How to unwind and wind Torquemaster PLUS Springs

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all right what's up guys all right today I'm gonna show you guys how to whine and unwind a torque master Plus this is from Wayne Dalton all right to the spring is rare Doug plus the end of the spring is made of plastic looks like that right there okay and I'm gonna show you guys how to do that before that safety first so we're gonna unplug the system and we're gonna jam just gonna jam off flat head over here in this little over just for safety and you can also by script actual bar as well then pull this lever pull this manual boom alright guys so before you even wind the system once again make sure you wear gloves safety glasses because this thing in the in here the spring has a lot of force in there and all some reason something happens and this piece is right here Braves I mean you could seriously hurt you alright and before you do anything make sure it is latch right here it's upwards so right now it's engaged alright if you press this down to press this down right here it'll be disengaged right now it is engaged meaning it's locking gun the gear inside so the spring is intact Vanna it's locking the spring so if you pull this if you pull this lever down it's just gonna unwind it and you could seriously get hurt so make sure it is engaged so it locks to the white gear and they're in a plastic gear on if you guys see see it's in there right the plastic gear it's just I want to hold the spring also I don't know if you guys can see it but using a 16 no long long socket fits right in there boom and up before I did anything else oh my few guys could see through your foot I see that I did draw a line with a permanent marker so I could I could tell how many terms I'm doing this is a 7 7 foot height 16 width and a 125 pound door all right so I'm gonna do it 16 times these 16 times so make sure the black line is pretty much in the middle so every time that the line passes Daniel B 1 turn alright so to unwind the system make sure your ratchet is a force is going down so you notice if I press down if I press down is lock you want it that way all right I know if it's loose pushing down you can you can't do it again make sure that so it's very important when you're winding the door and not let go the ratchet Tommy go there adds in there really get hurt if you do all right so to unlock this mechanism right here I took lock this you simply gonna press down once you press on this tab right here don't like go in the ratchet just slowly slowly unwind it until it hits top and then make sure it locks you hear that click when it's clicked then you can take it out okay that is half a turn by the way half a turn then you're gonna do it again make sure your black line right here it's in the middle all right I'm gonna push down again once you push that you could click this tab right here it's unlock know once again slowly up and then lock it again and that's one turn okay that's one turn right there that's how you unwind it so you keep doing that till everything is loose and you can tell when it's this is all in the cable we loose as well and all the spring will be loose as well all right that's how you don't mind it to wind it down same thing you're gonna make sure that tab is there start from the top and then just click on it you don't have to press on the tab down boom until that line is in the middle and that's one turn alright once again this is a seven foot door 16 with 125 pounds so for this particular door the specs are 16 turn so I gotta turn this thing 16 times alright you're just gonna keep pushing down pushing down play hit 16 so make sure you count it though okay sure you counted and so I wind it you do it the opposite way I'm winding it you're gonna start from the bottom all right you're gonna press down and then you're gonna press the tab and simply let it go once again do not let go those rats is cuz it's just gonna it's just pretty much snap cuz there's a lot of force right now attention on a spring so if you let it go it's just gonna hit this wall right here and harass it could bounce back and hit you lock it when it's it lock there you go you could take it out right now I'm just gonna wind it back alright so one side the spring is unwind it has very loose cable to loose everything's loose you can take the bolts out just in this particular door my garage got two bolts there's a one right here by the wall and then there's a nut here but it's a metal frame you take both of them out and it's not a piece right here we'll just pretty much comes out you just slide that out and then dome after that you'll just take the drill mount this is great drum right here once this out just hang it over here you don't even have to take it out but if it's kind of stuck you can to hammer it down gonna you know hammer at the tile like me and it should come out and I'll let you do it to the other side then pretty much there's another ball in the middle there's two bolts over there you just take it out and do it this whole bar right here just you can just lift it off bring it down to the floor and you can take this brings out it's pretty easy as long as you know I know what you're doing and have some kind of knowledge this is not bad the job is not bad but if you're uncomfortable doing it just consult professional I think I call the local one charge of me about 320 you know for the parts two hundred bucks but I got this on Amazon my Springs for about one hundred and thirty six dollars so save a lot of money that way you know the job's not that bad as long as you know what you're doing so I'm kind of knowledge alright guys hope that helps man peace
Channel: H0Me LYFe
Views: 120,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Torquemaster Plus, Torquemaster PLUS springs, How to unwind torquemaster plus springs, How to wind a torquemaster plus springs, wayne dalton's torquemaster plus springs, 7FT, garage door, 125lbs garage door, 7ft height 16ft width 125lbs garage door, h0me lfye, wayne dalton, 16 turns, amazon, double springs, wind springs, unwind springs, plus springs, torquemaster, torquemaster one, unwinding a torquemaster plus springs, winding a torquemaster plus spring, h0me lyfe
Id: t9lrH9_N0A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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