Color Mix - DaVinci Resolve Look Development Tool

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color graying should be fun should be done easy and you want to achieve good results quickly for this we created color mix my name is Tim and I'll show you how to achieve good looks just with one note by using color mix color mix can be applied to any lock footage whether in DaVinci Resolve color management or in manual color management a manual account management either behind or in front of your CST in node and of course you can also apply color mix to normal Rexel and iron gamma 2.4 using economics is very simple in the effects panel search for dctl and then drag dctl to your node then in the drop down menu search for FM color mix selected and you are ready to use it all you need is a previously color corrected and exposed image but you can just as well do the color correction with the upper three sliders for Scion magenta and yellow 2. in the color mix dctl the two color models cmy K and RGB are used and combined the upper part works completely in the CM y color model while the Curves in the lower part work in the RGB color model the cmy color model is mainly used in printing RGB on the other hand is a color model for display in the RGB color model the primary colors are red green and blue in cmy color model the primary colors are cyan magenta and yellow in printing black is added to the primary colors to produce deeper colors the letter k in CMYK stands for black in a subtractive color model like seam y the primary colors are subtracted the more saturated the colors are the darker they become for this reason it is very difficult to obtain a deeply saturated colors in the RGB color model see team Y is also the base for every analog color film a film a margin contains the image forming layer cyan magenta and yellow in addition to other layers this also leads to better and more deeply saturated colors in film in color mix a similar effect is achieved using subtractive saturation in the cmy color model the colors appear darker and more deeply saturated the top three sliders can be used to adjust the base color cyan magenta and yellow with a color mix it is very easy to create a nice base look for example if you increase cyan and yellow a little you'll get a yellow greenish image the top three sliders work similar to the offset intervention results so they are also great for balancing an image skin tones can also be corrected and adjusted more easily by adjusting the primary color sign magenta and yellow then with the colors red green and blue in the RGB color model here again without the color mix note and with a color mix note turned on the set slider increases or decreases the saturation for the three Channel Sign magenta and yellow at the same time in total below the situation slider there are three separate saturation controls in addition to the general saturation each channel can be adjusted separately this is very helpful for achieving individual saturation for example if you increase the generous saturation but we want to achieve a little more saturation for cyan and blue individually you will simply need to increase the science saturation slider I recommend increasing the overall saturation first and then uses three separate saturation sliders to adjust the saturation individually the black slider can be used to increase or decrease the amount of black if you increase the subjective saturation the image can be become darker overall normally this attractive saturation is then counteracted in a note beforehand with a offset and the image is lightened again somewhat this can now be done very easily directly in color mix where the black level is simply adjusted it's very easy to take some black out of the colors and the image will be brighter again if you want to get a deeper image it just increase the black value a bit now you usually have a good base grade and so a good base for the further development of a look with a slider compressed gamut the gamuts can be compressed if the saturation is increased it's very easy for a color to clip or simply appear too saturated in such a case done with compression can easily be used to counteract and compensate for the high saturation here the comparison on the left the color red is much too saturated on the right the result after a gamut compression so if you don't want to destroy the overall saturation ratio you can simply counteract with a gumwood compression and get a balanced image again gamut compression Works highlight weighted this means that the highly resaturated colors are compressed first and the less saturated colors are compressed less up to this point color mix Works in Sim y mode only the RGB curves work in RGB mode and the curves the settings for highlights and shadows can be made separately for each of the RGB primary colors red green and blue HL stands for highlights sh for Shadows the default values are 0.5 and mean no change once you have created a base look with a upper seam y sliders you can develop the look even further with the RGB curves unlike the RGB Curves in dimension resolve the RGB curves do not require manual control points to be set especially users who just want to get good results quickly often have a hard time fiddling with a curse working with the RGB Curves in color mix is therefore easier and optimized for quick results it is also possible to work with the RGB curves only and develop a look you don't necessarily have to use the top sliders for example if you want to achieve warmer tones in the highlights you simply increase the value for the red highlights and then use red Shadows for the Shadows to a counteract in the shadows and neutralize the Shadows again or you even take out some red to get a bit more teal in the shadows if you want to control the areas more precisely and see which areas are affected to what extent simply activate the checkbox show RGB curves as the curves are then displayed directly in the viewer here you can see exactly what you said and how far the highlights and shadows are affected and where the pivot is you can hide the RGB curves at any time just activate the checkbox bypass curves presets this also hides the Curves in the viewer if the show RGB curves checkbox is activated this way you can always check what effect the RGB curves have on their image color mix already contains some presets the presets contain settings for the RGB curves and in some cases also for the cyan magenta and yellow set duration controls is the name of a preset ends with a c only values for curves are sets so the C stands for Curves to apply a preset simply click on the drop down menu and the button and select the presets once a preset is selected it overwrites the settings for the curves which are then blocked and you can no longer make adjustments while preset is selected if the label ends with s c settings are also made for the cymer gender and yellow saturation sliders but not for the generous saturation the saturation controls cyan magenta and yellow Arden also locked the s in the preset name therefore stands for saturation in this case if a preset is selected it can be bypassed just as easily as the RGB curves using the bypass curves presets checkbox there are also two teal and orange presets one as a soft split and one as a tier and orange base splits the bass split also includes presets for those saturation sliders for cymach and yellow but not for the normal saturation and again the economics node off and on again so you can create a complete look with color mix with only one node users of columnics will receive even more presets in upcoming updates and one final remark all functions are implemented purely mathematically color mix has been tested by professional colors directors and dops filmmakers and normal users too we recommend that you only ever make small adjustments but you should anyway whether you work directly with the tools in DaVinci Resolve or with plugins or dctl tools color mix is available on filamentor link can be found in the description there is also a demo version both contained a description of the tool as a PDF no no hidden coasts pay once and get a lifetime license and updates thanks for watching and listening stay safe bye
Channel: Tim Yemmax
Views: 11,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve film look, davinci resolve cinematic look, davinci resolve dreamy look, davinci resolve vintage look, davinci resolve 80s look, davinci resolve looks, cmy, cmyk vs rgb, cmyk, color grading davinci resolve, color grading davinci resolve 18, color grading tutorial, color mix, dctl davinci resolve, dctl resolve
Id: 8p5mQFZE8wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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