How to use an Alaskan Ulu

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hi welcome back to Lampson Test Kitchen I'm Jason Tufts I'm the general manager of the Village Cafe in Aiken South Carolina today I wanted to show you this really really neat knife called the Alaskan ULU it dates back to 2500 BC and was passed down from generation to generation pictured here with this beautiful sheath for protection and for storage keeps your blades sharp and keeps you safe from it what I love about this knife is extremely versatile it can chop vegetables can chop herbs I personally love it chopping herbs because you can get a super super fine mince which allows your herbs to dissipate in your sauces or your stews just beautifully so you can see here we have some cucumbers that we've already sliced with it but to demonstrate it's just a real real simple motion I personally like to take the tip of it in front of my product and just rock back and forth you can go from the back you can go from the front it's whatever is comfortable to you [Music] foreign now that I've showed you how to cut cucumbers or use it for slicing I've got everything cleaned up here I'm going to show you my favorite application for the Euler which is herbs right here I've got some beautiful Rosemary and some basil what we're going to do is peel the Rosemary by basically pinching the stem about center of the way and just a nice sweet sweeping motion can do the you can do the same with the tip which usually just pops off [Music] this piece as well basil is a little more fun to take it's this is a little more fun to pick you've got uh just the leaves now what I would do in this situation to get my sizes all together I want to do like a fine mince on these herbs also called herbs theme what I would do in this situation is I would start with taking my whole basil leaves stacking them and layering them and then rolling them into a cigar shape and doing a fine ribbon cut which is called a chiffonade so we'll just rock this [Music] we're getting our basil kind of closer to the same size of our Rosemary so then when we go to cut everything will be the same size it'll be uniform so I would just basically create a pop and just get down just start rocking put on your favorite music right now [Music] kind of help you through your prep process make sure to keep your fingertips back okay guys there you have it beautiful herb theme we've got our minced Rosemary and basil this is great as a finisher in sauces it's great for marinades and rubs and you can see how versatile the eulu has been for this dish um again beautiful knife well made easy to handle thank you very much for joining us today if you like what you saw please hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Lamson Products
Views: 35,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gCrue9x8B6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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