How to use Engineer in TDS

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the engineer is one of the most versatile Towers in the game possessing late breaking as well as hidden and flying detection yet how do we use it and is it really worth an accelerator or is it just not being used to its full potential let's get right into it so firstly what can it do the lead penetration is already unlocked on level 0 whereas the hidden and flying detection are unlocked on level 2. it even has a mix of single Target and splash damage with its Rockets when maxed oh and it even has a stun shield for the sentries but she's not smart enough to make one for herself house too this makes engineer the Jack of all trades tower for any scenario besides it ends so how should you use it starting off with placement this is something even experienced players might forget but engineer already gets free range on its first two upgrades so placing with those upgrades in mind is best on the topic of range engineer has two additional ranges Dead Zone range and build range The Dead Zone range is the area where the engineer cannot build sentries and this becomes smaller as you upgrade it the build range on the other hand is just the area where sentries can be built and stays the same for every upgrade now the engineer needs to deal damage to build sentries so optimal placement would be at the front or middle of maps to ensure it always has scrap for maximum centuries this is also because of the level 6 sentries rocket Splash damage being best at the front where the crowds actually spawn the engineer has 20 range at Max and the sentries themselves have even more range so don't worry about any specifics when placing it especially with DJ but we'll get to that later on one thing to take note of is that engineer sentries are unable to shoot hidden so relying only on engineer for hidden defense is not the best idea thus I recommend having over hidden EPS Towers such as accelerator next we have the best support towers for engineer when having to choose between commander and DJ DJ is strongly recommended as the only part of the engineer that benefits from Commander is in engineer herself and other sentries this might not sound all that bad but the centuries make up for 85 percent of Engineers damage when maxed this resulting Commander's effect being barely noticeable the DJ on the other hand complements engineer extremely well it benefits the most out of the discount buff out of all the towers in the game making using it practically a must without DJ you'd be paying 52k for One Max engineer however with DJ's 20 discount buff you'd save 10K it also goes well with Engineers range as it gains basically a full map range on the majority of Kirby maps with it increasing from an already good 20 range to 27. this makes worrying about placement not that big of an issue overall so when playing matchmaking I recommend equipping DJ to ensure you get those Buffs following that we have upgrade order use the cost efficiency of every upgrade in terms of cost per DPS so basically the lower the better do note level 2 does not increase damage and instead unlocks hidden and flying so that's why it's the worst DPS cost wise as we can see the level 6 engineer is the most cost efficient upgrade it is likely even a bit better considering the rocket damage of the Sentry's can deal multiple enemies at once so when looking to get Engineers it is statistically better to get a Max engineer one by one right but no going from multiple level fives is probably the best option in my opinion this is because it boosts your defense making you cut down on Wave times opposed to saving for the final upgrade of course you should aim to maximum possible personally I'd recommend getting at least two level five Engineers before starting to save for the max ones oh and just a side note here but setting your engineers targeting the strongest actually fools the engineer scrap meter faster as it ensures maximum damage on each hit now when should you actually use engineer overall engineer is solid and with its cheap cost it can serve as an elite Defender for even the weaker headings now there's an argument of whether engineer or accelerator is better than the other and overall accelerator is the clear winner at least in my opinion with better DPS when using Commander the reliable hidden detection and better cost efficiency it seems like the clear winner however this is only true for all modes besides hardcore where engineer actually proves useful though it's still a lot better than accelerator and hardcore I'd say it's where engineer is at its best as the utilize is one of your properties flying detection but overall I'd only recommend equipping engineer if you already have accelerator in your Loadout expect the engineer to potentially be meta next update though since Chances Are Over accelerator is going to get nerfed or Engineers gonna get above I also did two test runs in Fallen mode with both being at the rest and I found that engineer does actually do better than accelerator from wave 30 to 35 with its Rockets probably dealing a ton of damage however it's on the important boss waves where accelerator does actually do more damage so do with that what you will maybe subscribe so I can only get my own skin in tedious this piece of art will surely motivate you see you on the next one
Channel: Kenu
Views: 118,088
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Id: YzCZdptvdTw
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Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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