HOW TO USE BRUSH SMOOTHING in Krita - Digital Art Tutorial

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so you want to know about options but the tool variety only hey guys welcome back that's bike guy I'm Kyle today we are back in in our favorite in our favor iron you know it's our favorite we don't like any other drawing application okay it's only this one you know we're back in we're back today ladies and gentlemen and we're taking a look at some tool options here because you guys have been asking me about brush stability' zation so it's gonna be talking about today we're gonna be doing that today so I have my mouse I'm not using my drawing pad just to further accentuate how how rough something can be and how much you can actually smooth it out so my friends if we're up here at the top right and we hit this little button right here you can see that we can change the workspace to multiple different workspaces here we have animation which is of course animation big vector all that stuff but what I'm gonna do is want to go to default you can go to any one of them and you'll have the tab in any one if you don't have the tab you can always go up to I believe it is a settings and then Dockers and then everything you're gonna need is right here so we're gonna be looking for tool options which is right here in the second tab right here you can see if I pull this open a little bit we got advanced color selector tool options boom right there that's what we need we're gonna be looking at the brush smoothing little option here which is very nice so right now it's set the basic and pretty much what that means if I draw something if I draw a line if I just draw the same speed like that super jagged super yeah just terrible of course the mouse isn't helping but you can see how terrible leave jaggedy that is because I'm basic now we can bump this up to weighted I can go the same exact line once again same approximate speed there you go so you see already that's a much smoother outcome which is much nicer as you can tell next thing we have here is the stabilizer which I can do the same exact thing approximately the same speed perfect and you can see this one has much like you literally that looks like a a tool that I just took the line tool and just draw a line and it's really an amazing tool as you can see it does it does it does have a little bit of delay so when I'm drawing its way up there you see my cursors way down here but the the actual drawing piece is way up there so I gotta take wider motions but that's totally fine to get that super smooth line very cool very neat so this is a super easy way to get a line look like this instead of like this because it just looks super bad it's just not very good and of course this the smoother you draw the smoother it will be and of course if you're having trouble with it lines looking jagged it's because you're drawing in too small of a resolution right now I'm in 1920 by 1080 which is way too small if you're gonna be drawing if you're animating that's fine I might even do 2 K which is 2560 1440 to animate but to draw 1920 1080 is way too small so you get these little jagged edges if you need to learn more about why your lines are jagged or edgy like this then I have plenty of other videos on my channel about that so you definitely go check that if you're having issues with jagged-edged lines or blurry lines like this so yeah we also have none which obviously is no stabilization and you can see it's like really super bad just I mean it almost looks better than this one actually which is kind of weird let me try that again see maybe none looks better I don't know maybe not okay yeah definitely not yeah yeah definitely not okay so this is none this is basic this is always the next one weighted then this one is a stabilizer so you can obviously see the difference in these lines hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed have we learned something about tool options and brush smoothing that's what's called brush smoothing stabilizer one more thing delay and distance if we turn those all the way up you remember how it was now you can see I got a go way down here to the end as a circle the circle dependent and the circle dictates how far you have to be out side of it to for it to go so you have to be outside of this giant big circle for the line to actually start drawing something see my cursor is way down here now when once I hit this line boom starts drawing and that's pretty much where that is so it just makes it even more similar as you can tell it's very difficult to draw with that that big so we're gonna change the distance and then delay down a little bit and now we have a much more suitable line I bump it up even more there we go so very very cool stuff you probably I can't want to mess with the settings too much unless you're using stabilizer like I said weighted pretty much not gonna mess with that too much and then basic as well so you'll also might want to turn a smooth pressure on you probably won't need to like I said it'll be totally fine without any of this even on without either one of those most likely but I recommend just keeping on defaults they work perfectly great the way that they already are be yeah if you didn't know these are here then they are definitely here hope you enjoy it like I said once again I will see you ladies and gentlemen the next one but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 169,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation
Id: 7epKupnxIDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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