How to use a Metahuman as a Realistic First Person Character (Fixed Foot IK) in Unreal Engine 5

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welcome back game developers today we're going to be changing our standard Quinn or Manny skeleton mesh to instead be using metahumans for our realistic first person character but before we get into it it would mean a lot if you guys could like subscribe and comment down below more tutorials or videos in general you guys would like to see in the future lastly if you want to learn more about game development or chat with other aspiring game developers the code things community on Discord is a great place to do so and the link to join is down below but anyways let's get right into the tutorial so the first thing we want to actually do is go into the quick bridge and actually import our metahuman so if you go to window and if you go to Quick Bridge um and give it a second you'll see that the quick sole bridge will load up 1 hour later once your quick so Bridge loads if it says right here background services stopped you can always press restart now and that'll make it a little bit faster it also might prompt you to log in so I'll do so right now all right great so now I'm logged in and I can go to my metahumans folder and either you can do any of these metahuman presets or if you like to you can create your own metahumans um and you can do that by going on Google or something of the sort so for example if I boot up Google and then I look up metahuman Creator without the e you will see right here there's um the metahuman link but right here is actually the metahuman Creator so if you open it um it'll also prompt you to log in everything like that you'll select your version of Unreal Engine and then you can actually start creating metahumans so if you haven't done that I suggest to do that right now and then go back to this part of the tutorial so what we're going to do do is we're going to assume that you have a metahuman and in this case I have mine right here his name is Max so what I'll do is I'll go to the highest quality section and if you want to you can make him low quality medium quality highest quality whatever you would like I'll make him medium quality since I already have it downloaded and I'm just going to add that uh and once it's added uh we'll be right back all right so my metahuman is now imported and so we have in this folder right here in our content folder we have a metahumans folder so we'll go into that and then we'll see the character that I have his name is Max you can go into Max and you can see Max right here um what we first want to do is we want to actually open up bpor Max so let's open up this blueprint and because it's the first time actually importing all of these um meshes materials all these new um things like that it's going to take a while to open up the blueprint and for all the shaders to compile you'll see on the right right here it's going to say missing plugin missing Plugin or missing project settings and missing plugin but we're going to do is we're going to enable missing enable missing and enable missing and what it's going to actually prompt you to do is to restart the engine so I'll do that right now all right so my engine loaded back up so what we're going to want to do is we can actually open back up our bpor Max um or whatever yours is called and we're going to actually want to firstly retarget all of the animations so that we can actually use them with our prior animations that we've been using in our realistic first person Series so the first step is to once it loads we want to go to our viewport make sure that this is your actual character you want to import um and make sure that all these shaders are compiled once they are we can go to our body and go to press this little search icon right here with the folder and so make sure this is also like this cuz now you can actually see it once you have this we can right click on it go to skeleton press assign skeleton and let's drag this out so we can see 100% we want to click on skore uh mannequin this is the Unreal Engine 5 version of the new updated mannequin don't click on skore mannequin skeleton that one is the ue4 version so make sure you click on skore manquin escore mannequin and then make sure you press accept um all of these are the new updated bones they're going to have to add because uh some of them are not any metahuman so we can just keep all of them and then press okay once that is done we want to do the same but we want to do it for the other parts so let's go to our feet do the same exact thing we'll press the icon right click go to skeleton and assign the skeleton do the same one skore mannequin accept Okay we're going to go back we're going to go to legs um and then go to the icon go to the actual leg assign the skeleton skore mannequin accept and then go to torso and that's the last one we need to do we'll go to the Torso right click go to skeleton assign skeleton and SK under _ mannequin accept and okay now that we have all that let's save all and now what we're going to want to do is go back into our bpor mannequin and let's actually copy all of uh let's copy this to this so we can highlight all of them so you can click on one element and then hold shift and click on the LOD sync and it'll highlight everything in between so we can do that then right click press copy now let's go back to our content browser go to our uh first person folder our blue folder and then open up our bpor firstperson character now that we have this let's go to our viewport and let's start changing some of the things on uh our mesh so that it changes so let's right click on this and press paste once we do this you'll see that all of this happens right here don't panic all you really want to do is you want to make sure that everything that is still highlighted um from here to here and then also your feet is all a child of this mesh so you can wait for that and then once that is like so you want to make sure that all of the facial hair goes to the face and that is all a child of the face like so you can see that now all the face is um done correctly and now what you would like to do is you want to make sure that um it's all in the correct position so what you can do is you can do for the location press this to make sure it's zero um and you can do that for all of these actually so you can just hold or click on one of them hold control this another way to do it you can click on on all of these and then make them all zero as well so now they're all in the correct um position so now you want to make sure that they're all also in the correct rotation um so what you can do is you can change this 90° to zero as well and so now it's facing the right direction as well but you can see that if you compile and save you still have the old mannequin so what we want to do is we want to grab the body go to press this search icon grab this body and then go to the um first person character once again and go to this mesh and we're going to want to change the skm Quinn simple to be using this now we can press that little icon since we had it saved so now you can see that it is using it so you can see some of the animations look like they're working and some of them obviously look like they aren't so the reason why some of them look like they're working and some of them don't is because of the fact that we actually are using the ABP or nmp uh Quinn for the mesh in general but we're not using it for the other components so what we could do is we could go to the Torso go to the anom class and also apply the _ Quinn and that will correct um the Torso for example but instead of doing this this is um this will lose us some performance what we can do is we can press contrl Z not actually do this but instead utilize our uh construction script the way to do this is to go to our functions down here go to our construction script and off of this we're going to want to use a cool function called set leader pose component so set leader pose component and we can actually do it for mesh and what that'll do is that'll make our or we could do it like this cuz we want our mesh to be the new leader bone component basically we want the mesh to be um what everyone else follows so since the mesh is using the an& BP Quin or or whatever an& BP you're using it's going to now make all of these subsidiaries all the targets use the nbp that this is using so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to grab feet torso and legs drag those in here and make those all Targets like so once you've done that you can make it a little bit cleaner like this and compile and save after this if you go back into your viewport you'll see that all of the animations now are aligned you can see the face the arms the legs everything is now looking much better so if we go into the game now let's press play and let's walk around you'll see that if we are walking everything is working except the feet are not moving so whichever way the feet are going they're not actually moving off the ground um so let's actually fix that right now that's a problem with our foot ik so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go to our skore mannequin you can either do that by typing in right here skore mannequin and then once you find it you basically just want to open it up and here it is now what you'll realize is that the ikore foot Ro right here is what is actually detecting that so our original metahuman one doesn't have this so what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to create a a virtual bone um the way that we're going to do this is going off of the root let's right click let's go to add virtual bone and let's add a virtual bone of the root so we'll root it like that and then we're going to call this ikore foot root great so now that we have that we can minimize these to make it look like this and we're going to go off of this add another virtual bone and we're going to look for the foot uncore left and foore right because that's how we actually make sure that we're detecting the uh feet the medicum since this has a different skeleton originally and doesn't have the same bones so we're going to want to get the foot L keep it like that and then go back add another virtual bone and we're going to make it foot R just like so now that we have both we can save next we're going to want to go to our control rig and if you don't know how to go there we're going to want to go to our animation blueprint which is right here since quinnn is a subsidiary of uh AP abore Manny we can go to Manny and right here you control rig click on this and you're on the control rig cool so now what we're going to want to do originally is go to our rig uh hierarchy in the bottom left go to our route right click and you want to go to refresh select mesh and then select the same mesh that we've been working on the skore mannequin excuse me not the skore mannequin but the skm quinnn because that's the one we've been using so now that we do that it'll load for a second and then you'll see it all Lo load so we can um compile and save and now once we minimize all of these we will see the virtual bones that we created earlier so the first thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go in and anywhere that we see the ikore foot L we're going to want to replace that with the virtual bone that we created so we can look up VB and so since this is foot L we're going to do ikore foot uncore root uncore foot uncore L for the left and same thing except for the r here and we can compile and save but there are a couple more places we don't need it in step two we don't need it in step three um but in step four we're going to have to change this one so VB and you'll see all of it foot L uh VB again foot R we can keep pelvis cuz pelvis doesn't change and then right here for our get transform we're going to want to change this so VB foot L and VB foot R now if you compile and save it should all work now let's go into our first person map let's press play and what you'll see is when you move your walking will be um just as it was with the other mannequin so you can see that now it all works perfectly smooth and all works just as it did um with our other mannequin you can see that if you go left if you go right the other directions it does not matter also if you're curious how I went into unlit while in runtime you have to just press f2 and if you press F3 you can go back into regular lit mode um but yeah everything works as it should if you go right left all the feet work and especially um with the biggest problem usually people have is if you go on Ledges like this the ik will not work but if you see right here you can see that if we go out of the mesh View and go like this the foot ik is updating if we're on a ramp like this you can see that one of the feet is detecting the ramp so it's just as it is with the regular ik system with the uhmore Quin or Manny or any of those regular meshes so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial I hope you guys found it informative and um I will see you guys in the next tutorial have a good one guys
Channel: Code Things
Views: 1,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true first person character, first-person perspective, video game, game programming, unreal engine 5, ue5, metahuman unreal engine 5, unreal engine metahuman, unreal engine metahuman tutorial, metahuman tutorial, ue5 metahuman, metahuman foot ik
Id: BI815wgXzUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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