How to use Channel Mixer for Color Grading

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hi everybody timox here and today i want to explain you how the RGB channel mixer works and how you can use it for calibrating but first let's rock the intro [Music] in my last video I have shown you how you can use a RGB channel mixer for creating looks or look starting points today I want to explain you how the RGB mixer works I think it's important to know that because otherwise you will not be able to know what you are doing if you are working with this tool it's quite easy promise let's start as first we have three channels the red output channel the green and the blue output channel this are the basics of color grading because everything is built up on this three channels this is part of the 101 basics the very fundamentals ok but why do we have all three colors and every other's channels that's quite easy what are the names of those channels right red output green output and blue output so we are mixing only the red color in the red output Channel and only the green colors in the green output channel and of course only the blue colors in the blue output Channel that's the most confusing part I know but it's really easy so if you increase the red in the red output channel you are adjusting only the red in the red areas in your image and if you are increasing the green and the red output Channel only the value of red is affected but in the green areas in your image and finally the same with a blue if you are decreasing the blue in the red output channel you take away the color red only in the blue areas of your image and that's why this tool is called RGB channel mixer now you know more than the most people out there you got the idea ok but why have those colors sliders different values why has read a value of one wire green and blue have zero on the red out porchetta that's why we are on the red channel so rack should have an output more than zero in the red Channel because otherwise if red would have zero to the image would not have any red colors right and that's the same with the other colors channels in the green upward channel we have per default one as a green and red and blue have zero and in the blue output channel the same vice versa blue has one and red and green zero easy and all that makes total sense because in the red output channel red should be the dominating color and the same in the other channels green in the green Channel and blue in the blue Channel let me show you quickly how you can mix the colors with this tool if you push my red in the red channel more up I bring in more red to the red areas in the image and let's push it to around maybe one point two three for example in this case yeah and if I increase it Green in this channel I bring in more red to the green areas right oh that looks horrible let's bring it back and decrease it a bit maybe slightly under zero because I want to separate this green areas a bit more from this nice girl here and why does it work right green is the opposite color from agenda and red but exactly from red but green and red are complementary colors and that works great for our image here and finally I want to decrease a red from my blue areas because I don't want to have this bluish magenta shades in this image in the blue shades okay that's an easy and quick explanation how the RGB mixer works one tip if you play around look at your vector scope you can see how the sliders affect the color areas in your image so you will get a better feeling for this tool and finally there's one more thing the perception of light not only depends on the radiation power but also crucially on its spectral composition the human eye does not rate all areas of the spectrum equally brightly the light stimuli of different wavelengths also create different levels of brightness in the eye so the maximum sensitivity you for a day is a 5.5 nanometers and that is green so what does it mean in general and very simply explained you will perceive green areas brighter than red or blue areas on other words the more you lift up the green shades in your image the brighter it will look like so be a bit more carefully with a green and okay we are done and if you want to see more content like this please don't forget to subscribe and click the bell thanks for watching and listening you are a great time and stay safe bye [Music]
Channel: Tim Yemmax
Views: 12,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RGB Mixer, rgb mixer davinci resolve, channel mixer, channel mixer color grading, channel mixer davinci resolve, rgb mixing, rgb colour mixing, rgb channel mixer tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, color grading, color grading tutorial, tim yemmax, colorist, color grade, cinematic color grading, color grading davinci resolve, color grading video
Id: QeTfMkgsnH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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