How to use Google Docs and Keep Notes Together

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- [Scott Friesen] Did you know that you can share and link your Google docs with your Keep Notes? Well, in this video, I'm going to show you all of the different ways in which you can share information between these two apps and stay tuned to the very end because I have a bonus tip for Google Calendar users. So here I am within Google docs, and I'm about to set forth with an agenda and a pretty lengthy document about some of the things that we are going to be working on. The problem is, is that I've actually kept most of my notes here within Google Keep. Maybe I've added a few ideas while I'm on the go on my mobile phone, and I've included a few bullet points and even a checklist over here, but how can I quickly and easily get that into my new document? Well, rather than coming over here and trying to copy and paste this text, there is a much easier way. And in order to do so, we're going to make use of the Google side panel here on the right hand side. Now, if you don't see the Google side panel, come all the way down to the bottom, select this little arrow to show the side panel, and you will see multiple Google apps, including Keep Notes. By selecting this, we have access to all of our notes. But wait, it gets better because no, I'm not just going to copy and paste what I need, I'm going to make it so much easier on myself. If I come over here to this particular note and I select the menu, I can say add to document. And there in just a single click, I now have that information inserted directly into my document. Maybe I also want to add this checklist that I mentioned before. Same thing, I'm going to say, add to document. And now I've added that checklist as well. You will notice in this case it's going to convert the checklist into bullet points but I can of course edit that any way that I like here within the document. The nice thing is that this also works for images. So let's say I want to add this image into my document as well. Now I could use the same menu option and say add to document, but with images, it gets even better. This time what I'm going to do is I'm going to click and drag that image over here. And you can see wherever I release it, wherever that cursor ends up, maybe I want it in between these two sections, I'm going to release it. And now that image is inserted. Let's just reduce the size of that a little bit in this case. Maybe I want that last image, this circle image here with the documents, I want this near the bottom, again, I'm just going to insert it and paste it into my document. I'm going to resize it so it's a little more fitting with this particular document. And so now in just a few clicks, I've added these several notes here from Google Keep directly into my document, and perhaps I'm almost done. I can continue to work the way I like by adding little snippets or short notes or images here within Google Keep and then bring them into the relevant document. Now you should note that this also works for a few other Google apps, including Slides. So maybe instead of a document, I'm putting together a presentation and I want to include these budget numbers. Let's just say, add to slide. And if I want to add that image, I can just click and drag it, put it on the slide as well. Let's just resize it a bit, and perfect. This slide is almost done. Now while this is a super easy way to get information out of keep into your doc or slides, what about if we want to go the other way? Here I have a sample document and perhaps I want to grab this quote or this sentence here and add it to my Keep Notes. Maybe I want to expand upon it, or I just want to simply remember it a little later. Well, we can do that here as well. The nice thing is that we don't even have to have this sidebar open or the side panel. All we need to do is select the piece of text or images that we like and then select right click. And near the bottom of our menu option, you will see something that says save to keep. By selecting that option, it's going to automatically bring in that snippet or whatever it is that you've highlighted into a Google Keep note. But it gets better. Not only have we grabbed the text, but if I click on this note and expand it, you can see that it's actually added a link, a direct link back to this document. So if I open up my Keep Notes and here is that new note, and I say, where did I find this particular quote? Or where can I find out more information? I have that link directly here. If I click on it, it's going to take me exactly to that particular document where I can go and find other sources or do whatever it is I want to with it. Now, going back to Google Keep, we don't have to keep this link if we don't want it. You'll see that there's an X here. So if we want to remove the source, I can do so. But there's also an additional way in which we can link notes in Google Keep to a particular document. Let's say this time around, I don't want to just copy a section or an area of this document, but I want to take my own notes with this document. Maybe I want to come back and think about some of the revisions I want to make. Well, with the Google side panel open and with Keep selected, you can see that we have the option to take a note at the very top. As soon as I select take a note, you will notice not only am I ready to start entering in text, but it's automatically linked it to this document. So maybe I'm going to write a note to myself. Let's discuss this article in the next meeting, something like that. I'm going to say done. And now I have that linkage back to this document. Again, going back to Google Keep, here is that new note, and I can go directly back to that document. So you don't always have to single out or copy a selection of text. You can simply take your notes here. You'll notice when we return to the document, that note will always be shown at the top as a related note. And yes, I could take other related notes to this particular doc. All of my recent notes will still be available to me down below, but they are separated between related, meaning related to this document, or slide if we have that open up, and recent, meaning all of the other notes available to me from Keep Notes. But wait, there's even more ways in which we can find useful connections between Keep Notes and Google docs. Now, for some of you, you may be creating your documents or articles or blog posts or whatever you do within Google docs right here within the docs interface. But for some of us, we like to collect those notes and maybe ponder and put together a draft right here within Keep Notes. Example, I have an article that I've been working on here which is rather lengthy, but it's almost finished as well. I'm almost ready to publish. So I'm ready to put it over here into Google docs. But once again, instead of having to open it up and copy and paste everything here, I can come down to the more menu and select copy to Google docs. By selecting this option, it's going to copy everything within the note to Google docs. I'm going to say open doc, or I could just go to my Google drive menu. And now I have that entire note right here waiting for me so I can add further images or maybe do some more complex formatting, maybe finish this off before I'm ready to publish. So I can start my draft or I can start elements of my notes right here, and then copy it directly, the entire note right into Google docs. Now it should be noted that there is no sync or link between these two. When we select copy from this option here, it really is going to be copying that particular note. If I start to add or make changes here, nothing will be reflected here on the Google Keep side. Now, as I promised at the beginning, I have an additional bonus tip for those of you who use Google Calendar and also want to connect it with your Keep Notes. You will notice that the Google side panel is available to you here as well. So if I open up Keep, I have the ability to start taking notes directly from this window, but we can also connect our notes directly to meeting events. Here I have an upcoming meeting and I want to take a few particular notes, but I don't want to add it in the description of this event because I don't want to share it with those whom I'm meeting with. I'd rather take my own note here and then reference it when the meeting arises. So with this meeting selected within Google Calendar, I can come up to Keep Notes and say, take a note. And you will notice, not only is it ready and waiting for me to start inputting those notes, but I now have a link directly back to this event. So I can say, let's talk about this before the meeting starts, or I can add all of my bullet points, all of my notes that I want to prepare in advance. And when I select done, I have a related note with this particular meeting. It doesn't matter if you're viewing this calendar event from the main screen or if you open up the note in full view, you will have that related note available to you here. But if we go back to Google Keep, here we have that same note, and yes, we have that link. So what meeting are we talking about? What do these notes refer to? We can quickly and easily in just a single click go directly to that particular meeting in our Google Calendar. Now, if you enjoyed these Google tips and tricks, you're going to love my other drive and Keep Notes videos right here on the Simpletivity channel. Remember, being productive does not need to be difficult. In fact, it's very simple.
Channel: Simpletivity
Views: 45,761
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Keywords: Simpletivity, Scott Friesen, How to use Google Docs and Keep Notes Together, connect docs to google keep, connect keep notes to google docs, google keep tutorial, google docs tutorial, google docs tips and tricks, google keep tips and tricks, keep notes tutorial, keep notes tips and tricks, connect google docs to keep
Id: xbvDyFV2UAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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