How To Use Asana For BEGINNERS! [FULL Asana Tutorial 2024]

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if you're completely overwhelmed with managing your content and business and all of the different tasks you have to juggle on a daily then I've got just a tool for you here's the ultimate Asana tutorial where you'll learn exactly how to use Asana in 2023 ready let's do this hi my lovely people it's Natalia and welcome back to my channel where I help you create better content and grow on social media I often hear how small business owners and new creators are overwhelmed with all the content they need to produce and all the Urgent tasks that just keep piling up and as much as I can relate I believe the number one reason why it's happening is that they don't have a system in place to organize their day-to-day activities and have a clear and efficient workflow to support everything they do in business today I'm going to show you one of my absolute favorite apps to manage all of your projects and finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that everything important gets taken care of including those big goals that you've been putting off it's called Asana and I'll show you how to set it up very quickly to manage all of your tests today let's jump in so the first thing you want to do is to go to and create an account now if you click pricing you'll see that Asana has all the different pricing tiers but the free version is absolutely amazing and Way Beyond some of the other project management tools out there so just click get started in here and enter your email address now I highly recommend you actually join with your custom domain email rather than a Gmail or Yahoo email address because Asana will automatically recognize you as an organization and this means you'll be able to create separate teams which is a fantastic addition to organize your whole account and manage projects even better now a custom domain email means that you have your own website like mine Tai and a few different email addresses that are connected to it so in my case that would be hello at and that's the email address that I'll want to use for this setup now from here you'll be able to either try premium for free or just continue with basic I'm just going to sign up like this and you'll be prompted to complete the setup with your areas of work and a goal plus add your first project once you have your account before we manage anything else I want you to go and adjust the settings so step number two profile settings first you can update your profile which is super important to easily manage tasks within the team since when you assign a task a small profile picture of the assignee shows right next to it and it's important for the projects as well same goes for the name of course I'm just going to say Amelia since I want this to be distinguished from my actual account I've got a different account in here but this is just for the presentation and of course you can update all the other details in here too these are quite important if you're working in bigger organizations but I won't dwell too much here since it's going to be very individual to you you'll find some very fun things in here especially in the display tab as well where you can personalize the look of your Asana step number three create a team now we're ready to create our very first team and this is done from the left panel in here now the way you set it up of course is very much unique to you but I like to think of the teams as part of my business so if you have a sales team if you have a marketing team you do the exact same thing for your Asana so click on the plus sign right next to teams go to new team and from here you can choose the name I'll go for admin first and front and bottom in here you can invite your members so I'll go for Natalia just because it's my domain name so it pulls up all of the different people in my account I can just choose myself in here but this is exactly why it's so important to set up your profile in your settings first so don't worry of course if you don't have all of your team members in Asana for now it will be absolutely fine too just add them later on whether it's a team a project we'll talk about it down the line but if you're an individual a solopreneur I would still very much set up my account into those separate team categories one because I feel like it helps organize everything much better and improves the workflows and two since you want to be thinking ahead and setting your business up for success in the future you never know when you'll need to work with more than just yourself and if your business scales and you're managing a team it's so much more time consuming to rework your whole system that's my very small tip for you here think as your future self and not just as your current self so some examples of the teams I would suggest including as a Creator or as a small business owner would be admin like this one or operations for managing your day-to-day running of the business you can have marketing to efficiently plan and create your content your campaigns collaborations or your launches can have products or Services depending on what your business is based around or both and team or HR for your kind of onboarding processes company info your tools and resources and personal development for example we've got the team set up right now so let's click create my team and this is how you can now create your first project you can start one from the projects tab here in the middle but I want you to know how we can do it from any of the different views so you can go to your team and here in the left panel and go for create project now from here you can start one from scratch you can start one from import if you're switching from a different software like Trello for example or you can just use a template now from here you can go to custom and toggle that view to all types and you'll see all the amazing templates that Asana has to offer for all the different categories I think they're really good they're really great to kind of help you get inspired by different workflows but for now I'll go for a blank project straight away so that you know exactly how to do yourself step by step since you may already have great workflows that Sana can just help support now my first project is going to be weekly planning and that's going to work for all of my Sunday sessions where I identify my priorities for the week where I plan all my urgent tasks and plan and make sure that I'm setting myself up for Success each week now select the team from here I'm going to stick for admin for now and then privacy is going to be public now it's worth mentioning in here that you can have private projects for yourself as well which is a super cool option if you also want to manage some private errands from within Asana or for personal development for example like your habit tracker that can still be tied to your business side of things very very versatile tool now from here you can choose four different views for the projects three if you're a free user which I'll explain in just a moment in Greater detail but for the planning sessions I like to use a board view as a default now let's click continue from here and let's start adding new tasks so I'll go to project in here before we even start adding any tasks I want you to adjust some crucial settings so step number five project settings from here we can just go to the very top and click on the project icon we can choose a color and choose an icon that best represents what you'll do here now this is the Habit that I want you to get into and again I highly recommend you do it since it's going to color code your tasks make them easier to identify and help you maneuver between the projects better now from here at the very top you can start your project to add it to your favorites which then creates a new panel in here and helps you navigate between your most used projects which is super cool now if you click the arrow right next to the name you have tons of different options like the project link you've got duplication export moving to another team which is very useful when different team as taking over a project you also can edit project details at the top where you can add a description and a due date if it's a Time restricted project which is very very useful now let's go back to step number six project views now one of my absolute favorite things about Asana is the fact that you can switch between different views now even though we've chosen board as a default view we can still click different views which is amazing for different people within the team who prefer to work differently now first we have overview which is where the project description lives you've got the roles as well as status updates which can be added from the very top in here now this is a super neat feature that lets you update your team on the progress and the status of your project now if other team members have tasks that depend on each other they may not necessarily know how the team members are doing so it's a fantastic way to kind of keep everyone focused and in the loop now at the top you can also click remind me to to update every Friday which turns on the notifications to update the status reminds you to communicate with the team and keeps you accountable okay let's post it from the very top and as you can see the status is updated in the right panel back to the overview below there are some crucial resources like a project brief for example you've got your links and files and honestly gone are the days of having a very long to-do list with all the other important bits scattered around your computer your phone your Google Drive you've got you know random notes on your phone by the desk and you know different emails as well you can now attach all the crucial files from within Asana so that you yourself and all of your team members can have instant access to them we also have the list view from the very top this is for a super easy breakdown now we've got the board view you know so well from Trello or kanban style Management Systems then we've got calendar for a dated plan then we've got premium views like timeline like workflow and dashboard for insights we also have messages in here for all the project Communications you can see my update in here and the last view which is files again to view all of the important assets for the project another great thing about these views is the flexibility within projects that really supports different stages of the workflow so for example let me create a new project from here and I'll create a Content calendar if you're dealing with content you may be operating from a calendar view as a default but of course when you're brainstorming for example the list view might be much better to just churn out all of the different ideas from here and then the board view is fantastic for moving the individual pieces of content from stage to Stage so from the idea stage through creating and then to the published stage now this is very important and again I feel like Asana has it all thought out for us already let's let's go back to the weekly planning board let's go to list and from here I'll show you all the different options below the view so of course you can add a task more on that in a moment then you can filter which is super useful if you want to focus on any incomplete tasks for example you know so sort tests from here by specific field and you can also hide different types of fields that you don't want to see in this project View and from here of course you need to just make sure that you're saving the project and here so that this view every time appears as it is now as you can see every single project has these different preset sections which you can just rename from here like this or you can just delete them from the burger menu like that now you can also drag to change the position of these sections like this or you can add a section from here for example now of course all of this works the same in the list view or in the timeline view you've got the ads section in here or you can just kind of drag and reposition the different sections and we can add another section not only from here at the bottom but you can also toggle the burger menu add a section from here or you can just click tab n now I also want to briefly mention customization which is here in the top right corner now although the majority of the different functionalities here are premium only I won't discuss them in this video for that reason but there's one that is super super useful and can be missed among all the other features and that's apps now you can introduce a few basic Integrations to the project so you can add things like Google Drive Zoom teams slack and Mild time favorite notion where I personally store all of my content so this means I can just easily connect the two and that is a super useful option from here you can click add to project like this you can just connect the two and by logging in but of course I won't be able to show you any of this unless we actually create our own first test so step number seven create a new task in Asana now you can add a new task from the button here at the top you can click a plus sign right next to a section or add a task below an existing one there are always multiple ways of adding things in Asana so that's super easy to operate within it now when you're brainstorming or when you're test dumping you can quickly keep kind of typing the different ideas and keep hitting enter to add one task after another but what do we have within well a ton of gold this is where the Asana magic really happens now all of these top properties in here are called Fields now the first one we have the assignee you can just assign someone to it and remove that person with this cross and from here you can also assign myself in which case another section appears right next to it which is a section of my tasks again I'll just explain that in a moment this is an incredible feature that you definitely need to know about so stay with me for this one below is where you assign a due date I can just set it for today and at the very bottom you've got time and you can set a recurring task from here which by the way Asana does really really well next we've got the projects that the task is assigned to in this case this is a Content calendar but check this out Asana actually lets you assign a task to multiple projects at once which is beyond useful it's actually crucial to managing all of those tasks differently now let me give you an example each week you have content to create and schedule now within your weekly planning board you could have a separate section in here to reference that content and then to spread it out across the week if you could only choose one project it wouldn't really be possible to reference it like this and yeah Asana lets you do it now the quickest way for this workflow would be to just go to the list view of your content calendar like this make sure that your projects are visible so I'll go to the hide Tab and here at the top and toggle this one project and from here in the corner you also just need to make sure that the save is enabled like this and I can just quickly add this to the weekly planning board like this when I'm selecting the content for the week it all instantly updates across different projects and tasks so you can just go back to the weekly View and voila it's all there of course this is quite an elaborate example but think of all the different tasks that can belong to different projects now as a separate project for example you could be working on a new product that's also a part of a launch that belongs to the marketing team in business it's often kind of all interconnected and Asana really understands it well now let's move on to another field that is for now not visible in this view let's go to the Burger menu and add tasks from here this is where it appears and it's another very useful field that helps you kind of maneuver your project even better these are less strict than our fields and they can be really used across all of the different teams and projects so these are assigned to kind of the different organizations now you could use them to indicate urgent tasks or meetings for example something like a high priority in here you can also again set priority like this you can Mark a platform you're creating content for for example these can be pretty messy in general if you keep creating the different tags but also because they're not as formal you can have so many different types of tags and the good thing is that they are searchable just like other projects you can just quickly pull up the tag that you want next we've got the two Integrations that we added from the customize panel so this is not a standard unless you enable these apps within a project but to show you what it does and how cool it is you can just quickly type in any file from here let's say Asana and you can just attach it here like this now with notion it works slightly different I actually have to paste the link to a page that gets linked in here and as someone who really manages all of my content in notion this is a godsend feature since I can reference specific content pieces during my task planning and access them very easily later on now at the moment as you can see there are some issues in general with sinking Asana with notion I think it's an ongoing problem however you can still actually click on this and that will open up a link for you so that's not a problem in general this is what I use it for now below you have a test description which is very very important for Clear communication this also doubles down as a space of infinite possibility since you can literally do anything in here and coming from a Content perspective again I can format this base to create sections where I can create a title write my captions I can add hashtags I can link to you know Instagram reels audios and so much more this space also lets you mention someone so for example you can mention a whole team a task a project a message and so much more so for example I can just add it in here like this now you can embed a canva design you can embed a YouTube video or a tweet or even record a mini kind kind of recording of yourself straight into the test which is mind-blowing think of the ways that you can actually manage your team with this for example if you've got a new team member every time you assign a new task that's something that they've not done before it can just give them a brief tutorial and you don't have to be there kind of physically with them to show them how it's done this is just a brief Showcase of what you can actually do within Asana within the description of the task you've got the title you've got kind of the breakdown you've got the different bullet points in here I've referenced another task within Asana they can actually quickly tick from here as well I've got an embed of my previous video so all of these different things you can actually do in here now wait there's actually so much more you can add a subtask for each of the tasks they can be multiple since so often it's a series of tests that you need to complete before the whole thing can be crossed off the list or ticked off in this case and the subtasks ACT practically ident to the main task so for example I want to say write a script in here and from here if I just tap on this test like this I have the same same things in here if you can see that I can assign this task to different people I can have due dates descriptions I can add more subtasks in here but let's go back for now and let's scroll to the very bottom and in here you have a whole section for communicating from here you can add comments I'll talk about it in just a second but the important part in here is that you can also attach a file or paste an image and this way it just appears in here and it can be downloaded straight from Asana and of course every time you do something within the task the updates are posted automatically which keeps everyone in the loop you can also add your own comments if you have a question or want to mention someone in all of these amazing things again from here just like I've shown you before and showing appreciation is quite a cool feature in here as well now let's not forget the little icon below which actually lets you add collaborators it works almost like a c see on an email which Loops people in so if I want to add another person in here they will know exactly kind of what's going on with the important stuff within the task and they'll be notified of all those updates too now I can't believe I'm about to say this but there's still more to this at the top you've got icons all of those in here are very crucial for quick actions like again marking the whole thing as complete you can just like a video you can attach add subtasks and quickly kind of copy the link in here I'm just to reference it to other people you can make a task bigger and you can also hit this lovely Burger menu which I've shown you before and it hides even more stuff so from here you can enable tags as I've shown you before but you can also add another project too you can create a follow-up task merge duplicates each of these tasks can actually be converted to a whole project or a subtask it can be duplicate it printed and finally of course it can be deleted now the most important thing of course about each of the tasks is how we can actually complete it which you can either do here like this or if I go back to the screen it can actually just take it off the list now once you do you get a fun animation from time to time as a reward for job well done as a default to the completed tasks stay visible just changing the color slightly across different views but if you don't want to see them just filter them out from here at the top and of course once you're done don't forget to save the setting from here now I feel like I've covered so much I hope by now you're just as much in awe of Asana as I was when I first discovered it years ago but get ready to have your mind blown again so step number eight my tasks the biggest pain point with managing the workload is remembering it all and having a smooth workload to always know what you have to do on any given day now from here enter the my task view this is where asana's biggest Advantage lies Asana automatically pulls all of the different tasks that are assigned to you which means that every single day you have a perfectly organized to-do list just for you and it's so so good now every time a task gets assigned to you it sits in the recently assigned section and from here you can move it to one of the standard sections or you can customize them to suit the way you like to work now the best part is that you can actually add rules that automatically arrange the tasks for you depending on their due dates for example in the today's section you can add a rule for all the different tasks with today as their due date and that will trigger on Automation and move the task to this section straight away so I'll create the rule in here you can set up these rules for upcoming tasks in the next section for example you know upcoming tasks this week for all the tasks with a date out in seven days for this month's tasks Etc with premium you're actually able to create custom rules which gives you even more power over what you can do here you can view my tasks from the list view you can view them from the board view you can view them from the calendar view which is super useful you can also toggle it to a month view and they're all beautifully color coded and of course at the very very end you can also see all of the different files that were attached for all those different tasks which is super convenient for you there's also an option to sync your tasks to a calendar like a Google Calendar iCal Outlook and so much more it's all so insane insanely good at keeping you on track keeping you accountable and you're always on top of all of your priorities so let's move on to step number nine inbox and home now before we wrap things up I want to briefly show you these three spaces in here the first one is the home page where you'll always be welcomed with a summary of your current achievements you'll be able to see any of the upcoming overdue and completed tasks at a glance you can quickly access a project and you can also see your frequent collaborators now within customize you can also add a notepad for any of your kind of private virtual scribbles that you want to have at hand now the inbox tab which is the third one in here is your place to get up to speed with what's been happening within your teams and across the different projects you'll be able to send messages and see what you've already sent and you can see the archive and view important notification and a cherry on an already super sweet top the whole Asana is actually searchable meaning that you can instantly pull up teams projects you can pull up tags for example individual task subtasks tell me if this whole thing is in the near perfect system to finally tame the chaos within your business and stop being overwhelmed now all of this for free I've not even touched on the incredible capabilities that the Premium plan has if you have any questions at all drop them down below I'm genuinely always trying to help as much as possible in the comments make sure you watch this place next to organize your business and content even better and give this video a thumbs up if it was helpful to you subscribe for more content like this thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 73,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asana tutorial, asana project management, how to use asana, how to use asana for beginners, asana tutorial for beginners, asana review, asana training, how to asana, asana basics, asana demo, asana project management tutorial, asana tips, asana basics training for beginner, asana demonstration, asana project management review, asana beginner tutorial, asana training tutorial, asana for beginners, tutorial asana, asana, free project management tool, natalia kalinska
Id: tsQtwbY0yf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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