahead and made some small changes to the formatting of this AI generated content now what I'm going to do is highlight this section here and then click on this icon and I want to change the tone of this content let's go ahead and make it a bit witty and as you can see the tone has been modified by AI if I'm not happy with this I can always go ahead and regenerate however I'm happy with this change so I'm going to go ahead and click on insert now if we navigate down to tip three you can see that tip number three is quite long so I'm going to go ahead and click on this AI icon and then come down and click on shorten and AI is going to quickly shorten that section I'm happy with this I'm going to go ahead and click on insert and just like that I've created my email campaign using AI so as you can see you can use the AI content assistant to Simply create content for your email campaigns in just a few clicks then once you're happy with your email campaign make sure you navigate through settings and choose to send now or schedule and then simply review and send okay so now what I want to do is show you how to use the AI content assistant to help you with your website copy and creating blog to do that simply navigate over to save and then exit then click on marketing and then come down to a website and then click on website Pages now with HubSpot CRM you can create a website completely for free and if you want to learn more about creating a website with HubSpot what I'll do is add the relevant tutorials Down Below in the description for you to check out okay so down here you can see I have a homepage I'm going to go ahead and click on edit and like I mentioned you can use the AI content assistant to help you create your website copy for example if we navigate up here and click on this text what I can do is remove this dummy text and then click on for Slash and then come down and click on subsection okay so I want to add a prompt that's going to help AI create a subsection for me and as you can see this is my prompt introduction to the number one small business marketing agency based in Oakland New Zealand I'm going to go ahead and click on generate and I'm happy with that I'm going to go ahead and click on insert and what I'm going to do is come down here and because this is extremely long but I like like the content I'm going to go ahead and use this copy for another section on my website and I'm just going to use this section for my sub header I'm going to delete this and then delete this here then navigate down and I could paste in the rest of the content down here I'm going to go ahead and do that and I'm happy with this now again this is too long so I'm going to go ahead and highlight all this text and then come down and click on this icon and then simply click on shorten again every time you generate content with AI make sure that it's relevant and it flows nicely I'm going to go ahead and click on insert and then quickly add some spacing and I'm happy with this AI generated content now again remember you have these other options too if I click on this icon I can rewrite expand shorten and change the tone so again you can change and create your content in just a few clicks using HubSpot AI okay so let's click out of this and not only does this AI content assistant help you create copy for your website Pages you can also create entire blogs okay so let's navigate up to exit and then navigate over to marketing again and then come down and click on blog under website let's create our first blog by coming down and clicking create your first blog add your blog name then add your blog language and blog method description and this is what's going to appear in Google search and the keyword that I want to Target is local business tips so think about the keyword that you want to Target you can see I've got local business tips in the Blog name as well as in The Meta description however in this tutorial we're just focusing on AI if you want to learn more about keyword research I'll add relevant tutorials Down Below in the description okay so once you've added these details come down and click on Create and first we want to add our blog title then come down and add text and we're going to use the AI content assistant to create this entire blog post to do that we're just going to click for Slash and here we have a few options we can create a paragraph an outline for this blog post create ideas and create a conclusion using AI I'm going to click paragraph and for this prompt I'm going to Simply add the title of this blog and then click on generate and then insert okay so I'm going to quickly go ahead and add some spacing and formatting and just like that I have quickly created a blog post what I can also do is click in here and add more content if I like I can also add images and play around with the formatting I'm going to navigate down the bottom and again if I highlight this content I have these AI options similar to what I showed you I can rewrite expand shorten and change the tone of this content again I can click here for Slash and then generate another paragraph or I can start off this blog by creating an outline using AI or even just generate some ideas for me to work off and you can also quickly create a conclusion if you like so as you can see that is how you can use the AI content assistant to quickly create website copy as well as entire blogs and it's important to consistently create valuable blogs on your website in order to build your brand and be discovered online now if you're not using hubspot's website and maybe you're using a different website for your blog you can always come here to use this AI tool the AI content assistant to create content inside this interface and then simply copy the content that you've created in here into your blog on your other website so the AI content assistant is not only ideal if you have a website built inside HubSpot but also if you have a website outside of HubSpot okay so once you've made any changes simply go ahead and click on Save and then when you're ready to publish simply navigate over to publish now if we were to publish this blog there would be a few things that are still required for example meta description blog author blog URL and featured image okay so what we're going to do is navigate over to the left hand side and click on exit here you'll see you also have the option to generate a Blog entirely with AI simply click on generate blog post then add your prompt in here then come down and click on next then below HubSpot is going to generate a list of title and SEO keyword ideas this is based on the prompt that you added this is the keyword that we want to focus on down here local business tips I like this title so I'm going to go ahead and click here we can also go ahead and regenerate if we like but I'm happy with this I'm going to go ahead and click on next here you can further customize the title description and then the paragraph headers I'm happy with this so let's click on generate blog post and just like that HubSpot AI has gone ahead and generated this entire blog post again take the time to navigate through each of the sections of your blog post make sure that it flows nicely and that it makes sense before you publish your blog okay so that is how you can instantly create a blog post using AI let's exit out of this and then navigate over to marketing and come down and click on social and this is where you can manage all your social media channels and activities in one place it is important to note that this is not included in the free CRM and you will need to upgrade to the marketing marting Hub professional plan however you can get started with a free 14-day trial to see if the marketing Hub works for your business and in terms of using hubspot's AI with social media you can simply create content using the AI content assistant you can quickly build out your social media posts using Ai and then schedule and publish them across your different channels and this can all be done inside of HubSpot now if you're interested in learning more and Diving deeper into leveraging HubSpot to manage all your social media marketing activities then let me know Down Below in the comments and I will create a dedicated tutorial however that is everything that I wanted to cover in this AI HubSpot tutorial now in terms of other applications that you can use HubSpot AI for include building learning Pages creating cool to actions and SMS campaigns you also have access to AI image generation and more that can be found in the marketing Hub in the sales Hub you have access to AI sales forecast productive deal Health scores and access to the content assistant in Gmail Outlook and more the service Hub gives you access to AI chatbots the content assistant in inbox as well as in the knowledge base and AI generated conversation summaries if we look at the CMS Hub you will have access to the AI website builder and similar to what I showed you the content assistant for website pages and blogs image generation AI generated social copy within the blog editor and other AI generated content and there are more AI tools that you'll be able to leverage in future I'll add a link down below that will show you hubspot's AI road map so again another reason why I love using HubSpot and recommending HubSpot to my small business clients and audience is because you have access to powerful tools like their AI tools completely for free in the HubSpot CRM again HubSpot and all of their AI tools are suitable for businesses that want to streamline the way that they create content as well as optimize workflows through AI assistance so again if you want to get started started with HubSpot CRM and AI tools for free simply click on the link in the description below this video and that's going to allow you to test out and see if HubSpot and their AI tools works for your business and there we have it guys that is it for this HubSpot tutorial helping you get up and running with hubspot's AI tools now if you have any questions make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe to this Channel and that way I'll see you in the next video take care everyone
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 2,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hubspot, hubspot crm, hubspot ai, hubspot ai tools, hubspot ai content writer, hubspot ai assistant, hubspot ai email, how to use hubspot, How to use hubspot ai, HubSpot ai tutorial, HubSpot free CRM, hubspot marketing, what is hubspot ai, free ai content creator, free ai content writing tools, free ai writing tool, free ai writer and text generator, free ai writing assistant, stewart gauld
Id: yee1fb4zhNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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