How to use an egg poacher pan

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if you love poached eggs but you hate the hassle of making them you're in luck today i'm going to show you how to quickly and easily make these types of delicious eggs in one of these [Music] hello and welcome to i want to cook my name is chef matt and whether you can barely boil water or you have spent years in the kitchen the goal of this channel is to make you a better cook and today's topic is poached eggs and not just poached eggs but my shortcut way of making them now poached eggs are delicate and fluffy and if you've ever had eggs benedict you've eaten a poached egg now technically a poached egg is cooked in barely simmering water and you just kind of have to plop the egg in and stir it uh really gently so that it kind of comes together uh honestly it takes some techniques it takes some practice and i do make them like that occasionally but for me it's all about saving time and just making my life easier in the kitchen and for that i use an egg poacher pan now this is an egg poacher pan and basically it is a small saucepan and then it has these non-stick little cups that's what you put the eggs in and then the cups are held by i don't know this contraption that holds the little cups and the idea is simple you just put some water in here you bring it up to a simmer you put the eggs in the cup cover and then you just cook for about a few minutes and then you get nice poached styled eggs now these pans don't cost too much i bought this one many years ago at a serla todd kitchen store i don't know is maybe under 40 bucks and you can find them even less expensive online or you know with some hunting so here's how to see this in action we are going to make some poached eggs in an egg poacher pan so the first thing we'll do is just fill our pot with water you don't need too much i'd say ah maybe about half an inch or an inch again you don't want to fill this too full you just want enough so that this will steam okay the water's in the pot as are our little egg cup holders they're empty right now because we're still going to prep the eggs but for now we're just going to turn the heat to about medium medium-high and we're just going to let this water come up to a simmer so let's cover and now we're going to prep the eggs okay actually there really isn't much prep work for this we're just going to crack the eggs now you can't crack the eggs directly into the little cups in the egg poacher pan but i like to actually put them in little ramekins first and that way i can be ready to go because once the water reaches the summer it is kind of a quick process so i'm just going to crack these eggs and put each of them in this little ramekin and then i'm going to put a little salt and pepper in each of these and that's all you need to do we're just going to do this for all four eggs [Music] okay and the water is steaming that means it is ready to put the eggs in and if you need to check just kind of uh grab this it is going to be hot so be careful and see you just want to see that water nice and nice and bubbly hot so let's have the eggs join the party okay it's go time and uh this is optional but i do like to add just a little bit of butter to each each of these cups that's going to help not only give a little more flavor but also help the eggs pull out easier because that'll help it not stick okay our butter is melted a bit it happens pretty quickly because this is this is nice and hot now we're just going to add the eggs into the cups so just plop them right on in this is why i like to put them in ramekins because i want the eggs to cook all approximately the same time so that's why i want all them to go in at the same time so the eggs are in the pan now we're just going to cover we're going to keep this at about medium heat and then i like to set a timer i like to cook my eggs for about five minutes that's going to set them have them be nice and firm if you like kind of creamier softer eggs then you know you might want to go just like three or four minutes this will depend on your pan it'll depend on your stove so just kind of experiment with it that's the only way you really learn is just kind of keep experimenting but i'm gonna let these go for about five minutes and then we're gonna have poached styled eggs [Music] it's been five minutes let's kill the heat and check out our eggs and if you have a lid like mine with a metal top it's going to be hot so this is going to be your friend and look at these stevie these look perfect you can just kind of touch them a bit i'm feeling for some firmness and that's exactly where i want them okay time for the dismount and for this i like to use a spatula and don't laugh but a little wadded up paper towel and here's why these things tend to get hot these little handles so i'm just kind of grabbing them with that so i don't burn my fingers now usually these will just kind of fall out because we did put butter in these but if they take a little bit of coaxing just kind of use your spatula and finagle it you can also use a small spoon or something just basically something to kind of get into these cups to get the eggs out but when you use butter or oil that's going to help these eggs just kind of fall right off and here we go we have these beautiful poached styled eggs nice and steamy as for serving well you can eat these any way that you would normally eat an egg you know you can eat them just as they are kind of like a hard-boiled egg you can chop them up and put them in salads you know whatever your imagination can desire my favorite way is just to make a little breakfast sandwich out of them or a sandwich for any type of day and i just do the eggs some cheese some ketchup and you get a nice little egg sandwich out of it and it's not like a super super tender egg that's been poached in water but it's still soft the yolk isn't quite set and it's perfect for any time so that is how to make eggs quickly and easily in an egg poacher pan and as you can see it only took a few minutes you get these wonderful eggs which you can then use immediately or you can refrigerate it's just a really great way of doing it super convenient now you may be wondering hey could i do different style of eggs in these could i make different additions to them absolutely you can and i have a forthcoming video on that where i use one of these egg poacher pans to make those starbucks style sous-vide type eggs fantastic so uh if you if you love those types of eggs or if you love to poached eggs check out one of these pans and then check out my forthcoming video on where i show my hack for making those delicious sous-vide style eggs in an egg poacher pan so as always thanks for watching i want to cook if you liked this if you found it helpful please give it a like if you're not already a subscriber welcome thank you for watching would love to have you subscribe uh hey guys any questions anything you want to know about the kitchen any recipe requests put those in the comments below i do try to answer each and every question that comes my way again thanks for watching and until next time keep on cooking [Music]
Channel: I Want To Cook
Views: 261,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggs, poached eggs, egg poacher, egg poacher pan, egg poaching pan, poach eggs, poached egg, easy poached eggs, easy poach egg, how to make poached eggs, how to make poached egg, how to poach an egg, how to cook poached eggs, kitchen hacks, cooking, cook, easy recipes, easy egg recipe, egg recipe, how to cook an egg, how to cook eggs, How do you poach an egg in a poacher pan?, How long does it take to poach an egg in a pan?
Id: yTIT1NqT89U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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