How to use EVEN THOUGH and EVEN IF - B2 FCE grammar lesson

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hi guys how you doing today we're going to talk about the difference between even if and even though students often make a mistake when using these expressions but don't worry it isn't very complicated and by the end of today's lesson you'll be able to use even if and even though without any problems at all are you ready to get started stay where you are the first thing to know is that these expressions are not interchangeable even though it's similar to although and though and means despite the fact that it shows contrast and is a little more emphatic than although and though take this sentence although it rained a lot we went for a walk i can also say though it rained a lot we went for a walk and i can even say even though it rained a lot we went for a walk all three forms are perfectly correct but even though it's probably the most common one in spoken english but why use even though because we are talking about a real situation it rained a lot and that's a fact so whenever you are talking about factual situations real situations you want to use even though and here are some other examples even though i didn't know anybody at the party i had a good time i didn't know anybody at the party that's a fact but despite the fact that i didn't know anybody at the party i had a good time even though i forgot theo's birthday he wasn't angry with me i forgot his birthday that's a fact and despite the fact that i forgot his birthday he wasn't angry with me let's look at another example i bought a new computer even though it was really expensive it's a fact that the computer cost a lot of money but i still bought it did you notice how i inverted the two clauses in the sentence you can invert the clauses without changing the meaning of the sentence so right now you understand that when we are talking about facts we use even though even if means whether or not and it is used to talk about unreal or imaginary situations something which could happen but might not let's look at some examples with even if even if i won the lottery i would continue to make youtube videos here the idea of an imaginary situation isn't difficult to understand i haven't won the lottery unfortunately and the chances of me winning the lottery are very small so the sentence even if i won the lottery i would continue to make youtube videos is in fact a second conditional which we use to talk about unreal imaginary or hypothetical present or future situations let's have a look at an example which is similar to the one i used before with even though and it is even if i forget theo's birthday i know he won't be angry with me theo's birthday is in june i haven't forgotten it because it hasn't happened yet i could forget his birthday because i have a terrible memory for dates but i might not forget it because after all i have known him for many years the situation is hypothetical because it hasn't happened yet so the sentence means whether i forget his birthday or not i know he won't be angry with me okay here are a few more examples even if it rains this weekend i'll go for a walk even if it rains i don't know what the weather will be like at the weekend it's possible it could rain because we're in march and it often rains in march here in italy but even if it rains i'll go for a walk even if you don't give this video a like i won't hold it against you all right now that all that is clear i think it's time for i'm going to give you some sentences you decide if you need to complete the sentence with even if or even though here is the first sentence jane rejected the job she was desperate for money and the answer is jane rejected the job even though she was desperate for money and the next sentence i won't sell my house you make me a good offer yeah the answer is i won't sell my house even if you make me a good offer and the next one she is very old she can still read without glasses that's right the answer to this one is even though she is very old she can still read without glasses sentence number four alice said nothing she was very angry that's right the answer is alice said nothing even though she was very angry and one more sentence i had the money i wouldn't buy a new car yes of course even if i had the money i wouldn't buy a new car did you get them all right well done if you did so there we are we have reached the end even though is used for facts and real situations and even if is used for hypothetical situations why don't you use the comments down below to write a few sentences to practice the difference between them and then i can have a look at them i have also made a video about although though even though despite and in spite of and you can watch that video now by clicking on the link which is at the top of your screen i hope you have found this short lesson useful please subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already there's a button just below me down here and why not watch another video whilst you're here there are some blicks on the side thank you so much for watching until the end you take it easy and i'll see you in the next one bye for now you
Channel: English With Rick
Views: 434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cambridge english exam, first certificate, cambridge fce, cambridge b2 exam, cambridge b2, cambridge b2 grammar, fce grammar, b2 fce grammar, intermediate english, b2 english, b2 use of english, cambridge use of english, even though, even if, even though or even if, how to use even though and even if, even if and even though, even if or even though, english grammar, english lesson, english lessons intermediate
Id: EdNoFtbuvQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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