Basic English sentence structure - How to make a sentence in English - Grammar Lesson Part 1

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hi guys how you doing this is the first in a series of two videos i'm making about sentence structure in english this video is about basic sentence structure in english and the second video is about advanced sentence structures if i have already made the second video then there's a link to it up here in the corner of your screen if there is no link then i haven't made it yet but it will be here very soon i promise okay are you ready let's begin let me ask you a question what is the simplest or most basic sentence you can have in english what is the minimum you need in every sentence in english yes it's a verb the most basic sentence in the english language is an imperative verb what you use to give someone a command when you tell them to do something like sit stay eat now they are the simplest complete sentences that exist in english now this type of sentence might be okay when you are talking to a dog but we want to say something a bit more interesting usually sentences that have more than one word in them have something before the verb and that something is the subject of the verb and it is either a noun or a pronoun the subject is the person or the thing that does something in a sentence and the verb is the word that describes an action a state or an occurrence so let's put the two things together and we have something like this she sits i am staying they didn't eat these sentences are one of the basic sentence structures that exist in english and it's obviously known as a subject verb sentence word order in sentences is really important and you mustn't change the order of the words there are four other types of basic sentences and the next one we are going to see is the subject verb object sentence here we are talking about something called a direct object a direct object is a person or thing that receives the action of a verb you can find the direct object by finding the verb and asking what or who in the sentence i love my job i is the subject love is the verb and if i ask what do i love the answer is my job my job is the direct object in the sentence and in this sentence she is meeting john she is the subject is meeting is the verb who is she meeting john john is the direct object some other sentences with this structure are i love you theo is reading a book jane likes rice the third structure we have is subject verb adjective some verbs don't talk about actions but instead they link the subject to an adjective which gives us more information about the subject if we take the sentence theo is handsome theo is the subject is is the verb the verb to be is a linking verb because it describes a state and not an action and handsome is an adjective which describes the subject theo some more examples of subject verb adjective sentences are i feel tired the students are lazy you look hungry our next type of sentence structure is subject verb adverb and adverb describes a verb as the name suggests it adds something to the verb a little bit like how an adjective describes a noun adverbs can also describe adjectives but that's for another lesson in the sentence peter runs quickly peter is the subject runs is the verb and quickly is the adverb that tells you how peter runs if we look at this sentence i went upstairs i is obviously the subject and went is the verb upstairs is the adverb which describes where i went some other examples of this type of sentence are we are living happily the students are there you work hard our final sentence structure type number five is subject verb noun sentences of this type describe the people and things they are not the same as the subject verb object sentences because those sentences don't describe a people or things for example if i say the teacher is a woman the teacher is the subject is is the verb and a woman is the noun which describes the subject who is a person in this type of sentence we can only use linking verbs so some more examples are that lady is my sister you look like george clooney george clooney is an actor okay we have seen the five types of basic sentences that exist in the english language let's combine some of these elements together to make a longer and much more interesting sentence we are going to start with a subject verb object sentence for example david bought a diamond ring david is the subject bought is the verb and a diamond ring is the direct object now i want to include an indirect object what is an indirect object an indirect object receives the direct object it represents the person or thing that receives the object and it usually goes between the verb and the direct object so in our sentence we can say david bought his girlfriend a diamond ring i also want to say where david bought the ring to add the place we put it after the direct object and we get david bought his girlfriend a diamond ring in paris but i also want to include when he bought the ring and that's okay we put the time reference after the place so our sentence now becomes david bought his girlfriend a diamond ring in paris last week and that's it our sentence is complete all the structures we have seen today are called independent clauses an independent clause is a group of related words that contain a subject and a verb and which express a complete thought or idea independent clauses are the first step to creating more complex sentences which is what i talk about in the second video about sentence structures so now that you have watched this one please go and watch the second video about sentence structures if i've published it don't forget there was the link at the beginning and i'll include it in the comments below i hope you have found this video helpful and that now you feel much more confident in making sentences in english while you are here please watch another of my videos there are some links on the side here subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already the button is just below until the next time you take care and i'll see you soon all the best bye for now
Channel: English With Rick
Views: 328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, native speaker, english lesson, english lessons, english grammar, learn grammar, sentence structure english, sentence structure english grammar, english sentence structure, sentence structure, learn english sentence structure, sentence structure lesson, basic sentence patterns, basic sentence in English, basic English sentence structure, english sentence structure rules, english grammar lesson, learn english grammar, english grammar lessons, grammar structure
Id: 1NaVc1aV_Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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