5 Best Google Keep Pro Tips for Newbies

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have you seen the Apple notes meme well imagine if  we just just for a second replace it with Google   keep well Google keep has a lot of things tucked  away inside of it and we're going to unpack what   they are with features and deep dives into all of  the bits about Google keep and whether it's your   next note taking application if you are in the  hunt for note taking applications jump over to   tool finder to get reviews ratings and insights  about all of the note taking applications so   Google keep I was call it the digital version of  poster notes because it looks like that it's very   colorful very quick to use and naturally available  on most phones so this is the desktop version and   as you can see it's very simple now I've got three  formats already here you can see that I've got a   transcribed note you can actually create audio  notes in Google Keep an image and a simple note   itself let's show you some features inside of all  of those to get you going so I mentioned the audio   transcription I actually did this on mobile I  started speaking on the mobile application and   pretty instantly it started transcribing what I  was saying into a note format which is great and   it worked pretty well as well if I've had in apps  like otter AI which is a note taking application   but also for meetings and for professionals  and for professionals but you can play back   the original transcription if you did want to  and be able to rename the note and change some   of the text as part of it so this is perfect  if you're writing an article or maybe even you   want some more detail and you want to be able to  use transcription for it maybe students and many   other people like so one of the things you can  do is set a reminder on a note that you create   in Google Keep you can set a reminder for not only  the time but the location or place that you go to   as well now this is perfect for if you leave  somewhere or you arrive somewhere which means   that it will pop up and give you a notification on  your mobile mobile devices when that happens which   is perfect for those who have set time based or  location based reminders now Google keep search is   really really powerful and I mean powerful there's  lots of different types of notes which means if   you got loads of notes you can scan through them  including recordings URLs and drawings which you   can do on mobile devices too but the real magic  is the ability to scan through images because   what it does do is if I typed in something like  budget it'll scan through all of the notes that   I have and actually find where I've mentioned that  in the text in this case I've actually mentioned   budget in this screenshot of a remarkable to which  is perfect for finding stuff for later now as you   can see it's able to understand what things are  including books food groceries films music Places   Travel and TV which makes it perfect for capturing  stuff on the go and be able to understand those   images later on a lot of people like as well to  use the color coding to create tags so for example   red could be important things or yellow might  be meeting notes and green might be something   like important dates that they need to remember  but all in all the organization system is great   for search and you can also associate a label  to all of the notes you create which makes it   easier to organize in a notebook style fashion so  one of the underrated features is actually adding   collaborators as part of your Google keep so for  example if I opened a certain note I could go down   here and add a collaborator I can share it with  a personal email address but what's nice as well   is I can create what's called a family group  which is something you can associate on your   Google account if I go over here I can create a  family and add up to five people so I can share   that note and collaborate on it together which  is called a family keep now this is actually   something that Apple notes does really well me and  my wife collaborate on an Apple notes together and   it's really handy to be able to see updates from  other people during the week so so you need to be   actually sharing this so for example you need to  have inside of the settings enabling sharing to   be able to get that and there's also a dark mode  in Sharing as well once you press save dark mode   will appear so you're probably wondering how can  I really take Google keep a lot further well you   can actually have it on the sidebar when you're  using other Google applications which means you   can use it in the likes of uh Google Documents so  if I wanted to drag in an example maybe a template   of something with a couple of links in then I  can just drag a Google Keep and it will paste   into a Google Document which is great and it works  the other way around as well if I wanted to take   a note then anything I take as part of that note  inside of the Google Document it will associate   that Google Document to that note which means I  can come back to that document for later knowing   that the context is part of that note and I can  add all of the relevant details as well as colors   and all the regular stuff like pinning so folks  that was Google keep and a bit more insight into   how you can use it to really go further are you  going to be that wizard at the end that is using   Google keep in a pro level or are you going  to be that one at the start or maybe you're   someone in between whether you are or not it is  your choice to choose whatever to do list and   not taking application of your choice but Google  keep is like the digital poster notes online and   hopefully this help you get a bit of insight into  how to use it thank you very much folks please   do make sure to subscribe and I will see you in a  future video I am very sure see you soon everyone cheerio
Channel: Keep Productive → Tool Finder
Views: 14,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion, monday.com, notion, project management, personal productivity, tool finder, toolfinder.xyz, google keep, google keep hacks, google keep ap, keep.google.com, toolfinder.co, best productivity tools, best productivity apps, best productivity tool reviews
Id: otp1Czi8LWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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