How to use a packing cube

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I want to talk about how I can get all of these things that are like nine outfits here possibly more with the one pair of jeans that I'm packing in my suitcase into this packing cube this is an e bags packing cube they don't pay me to do this it just happens to be my favorite one I get it on Amazon it's just I think it's just a medium packing cube so I want to talk before I pack about what I am going to put in that tiny little bag first of all I have a lightweight sweater because layering is important I have a super lightweight kind of jacket I have four dresses you got it one two are you sensing a theme with the black three and my favorite one from when I went to Italy two years ago four I have one pair of shorts that I probably won't wear but if it's super hot I might just get those out I have two cotton shirts one too I have a nicer really lightweight shirt one of those kinds that you can just scrunch up to go with a pair of jeans or a skirt if I want to another one so two kind of nicer shirts that can go with these skirts these are really great to wear with a t-shirt or the little jacket for layering or out at night and then a pair of pants maybe if it's a rainy day and they're just kind of capris so I'm going to get all of these into here okay so I'm going to start with the dresses and I'm going to fold them up pretty nicely you'll notice that I have a theme here with the black getting a gray that's kind of my theme in life I call it my Garanimals but it sure makes it easy when you're traveling abroad everything matches and it's black so if it gets a little dirty nobody notices so that's my four count of four dresses they're so comfortable to wear in the summer then I have this little just really lightweight cotton shirt jacket I should say a little sweater again for layering in the evenings or in the morning sometimes I just timer on my waist pair of kind of Capri really lightweight pants when my favorites skirts little shirts that I can wear with jeans or with the skirts if I want to feel a little more dressed up maybe it or just wear something different a regular cotton black shirt another regular cotton black shirt and my pair of shorts now if you look that's pretty tall right there this is pretty much not we're going to go ahead and start just doing that and we just kind of work it a little bit it's really not very hard at all so I've used these space cubes before where you have to suck all the air out of them and it was just a pain especially every time when you would move from place to place but these really stretch and I found that a good tip is to start just start zipping shove a little dip a little more bring it over the top go almost there and sometimes you can just go from voila so these are my four bags packing cubes and I just want to show you how they fit into the suitcase I can turn this one long legs you can put this one in this these are these are my shoes by the way this is just pajamas underwear headbands and things and then as you can see I have all this room on the top here that I can put even more things and tons of weight so thanks for watching and happy bag
Channel: Laura Smith
Views: 34,924
Rating: 4.6444445 out of 5
Keywords: packing cubes, packing light., packing a carry on, how to pack for 11 days, packing in a carry on, pack for europe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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