how to upload a vrchat rexouium with unity.

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okay hello everyone and welcome to how to create an avatar in unity this is going to be for the rexium which would mean every Avatar base with uploading is kind of the same but they're all different because of some of the animations they use and you have to put some stuff into the animator layer and stuff but it should be for the most part set up fully and should only take 20 minutes to set up so the first thing you're going to want to do you're obviously going to want to download Unity Hub now how you do that you got to go to your any like search bar that you have type in unity um then go to their website click download for Windows then you will be prompted to a download file right then after that you want to download the unity editor number or version 2019.4.31 F1 so all you're going to do is simply type in unity editor um 2019 0.4.31 F1 then this will come up and then you can download it for Windows the reason we use this is because this is the highest the VR chat will go you can also download the 2018 version of the SD or of the of unity but you would have to use the SDK too so we're not going to be doing that today we're going to be using sdk3 so once you have it fully downloaded and everything correct you will then be prompted to a screen like this now if you go to your installs you want to definitely make sure that you have the Android and Windows if this has Windows what you're going to do is when you're in your inner file or in your um in your Unity file I will show you how to download the Android version which will then allow you to upload for Quest so what we're going to want to do is you're going to go back to your projects as you can see I have a lot that I've made you're going to want to click new project make sure that you click 3D core because anything else won't really work and will not give you what you want unless you want to create a Lego mid unless you want to create something around Legos but I don't know you do you man so you're going to want to of course name your project whatever you want to name it let's just say this is um video I can't spell that correct this is video okay now you're going to want to come down here to create project again make sure that you have the 2019.4.31 selected sometimes you will have the 22 version selected and if you have both of them just simply select the 2019 version my dog now you're going to want to click just remember to click 3D and once one seek like that you will then hit create project now that will create your Unity project and then you're going to want to it's going to open it for you sometimes it won't so just click on it and if it says it's already opening then um just let it take its time sometimes it takes a little bit of time to open depends on what card you have and how fast your internet is now while we wait for this um what should you want to do when you get into Unity um you're going to want to download the um the SDK the Avatar SDK there's two sdks there's a world SDK and Avatar SDK the world SDK is you know as it says for the world see avatars is for the avatars so what you're going to want to do again go to your browser go to your VR chat of course I'm not signed in foreign now what you're going to want to do go over to download it should be if you look right above your name here or right below your name under groups you'll see download now you're going to want to scroll down a little bit and you're going to see Legacy Avatar SDK and Legacy World SDK you're then going to want to click download sdk3 avatars now while that downloads you're going to see a pop-up up here now depending on where this if it doesn't pop up here all you got to do is go to your downloads in your file explorer then take the unity package drag it down to your unity and simply just let it go inside of the asset box pretty simple now you sometimes I like I like to hit you know select all and then import but for the most part you can just hit import and you'll get everything you need uh now that gets in there I've also realized that my um what should I call it is a little bit off there we go a little bit off center down there for the recording software that is my bed oh that's always fun so once you get this downloaded um you're going to want to import a dynamic bone package this is where everything starts costing money if you do not have money you can always ask a friend now this is not recommended a lot of people don't really like just having people hand out files but as long as it's not I guess this is a Unity file as long as it's not like a you know like so a file that someone took to make like a rexium file that costs 45 like as long as it's not like one of those I think it'll be good um you know just people kind of look down on that I don't really know man and you know this is it's just it's a process it takes time to start um and get everything kind of going here so now that it's in here this is just the SDK this is one of the three other things that you need to be able you know we'll talk about it later we'll talk about that when we get everything in here so that way you guys don't get confused so now you're gonna like your Dynamic bone package so you're going to just type in Dynamic bones Unity then you'll find the dynamic mode animation tool I'm pretty sure that this is it maybe not I don't remember it being like this but it's somewhere along the lines of that if anything I'll try and find the link and put it in there and I'm pretty confident that it is this yeah I'm pretty sure yeah yeah okay so what is this it's twenty dollars sadly damn that is kind of crazy though okay well twenty dollars is twenty dollars that's what you need right there so once you get that you're then going to want to go to wherever it downloaded for me I have a folder see for me I have a folder that I have everything downloaded in then just simply grab it from where you have it downloaded drag it into your assets folder and then hit import now you're going to want to have a Shader now you can always use the standard VR chat like you know the standard the standard of VR chat shaders or you can go for a little bit of more like something that makes it pop more you have the corpse Uber particle Shader you have the you have eye Shader you have a lot of shaders I mean people make them a lot you know there's a lot to choose from but the one that I choose from like and that I like the most would be the pile of me so to find the pile of me they actually have a free version uh if you go to your so I call it here go to your search engine type in can't spell correctly so it's gonna be fun poi let's see yummy yummy okay Shady free now this is the free version I of course have the pro version that is what you get for paying for their patreon um and you can also find the pro version just for free Some people post in their Discord servers and stuff but this is probably the most safest option you can get um so all you're going to do is simply click download then it will pop up up here and then if it does not pop up up there all you that you're going to do is simply go to your downloads folder and you'll see probably tune drag and drop into your assets folder then just hit import foreign now this sometimes takes a little bit to kind of get going and put into your project so I might speed this up whenever this clip is uploaded but for the time being um of course just need to wait it's always fun so fun um now sometimes you're the yard chat SDK will not like pyomi which is why some people use other ones sometimes your SDK will break which means you'll have to delete your SDK delete pile of me and then report re-import your SDK and then you're probably but after you do that it's mostly fixed for the most part but um you know for right now it's at least working which is very good because Unity is not the most fun you know software to use but blender is a whole other story so while this takes its sweet little time to upload what we're gonna do now you're going to want to again you should have three yeah three things now that you've downloaded now you're going to want to then go into your search bar you're going to want to type in how was I thinking off tip it oh yeah you're going to type in let's see gumroad rexolium and it'll be prompted with this there we go and then you'll go to the link and this is where you then buy your VR chat rexium now if you wanted to have let's say something different there's always uh booth and there's a whole just gumroad is like kind of the main way people sell their assets and stuff and then what you're going to click is probably personal use I don't think you want to pay 300 damn dollars for an avatar so you click personal use so you of course pay for it by it and then it will bring you to another screen and it will allow you to download it or it will send it to your email and let you download it so from there now let's say you have it download it from there you now want to go to your go to where we have it downloaded right go to your let's see okay there we go now for me I have them all in a folder because I like to be organized this will of course be in your downloads folder all the way up here it'll be in this folder right here right you're going to want to click you're just going to click it right and then you're going to just drag it and drop it into your assets folder you will of course have a PC version and a quest version um it is up to you which one you want to use there is for the PC version you can make it Quest compatible it's just a lot more frustrating to use and do because you have to lessen its polygons and of course Crush its textures and Crush its clothing to make it Quest compatible because they can only have 10 megabyte uploads as for PC it's unlimited so you know I guess you know it's just not it's not fun it's just not fun for this video I'm going to be showing you guys only how to upload for your PC um if you want to wing it there is multiple tools you can use that will make it Quest compatible for you it just you know you're not doing it yourself so it won't look as good as because it's kind of like having a robot do it for you it won't look kind of how you want it to look in a way this typically takes a little bit of time to you know kind of process and load in once again is fun that's like the major part like just getting everything into the unity project is what takes a lot of time and it's so annoying and once this is in um it will pretty much be ready to go uh there's you just you know go to the Avatar file drag and drop and your raxiom is pretty much ready for you to texture and for you to upload um texturing is a whole other video in itself with that and I'm sure there's you know there's a lot of softwares you can use to texture and you know make a nice Avatar like a texture for your avatar but you know that again takes probably like a couple hours on end to do and this video is not meant to be that long it's supposed to be this nice simple video okay so from there just kind of zoom in on your project you kind of want to be where the light is and where the camera is a little bit just so that way you can see how the avatars spawn now simply once you have everything in right go to the thing go to the thing that says avatars then click rexium then click scenes then you're going to click rigs V 1.1 now it doesn't like really matter what rig you pick it's just you have more options with this but there's you know there's tons of other projects you can use then all you want to do click this simply drag it and drop it into your sample scene or as they call it a hierarchy now you'll see that you have a group of six rexiums you can choose any of these it does not matter which one you choose at all whatever one you like they all have you know certain things done to them some you know how like this some have hair and feathers and some don't I tend to use this one the most because it's just you know I like everything about it so now just drag the one you want now if you don't know which one like let's say you wanted this one you don't know which one it is what you're gonna do is you're going to just simply click on the body so let's say I wanted this one click on the body once and then you'll be it will highlight it in the hierarchy so just let's say I didn't know what this one was just click the body once and as you can see it will let me highlight it gray now you're going to do simply drag it and drop it into your sample scene now it is away from the other project all that you're going to do click on the other scene that says rexium's V point one then you're gonna wow you're going to want to right click and just hit remove scene now make sure you hit don't save because if you save it your rexium will be missing from the scene and it will look all goofy if you want to redo it now you'll see your rexium is a little bit off placed so all you're going to do simply go to your X and Y value and your Z value and put them on zero that will take roughly a couple seconds to do and now your avatar is now centered it does not matter if your avatar is not centered I just have kind of a OCD thing where it I just like it centered it has to be perfect so no just this is a this this is optional completely optional you can unpack your prefab or you can keep it packed it's completely up to you but I choose to unpack it now all that you're going to do click on the rexilis v1.1 right just click on your avatar basically and you're going to want to right click it then you will be prompted with this with this drop down menu ish I guess right then you should want to hit unpack prefab there you go and now it is now unpacked for the most part your avatar will basically be ready for upload this is now ready for upload and it's all ready to go some time to test your overrides and your Rex expressions and parameters will not be in there how to fix that is simply go to your avatars rexium then go to controllers then go to expressions and they will be right here and then all that you do to put them in there is Rex Expressions menu Rex Expressions menu now let's say that there put the none let's say they look like this the exact same thing like I said sometimes they look like this right just drag it and drop it now there's no possible way to mess this up because it will literally not let you drag the Expressions menu into the parameters so there's no way to mess this up then you're going to want to take these threat State parameters and simply drop them into your parameters folder again there's no way to mess this up because it does not let you drag them into the Expressions menu now they do have Aura ones it's kind of up to you which with like which one you want to pick um they do go together the the Expressions menu and the parameters so just keep in mind that that could be up if you do mess like mix them up a little bit but again easy fixes now what we want to do we want to now go to the animations I'm pretty sure it is no it's not it which one is it okay Air Force it's animator controls why why the wouldn't it be okay so sometimes these won't be here either so let's say I wanted to let's say I put these two none none but we're trying to bring it back okay so let's say these are set to none these two things in your in your uh your descriptor for your avatar so just again go to your avatars rexium controllers animator controllers and you will see them here now there is a way to mess this up if you're not you know paying attention FX overriders they can't they can go anywhere okay they can literally go anywhere you can put in your Jester animator and that will everything up so obviously obviously we don't want that you're going to want to put it into your FX it will literally say FX FX goes to FX keep that in mind two things match for the gesture override gesture and gesture who would have thought right who would have thought there we go now they're both in there okay so now that this is all set up let's say you wanted to um convert this to Quest and all that you're going to do is simply go to file on your um on your what's going to call it on your scene then you're going to want to go to build settings now you're going to go down to Android I already have it downloaded and so I can't really show you but if you go to Android it should say download this and you'll be prompted to a download file than the fort then for it will you know download something and then you'll be ready to upload it like basically you have the Android SDK downloaded for Unity and then you can upload it and of course you would still have to compress things right now from here again your avatar is literally ready there is nothing else you need to do this could it was ready from the start and for the most part it will always be ready for the start everything should be placed correctly and if it's not you saw how to fix that now go to your VR CH SDK go to show control panel sometimes it will like for the most part it'll be over here sometimes I just like to just drag that and put it in this little area over here to keep everything together all you're going to do all you're going to want to do sign in right and from there headset decided to die on me if it's going to decide to sign me in that would be great there we go now from there it is literally ready for upload like there's nothing else that you need to do literally nothing else now all that you're going to want to do from here simply simply click build and publish for Windows then you can hit you know yes if something is kind of messed up sometimes you'll have certain things that are messed up and then it would either say autofix or you have to fix them yourselves for the most part it will auto fix for you sometimes when you click upload it will not work it's a whole other issue in itself but then you just look down here and then you can go to your console I can't click it because this is doing something right now and it will show you a list of errors and as long as you look at the beginning it will literally tell you where the error is and where the package file is so you just delete it and re-import it back in sometimes it is fixable without deleting it but I find that deleting it and putting it back in is probably the most easiest thing to do to be honest um and yeah that's that's literally it that is um all that there is to creating an avatar at least without having any clothes I will make another video after this one to sh like to show you how to put on clothes which is for the most part easy and um you know it's pretty easy and I'll also show you how to kind of change the texture to because they have different uh body textures like a blue I think it's blue pink green and yellow um I'll show you how to of course change it to that those are just presets and you know they're just there so like just why not like you know what I mean you can also change your eye color they have different eye color selections um and yeah that's that's pretty much it that is literally as simple as it gets for creating an avatar and now that it is uh what okay let's this is one of the this is one of the times this is one of the times that um the unity that Unity is being stupid um so normally normally right this should only be for Quest this is not a PC thing at all this has nothing to do with PC for some weird reason it is thinking that I'm uploading this request when it literally says build and publish for Windows foreign oh what the hell okay well listen um I don't know what the hell happened uh okay I guess we're gonna re-import the same thing okay Unity this is one of the times that Unity like I wish Unity would work but again this gives you a kind of a show on how Unity doesn't work in a way is like you shouldn't why like why bro I it's that's so stupid switch platform that is so stupid okay well now we're back I guess there's something I did earlier that's that is my bad that is that is generally my bed but I didn't I didn't realize that could happen because that made no sense at all so sometimes it'll say Auto Effects if your thing has Dynamic bones you can switch from the Fizz bones and then look at that the Avatar is overall good that will eventually change once you start putting clothes on because you know why not and uh now you should be able to hit build and publish for Windows I'm probably just going to edit that part out and should be good it should be good now foreign what a great what a great time um then you know while we sit here oh look at that that look see now it works now it works look at that it's a miracle okay so let's say you want to to adjust your camera because that's not really a good angle it sucks right you're gonna go up there you'll see right by your game right by where my mouse is you're gonna see a scene click scene zoom out a little bit with your uh scroll wheel your school your scroll or wheel is how you kind of move around in unity and then if you click on your scroll on your scroll wheel that's how you move around probably should have said that in the beginning I'm probably going to go back and say it just to make things clear now simply click onto your little camera here and you can simply move up now if you do not have this option you you use your W key to let you have this option now there's three different things you have rotation transform and that's pretty much all rotation transform and you know that's pretty much it so you're going to want to just click once you click on it you're going to click W and then simply drag it up there now you will see down in your camera preview how your avatar will start to look you know better and then also in the back you'll see the little dots here you can click that to kind of like make it zoom out or zoom in and it's just you know it's up to you they're kind of all over the place you know you do you doesn't matter and look at that look at that so nice so obviously name your avatar whatever the hell you want um cat right the the yeah description again you know whatever you want do cat then just private or public most likely private and just click that you had created the information and then simply click upload now this will then he uploaded to your um your VR chat and it will be under your name so congrats you have successfully uploaded a VR chat Avatar um I don't know how long this video was but it's probably going to take you guys a lot longer to understand it so I wish everyone luck here and I hope that you definitely got it working and hopefully you do like it and then in the next video I will explain how to get your avatar clothing and hair because these bald he's just a little bit bald but thank you guys for watching and have a great time
Channel: Furthegur
Views: 2,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tHpu3e3dJQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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