Swimming Pool Pumps: How it works and how to re start/prime the it!

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hey guys what's up it's frank here again with royal pools and more and welcome back to our pool equipment pad overview today we're going to be going over an in-depth review of the pool pump [Music] [Music] before we get started as always if you can hit that like share and subscribe button we would greatly appreciate it here at whirlpools and more alright so if you watched the previous video we went over the whole general equipment pad here today we're going to go over specifically the pool pump it should be a really quick video with some maintenance tips how to start that pump and how things work here so if we could take a look down here we have the hayward super pump here again the pump is the heart of the system here um it literally actually makes the water move via the suction side this the skimmers and the drains and it's actually going to send the water on um to the filter here so when you're looking at a swimming pool pump the main thing is it's literally got to suck the water in and push it so there's only one thing that you have to do to maintain this pump and it's inside the strainer pot here there's a little basket here what i'm going to do is shut this equipment pad off really quickly so the strainer basket needs to be checked at least once a week there is a fail safe in here we don't want to send anything into the impeller which is the actual uh wheel inside there that actually spins the water to actually force it to be sucked into the pump so what we do is we're gonna check the strainer basket here and we're going to clean it from solid debris so i'm going to shut the equipment pad off being the pump we're going to release some pressure from the filter here this is very important this valve here is going to let air in dropping the water a little bit it's going to drop the water inside here too and the reason why we want to do that so you don't get completely wet and that's any time you work on equipment you're going to want to shut the equipment pad off and release the pressure here so we're going to do that loosen the strainer lid here as you can see here we have some cottonwoods couple bugs nothing major but you want to get this debris out we don't want it getting sucked through the basket into the impeller here which actually forces the water to be moved so all you got to do is take it over your grass here tap it out remove the solid debris put it right back in here sometimes you're gonna have to take a garden hose get a really thorough rinsing of it cottonwoods do get stuck in there you're not gonna get everything 100 but it is good practice you want to get some mulch rocks little pebbles sometimes you'll get high grass clippings in there they will get wedged inside that impeller it's very important to take care of it these baskets do only go in one way typically unless it's an older style and what happens is it blocks the hole from the impeller so what we're going to do is close it back up you're going to notice the water drops here it's going to be okay after the pump is primed so we at this point we can basically close the system back up and go right back to the equipment pad and turn it back on we're gonna go over a priming process when the pump is completely dry in a second here but all we're gonna do is close it back up make sure everything's tight these are self priming after they are initially primed close it back up and then all you do is hit your power button back on so as the pump is priming back up we had some air that got caught in the line here which is always normal this valve that was on the filter here as the system's off like we did before it allows air to come in dropping the water level so you don't get your feet completely wet here but as the pump is priming it also acts as a bleeder line so as we open this valve now the pump is on it's going to shoot all the air out and basically you want to bleed it of air until water comes out like so shut it back off and it works most of the air out of the system all the additional bubbles after that if everything is sealed tight we'll work our way out naturally through the returns of the system here so that is basically how you clean your strainer basket and restart your pump all right guys so now we're gonna go over how to initially start your pool pump um or actually if you have to restart it and just doesn't what's called priming up uh priming up is the concept that we use in the pool industry where the water needs to be put into the pump these are technically self-priming pumps after the initial prime so after the pump gets primed up initially with the garden hose or started up initially you should be able to fire them up fairly easily after the initial start up here so in case you can't get it primed back up like we just did what you're going to want to do is grab your garden hose here i have it kinked here but assuming this is either dry or just not pulling the water from the swimming pool you're going to release the hose and you're going to want to prime the pump with water manually you're basically going to fill it up with water letting it flow into the pipes here it needs some draw from the pool we're going to kind of force feed it the water that it needs uh plumbing underground has um bridges hills or whatever be elbows that are restricting it from flowing in here so we're just going to help the pump a little bit here and give it some water you're going to want to give it 30 seconds to a minute here this one isn't too bad we just had it primed up so i'm not going to take that long but essentially you're going to want to fill it in here when you get to a good point you can actually if you really want to you can actually the water gets kind of high you can actually close maybe the drains down or even the skimmers depending on which one's closer in this case they're about the same distance so it's truly not going to matter um water might overflow to the top but that's okay that's a good sign so i'm going to bring it back here we're going to take our lid and we're ready give it another 10 seconds or so make sure you're ready to go you kind of want to move quickly here you don't really want to walk over the garden hose turn the spigot off stuff like that you just want to set it aside put your lid back on if you had your bleeder valve make sure it's closed go back start it back up and that water that you just put in there is gonna get sucked directly in there and we're gonna hope it holds a prime here so what we're looking for is the water to come back up like it did before and which it just did we're gonna let it work its way same concept here we're gonna bleed the air out [Music] until we start seeing water there you have it that's exactly how you want to prime your pool pump up that is initial startup or re-priming that again they are self-priming pumps sometimes you got to give it a little help so thanks guys there you go the basic overview of a swimming pool pump we hope to see you guys next time if you guys can check out royalpoolsmore.com our youtube page our facebook and all social networks we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Royal Pools and More
Views: 26,203
Rating: 4.7952757 out of 5
Id: SPOzgmXgTlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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