How to Use Dualies in Splatoon 3 (All the Basics!)

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[Music] [Music] Duallys are a weapon class that was introduced in Splatoon 2 and while they were super fun to use they weren't exactly good in that game The Meta often worked against them and majority of the Duallys struggled to thrive throughout the latter half of the game's life but now Splatoon 3 is here and it makes me happy to say that as of now things are looking different for dualies many of the things that made them bad in Splatoon 2 are gone now the main one being main power-up they may have just gone from being one of the worst weapon classes to one of the best so with the new game being out and Dooley's getting their potential chance to shine I thought it'd be a good idea to make a video going over the basics of the weapon class for newer players I will also give a brief rundown of each individual dually talking about their characteristics and what each one can offer however this will not be a full in-depth guide for any dually specifically I do you plan on making those in the future though so be sure to stay tuned if that's something that you may be interested in really quickly before we get started if you guys are new here my name is Chase and I've been a competitive Splatoon player since 2018. I've also specialized in the dually weapon class ever since I began my competitive journey and I've logged about 5 000 hours worth of playing them in Splatoon 2. so I definitely know a thing or two about this weapon class if you guys want to see more Splatoon content like this please consider subscribing our goal is 10 000 Subs by the end of the year and as you can see we're pretty close all right now let's get into the video so in Splatoon 3 there are currently five different types of dualies I say currently because there is a chance that they could add a new one in the future and if that does happen I will of course release the part 2 to this video but anyway while each of these Duallys function and behave very differently there are a few traits that all of them share and that's what I want to talk about first obviously the most unique trait that every Dooley has is the ability to perform a Dodge roll this can be done by shooting your weapon moving in a direction and pressing B simultaneously your character will stop shooting and will then roll in whichever direction you were holding once the animation is complete they'll begin shooting again sounds complicated but I promise it's super easy to get the hang of most Duallys can perform two Dodge rolls and once you've exhausted those you'll be stuck in place for a little bit I said most Duallys because there is one that can do more than two rolls but we'll get to that later one other thing you should keep in mind is that every time you perform a Dodge roll it will use up some of your ink tank how much inkadro consumes depends on the type of dually it's different for each one now let's go over what exactly a Dodge roll does for you why should you do it well first off it makes you hard to hit if you're just scooting all over the place like this then yeah some people are probably gonna struggle to aim at you but the benefits actually go way deeper than that you see after performing a Dodge roll if you let go of your left stick your character will remain in this sort of crouched position which I'm going to be referring to as turret mode from now on in turret mode you get a variety of perks with one big caveat most notably your weapon's accuracy will be improved dramatically when you're in spread mode AKA just shooting and moving normally with a dually you actually have two individual reticles as you can see here this makes sense since you're technically holding two guns but in turret mode these reticles will merge into one making your shots way more accurate most Duallys also get a fire rate increase in turret mode which means that the ink pellets will come out of your weapon at a faster rate now certain Duallys get some other perks alongside the ones I just mentioned but again we'll talk about that in a bit but remember how I said that turret mode gives a variety of benefits with one big caveat well that caveat is pretty obvious you're stuck in place so you got to be able to analyze different scenarios and determine which dually mode is better for a given situation do you remain in turret mode to confirm the kill or do you keep moving to keep your distance I do plan on making a video going into detail about this soon but by just experimenting and playing with Duallys you'll catch on pretty quickly [Music] okay so those are the basics there's way more that I could talk about but I want to keep this video relatively simple now I wanted to give a quick rundown of each dually individually going over their different characteristics and while each one is capable of because yes while every dually can dodge roll and go into turret mode they're all very unique in their own way first up we have the spot Julies this is the most basic dually it's pretty standard all around it has the same range as a splatter shot so not great but not bad either its Dodge rolls are a little slow and it has a decent amount of downtime before you can start moving again but once in turret mode this thing is a force to be reckoned with its fire rate becomes astronomical and its accuracy becomes perfect no I'm not exaggerating this is the only dually that gets perfect accuracy in turret mode the weapon also paints quite well and the accuracy is pretty decent in spread mode also but now let's talk about the downsides the most notable thing that I experience when playing this weapon is how much ink a Dodge will consumes as of right now a Dodge roll takes up seven percent of your ink tank so if you just use your suction bomb and then try to fight immediately after you may have a tough time Splat Duallys also have a relatively weak damage output dealing only 30 damage per shot making it a 4 shot kill however this isn't the worst thing in the world given its amazing fire rate so if you want a basic dually that does a decent job in pretty much every category consider using these next up we have the dabble doolies now this is an interesting one it has one of the worst ranges in the entire game but it has one of the fastest damage outputs this weapon is a three shot kill and its fire rate is insanely fast especially in turret mode it's the fastest killing weapon in the game and it's also one of the best weapons for destroying objects such as Splash walls and the rainmaker Shield it paints decently and has pretty good accuracy but of course a weapon like this definitely has some negatives its range is its biggest downfall since you need to get right up in someone's face in order to kill them so what I find myself doing a lot with this weapon is going on flanks to sneak up on the enemies from behind I recommend running a lot of swim speed with this weapon to be able to close distance faster or let you escape faster if you find yourself in a tough situation running the ninja squid ability can also help with sneaking up on people one other thing to note is that the Apple Duallys are a lightweight weapon so they have a few bonus speed perks that none of the other Duallys possess next are the dually squelchers which have very long range these are the strangest dualies to me because it's so unlike the rest of them now why am I saying that well it's the only dually that doesn't get locked in place after performing two Dodge rolls rather than being stuck in turret mode for a few frames this thing kinda just keeps sliding in whichever direction you're holding do keep in mind though that this weapon does still have a turret mode if you choose to use it so yes as you're probably thinking right now this is an amazing trait for the weapon and it gives it so many Mobility options however to balance this the weapon does suffer in a few other areas first off it's the only dually that doesn't get an increased fire rate in turret mode its accuracy does improve but to be honest its accuracy is already pretty good in spread mode because of this I would say that dually squelchers have the least useful turret mode of all the Duallys that's fine though because this thing is still extremely solid in its spread mode which can't be said for the next two Duallys that we're going to talk about the last thing you need to watch out for when using this thing is its in consumption like the Splat dualies a single Dodge roll consumes a hefty amount of ink so you need to be cautious when using your sub weapon and going into a fight the dually squelchers are one of the best weapons in Splatoon 2 and I have a feeling that they'll be solid in this game as well so definitely give them a try the fourth dually that we'll be discussing are the glugadoolies these are the slowest Duallys so they can feel a little clunky but to make up for that they have very good range and they're capable of inflicting 52.5 damage per shot making it a two shot kill this means that glue guns are the most powerful dually damage wise now I said the word capable because they don't always inflict that much damage per shot you see glugas are unique in that they're the only dually where actual properties of the weapon change when you're in turret mode its damage increases as well as its range so it's a three shot kill in shred mode but a two shot kill in turret mode plus keep in mind that it's fire rate accuracy and range increase in turret mode as well so yeah you're gonna be Dodge rolling a lot with this thing and trust me you're gonna want to do that because trying to kill this thing in spread mode is one of the most painful things ever it's so inaccurate plus it's weaker so there's really no reason to try and kill with the spread mode unless you absolutely have to just try and use this mode for painting the ground Dodge roll if you're in a fight as I said earlier this is the slowest dually so it's straight speed and Dodge roll animations can feel a bit sluggish its accuracy and paint are questionable no matter which mode you're in but even with all these issues glugus can still be really solid if you put the time in but they are one of the harder duelies to use so don't get discouraged if you don't get the hang of them right away alright four down one to go the final dually for us to discuss are the Tetra dualies these are my favorite Duallys in Splatoon and they're the weapon that I've used the most by far so why do I like them so much well they're the only dually that can roll more than two times in fact they can roll four times it's also the only delay that lets you shoot during a Dodge roll whereas all the other Duallys have to wait for the animation to be completed but now before you jump in and say that these Duallys are broken you should know that these Duallys have the most end lag of any dually after completing your four Dodge Rolls by far I mean just look at this you're stuck in place for quite a few frames plus the speed of the Dodge roll animations are also pretty slow so yes while tetras do have the insane ability of Performing four Dodge rolls at a time it's balanced out in a pretty fair way plus there are other negatives that I've yet to discuss like it's low damage output or it's very mediocre pain or maybe the fact that it has the worst accuracy in the entire game while in spread mode so it's hard to say what tetras truly stand because it has so much going for it yet it's held backed by a variety of drawbacks but I will say this right now at the time of recording this video tattoo Julies are looking like they're going to be one of the best weapons in Splatoon 3. if you want to use an ultra aggressive weapon that gives you an adrenaline rush try these out but do know that these are the hardest Duallys to use and probably one of the hardest weapons in the game well there you go there's a short explanation for every single dually currently in Splatoon 3. I plan to release a series of videos in the future that go more in depth on each individual dually and in those I'll talk about the subs and specials as well as strategies for how to succeed with a weapon but as for now I hope you guys enjoyed this video and for those of you who are new to Splatoon I hope I was able to teach you something if you did find it useful please give it a like and consider subscribing as I plan to make plenty more videos like this in the near future also if you guys have any questions about what I talked about or you just want to know more about Dooley's or really just anything Splatoon related at all feel free to comment it down below I gotta try my best to answer every question so don't hesitate alright guys that's gonna be it for me thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Chase247
Views: 107,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chase 247, Ranked, Dualies, Splatoon 3, スプラトゥーン3, how to use dualies in splatoon 3, splatoon 3 dualies, splatoon 3 dualie basics, everything you need to know about dualies in splatoon 3, how to use splat dualies, how to use dapple dualies, how to use dualie squelchers, how to use glooga dualies, how to use tetra dualies, splatoon 3 dualie tutorial, splatoon 3 dualie guide, splatoon 3 dualie tips and tricks, splatoon 3 best weapon, splatoon 3 tetra dualie guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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