How to Upload Files to ChatGPT - Uploading Files to ChatGPT

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hello everyone welcome to another video in this video I will show you how to upload files to chat GPT how you can enable a button that will show right here where you can go and you can upload files to chatgpt so before we start this video I just want to say thank you to automate my life for making this happen basically he created one video that allowed us to create this tutorial video so before we get started we will use his script right here to generate a button so first of all what we need to do is we need to paste that script the script will be down in the description so you can check it out so just go and hit enter and this will generate as you can see a JavaScript code right here that meets the requirements you described so as you can see we'll create a code that will create a button uh within this page on chatgpt so as you can see now we have to wait for this code to be generated completely and then will go to the step 2. okay guys now that the code has been generated we can go here we can copy the code we can right click here go to inspect element and from inspect element we can go to console now from here just make sure you delete this right here by just clicking this button and that now here you can go here and just Ctrl V paste this hit enter and then as you can see we right now have a submit a file button now we can go exit out of it and then what we can do is we can go to submit file right here now once we go to submit file what we can do is weak and submit a file that is a text file CSV file whatever file you want now as you can see if I scroll down below I can go submit file and now I can go basically here and I can submit my text file which is called John in the text file I just say hi my name is John and I can just hold here open and as you can see this is basically how you can actually go and how you can open a file obviously as you can see uh you know once you upload the file you will actually need to go and also enter the file uh you know name right here you can rename the file as you can see it says hello my name is John and obviously this is this acts like a prompt so you can actually go here and you will get the prompt right you can also download this as a PDF as you can see right here which is great so you can go download the PDF and now you have a pdf version of that exact uh format or of that exact input now obviously it's not the best as you can see right here but again it does the job done now obviously this is the best way how you can upload files to chat GPT uh you know it's really really simple and if you want more tutorials just like this comment down below and we'll see you in the next upcoming video thank you guys for watching
Channel: TutorialsHub
Views: 6,223
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Keywords: How to Upload Files to ChatGPT - Uploading Files to ChatGPT, Uploading Files to ChatGPT, How to Upload Files to ChatGPT, upload a file to chat gpt, uploading a file to chat gpt, chatgpt uploading files, chatgpt uploading a file, chatgpt uploading file, uploading file chatgpt, chatgpt upload button, chatgpt upload documents, chatgpt upload files, chatgpt upload file, how to upload pdf in chatgpt, how to upload images to chat gpt, how to upload in chatgpt, chatgpt upload csv
Id: 0f06IXMOqfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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