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[Music] welcome I'm your girl learner Marie and today for you I'm bringing you another important video it's my 72 hour emergency bug out bags these bags are used if there is a national disaster or something happens you have to leave your house quickly a house fire you may want to grab these bags whatever the case may be in those situations these are bags that will last you 72 hours the clothes the food the emergency supplies everything will last you three days and these are bags that you want ready to go and accessible so you can take them and leave you know having stuff prepared gives you that peace to know that if something happens you're ready to go and you guys know I love being prepared my goal in life is to be a full time prepper I always joke about that but I really do I'm so fascinated with how people put things together and how prepared they are for every scenario and situation and I just I love that so if you're into the start of video definitely consider subscribing and hitting that little bell I do a lot of lifestyle mommy organization videos here my channel and I would just love you guys to join the fam I'm gonna be listing everything I can for you guys down below including my website my Amazon influencer link that has hundreds of products and my Etsy store and if you feel like depositing some positive energies and give it a thumbs up so appreciative even one little emoji amazing coming to say hi it means the world to me also first they hired me on Instagram I have an Instagram that has all kinds of little highlight bubbles where you can find out information there and see me on a daily basis and without further ado if you guys want to see what is in my 72 hour emergency bug-out bags for my entire family then just keep watching alright here are the bags you guys now this is just a disclaimer I do not claim to have every single thing in my bag that you could possibly ever think of I feel like I did a pretty good job researching and figure out figuring out things that my family would need but please just use this as a guide or a reference to just get those wheels turning in your brain on what you may want to carry inside of your bag I personally think there's no perfect bag it depends on where you live what situation you've got going on is gonna differ on what products you're gonna need inside of your bag each bag has things that will work together for the unit as a whole but I also have divided bags if we need to split up if Nick needs to take two kids and I need to take two kids we know exactly which kids we're gonna take and I have split and divided the bags that way I've also made inside each bag to have everything they need to survive individually I have four children this is my 11 year old my 9 year olds my 3 year old and my 2 year old so have two boys and two girls and these bags we will be doing at a later date and if you've noticed I have little patches on the front that it should just help us identify whose bag is whose these bags are up out of the way my kids do not have access to these so definitely keep that in mind if you're gonna imitate mine you do it at your own risk because there are dangerous things in here all right so let's get into the bags I'm gonna clear everything else off so you can see what's inside in these bags my bag is a little bit heavier I have a little bit more of the bulk of stuff because Nick has other things that he personally puts in here for self-defense and I'm sure you know what I mean when I say that the things are the most important for him I also want to say before we get into these bags please keep in mind the things that I already have in place I have an entire first-aid kit that I keep at home that I will grab and put in my card if car if necessary I also have a trauma kit that has a tourniquet and an extensive first-aid kit so I will definitely be grabbing those depending on how much time usually you have enough time to get out of the house and I would definitely have a list down on in priority of what you're grabbing first first your bug out bags second your important documents pictures computers whatever that may be I would really think about which items to pick first this is something that is so important to me and that I've been striving for to build for years there are three parts to my prepper system the first part is going to be bugging in bugging in you're going to be staying home defending your home and having all of the emergency things you need here so first we have bugging in then we have these backs which is bugging out this could also be if you're having a natural disaster or if you know your house burns is burning down and you need to grab you know a couple things out of the house it could be in a situation where you have to get to your meeting location with the rest of your people and your family in the forest in a hideout place I don't know whatever the situation may be and the third part of my prepara situation is going to be my car we have a Ford 350 truck which I'm going to be redoing the entire inside for all of our bugging out type of situation to where if we need to grab our bags grab all of our stuff and we need to take off in our car and bug out this stuff inside of this bag could be where we took the car we went as far as we could and now we need to go on foot whatever it may be but most likely we're gonna be bugging in if you think I'm missing something most likely it is in one of those one of the three systems and they all work together so first of all I'm just gonna start showing you guys what I have in here and maybe what's different from each thing when once I start getting to the inside I'm gonna lay everything out for you guys so you can see it the front part of these are pretty much identical and I did that on purpose okay so this is a chaser I Nick bought this for me for Christmas I think it's important to have things like this I have another Taser I'm going to show you guys which is an actual better one that I got off of Amazon for my husband so we have Clorox wipes we have a little sewing kit and let's take a look in here I love the way everything looks it's so clean and organized and I can see everything this little guy right here is a deep spray I think it's like 60 or 40% these are matches they are waterproof matches that I stuck inside of this container this is a giant lighter I don't know why I needed this big one but is one of the extra ones I had so it put this in there this is an armband I believe it's buy or sell yeah and at night if I'm with the kids and I want to see them and we're walking I can wrap this around their leg or their arm and I will be able to see them we also have a little tiny flashlight then I had a little pair of scissors that I will find and put them back into here and then I have some carabiners okay carabiners can be used for so many different things I mean hanging a hammock hanging food up hanging and there's just so many possibilities but carabiners are a must my husband and I both have a Leatherman tool this is basically a utility tool it has a knife roller wrench like everything you can possibly think of is on here and I think this is really important I actually have a pink one coming in the mail and I'm probably gonna give mine to my son then I just stuck some little this green things in here we have some safety pins and another little lighter and this little light is really cool it pops open like this and it folds like that so that way it doesn't take up much room but it's definitely like a lantern and you can hang it up so love this so this is my husband's which it's very very very similar he has hand sanitizer up front which mine is on my side pocket I'll show you that in a second he has passed out soap which castile soap is amazing you guys he also has some safety pins and a bunch of these carabiners and he also has some disinfecting wipes in his in the back here he has some zip ties which I'm gonna label this stuff a little bit later on I want to label that because if we have to grab them for some reason and use them that we can always replenish them I have this as well this is just two face masks and gloves these aren't like the most amazing face masks but I had him for years and I just took a couple extra there but yeah he has the same things that I do up front so both of us have a walkie talkie I'm going to be getting another set for the kids so that way all four of us have one I'm not gonna have one for the toddlers yet they're not old enough but when they do I will definitely be buying a third set all right let's go into these top pockets here we both have our water bottles in here we both have our headlamps in here this one is adjustable in strength which is really really nice a lot of this stuff is from Amazon and Walmart we have a whistle it's great if it's an emergency situation you're who knows what but I highly suggest getting every family member a whistle then we have this little set of binoculars and I think has a whistle and a compass on there this is awesome to have now I stuck my nup here my husband has his in the in his front pocket but mine fit better over here and then I have my rain poncho I like it being the same and marrying each other so I know if something is missing or if I need to add something it just makes it more simple that way okay and I forgot to show you guys also what was in the bottom if you saw the orange thing it's an expandable water bottle now we have all kinds of ways to disinfect water but this is I don't want to do a metal one just because we already have a lot of weight and I feel like this is going to be fine if we need to keep refilling it I actually have a little tool for water I'll insert a picture here that's coming in the mail and it actually will it's a key to turning on water at any like industrial building so if we need to sneak in somewhere and get water or whatever please believe my husband will do that we'll be able to have ways to sanitize water and put it in here and also water is very heavy so that's just something to think about but as long as we have a water source that we can find we're going to keep going back there let's go to the sides now these are definitely different from mine and my husband if we split up Nick will be taking Jada Jana and Nicola and I will be taking Roman and so Fiona Roman is my 11 year old and so Fiona is my baby that way Roman can help me more Nick is stronger than me and Roman is older so he's definitely so helpful he can cook you can do so many different things and it will be more helpful for him to be with me just in case I need to carry extra things or be with the baby that's just the way we're doing it do what works for you alright so in these little pouches here I didn't label Nicks yet but he has a sharpener for his knives now keep in mind he's going to be adding a bunch of like knives and different things like that I just didn't want to get into all that because that's the man business I definitely will be protected please believe that I actually have a knife that I'm getting for myself coming and you know that multi-tool has a knife I will also have other self-defense things on me if you know what I mean but we don't need to show it in the video like I said we just have a couple extra first-aid things Nick will be carrying the first-aid kit for his group Roman will be carrying the first-aid kit from my group so that's one thing you will not see in my bag today because Roman carries for our group our first date we're all gonna obviously stay together that is the goal if we have to separate for whatever reason Roman has the first-aid kit okay so we just have some wound wash a tourniquet and then I found us at Walmart you guys I'm definitely gonna go back and get some more it's some morris scented whit candle citronella which is great if you're in the woods or whatever and you want the bugs to get away but what I like about it is 25 hours now that's amazing I've seen these like super expensive ones that are like nine-hour ones which I was totally gonna buy it I'm still fine with it but this was like so much cheaper and it's 25 hours so I stuck that in there for him I did not have that in mine and mine I have a bungee I have some extra gauze and a little mini first-aid kit it just feels like band-aids and neosporin and nothing too crazy I will eventually get an extra sharpener and I also will probably get an extra candle for mine but that's all that's in mind for now and it's all you can do you guys cuz it is pricey like I said but just keep building it up and keep switching things out and keep changing things also I'm going to be putting a little nail kit in this front section here for Nick it did not come in time but we will be putting that there Nick has his axe here for chopping wood whatever it may be you can use it as a weapon we have this first-aid kit inside of here and I added stuff to it so I'm not going to go through all of that I have an extensive trauma kit and first aid kit on my video if you guys want to check it out those will be with me in my car setup which I'll show you guys how we do that later you know in another video but that has base our bare necessities that we absolutely need to have honest super important okay and then on my side pocket is Lysol spray my hand sanitizers up front you saw where Nyx's a leave I have eyedrops I have some styrene things and some chapstick just a couple hiding things I was watching a lot of the guys and one of them was saying like people always forget like the hygiene stuff and you know he actually takes his bag out to go use and those are the types of things that he always wishes he would have had so he is out of those two his bag so I am definitely in agreement with that all right now we're gonna get into the top part here these are very very similar as far as like the labeled bags go so here is my bag now Nick does not have this emergency kit which has all kinds of random stuff in here I'm gonna pull this out and show you guys what's in here in just a second he's gonna have more of the self defense items and the things that go inside of self-defense items so that is gonna take up a lot of weight so that's why this is in my bag everyone in the entire family has a change of clothes three underwears and a pack of three socks which I got from the dollar store one thing that I absolutely love you guys okay you can see all of the labels I have labeled everything in here he will know where everything's at but it's also important to teach your family about your bags we'll go for more about the kids stuff later but to give them a tour show them how everything works obviously my husband's gonna know how everything works for the most part but I love this file folder system that I have I even labeled this back here so you can see what's inside of this back pocket that way at a glance I can see everything okay so I'm taking out Nicks socks three pairs of socks in his outfit and the only thing different he has the food fire in the water he does not have that emergency kit and he does not have the medicine jadianna has the medicine in her back because if we split up she is in his group I do not have a shovel nick is carrying the only shovel we have I'm definitely gonna be carrying an extra one in the car and have we have one at homes you know that's what differs for him and I so now I'm gonna go through everything that's inside my bag and he has all of the exact same food fire and water and hygiene exactly the same he also has in the back here the blanket and gloves but his are in this front pocket here so that's just a little bit of a difference between our bags and I like that I was able to label mine so I have at the emergency blanket okay so after this section here my emergency blanket and I have used gloves I forgot they like everybody has a set they like protect you from a bunch of different stuff I can't remember I'm sorry you guys have had these for so many years and you could tell you I'm sorry but they're just a special type of glove and then we both have Nick and I a two-person thermal sleeping bag so I have a hygiene badge which every person in the entire family has one Nick and eyes hygiene bag is a little more extensive so I'm gonna lay every single thing out that is in my hygiene bag and we're gonna go over here is every single item inside of the hygiene bag I am going to go over all of this with you so first we have a comb because a brush would be just too big in here and I can get away with a comb if I have to then we have some q-tips we have these little towels that expand I got these from the dollar store this one's a Mickey which is so cute then we have more rescue blankets because you can use those for a number of things and I think it's just good to have in here this is castile soap you can use it to wash dishes you can use it for all sorts of things and if you notice I'm reinforcing things in a ziploc bag so I don't because I don't want spills we have hair ties I have feminine products that I put inside of this little tiny pouch a little deodorant now this is a laundry soap which is so cool I'm actually try to find some solid dish soap and do the same thing and I will add it in here but this is laundry soap that I got and I shaved it with a grater and now it's light it's easy it's not it's not messy I put it in the ziplock bag and we can wash clothes on the go and I was like man this is great for traveling too I also have a extra pack of bandages gauze and all of that I think it's just good to have I have my toothbrush toothpaste I got these packs from the dollar store or Target it's one of those two and then I added the floss and then I did the same thing with a body soap I took a bar of dev soap and then I shaved it down with a grater and I put it inside of here and I just thought that was so smart to do especially for an emergency bag we have a little thing of tissue Roman has two rolls of toilet paper in his thing I have actual tissue I meant to say toilet paper but I have a little thing of Kleenex lotion this is the go girl you guys can look it up but this is so girls can pee easily in the woods that's the shape of it I just have a few napkins and these are disinfecting wipes these kill 99% of bacteria these are like heavy-duty you guys and then also we're gonna probably be putting some of those body wipes in here I thought that would be really good to have so I have those on its way I will link those for you as well but that is all that is in the hygiene bag oh and these are toilet seat covers I forgot to show you guys it here it is in its pack I don't use those like organizers or anything because that would just take up a little bit too much space inside of my bag because I already have this thing organized and ready to go and this takes up a big chunk of space so this I like these pouches because you can lay them flat and then that way it takes up more width inside of the backpack versus depth okay looking here I just love you guys I just love I can see everything medicine bag like I said jadianna and carries this medicine in her bag so that way both of us have a set of this there's two sets in our entire group and one for each of our groups when we split up so I am also going to be adding I am running out right now but when I get an extra set of my medication I'm going to be adding that in here I'm also gonna be adding some sets of vitamins I have not added my vitamins in here but I think that would be such a good thing to have in side of this emergency kit and I'll probably get another one of these rounds because it will totally fit into this bag that I have and I got all of these bags off of Amazon you guys love these it came in a huge set with all different sizes okay so we have electrolyte mix which i think is really great to have we have extra vitamin C packs we have this tooth stuff and we have this little round you guys this is the absolute best thing ever imodium antacid ibuprofen advil kids tylenol tylenol painkiller benadryl and this painkiller is one that's prescribed prescribed by the doctor so it is a very very strong one and I have all of the amounts on the back for the ones that I don't know if I didn't mark it it's too so that way you know how many of each one you're allowed to have Nick also I didn't show you guys that but he has a pack of tylenol in his hygiene set I have an inhaler that I had to use when I was pregnant I put that in here and then I just have some dayquil and nyquil and so like I said I'm gonna keep adding things to this but I don't need to add too much because keep in mind I have an entire first-aid kit that has a handle that I can grab and put in the car if we need to take off in the car and go somewhere and I also have my trauma kit so this is just in addition to those things all right next up in our list is food and fire and water so here's an aerial view of everything that I have inside of here Nick and I besides him having extra tylenol in his because I have the tylenol pack in mine his looks exactly the same all right here is everything inside of the food fire and water package all right so the first thing I hear is calories like the calories are the most important thing that a lot of people skip out on and the whole container and this is 560 calories and this one is the same so you just want to think of how many calories do you have that you will need for 72 hours or even a little bit longer I also have granola bars fruit snacks and these are hard candies that I devided of three Hawaiian Punch flavor packs we have this water purification I have another water purification thing I have an instant fire starter and then I have this mess kit which pops open it's a little plate and then it has a spoon and a fork then I also have the block bags and garbage bags and then we have straws straws are really great if someone's sick and they can't drink out of something it's really nice to be able to help people and I don't know if you guys remember this but I do have matches in a very front pouch of my bag I'll show you guys if you have matches right here the waterproof one so those are also in side of my kit so this is just extra fire starter and then I also have one another fire starter another way to start fire in my emergency kit in the front which are getting ready to see so there's just so many different ways to start fires and that's the most important thing okay so we went over the snacks then we have energy drinks I have regular and extra and god forbid you have to look out or keep watch or I mean even if you had a fire at your house and you're staying in a shelter and there's a hundred people who lost their homes and they're all in one place and you just don't feel very safe you can take an energy drink and maybe stay up and take turns watching your kids okay so this is a little mini stove that pops up and I keep my little extra cubes in here I'm buying more I'm pretty sure you only need one you light it in the center and you can sit your little stove on here I'm gonna show you guys my little stove in a second these stink I was wondering what smells in my bag this stinks but I love having this on me super easy and convenient all you do is light it with a match oh you know speaking of match so not only do I have those matches but I have that and then I have a little lighter on the side here at the bottom so you just light this up and heat up your food sanitize your water all of that kind of stuff also while I'm showing you guys my food thing I had to add coffee instant coffee to Nick's that boy cannot live without his coffee so he has a LifeStraw in his as well alright so next up is this emergency kit it has everything my husband does not have this on him that I'm the only one who has this eventually I may add a few things out of this into his bag but he is carrying all of the self-defense items so it's gonna be more challenging because his bag is already pretty heavy but I have a lot of these items in the house and in the car so they are redundant for sure and I think that's a really good thing in an emergency case okay so here is inside of the rollup bag this is the exact same one I have for the trauma bag now I'm gonna go through this fairly quickly but first we have a notepad this can be used in the rain I'm gonna be getting a special pin for it it is a lot of money to buy everything so you just kind of have to keep building your kit and write down what you need I have permanent markers and I'm going to be putting an extra set of nails another set will be inside of my husband's bad like bag like I said I was watching a prepper I think it was like the Canadian prepper or something like that and he was saying it nails are one of those things that people don't think about putting but it's a great way to build shelter okay then we have a zip ties there's so many uses for that super glue sewing kit shears I actually added a pair of shears like this to my trauma kit so we will have two pairs of shears sets like this honest there's like five different pairs in here hand warmers another blanket I have these everywhere then we have a signaling mirror and a lockpick next we have this cord this cord is so amazing you guys when I was researching to find paracord this one actually has different fibers I haven't opened it yet but I'll try to insert a picture here for you but there's different fibers that do different things there's copper wire there's a firestarter like it's pretty cool and then we have electrical tape batteries extra gauze because I feel like we can never have too many and I'm forever changing this this is not like set in stone or anything and then here we have our fire starter another way to start fire and then a saw so that is all that is in this bad boy they're two items have just arrived is this little kit here it looks such good quality it's a nail this is going to be going into my trauma bag and in our bug out bags as well and also this little tweezer set so this will also go in our trauma kit and one inside of our bug out bags but I thought I would show you guys these they do take quite a bit of time to get here but totally worth it so the next thing is a hand crank light and it has a radio on it it is such a good item to have you guys if you run out of power from batteries or whatever else it is I'm going to add another one of these it did not come in time but to Jade's pack because her pack isn't very heavy and I feel like the group should have another one of these we all have little headlamps and little flashlights but this is a great thing an extra thing to have that I will definitely be putting inside of her bag now down here we have this little kit and I would be using it on top of that little stove that I showed you guys you can to sanitize your water cook your food all that good stuff so you open it up it has two little cups we get any metal butene and you can actually just stick it in here you don't want it stainless steel but you can sanitize water in your can in there but we decided not to do that we just decided to just put water directly in here if we need to so that goes on the side and that goes over right there and I do not have anything in this pocket another thing I wanted to talk about with shelter one of those big poncho things back there is actually for shelter I'm also getting a little tent and I'm probably gonna get more than one I'm gonna carry one and then I'm gonna put another like larger one inside of the truck when I do my emergency kit for my truck so I'll be showing you guys that so there are attachments right here which is so cool at the bottom of this bag we're gonna attach our tent and our sleeping bag to the bottoms of these which they are coming in the mail I did not make it in time and I just could not keep waiting I kept waiting for item after item I'm like nope the show must go on so just imagine me attaching our shelter and our sleeping bag to the bottom I found two that I really like I have a really cool tarp coming also I have a couple of them coming I can't find the one that I just bought at Walmart it's so annoying I'll try to insert a pic for you guys here but I did get a little tarp that's for shelter that's also all the garbage bags nick has black ones inside of his each kid has a garbage bag inside of theirs alright you guys so here is the stack of stuff that's really important I feel like a lot of people that I've noticed don't really bring this stuff up for your bug out bags like I said before bugging in is gonna be more of your ideal situation this is you know bugging out is your last resort but I want to be prepared if I absolutely have to do that knowing this first thing we have Nick and I will both have one of these cash and ID's obviously don't want to put my ID in here but we have a good amount of cash we have small bills that way if you need to purchase something or trade or whatever small bill small bills and coins are ideal and then this this pack is very important it's pretty heavy but it needs to come with us it's stuff we still use on a day-to-day basis but that way I know when we put stuff away it goes back into this bag bring in emergency bags so everybody knows it has all of our data on these hard drives we also have charging batteries so that pink one here and there's black one so we can charge our devices and we have our cords now we also have two hard drives and another disk that has important documentation and then we have all of our birth certificates marriage license whatever else I can think of is here copies of passports you also want to make sure you send a set to relatives that's really important as well and then we also have a map of California we have maps everywhere and I have one and what you'll see in my car but that situation this is more if we're bugging out for the car but I thought I would just go over at all of our keys I don't drive as much anymore now so my keys go in here and then we also have this hallo charger this is also more for the car when we grab it to go out to the car and Nick has a second one it will jump a car if need be now this last one here if we have time and we're not bugging out and we have space this is the rest of our hard drives which it's important but it's not like I need a dispersed with these hard drives so we will grab these it's an old cell phone that has pictures on it and I have think I've a couple other hard drives that I need to add to this but at least I know they're all in one place if I need to grab them now I have this emergency information binder I believe it's on an older video I think it's on how to leave your kids home I don't know it's just one of my vacation videos so I go over this in more detail but on the front I have always all of my emergency information and on the inside I have out some of our favorite pictures and things so this is what we grab in an emergency situation these are our actual documents so this will definitely be going in the car if we go out to the car or if there's a fire or something like that this is so so important all kinds of pictures are saved here then we have all of our information here and I've organized it and I'm not going to go through this because it has all of our numbers but medical cards Social Security birth certificate passports marriage license everything is in all one place so so important to have this and yeah that's about it guys all right you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love preparing and you guys know being organized knowing where everything that is so important to me so I hope this is a benefit to you and your family and hopefully we never have to use them but if you do I mean it could be a house fire or whatever it could be hopefully this will benefit you in some kind of way if you guys recreate these definitely come show me on instagram tag me in your pictures i'd love to see them if I inspire them for you guys and if you haven't done so already don't forget to subscribe and hit that little bell like I said I'm gonna list everything I can find for you guys down below and if you've made it all the way to the end of this video leave me a city emoji the one with the buildings and let me know that you did when you guys watch my video all the way through it just means the world to me and really benefits my channel so I truly appreciate you guys thank you guys again so much for watching and until next time I'm was your girl Erna Marie [Music]
Channel: Always Lorna Marie
Views: 117,225
Rating: 4.9341493 out of 5
Keywords: always lorna marie, alwayslornamarie, amazon, disney, organization, Homeschool, family of 6, full timer rvers, rv, tiny living, WALMART, 72 HOUR BAGS, 72 HOUR EMERGENCY BAGS, BUG OUT BAG, BAG ORGANIZATION, BUG OUT, BUG IN, BUG OUT ESSENTIOALS, BUG OUT LIST, GO KIT, HOW TO PREPARE, 2020, COVID 19, COVID 19 PREP, QUARANTINE, HOOW TO BE PREPARED, EMERGENCY KIT, TRAUMA KIT
Id: 4pWC3jopCkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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