5 STEPS to AUTOMATE YOUR BUSINESS in Google Workspace | Google Forms | Google Sheets

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[Music] hey are you a business owner who is struggling to manage and grow the business if yes would you like to know what is that single biggest reason you're struggling in your business you're struggling to manage and you're struggling to grow your business my friend when it comes to the business there are two things which are required to run a successful and uh scaling business the two things are systems and people unfortunately 90 percent of business owners don't realize that and they just keep hiring the team its employees and they don't build systems either the project tracking order tracking systems lead generation systems sales systems and due to lack of systems their employees are not able to work collaboratively and due to which they are not able to fulfill the work on time and due to which what happens you and your teammates start firefighting every day either firefighting because of operations or firefighting because of they forget something in following with the clients or firefighting because they forgot on taking the payment follow-up or firefighting because they delayed the delivery of couple of clients are you struggling with these kind of firefighting with your teammates because if yes this particular lesson is going to change the way you run your business yes now you understood that you might be struggling in your business because you don't have systems in place and in this lesson i'm going to tell you how can you get systems in your business when it comes to systems it means you need to automate your internal business processes that is called building systems in your business now would you like to know how can you automate internal business processes in your company if yes stay tuned till the end of this lesson and you're gonna discover the entire scenario that how in just five steps you can automate all your business processes using google applications google forms and google sheets so let's get started great so business automation process so my friend there are five steps the first step is called data capture data capture now unfortunately 90 of the business owners 90 of the business owners they capture the data on just simple excel files which are system dependent which are on computers now when you enter just the data on simple excel files what happens first of all a lot of data entry mistake happen right secondly there are huge chances that your excel file might get corrupted now instead of that if you start using google forms which is a part of an application under g suite or you can say google workspace then what will happen either your client or your prospect or your employer or a vendor doesn't matter which person is filling the data automatically the data will be captured and the second step of business automation process is called data management now unfortunately people are capturing data on excel only and they are managing the data on excel only but here when you capture data on google forms data will be stored automatically on google sheets now third step when it comes to the business automation process is called approvals now not every process require approval there are a lot of processes in the business where there is no requirement of approvals however there are processes where you would want to create some approval matrix as well for example you would want uh that leave approval process should be there so that whenever any of your employee because of you know because of no systems of leave uh many management there is a lot of lack of discipline happen that everybody is taking the leave without asking now what you can do is that simply create a google form okay that will be called leave approval form whenever any employee fills the form you will get an email saying that this employee is looking for a leave of two days three days or five days would you like to approve it or would you like to reject it when you click on the approve button it is already automatically approved and vice versa for the rejection as well now for that when it this is called third step which is called approvals or another example can be purchased approval or it can be reimbursement approval right when it comes to the construction companies interiors companies manufacturing trading all these companies they keep buying raw materials from their vendor now for each and everything if the owner is busy in just purchase how will he or she focus on sales and branding and marketing and growth of the company right so for that google workspace has a lot of free add-ons which can help you to create approval metrics just in a minute okay it's very easy to do that now three steps i've told you data capturing using google form data management using google sheets and approval metrics using google form add-ons fourth step is called notification and reminders now let me remind you here that we are learning on five steps of automating any process now first of all understand what is a process process is a mix-up of some steps which if gets completed you get some results now what happens in sme business owner company that there is no defined process and employees just have an idea that firstly they will do this work then they will do second work then they will do third work and automatically they will get the result and unfortunately they keep forgetting the stuff in between they keep forgetting the work in between and when they forget the things they make mistakes and due to that you start micromanaging them yes or no and you don't realize that your entire day is just going on micro managing your employees and your business growth has just completely stopped now when you hired them you hired because you thought that your delegation your accountability will go to their shoulders but reverse happens that you're not only accountable for your work your employees work also gets to your shoulder and you become accountable for their work as well now eight years back in 2013 when i started my own business i was struggling a lot because i had a talented team i was also talented i knew all things for my business but the problem rise when i created a big team i had a team of 10 people and whenever when it comes to the projects that they were doing or whenever any task which i used to give to them they used to forget to complete the work in between and you know who used to remind them i used to remind them so are you the one right now who is fulfilling this fourth role who is reminding the team that hey you need to complete this work hey you need to complete that one yes or no you need to replace that one my student who is a child accountant he said cable you know before joining your programs i used to feel that i am a cfo chief follow-up officer are you also chief forward officer who keeps following up with the employees whether they have completed the work or not now i'll tell you all these steps that i'm defining you right now how can you automate all these steps using google applications but the fourth step which you need to understand is that instead of you taking the follow-up with the employees on whether they have forgot something and you're reminding them to complete the work there needs to be a technology which reminds them back to back on completing the work and you're just focusing on other things you're focusing on a marketing branding uh sales client feedback and other thing is an expansion of your business you can't just focus on reminding on small small things to your employees agree or not so fourth step is called notifications and reminders right last step is called data visualization okay now let's example take an example of sales automation process sales process where in this process you have defined that whenever any lead any lead comes in any inquiry comes in you or your employee will fill the google form and that will go to your teammates in the google sheet and when teammates send the proposal or quotation to the client it goes for you your approval first and after that system remind our team that they need to take the follow-up from the clients so that they can convert and when they gets converted it automatically gets faded into data management and here into the last step which is called data visualization you must get to know all the key performance indicators of your sales so first step is called data visualization means business reporting don't you want to see everything in just one glimpse in just one glance i every every day when i wake up in the morning 8 00 am 8 am i get daily automated reports on my email task delegation report employees productivity report uh customer satisfaction report sales report lead generation report all these reports i get on mobile step is called data visualization where the process which you're trying to automate you get the key performance indicator of that process as a report in your mobile so for example if you're talking about sales automation process so you would want to see kps like top 10 selling products or top 10 cities where the products are being sold or the salesperson team sales person's performance or maybe category wise performance or month one month sales trend you would want to know all of these things right and you want all of these things to be automated so my friend this is the five steps when you complete these five steps you can automate any business process in your business data capture data management approval matrix notification reminder and data visualization now you would like to be you know know you would like to know right now that cable which technology should be used right now let me firstly tell you that it has been right now this i'm recording this video in the year 2020 and it has been more than eight years that i've trained three thousand business owners span india across 25 plus industries including manufacturing trading services construction retail and many more okay and all these companies have helped them automate their internal processes using all these five steps on google applications and google forms and google streets and in this video i'm going to tell you as well what are all google applications which google has what is their speciality what is their usage and what exactly role do they play in all these five steps would you like to know so continue with the lesson okay now here we are talking about google application google workspace which previously used to be you know known as g suite okay now the first application of g suite or google workspace is called google forms google form is an amazing application which can uh which can help you to collect data from your mobile or laptops or computers or tablets and from your customers from your vendors from your prospects from your employees anybody can fill this based on the context of who is feeling what now there are two things out of five steps of data capture data management approval notification reminders there are two steps where google form help you out first step is data capture yes using google form your data capturing becomes really really easy secondly the data that you get is 99.99 accurate try to understand post comedy in year 2020 data is the new oil of 21st century companies who are scaling their businesses amazon facebook jio all these companies are utilizing the customer database and they're cross-selling and upselling and if you're the one who is not serious about your data management well let me tell you your business skill scalability of the business will not be uh feasible so it's very important for you to capture data which is clean and that is also only possible when you upgrade from excel files to google forms because in google forms first of all anybody in the entire world can fill the google form and boom you'll get data in google sheets secondly data will be 99.99 accurate recording this you can add the filters in this you can add the validation and you'll make sure that the data which are being captured is correct right secondly the benefit that you get is that your team or you will not have to manually enter the return excel files so you know the problem of data entry operator spelling mistakes or other things they're completely gone because if a client is filling the google form data is automatically captured if a vendor is filling the form readers automatically capture the employee spelling the form data automatically capture you or your teammates will not have to manually enter the data all right now i know that this session is right now this lesson going a little uh longer but i want to focus more on these points because a lot of you don't know this right second uh benefit second step of approval matrix is approvals so google form has an add-on add on a free add-on which is called form approvals form approvals through that add-on you can create approval matrix as well for example if uh your employee ask for leave they will fill the leave approval form and you will get an approval email you can approve or reject there can be a purchase approval form there can be a reimbursement form or reimbursement approval form or any kind of other form you can create so this is the google form the benefit that you get second application of google is google sheets managing business data on cloud okay now i'm sure you're measuring data well on excel but that is data on system i don't want to be negative here but imagine one percent chance if your laptop gets crashed and your hard disk gets crashed where is your data it's completely gone but if your data is in google sheet it will never be crashed secondly google has six layers of security so that is the reason it will be more secure on cloud rather than on your laptop now the first benefit of google sheet is data capturing because data is actually being captured by google for secondly you can easily manage it on google sheets so data management also works here in google sheets thirdly google should help you to create amazing business reports as well yes so on google sheets you can create reports which will be real-time updating so whatever data that you collect in google sheet even create amazing reports on that as well right there is another lesson of mine where i've compared excel versus google sheet you will see 100 reason why i should switch to google sheets today itself first reason is its own cloud second collaboration one plus one is equal to eleven your two three five ten hundred employees can work together on a single google sheet where in excel your employees cannot work together and that is the reason they are not able to become much more productive right and there are hundreds of things which are really really awesome when it comes to the google sheets okay now google drive google drive this is an application which help you to store and access business data and documents on mobile now i want to show you something here first of all it helped you in data management i want to show you this first of all give me a second have a look now eight years back when i started my business i bring that data on my laptop and whenever i wanted to find any document i used to search on my laptop and if i could not find one i used to search an email and wherever i travel i used to just carry my laptop right now i'm using google drive okay and my entire business data past eight years documents docs everything is stored in these six folders okay and this is brand legal operations sales personal and miscellaneous and right now if i'm you know going anywhere i'll not have to carry my laptop if i'm wireless with me my entire data is made and even if my mobile is not with me i can sign up to any uh system and log into my uh google drive and i can access the data so this is where your entire data gets stored on cloud and you can carry it anywhere right and then again this helps in data management next application google is called gmail now a lot of people don't know first of all that through gmail you can do the email marketing as well you can send up to 1500 emails if you have taken a g suite account to your customers okay now it helps you in sending the notifications and reminders to your teammates now imagine you're giving some work to your teammates you're delegating some work how do you delete you delegate to them via call or via whatsapp or via meeting and then they write it on the diary and then they forget i don't do like that my students don't do lag don't do things like that what we do we do this you see all these purple icons all these purple icons are google forms and one of the google form is called task delegation form okay and whenever i want to delegate any of the tasks i open the google form which is called task delegation form in my mobile it is stored as a voila i open it i write the work i put the deadline and i choose the name of the employee target date and then i tell the priority high medium or low i attach any document which is required for the employee reference and i submit and after that i'm relaxed i'm just chilling out because i know that using gmail using my systems they will get a daily reminder on the deadline on the target date that they need to complete okay and due to which right now 95 of my tasks that i give to my employees gets completed on time and eight years back when i was not having systems eighty percent of my work used to get delayed by a week or two weeks or sometimes it never used to be completed are you struggling on this scenario then business automation can help you out you need a proper task delegation system and for that you know we conduct webinars every week you can check out on my website called cablelocation.com and you can attend one of my live training as well to discover how using business automation you can grow your business and what are the systems which you need to grow your business including task delegation and crm and order tracking and many world another application is called google calendar google calendar help you to manage your time okay so that you never miss a task event meeting or follow-up again this help you in sending the notification reminders to your teammates so that you don't become cfo you don't become a chief follow-up officer instead of that system reminds them another application is called google data studio now guys i have worked with corporates as well ever with 15 plus multi-companies in manufacturing automobile services fmcg and i've seen that they are investing lacks of rupees per year on interactive business dashboards okay where just they are choosing some drop downs and they're able to see what's going on in their business now luckily google has given this tool called google data studio which is again complementary part of the g suite only and this tool has been a life-changing tool for my students who are from different different industries google data studio can connect with google sheets and you can get interactive business reports automatically on your email and this fulfills the fifth step which is called data visualization now till i've shared uh the application with you of the google application what all five steps uh does it cover but there is much more would you like to know what are more other application google which are really awesome and which can help you out in uh doing a lot of things so let's carry on another application is called google sites now how many of you are right now not having any website because if you don't have a website now let me tell you you can create a website on google sites this platform does not require any coding this platform does not require any technical capabilities just drag and drop and you'll be able to create an amazing website this is a website created by one of my students like divine innovation and this student of mine is generating 15 plus qualified english every day because this created this website through our training program called master of business automation and he added what's happened on this google form on this and is getting amazing inquiries secondly if you're the one who is having a website but not generating inquiries so there might be two reasons first reason might be that your website might not be mobile and tablet compatible seventy percent of internet users are right now using mobile for uh when it comes to the website opening so you need to check it out secondly you might not have a form on your website you might just have a number in email so in that case you can add a google form on that on the website you'll see people will start filling it up and you'll start getting the inquiries third thing which extra you can add in you can add a whatsapp api button and uh just like my student has added and you can directly get the whatsapp message from the students directly on your whatsapp through website now google site is uh application which when you add the google form it can help you to capture the data and manage the data and it is an amazing application which can help you to create landing pages websites in just 10 minutes okay now another application postcode one thing is clear to all of us that sometimes we might get sick whatever employees might get sick and it's not possible that always we are working together physically sitting together it's time for everybody to work from home as well virtual is the new normal uh past eight months in year 2020 we are working from home and our productivity has completely skyrocketed and the reason is all the google applications including this one google meet google business free application through which you can do remote video meetings with your clients with your vendors with your prospects and with your team as well it's super application then google docs i'm sure all of you create some proposals to send your clients right some of you sent proposals some of you if you're into b2c you might not be sending but if you're the one who is sending the proposals if you're doing the proposal create creation of microsoft word then it's not on cloud if you want to take input of your employees you need to physically send them an email sending the microsoft word proposal yes or no but if you start creating the proposal on google docs you can share it real time with your employees and they can all work together and create a proposal for you within just minutes another application is called google site slides i want to ask you help do you have a brochure of your company yes or no tell me you know in the chat box first of all of youtube tell me in the comment box how is this training going for you are you learning this are you learning something new is this video uh uh available for you if yes please make sure that you share it with your friends your business colleagues your employees your friends and you subscribe to the button and you click on the bell icon as well so that you never miss a you know video uh whenever when it comes to the next any technical video i've just shared now pause this video and tell me do you have a brochure in your for your company in the chat in the youtube comment box and secondly after we complete the lesson tell me what is your biggest learning from this particular lesson okay i'll revise the entire thing at the end of the training now google slides google slides an application which can help you to create brochure for your company because google slides has a lot of ready-made templates now but if you don't have a brochure then you can create a google slide and even if you have but the brochure is on pdf people don't like nowadays to download heavy iv pdf okay now in my training programs i tell on how to convert the pdf into the google slides and the training program which i'm talking about is called master of business automation you can check it out on our website as well so i recommend you to create a business brochure on google slides because there are ready-made templates available and if you have a pdf there is a way you can convert that into the cool slides now there are some add-ons also available which help you to create approval matrix in your company and sending the notifications and reminders these add-ons help you to you know create a automation processes and help you to run your business on autopilot mode so let's just take an example of few of the add-ons for example form add-ons and forms add-ons have one of the item called form ranger now imagine you are having a lot of items a lot of sps in your business now you want in google form all those items to come up as a drop down automatically that can be done using form ranger form limiter for example you want that after 20 submissions of google form it should be closed or on a particular date and time it should be closed for that add-on is form limiter now i told you about form approval in the advanced initially as well that you want to create approval matrix form approval is there form motivation again all these items you can search out on the g suite marketplace form notification is an add-on where imagine your if client fills a request to callback form on your website or they fill any customer inquiry form okay your form of your company your customer your prospects for them would you like them to receive an email from your site automatically which has your website link which has your customer reviews and video testimonial link and which has google slides brochure link would that be awesome so now you're wondering cable how to send an automatic email and attach all these links yes that is possible using this add-on called form notification now all these add-ons are form sheets gmail google apps script is all these things which i cover in my advanced programs called master of business automation if you like to know more about that you can join our live training as well or you can inquire from my web uh from my team on the website as well now let me quickly revise what we have covered in this and i'm sure that this particular lesson might have completely changed the way you thought about business automation and let me revise again that when it comes to the business automation uh the only way to scale your company is build systems for your company if you don't have systems if you don't automate your processes there is no way you can scale because you need to understand the energy is limited in every person you cannot be superman you cannot be iron man right everybody has a limited energy it the point is that where do you focus we need to channel that energy do you channelizing day-to-day firefighting or do you really channelize in growing your business and that can hopper happen only when your internal operations are set through business automation processes agree or not now you know there is a rule which i followed which has changed my life and dude which now i've scaled to the level that we are right now training five countries from five plus countries uh students from five countries uh in year 2020 the rule is called pareto principle paradox principle says that 20 of your efforts create 80 of your results and 80 percent of your efforts create only 20 of your results now if you're not able to grow right now the reason is that your 80 of your efforts are going into operations and your 20 efforts are also going into operations you're not focusing on growth you're not focusing on sales and the reason is that you don't have time you lack time and the time that you have is the right one just going on daily firefighting issues and team management and that can happen uh you can get off you can you can come out of this situation only when you start building systems in place if you want to scale start building systems from today and there are 100 technologies in the market but let me tell you the technology which is right now working for small and medium enterprises is google applications because right now in india only till uh year 2020 six million people have started using google applications all around the world and these people are your competition as well because they are running their business on mobile on google forms and you might not be doing that so for right now using the outdated excel file make sure that you after this lesson start exploring google application as well and join our live training as well so what are the five steps advising you once again first step of automation processes data capture make sure you capture using google form data management make sure you have your entire data on google sheets third is approval metrics for this notification reminders and fifth is data visualization right so through five steps you can automate any and every process now one thing i want to share with you is that there are two things which you might be having in your mind first is why second is how first is why why you need to automate your business processes and second you might be wondering how to do that now let me tell you if you focus more on how that how i can do this how can i do that you will be in trouble because you're right now not having any huge technical knowledge right and this system does not require very very technical knowledge but when you're starting to learn about automation you're starting your building system you need to make sure first of all that you create your why very strong your why should be so strong in your mind that you're completely focused that you need to build system doesn't matter how much effort or time it goes and secondly what you can do is you can search out for a coach a trainer who has already done it for himself and for thousands of other people as well now i'm the one who's right now done it for more than three thousand five business owners pan india and you could check out in the description of this video you can check out our live training of mine as well which is happening this week make sure you attend this live training and make sure you start a journey with me on automating your business process so that you can build systems and you can start scaling your business to the next level right let me tell you the way you do anything is the way you do everything if you have got amazing value from this video make sure you like the video share with your friends and make sure you take some action because only action can give results nothing else thank you so much cable question your business automation coach looking forward to help you in your business take care bye
Channel: Kewal Kishan
Views: 16,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Automation, Google Workspace, Google Apps, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Business Coaching, Business Growth, SME sector, Tally, ERP software, Business processes automation, Business Processes, Team Management, Team, Dan Lok, Vivek Bindra, Ujjwal Patni, Rahul Jain, Tech Mastery, Business Coaching India, Kewal Kishan, Automate my Business, Sales Growth
Id: YOGV_8kDhZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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