How to use Adobe Animate for Beginners (Bouncing Ball Animation)

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hello and welcome to this tutorial on how to use Adobe animes so if you're new to animate I think this video will be best for you since I'll be breaking it down as if you're using this software for the first time this is what appears when you open animate sometimes this doesn't issue because it's loading behind in the background but basically you can just go to file and click new to start a new document or you can just go to create new or you could just choose one of these reset presets and then you get to start up Our advice in this tutorial we use full HD you can also go straight to this point and then it will bring up this pop-up full HD you can see your Dimensions put over here and these are other presets that you can use to change the aspect ratio according to whatever purpose this animation you're going to do is for but I'll be using full HD and as you can see we have the frame rate here at 24. this is because a standard frame rate for animation is 24 frames per second but since we are going to use this as a tutorial for beginners I think I can bring it down to 12. which is the least among the standard for frame rates for animation image so yeah let's just change this to 12 and then let's get started so you remember we changed the frame rate to 12 frames per second which means every two of images will form one second of the video but let me see every 12 frames of drawings for the activation almost again so as you can see from zero from one four frame one two frame 12 that's when we get one second I don't know if you guys can see what I'm what I'm pointing to next alright so before we start anything I'd like you guys to understand that there are several ways that adobe animates might start up you might start Adobe animated the workspace will be all over the place be a bit confusing to understand so I'd like you to change your workspace to look like mine so how we're going to do that is by going to this button over here called workspaces in a different version it might look different but it's basically the workspace name that might appear there sometimes you see Essentials over there if you're starting new so let me click this and then my favorite is Essentials and classic classic is almost the same as you can see this is classic now let me move back to Essentials this is Essentials you can see we have developer which looks different over here we have designer which looks different and debug which is different over here classic like we like I showed you at first basic and then animator as you can see the color view what is the color palette or something it's all on the left side unlike how it says in Photoshop so I'm actually asking you guys to use Essentials or classic because it's more it's resembles Photoshop more yeah because you have your properties and your stuff other stuff over here the colors here and pick your color from here all right so let's just get started with this tutorial so as you can see so yeah this tutorial is going to be I'm gonna use a bouncing ball reference to animate this and you can head on to Google and search for bouncing ball animation references I'm sure you get a lot of pictures similar to mine so I'm going to import the picture into animates and then use it as a reference to animate my bouncing ball so there are two ways you can import a picture into your animate document you can send it here into the library so that you use it when you need it or you can just drag and drop it in here so it appears directly on the screen on the canvas but I don't want it that way since I won't be using it right away I have to explain some few stuff to you guys so I'll just drop it into the library thank you yeah so as you can see the bouncing ball images here and don't forget you have to be on library before you import it keep that in mind alright so just like in Photoshop we have the tools on this side and then we have the properties over here that'll help you change the type of brush Strokes that you'll be making depending on the tool you're using so the tool you use changes the properties on the side so when I choose the brush you can see the brush size and everything is over here so just think of it like this side helps you to manage how you use your tools over here I think that's basic enough so in this one in this tutorial we're going to be using the brush tool or the shape tool so you can change it to oval to since you're going to be drawing as a bouncing ball all right so let's import let's drag a bouncing ball picture here nice let me unlock a little bits so we have to press shifts before we enlarge from the corner or else it's going to distort the image so I press on hold shifts and then I expand it it maintains the size I mean it's cheap sorry yeah I think this is cool so basically this layer is going to be what I'm going to use for the reference so I'm going to change its name just like in Photoshop you double tap on the name you double click on the name of the layer and then you get to type whatever you want over here let me type ref so I don't forget that the layer doesn't have to be touched but I'm going to have to reduce the opacity a bit so I can see through it and then draw on top of it on a different layer so let's just right click this to the properties and then turn opacity on and then reduce it to 25 25 is quite okay for what we are gonna do here let me just type it in 25. all right click ok now you can see the opacity has reduced now let's create a new layer and lock the reference layer so that whatever you see when you don't lock it you're able to drag it when you stick if you're moving something from your animation so we can lock it up so that we don't mistakenly move it anymore as you can see right here so here's the padlock you can just tap it tonight to lock now the new layer that we create let's change the name to more because this is the layer on which we are gonna draw the bouncing ball alright so before you're able to animate you can see that when you stretch the timeline that way it doesn't work this is because you have integrated exposures we have interested in exposure time for the animation so the timeline exists alright but it doesn't know how long the video is going to take and so we have to like tell it how long it's gonna take so the shortcut for that will be the F5 yes you press and hold F5 for as long as you want the video to be and yeah and you can undo that just press on doing it and then to reduce it by one by one so let's just try to imagine how long the browsing board will take I'm thinking it's going to take less than three to three seconds probably like two and a half seconds so I'll just increase it to two wow or somewhere closer let's make it three to make things easier that would be frame 36. all right so before we draw we have to understand that in every frame that you pick you have if you want to draw over there you have to create a keyframe to tell the computer that you are going to make a new drawing I don't know if you get what I mean I think you guys understand better if I draw demonstrated so for now let's focus more on there on the whole reference alright so our first frame here is empty if there's already a keyframe there as you can see you see that Circle the black dot means that the frame is filled with something over here on the reference layer is because of the reference picture that's why it's black it means there's a something occupying that frame and that frame is extending itself all the way to this point so until we create a new keyframe between the starting point and end the point of that keyframe this one it will extend the same picture will extend to the end that's why the bouncing ball references still showing even though the timeline is moving forward now back on this layer this one is empty but the moment I draw here it gets filled as you can see so before that you could tell the it was a darker gray or when I drew it became lighter gray because it's showing that that place has a frame that is being exposed within that time frame so yeah but before you draw you always have to remember to create a keyframe but the first keyframe the first frame is always automated once you create a new layer like this as you can see all right so now let's start drawing our bouncing ball if you're using a mouse if you don't have a Graphic stability you're using the mouse other places use the overall two since I'll make it easier you can just drag but if you're using a graphics tablet you could just draw your ball just that you won't get too accurately but it works since if you're looking for something we'll need to be able to take your time but since there's a tutorial for beginners I'm gonna use this because I assume most of them I use in your mouse so let's go to the overall too now with the OverWatch we have to go to properties to make some changes because we want the ball to be just a stroke not a full filled circle like this so over here you can see we have a fill and a stroke the stroke is basically the outline so I want us to change the fill to nothing over here as you can see there's this white box with the red constantly the Box you just click that and then you have nothing for a few exactly so I need us to increase the stroke a little bit and see yeah I think something like this will be okay yeah six or seven on the stroke will be okay so we just we're on the first frame right so now I'm going to [Music] so on the first frame I'm going to focus on only the major keyframes the most important frames over here okay let me create a new layer for demonstrating what I want you guys to do so you don't need to create this layer this is just to make lines to I mean to draw make annotations on the screen so let's direct you on what I'm gonna do so this will be for demo demonstration I'm going to use a brush two to demonstrate so I'm going to over here I'm going to use the oval tool to create new change that yes there you are [Music] but I'm more interested in these frames this Frame [Music] this Frame this Frame this string this Frame this Frame this one and that one now the main reason why I'm more interested in these ones is that we are interested in where the animation starts as in the start points [Music] obviously where it ends [Music] yes and with this we'll be able to determine how long it will take for the ball to get down and bounce and get down and bounce and get down and bounce so these ones are just to indicate where they are going to you know the limit of the bounce after it's moved from the ground and we are more interested also interested in the time that I touched the ground so as you can see on the reference picture it's like they've squashed the shape of the ball this is because in animation or in real life actually then it's actually squashed and stretch depending on the force has been implied on it so for a bouncing ball means it's a softball so like when it comes into contact with the hard surface it's actually squashes a bit before it bounces yeah so let me turn this back on all right so we are going to focus on drawing these frames and I'm also let me just turn it off and then [Music] going to draw [Music] alright so I'm going to draw on the ball layer don't forget make sure you're on the correct layer before you draw and remember there's always supposed to be a keyframe an empty keyframe alright so the shortcut to create a keyframe is by pressing F7 that will create a blank keyframe for you a blank keyframe is very different from a normal keyframe a normal keyframe will be F6 so F6 actually repeats the previous keyframe that you have here let me show you so if I draw this that's a new keyframe if I press F6 it repeats the same picture but on a different keyframe so at first it was just this Frame that was repeating itself throughout but now if I press F6 it creates the same keyframe but in a different frame I don't know if you get what I mean but I want us to create focus on using F7 rather to create a blank keyframe so I press F7 as you can see it's an empty circle meaning there's nothing in there and so you see the ball vanishes so when I go back to the frame that has the drawing there you see it turns back on when I bring it here it turns off so it's just a compilation of pictures to perform the animation that we want so let me undo quickly and then use the overall tool to make the whole animation all right so go to over two first frame that's correct distance real quick all right first frame we draw the ball nice let me move on to the last frame [Music] we can't even hit play and see how long it's gonna take all right so we go to the last frame and then we draw the last ball which is going to be this one this one all right so on the last frame make sure you're on the correct layer and draw this nicely but you see the mistake I made I didn't create a blank keyframe so this is appearing and I don't want that so I'm going to undo that [Music] and I'm gonna [Music] create a new keyframe which is F7 a blank keyframe and and drag now you can see the ball zones really showing each other yeah so now let's focus on the ones at the top over here so when I press play I can just imagine how the ball is bouncing all right so I'm gonna make it bounce on the 11th frame let me get a 12 frame meaning one second I guess yeah and that'll be the bouncing points of this ball but first like I said we have to create a new keyframe which is F7 and in case you're looking for a button somewhere on the screen that represents like creating a new keyframe here's the button for keyframes but it's on normal keyframe not just the blank keyframe so if you want a blank keyframe you have to press and hold this it's open this menu and then you choose blank keyframe which means whenever you press whenever you draw in a new layer it's supposed to create a new blank keyframe for you you can also not automate it so that you can just you just have to press the button before it creates a new keyframe but the auto keyframe will automatically you do it once you start drawing it's you only understand what I'm saying when it tries so yeah let's just keep it in mind so I'm putting it on blank keyframe so that I'll have to create it so that you guys don't understand even better so on this new blank keyframe I'm gonna draw the first point of contact which is this one yeah stretched it's squashed because it's touching the ground because of the force that I came up with and I can see all the other points of contacts kind of seem to be getting less question than the first one because the force of gravity that's been plus acting on the ball it's lesser us keeps bouncing and so this one is more has more Force that's why it bounces like that so squashes like that so yeah as time goes on the bouncing takes lesser time to get down because there's less distance over here so the next bounce won't really take too long let's say frame 20. but I have to create a blank keyframe like I said so create Bank inside blank keyframe or F7 and then I drag it and then I go to the next one which is somewhere supposed to be quite lesser than the previous again so insert blank keyframe and then I draw the next point of contacts and then another one which will be a little shorter than the other so insert blank keyframe [Music] all right that's the end uh this one yes so as you can see it's repeating the images one after the other according to the sequence and it's already starting to look like what we wanted so good that's a good news for us all right so we go back to now let's focus on the highest points of contacts as you can see these ones the highest points it reaches beef after every bounce so let me turn that off and then go back to draw them the nicest thing about this part is that you get to draw in between the frames you've already drawn so you kind of know it's in the middle of every frame that you created so between these two keyframes you just want to draw this one in between it because it's this one and that one so somewhere in the middle which is like 16 frames inside one keyframe I draw Z line keyframe over here to as you can see it's this one and that one so yeah and he said blank keyframe again foreign [Music] [Music] see this is more realistic all right let's go back and now the easiest Parts but the most time consuming part is where we have to draw the in-betweens so in between are basically frames that you um frames that you draw between keyframes so the keyframes are the most important frames that determine how the action is going to look like the in betweens are whatever will appear in between the keyframes to make them look smooth so like when I press play this time you'll be seeing the ball moving this way and that way in that yeah instead of just appearing on the bounds and appearing up there and appearing there yeah you know what I mean yes so let's go back and then draw the in-betweens so I just look for the first and then the second and then I look for the middle somewhere here and then I create a blank effect and I draw the frame that appears to be in the middle that simple yep the same for this one so it's a between this and that so I'm going to look for a frame in between them which is 14 insert one keyframe now we have more than one in the middle so you can just choose the one that you want to be in the middle depending on how the timing should be then I'll do the same for this part too [Music] now insert the blank keyframe let me use this as a middle and then move forward a bit it's a blank keyframe foreign and probably draw it here so even even though I'm not done I can just press play and see Yep looks more promising [Music] all right so it's basically the same process that we use to animate almost anything so I'm just going to repeat the same process until I've drawn all the frames so that the animation will look smooth enough so uh we're gonna speed this up so I'll show you guys what I'm done oh yeah and one other thing that I have to say is that you can transform the objects that you've drawn but you have to click that keyframe before you can move it if you don't click it it's not gonna work so keep that in mind and you can only drag it from the stroke itself if you drag it from the inside it's not gonna work back to it [Music] alright so you can see here we are done with animation obviously going through most of the keyframes most of the frames that are necessary click on so as you can see when I press play it kind of seams up a little bit better because I've added them in between so here we go [Music] as you can see it's a little bit Breaky here because of the white spaces between each of the groins but that's actually doesn't really matter okay so you can tweak this yeah I'm just gonna see how animation is done it looks quite smooth already so basically that's how you animate in Adobe animates this is the basics of adobe animates um the hard part comes in later for that you don't have to worry yourself you just have to get used to the software by doing some motivations once you're used to this the rest will follow through like I said this software is just like Photoshop so most of the things are quite easy to understand once you've used Photoshop so I'll go ahead and save my documents I'll call it tutorial one all right so thank you guys so much for watching and I hope this video was quite useful to you and let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below so that uh if you're facing any issues I might address that in the next tutorial video that I'll make so I can even make a whole video for that specific question also to just just for the sake of answering the question so yeah let me know and kindly like And subscribe to this if you'd like to see more of these kind of videos so yeah thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Kobby Toons
Views: 16,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d animation tutorial, adobe animate, adobe animate basics, adobe animate cc, adobe animate tutorial, adobe animate tutorial 2021, animate tutorial, animation, animation tutorial, animation tutorial for beginners, animation tutorials, beginner tutorial, easy animation, frame by frame animation, how to animate, how to animate in adobe flash
Id: DXvUzf5Tgy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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