How to Unwrap in 3ds Max for the *FIRST Time* UV unwrapping a 3d model

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after we reach pologize our character the next thing we need to do is to take the low poly mesh and unwrap it what exactly is unwrapping unwrapping is the process of unfolding a mesh so that you can create a 2d texture which will fit the 3d object let me show you a visual presentation so you can understand better so here we have some 3d objects we have the cylinder we have the box and we have the cone let's say all these shapes are let's see there are all made out of a thin cardboard and then we're gonna have to cut them out and then we're gonna have to lay them flat on a table let's take a look at the cylinder first so let's say that this cylinder here is a thin cardboard right we're gonna have to make our cuts okay we're gonna use a knife or maybe a sitter if you're lucky and you got really good skills and cutting and then you could make a cut here right and then cut all the way down and then cut here also right and then probably leave a space somewhere here and there and then when we lay it out on the table when we unfold it it's going to look something like this when we lay it down flat on a table after we cut it that thin cardboard unfolded so turning a 2d object and then into a 2d flat object and then we have a box here so let's say that you want to do the same thing for the box right what you need to do is for this for this cardboard you need to make sure that you're gonna have to cut make some cuts on the 30 object-- right here and then cut right there all right and probably you could cut here also and then when you unfold it it's going to look something like this so we have 1 2 3 4 faces okay and then we have this here also right and when you flip it and you want to make it 3d again yeah you gotta fold everything back and then you could easily make it look like the cube again and I look at this cone here okay so let's say we want to make this into a 2d flat image to the 2d cardboard right flat on the table we could make a cut you know like I just changed the collar so we have to make a cut here on our cardboard or thin cardboard and then also over here okay and then when we unfold this is going to look something like this and also it has the circular part right so this is what unwrapping is taking a 3d object and unfolding it unwrapping it so we have a 2d flat image like this to work with okay and why do we need to do this anyways why do we need to unwrap we need to unwrap because we need to create UVs for our character UVs our 2d texture coordinates that corresponds with the vertex information of your 3d model you these are important because they give us a link between the 3d surface and how an image texture looks on that surface without a proper UV layout we won't have much control of how the texture will appear on the 3d model so unwrapping and creating UVs are very essential processes to know ok so here we are going to unwrap a simple object in 3ds max if you have never unwrapped and 3ds max before I suggest that you follow me here step by step I have included this 3d model here in the project folder it is called pillar and it is a 3dsmax file all you got to do is download that file and open it here in the software so how do we unwrap this so that we have a 2d layout of this model we're gonna be using the unwrap UVW modifier to unwrap this select your model make sure that you're on the modified tab go to modifier list scroll all the way down your very gonna find young wrap UV W modifier click on that so now you should see your unwrap UVW here okay Bewdley on the drop-down arrow there's the vertex selection mode which allows us dislike vertices make sure that you click off go to edge selection mode allows us to select edges all right polygons process to select polygons now if you click and drag you say you want to select the entire polygons here alright if you look at the back you see how it doesn't select the polygons the back that's because if you scroll all right scroll your so you see all these other tools here we're gonna go and touch up on that later on as we unwrap this thing okay okay you see the ignore back-facing right here okay that icon right there that's because that's turned on if you turn that off and then you click and drag so like again now you're selecting everything not only that's visible to your eyes but also the ones at the back that's what they ignore back-facing here you could turn that off if you don't want to select the polygons that's not visible to your eye but if you want to select everything make sure this is off okay and if you guys look right here we have selection modes here also there's the vertex edge and polygons okay now if you scroll down there's the Edit UVs rollout I want you guys to click on open UV editor if you click here this panel pops up rights window pops up you could click and drag it you can make it bigger by hovering your mouse here in the corner and dragging and you could navigate here the same way that you navigate and the you port okay you could zoom in zoom out by scrolling your mouse or you hold ctrl and alt together and the middle mouse button and slowly drag to zoom in and zoom out you could pan to the left and to the right by holding the middle mouse button so same exact way that you would navigate here okay now this is very very important having this UV editor because this is where we're going to see our 2d layout of this 3d model here so most of the time that we're unwrapping we're gonna have this open this UV editor okay right now there are UV that's already been created for here for our 3d model so when you add the unwrap UVW modifier our friend through the S Max will automatically create UVs for you but it's pretty bad UV so we cannot stick to this at all they're bad because there are overlapping edges if you guys go here you're also gonna see vertex selection mode edge and polygon selection mode you could also right-click you see polygon edge vertex top level and right click same thing here okay if you go to vertex selection mode okay and you go to the move tool alright and you start moving the vertices you see how there's overlapping edges that's not good ctrl Z to undo that okay so that's why we need to unwrap this thing ourselves this is not gonna work out the automatic unwrap that 30 max tried to do for us it's not good see these here these are also important I already show you the move tool but there's also the rotate and there's also the scale so let me just go to polygon selection mode so if you select the polygons here move allows you to move rotate allows you to rotate and you could also scale it alright now here there's the select element toggle there okay right now you're on poly if you're on polygon selection mode you could select individual polygons right and yeah that's cool that we could do that alright if you could select baby select this year we could see which part of the Trudy mesh that isn't you click here so this part is gonna be here you can see that now let's say you want to select the entire polygons you could do that by basically clicking and dragging you can even the Select by holding the Alt key and doing this right but let's say that you want to select it faster you dance our UV island faster you could click on select by element UV toggle here and this will allow you just with one click to select an entire UV element and you could drag it quickly let's just go ahead and drag it to the side now eventually after we unwrap this thing this UV is going to be the UV sphere our pillar is gonna have to be inside the checkered box area okay but for now we just move it to the left alright so as I mentioned before the UVC airs pretty bad we gotta create our own UVC guy so let's go ahead and do that we're gonna have to create our own seams also because right now the seams has been automatically created here also when we added unwrap UVW you see the green lines here those are the seems that 3dsmax have created let's go ahead and just hide those by scrolling down and you're gonna see configure all-out turnoff map seems okay you don't need to see that if you have that on and let me show you this real quick you see thick means you have thick seams then that's then right there okay so we need to leave it thick we're gonna have to make our own seams later and we still need to see the thickness of it in a minute but right now turn it off map seams then thing that when you turn on is pill seems iike this right here is what we need to see cuz when we make our custom seams they're going to be turning blue all right and by having this on we're going to be able to see that okay so we need to make our cuts here our own seams and just by looking at this we can visualize how our seams should look like we can make a cut from here to there and also from the top to the bottom the bottom and then also all around that way wouldn't be unfolded is it going to look like how we want it to be all right that's how it's supposed to look like more like a cylinder okay so let's go and make our seams first go to edge selection mode control click to select the edges let's go and do the top part first control click control click here and here press f3 to make sure that we have all the edges selected at school after again to go to back to shaded mode and then we could go ahead and turn this selection this edge selection into a seam by scrolling up okay and the peel roll up you're gonna see look at this area there we have edit seams point-to-point seam convert edge selection to seam and we have expand polygon selection to seams when we need to click on this convert edge selection to seam click on that ok so as you can see it had turned blue so that blue means this the selection have turned into seams all right okay then we need to do the same thing here at the bottom double click I look like oops that will click here Oh be careful of what you're clicking in control Z don't do that ctrl-click f3 okay so oh you don't need this to be selected hold the Alt key and dis left okay so yes why sometimes it's important to press f3 to know what you're looking at okay so we should only have these seams here in the circular area all right again then let's go ahead and convert it to seams turn blue cool so now we gotta do the body part we need to select a vertical loop here it doesn't matter which loop you select you could select this entire loop here this vertical loop or you could select this one here it doesn't really matter any vertical loop in this body straight vertical loop okay alright so just you could select edges if you double click it selects the entire thing all the way at the bottom and also here that's not good okay so we could probably select this one instead okay the one that doesn't have that here okay so maybe this so it doesn't go all the way to the top alright to the bottom so with this one here they look like okay cool so this one was easier to select yeah this could work and then convert selection edge selection seam all right great press f3 okay so this is what you should have this is the type of seam you should have you should have going all around all the way to the bottom let's say you messed up on the seams right let's say that you want to unsee MIT right you don't want to have those seams here anymore you could go to the Edit seams area here see this edit same icon click here you can hold alt key alt on your keyboard as you click alright okay so now click off you see how there's it's no longer there no more blue line so now those seams are gone but we need it back okay so make sure you so turn off that it seems after you use it click here click here and here and then let's just go back and add the seams again alright and double checking okay alright so the seams has been created there so F when we unfold this thing it should look like the way I still in there supposed to unwrap right so how do we unfold this go to polygon selection mode you could select the polygons through here or you know doesn't matter you can select it through here also alright and you see the pill section here click on quick kill okay so we got you got it um there but it doesn't look like I was supposed to we need to click on reset pill alright so it's almost there but the thing is we need to have these here right you're supposed to be here okay you select polygons here bygones you could see that this polygon these here are supposed to be the ones at the bottom and this here is supposed to be the ones at the top and this is going to be the body it's pretty cool how you could see the 2d layout of this here and you could see which one you're selecting on the mesh here it's pretty cool ok so what we need to do is we need to stitch these polygons the circular polygons already belong at the ends right so how do we do that ok first let's turn off select by element UV toggle so that we're not selecting the entire thing ok we need to relocate those polygons and Stitch the edges where they need to go go to turn that off alright go to edge selection mode go here maybe you could select any of the edges here at the bottom this is the bottom part let's see yep it is the bottom area so select one of the edges right click stitch selected okay so it has stitch it there you could you know so like I need the edges here and when we right-click stitch selected and there you go it's all stitched up now what we could do is right-click go to polygon selection mode select all polygons and we could relax it further so that we could further unfold this thing we want to unfold as much as possible to prevent any stretching on our textures later okay so we're gonna be using in the reshape elements section the relaxed tool okay you can click here double click or you could click and hold and then you can see the drop down menu click on the relax settings here and this relax tool should pop up you could crank up the amount if you want to you could actually increase the amount of how much it's relaxing and then click on start relax and you see it's getting a little crazy that's ok you could stop it make sure you stop at the right part okay and you could X that out now if you look here there's actually the UV sphere is crossing the border and it needs to be inside the checkered box so that we won't have any trouble with baking later hello if you want to bake something like this so you need to make sure if you want to texture that all your UV star with inside the UV checker box it shouldn't be passing the border here so we gotta fix this okay go to polygon selection mode polygon selection mode and we could go ahead scroll down here and arrange elements section say spec custom just like on that custom and that will put everything inside within the UV border okay so everything that's inside the UV checker box not outside the border okay so you got everything inside the UV border and now everything has been relaxed that's nice okay everything is cool right okay everything is there and another thing that I want to show you the tool that we're gonna be frequently using is how to break the u-visa part so let's say you wanna you know break this apart right you want to create separate movies okay so you want to separate this circle again you know make it its own UV island alright and let's say you want to do the same thing for the other one here also you could go to polygon selection mode select the polygons make sure that you turn off select by element UV toggle select polygons you go to right-click and you could break it all right click on break so now you could move it it's no longer connected alright like break no longer connected and let's say you want to break some UV so here also you could right-click and break the hotkey for that is going to be control B all right control B and you could move it now we don't want that to happen ctrl Z to undo it ctrl Z and we could put it back everything back where it's supposed to go yeah your ctrl Z to undo okay so we got our UV lay up now the UV layout ferner pillars all done okay so this is how how it's supposed to look like the 2d layout after this is unfolded all right so let's say that we want to add a texture to this right then this is pretty cool alright this here allows us to create customized structure wherever we want it okay we have fully controlled full control where you want our texture to go so let me show you how this thing works here so we could take this into Photoshop this UVs and you know create some numbers here and depend where we're at on the UV it will direct those texture numbers on the specific mesh of the 3d surface let's go ahead and right-click on the UV editor render UV W template and let's go ahead and set this to 2048 20:48 okay and this is gonna be the pixels of how big the sizes for the UV template so when we put it into Photoshop we could create some stuff on there that's and it's gonna be that pixel size click on render UV template and then this should pop up right and we could save this we're gonna be using this as a guide of where we need to paint in Photoshop now when we paint when we paid our character we're gonna actually be using substance Manor but I just want to show you something in Photoshop so that you have a general idea of how the UV see our work and how it connects with the 3d model here okay so just click on save image and you know you could just save it as a JPEG file is fine and I could just leave it here give it a name UV underscore pillar and press ok all right now we can open in Photoshop open and I could go through this okay so UV pillar and open it okay so this is our UV layout there right okay The Oval Photoshop now what we could do is we could right click layer from background and press ok create a new layer drag that layer below drag layer 1 below layer 0 layer 0 is gonna be basically our UV guide okay that's our UV spur our pillar we could just rename this UVs you could rename by double-clicking UVC guide here and then we could lock that we don't need to touch that right now actually before we lock it let's do something here we could set the blending mode to screen okay the by doing that we are able to we're gonna be able to see what's behind this layer which is gonna be layer one when we add color to layer one or any type of texture there okay so make sure it's at screen and then turn on lock now if you go to layer one what we could do is we could add a color there let's say we could make it a brown color so you could go to here oops that's way too big okay yeah go to this here click on the foreground color which is gonna be the first square that you see and then you could choose a any color any one I'll just choose brown like brownish color press okay and then we could fill in this layer here with the brown color by going to edit fill and press okay all right okay so remember the screen that we have added you know at first it was normal in order for us to see the layer behind that we needed to set it to screen okay and then ya lock again so make sure it's locked the UV guide going back to layer one okay so we can go back to 20 max here right and let's say like our own maybe this area here we want to put the number one may wanna put number one here okay so we know that this polygon is basically the polygons here on the UV guide so if we go to photoshop so that's going to be right here alright okay so I could go ahead and put number two actually I want to make the brush size bigger you go here and make the brush size bigger I'll set it to ten okay so just double checking where it's at again okay so the third one here okay so - okay so I put number two there that's drawing with the mouse so now if I just go ahead and hide I want to hide this here okay I guess and we're gonna add this texture hide that and I go to file save as save as JPEG and I could call this pillar underscore the texture and press okay so now if I go to 3ds max and click off let's go ahead and just collapse the unwrap UVW modifier so we're gonna make this permanent we're done unwrapping and we're happy with the unwrapping we got to make sure that we collapse it I see some students that the goat edible poly they go back to edible poly without collapsing the unwrap UVW modifier and that's a big no-no because if you do that if you go here without collapsing this first you will loose your UV so I think I'd have to redo it all over again and that's not what you want okay let's go ahead and make it permanent right-click collapse all and press yes okay so now we could press M for Mature editor okay so if you go to modes and if you have it on slate material editor you're gonna have it the material editor looks like this if you're on Compaq what's your editor this is how it looks like this is the old version of the material editor we could use the new version it's fine okay now what we could do is create a standard material double click you're gonna see general rollout scanline double click on standard double click here and then you're gonna see the diffuse slot right there now that the few slot that's where we're gonna plug in and the diffuse slot here is where we're gonna plug in our texture that we just saved from Photoshop click here and for the Maps general rollout double click on bitmap okay and just going to find find where you have saved it and I say that a Spiller texture double click on your texture and then you can assign it sign it on to your mesh by right-clicking on the material assign material to selection ok so if you don't see it there all you go there is click on show material in viewport there you go so now we see the number 2 there where it's supposed to go alright and this is pretty cool how it works you know you could know exactly where you're putting your textures if I click here you can add the unwrap modifier again if you want I'm good at unwrap open UV editor and you could let's say that you want to add something else see well let's say you want to add another number here or whatever it is that you want to add okay you want to add it on this part of the mesh so you know that that part of the mesh is gonna be here you could go to photoshop unhide the UV guide and you could let's see here ok so that's gonna be your on this area here so I could do like a happy face sort a happy face and then hide the guides we don't want the guys to show in the texture so we could hide it go to file and save as JPEG and I could just replace that old texture that I had before filler texture replace press yes and press ok so now if I go 3ds Max and you should automatically update it and there you go cool and if it doesn't have date updated in your part you can always just go ahead and go to the letter M again or go go - yeah go to the M right here click here and then click on the bitmap and then just go ahead and relocate your texture and there you go so here's just the basics I showed you guys the basic of unwrapping okay it also talked about why is this important to unwrap okay and we should you guys should already have an understanding of how that works how important it is to have control of where your textures go very important to do that and basically that's it here we are going to practice some more with the unwrapping tools if you are a beginner I suggest you follow me here step by step I have included this fire hydrant in the project files so make sure to open it up so you can follow along the first thing that we need to think about before unwrapping is to devour we're gonna create our seams the best area to create the seams are the parts of our mesh here where we want the mesh to be a separate UV shell and how we determine what we want four separate UV shells are if you look at the areas that are extruded out such as this area here of the mesh this also this extruded out of the body of the fire hydrant and also this so those we could make them separate UV shells in our UV editor so we could unfold them easily and also this here could be a separate UV shell separate UV and also this part here so by separating those apart there's gonna be more space for our mesh here to be unfolded properly okay let's go ahead and add the unwrap UVW modifier now go to modifier list and unwrap UVW to hide the green seams just scroll down and to configure all out turn off the map seams now let's go ahead and create our cuts our seams going to peel point-to-point seams let's go ahead and deal with this area first so we want this here to be separate UV from this year so what's going to have to happen is we need to make a cut all around here and also all around all around here okay so there could be separated so with a boy point seam let's go ahead and do that just make sure that you don't miss an edge guess things could go downhill pretty quick if you miss an edge right-click to exit you could press f3 to double check everything all right and let's go ahead and separate this piece by making a cut all around right-click the exit press f3 okay yes everything is blue there okay so that's good now that we have made our cuts here and all around here so these two could be separate UV shells but in order for each of them to unfold properly we're gonna need to create a cut in the middle because this here is going to be unfolded like how a cylinder unfolds okay so now you remember how the cylinder unfolds something like this okay and in order to unfold it that way we need to make sure that we have a cut in the middle here and then we could make a cut all around all around and we could leave one edge open so that you will when we unfold it it's gonna look something similar to this okay so with this part of this mesh it's gonna be this here okay so let's go ahead and make our seams point-to-point click here I'm going all around and we could leave one edge open for this one right click exit and then we could go ahead and do this here also remember this is also it's going to need to unfold like a cylinder so these two going to unfold like a cylinder and when both of these are unfolded they're gonna look something like this so you got one there for this and then you got it you're gonna have another one a smaller version of that which is gonna be this okay so going to point point point seam here going all around and right-click to exit she's gonna press f3 to double-check everything sometimes it is kind of hard to see but you just gotta be really really be paying attention to details okay now going to polygon selection mode select one of the polygons let's go ahead and deal with the big one first expand selection to seams and then let's go ahead and bring up our UV editor and let's click on for the pill area we could click on reset pill and there it is and let's go ahead and use the Move tool and just move that you just go ahead and rotate it you could turn on the angle snap so you could snap it to 90 degrees as you rotate and then we go to this one here expand selection two-seam let's go and click on reset pill go to the move tool move and rotate there you go so we got you got this one here and got this one there and we are going to do the same thing for the mesh here it's going to be the same process where we're gonna have one separate UV for each and we're gonna cut it basically the same way going to point-to-point seam and cut all around we want this to be a separate shell from the body of the fire hydrant so make sure you don't leave an edge open so all around press f3 make sure I didn't leave any edge open I want it to be separated from the entire body of the fire hydrant great and now we could make a cut here so you got to be really meticulous with seeing where you're making your seams and if you mess up that's okay you could always double-check and make sure that you got your cut right okay so I cut it it all around because I do want this piece to be separated from the other part of the mesh here so I didn't leave an edge open at all it's gonna have to be a separate TV show okay now going to norther for it to unfold properly in order for this mesh then fold properly I'm gonna have to make a seam here oops click here and then all around and this time I do want one edge open because I still want it this entire mesh to be one shell one UV shell and I can go to polygon selection mode expand selection seems see how it has expanded it up to from here all the way up to here that's because I have left this edge here open okay I didn't make a seam there okay so that allows me to select all the way up through here okay because I do want it to be one entire shell this entire piece of cylinder there and then I'm going to UV editor going to reset peel and there it is going to move tool and rotate and then a for the next little one before you reset the era are unfold this let's go ahead and make some seams here in the middle and then all around and then leave one edge open let me double check yep I think this is good expand selection the seam open UV editor I want to show you something else instead of reset bill I want to show you another tool that is pretty cool to use it's very effective too which is next to the reset pill here you're gonna see the belt map if you click on the belt map you see the belt map window pops up this allows you to also unfold your you've east by creating a stretcher that holds on to the UV shell of what you have currently selected and it will unfold it by clicking on the start belt here and then hitting commit and what we could do is we could go to tools relax and then we can relax by polygons and then we could even go and relax by edge so you got two of these options that will allow you to work pretty nicely and then you could rotate this go scale it down okay so that's another way to unfold if you're using a reset bill and you feel like the reset Bill's not working with what with your UVs then you could also work around the belt map here okay so that's that's all taken care of we got these taken care of now we need to do this one here okay and for some reason I have accidentally created a seam here I see the blue line so to fix that I'm just gonna go to a point-to-point seam hold the Alt key and get rid of those okay so things happen it's a mistake oh you know back make sure you're still on point playing seam go ahead and make a cut all around have this separated from its body its own body so this is like an arm let's say this is the arm with the fire hydrant you were just cutting it cutting the the arm of the fire hydrant cutting them off we need them separated cutting off the limbs of the fire hydrant okay f3 let me see f3 so I want to make sure to have cut all around sometimes I do miss some things so it's always good double check again then going to make a cut that will allow us to unfold this mesh nicely and also this one doesn't really matter where you want to start at a different area you can that's not is going to unfold a cow a cylinder supposed to unfold you should be good sauce you make it somewhere in the middle the cut you should be fine hey and then going to start resetting it reset the peel move it move it and rotate I'm going to this one for this one I'm going to use the belt map just for variety start Pelt commit going to tools relax relax my polygons rotate it thus make it bigger okay so we got all these unwrapped and now we could do the other one that's sticking out with just this here so this is gonna be this is gonna be separate separate UV shell so we're gonna have to cut all around point-to-point seam where are you and you know I said a point-to-point seam we could go to edge selection mode don't look like in an edge and we could just go ahead and click on on the pillow area here click on convert edge selection to seems that so that turn it into a seam then going to point point seam I can make cut all around [Music] and right-click the exit and let me see f3 double-checking how I made the cut alright it seems all good okay going to polygon selection mode and going to reset feel and just move it and this there's our part of our fire hydrant there and the last thing that we need to do is going to be the body the body here now what I'm gonna do selecting the polygons here let's select the polygons to the bottom we could make this a separate UV shell okay and then we're gonna stitch it back onto the body theater okay let's go ahead and do that selecting the polygons to bottom let's go ahead and right click here in our UV and click break and move it to the side and we could go to Pelt start pal commit tools relax relax by polygons and let's move it to the side here for now okay so we got left or just the body here okay the way this is going to unwrap is similar to well a cylinder again so it's when it unfolds gonna look something like this okay and what we need to do is we need to make a cut somewhere in the middle either here we could make a cut there or doesn't matter anywhere in the middle that will allow us to completely unfold this okay anywhere in the middle or maybe here so that allow us to allow this UV to open up okay we got a cut it so here so this so this is not gonna be afraid to open up so going to edge okay going to point point seems I'm going to make a cut from here all the way to the bottom and here all right click the exit press f3 let me see a I make sure I cut everything so I cut it starting from there just remember this is gonna be a separate piece going down all the way over here and we know this is already a separate piece at the bottom okay now going to polygon selection though the N that's reset fill and there you go so there's our unwrapped UV and we could do is for this we could stitch it somewhere here let's go and scale this down a bit who want it to be a little proportion go to edge selection mode select one of the edges here right click and stitch selected it looks oversize but let's go ahead and select everything and we could do a fat custom there you go so everything is inside let's go and add a checkered material to this m4 material editor and a standard going to the diffuse slot here let's go and a bit when I bit man let's go add a checker and then let's assign this to our right like a sign material selection assign it to our fire hydrant and let's make sure that the the checkered doctor showing by clicking on show mature on viewport and let's go to the letter M the map that your map for the diffuse that we have added and let's crank up the tiling for the unv so we could see more of the checkers maybe 25 and 25 okay so they definitely look like they're perfect squares okay this looks a little too small duh okay so I think I'm just gonna make this a separate I'll make this as a separate UV right-click and break so that way I could scale it down with scale it down with no problem so it's in proportion with the size here it's fine and this could actually be a lot smaller if we want to if we know that this is not going to show a lot in the game you know because it's only gonna be on the ground nobody's even gonna look at the bottom if I hydrant so this part of the mesh it's not so important so the texture doesn't need to be really high resolution for the bottom so this could be really small if we want to and then the important parts let's say the body here we could scale it up since this is a very important part of the prop that's showst you know it really shows a lot that area so by making this smaller we have more space to use and this we could make it bigger make sure you click on select element UV toggle so you could select an entire thing as you click and you go if you want to hide the checkered area here you can just turn it off it's gonna be easier for you to see make sure you don't have any overlapping going on no overlapping UVs it's always good to chuck everything up close and personal okay and once you're done you could collapse the unwrap UVW make sure that's permanent and everything is good no stretching perfect squares perfect squares and the checker here means it's all good then we're not gonna see any distortion for our textures so that's what you really want to do you want to add your checkered texture here so you can double check that there is no distortion or stretching on your UVs after you unwrap
Channel: Victory3D
Views: 24,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unwrap 3d model, unwrapping a 3d model, unwrap in 3ds max, how to unwrap in 3ds max, why we need to unwrap a model, unwrapping for beginners, unwrap mesh, unwrapping in 3ds max, unwrapping in maya, how to unwrap in maya, uv mapping, uv unwrapping in 3ds max
Id: cl7LLJmp9Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.