How to Use a Drum Dial

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today we'll be talking about how to use a drum dial here on the percussion discussion [Music] for those of you who are less familiar with the drum dial the drum dial is a precision drum tuner that helps the fine tuning after you've done a general tune-up of your head the way it works is you set the drum dial down on the head of your drum near a lug and it'll give you a reading of your tympanic pressure once you take a reading at each of the lugs around your drum you can get an average tympanic pressure and then tune each leg to the same number and once they're all tuned to the same tympanic pressure you'll have a drum that is in tune and that sounds great so the best way to start tuning with a drum dial is to get a reading of the tympanic pressure at each of the lugs around your drum in order to do this you're simply going to carefully lay the drum dial down on your drum head right next to one of your logs and get your reading and once you get a reading at each of your lugs you can get an average number from that so i'm going to go ahead and do this process and we'll come back once i'm done awesome so now that i've gone around my head and i've taken the tympanic pressure at each of my lugs i found that my tympanic pressure is averaging between 84 and 86 so when i go into fine tune with the drum dial i'm going to aim for about 85 on each of my lugs and once i reach 85 on each of my legs i should have a good and in tuned drum and also do note when you're tuning with the drum dial you do not have to go in a cross pattern around your drum you're not really putting a large amount of pressure on any one lug so you don't really have a risk of damaging a lug when you're tuning just going around the head so now in order to tune you're going to do the same process of putting the drum dial at each leg but this time you're going to tune the lug to try to reach an 85 on the dial on your drum dial so we're going to put our drum dial down i'm going to have to turn it for a second so i can actually see the number this lug is reading just over 85 so what i'm going to do i'm going to put my drum deck key on there and i'm going to take it down just a small bit a very small amount of movement with a drum dot will take your tympanic pressure down a lot more than you'll probably expect so now that i've done just a very minor adjustment i can see that my dial has not moved now when i am tuning down on a log oftentimes the drum dial will not actually pick up the reading of that so in order to make sure you get an accurate reading of what you've changed you can take the drum dial off and re-seat it on the drum head and you'll get another accurate reading so i've actually gone a little far on this one so i'm going to bring it up just a tad and there we go we have an accurate reading of 85 on this particular log also when you are tuning up do know that it will often catch you when you're tuning up just you sometimes have to reset it when you are tuning down so now that i've got 85 on this lug i'm going to go to all of my next lugs and i'm going to tune them to 85 as well do note that you may have to do a couple rounds around the drum to get them all precisely to 85 because tuning certain lugs may throw another lug out of tune so here we go all right then there we go i'm getting a solid reading of about 85 for my component pressure around all of my lugs and when i go in and tap my drum it's muted because it's on a towel but at least the top head sounds good to me thank you for joining me here on the percussion discussion if you have any questions or suggestions go ahead and leave them down in the comment section and if you want to see more percussion related content like this go ahead and hit subscribe and i'll have more content out soon take care goodbye
Channel: The Percussion Discussion
Views: 9,593
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Id: xSvNX3myi74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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